Dawning Skye

Chapter 198

198 Bodyguards And Diplomacy

Marco smirked at Tidas, finding his threat amusing. If he’d spoken just a little bit louder, his guards would’ve labeled him a threat. No doubt they were already chomping at the bit to fight; the two with him had always wanted to fight his younger brother..

His four top guards were all mages with incredible skills. Two were Tanks, one was a Manic, and the Water mage from last year’s trials was now one. The one she replaced was still around, but he was instructed not to reveal himself unless Marco’s life was in direct risk. No matter where Marco went, he always followed after, and was the Crowned Prince’s most loyal attack dog.

Skye knew the Water mage from the trials. She’d met her shortly afterwards at a dinner in the banquet hall. They’d talked for a few hours about how she’d made the mirages and such during the trials. Skye had requested her to train her, and she’d originally agreed to it.. But that was before Marco had scouted her. Now, she wasn’t allowed to talk to Skye without Marco present, and it’d be a cold day in hell before she’d let Marco watch her train.

As she watched Marco’s reaction to her husband’s threat turn into amusement, warning bells resounded in her head. She knew he’d take it as a challenge instead of the serious threat that it was. She wanted to grab Tidas, and rush everyone away from him, but that might turn out to be worse.

Skye wasn’t sure exactly what she should do, but she understood one thing from her time in court; she needed to handle the situation delicately. Most of the people that were on the main floor of the library were watching them. If Tidas did something stupid right now, there’d be too many witnesses to contend with. Since most present were nobles, they would say whatever Marco wanted them to say...

Twisting her hand in his, Skye broke away from Marco’s grip. She did it in a way that didn’t give away the force she’d used to do it. She’d subconsciously tapped into her Tank trait for a little extra ‘umph’. Marco lost his amused expression as he turned to Skye with surprise at her strength. He noticed a small surge of magic from her, but didn’t think anything of it.

Skye genuinely beamed at her husband for his timing as she said; “Perfect timing as always, my love. Yer brother has something he’d like to tell us.”

Taking her place at her husband’s side, Skye looked to Marco and asked; “Would you like us to follow you to a room, or-”

Marco cut Skye off with boisterous laughter. ‘She a smart little lass, I’ll give her that. Slipping her wrist out then calling my bluff with Tidas next to her; cleaver girl..’


Sighing after catching his breath, Marco subtly flicked his wrist. Skye had been the only one to notice, so what came next only made sense to her.. One of his guards instantly appeared and whispered into his ear. Both Tidas and Skye heard what he’d said; “Movement Six seen and registered. You are requested elsewhere.”

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Skye figured that Marco had pre-determined key words and hand movements that he used to send various signals to his guards with. For instances like now, when he needed to be bailed out or given aid of some kind. ‘Soldiers use hand signals, why not Marco? Ima sure his guards taught him that.’

After nodding his head like he’d received a real message, Marco stated; “I’m being requested by father right now, so we’ll have to reschedule. Tidas generally knows what I was going to talk to you about, so he can catch you up before we all talk. I thought I’d get one thing out of the way since I was here anyways, but it seems Tidas will have to take my place for now. I’ll find you two later when I have more time.”

As Marco went to walk away, Tidas called out; “Since you have that report, you know everything we do. If you find out any new information, contact Us then.”

The smirk Marco flashed his younger brother infuriated him to his limits. Marco was admitting to taking the report, and there was nothing Tidas could do about it. Any information he had was walking away with his oldest brother. It stung at him to be so helpless on the matter.

“By the Gods! You have amazin’ timing, husband! I Really did Not want to go anywhere with him..”

“Why weren’t Klaus and Ronnie with you? What’s the point of having guards if you leave them behind all the time?! From now on, whenever you are outside of the palace or not with me: those two Stay. By. Your. Side. Agreed?”

Skye looked up at her husband sheepishly; “Aye, husband.. But it’s not like this is me fault.”

Tidas sighed with frustration; “I know, and I’m not mad at You. I’m just mad at a situation I can’t control.. All I want to do is lock you away, but I could never do that; not even to protect you. But I can make it so he can never catch you alone.. If, you’d let me.”

Skye smiled coyly at Tidas as she replied; “I know, I know. Ima just not used to it.. Ima used to takin’ off to practice me magic in secret. I don’t like having people around while I train. And this was, well.. It won’t happen again, I swear.”

“Oh, hmhmm, no.. it’ll happen several times; don’t try to kid me, or yourself.. But there’s not much I can do about it except trust you, which I do,” Tidas grinned softly at Skye as he finished.

“I do these things because I trust you’ll come and save me,” Skye’s tone and expression were playful as she spoke.

Tidas grinned at her in spite of himself. Skye was cute when she was being cheeky. She was doing it to lighten his mood since murderous intent still rolled off of him in smothering waves. Nora and Dr. Lyberth were still frozen from the encounter, and Skye wasn’t sure if they’d even taken a breath throughout the entire ordeal. Once they saw the prince’s docile smile aimed at his wife, they came out of their fearful daze.

Maevis flew close to Tidas and told him in a low voice; “Attaboy! You tell the Bastard!”

Tidas smiled and winked at the fluttering Fae before he asked; “What happened? What did my brother want?”

“We don’t know. He wouldna tell me until we were away, ‘speaking in private’, as he put it,” Skye replied with hesitation and disgust.

Tidas looked about at the numerous people still watching and listening to them. Realizing the spotlight that they were still in, Tidas suggested moving their discussion to a closed room. Dr. Lyberth led the way as the prince, Skye, Maevis, Nora, Klaus, and Ronnie all followed after, and crammed into one of the small reading rooms. They were only meant four to five people. Maevis’ tiny size and ability to fly had saved them.

Tidas was hesitant to speak in front of the doctor and Nora at first. Frode wound up telling them about Skye healing his daughter. She tried to tell him that he held no obligations to her for it, and that she healed anyone she came across, that she could. After a bit of insistence on his part, Dr. Lyberth finally convinced Skye to ask for help with anything she wanted..

Nora was a bit different. She explained her family’s suspicions to Tidas, and the Thrice Hermes Legend. She didn’t show any signs of lying, and her steady heartbeat told the prince that she wasn’t scared or nervous as she talked. Skye was also insisting on letting her stay since she was already involved, and needed to know what kind of person Marco really was.

After Tidas told them what had happened with Corporal Radcliffe at the RMC HQ, Nora was glad she always followed her instincts. He’d also warned them about his Ether magic, and to keep an eye out for gaps in their memories or time. The group talked about the Alchemic prophecy a bit more until it was running close to dinner time.

Skye thanked Frode for his intervention, then Tidas did as well. He also thanked Maevis for her attempt to protect Skye. Time and time again she had kept her word from back in Warrick Forest and Moonstone Castle. ‘I really need to do something to show her my appreciation. Maybe I’ll ask Skye and Nic for help.’

Once their goodbyes were given, Skye and Tidas were readied to head back to the palace. Klaus volunteered to carry Skye’s box for her, much to her relief. Once outside, the two were sent to track down Shasta, and cancel the training session with Skye for her. They hadn’t been happy to have to verbally tell her themselves, but did as they were told without a fuss since it was their final order for the night.

Tidas had decided to give up on work for the day. He was fairly caught up anyway, and with Marco walking off with the magistrate’s file; he didn’t have much else to do. Deciding to take advantage of his time, Tidas scooped his wife up in his arms, and told her carriage driver to head back to the palace.

“No! Ye can’t do that! Did ye not see the box Klaus carried out for me?! It has to go back with us! Maevis and I have research to do, husband.”

“Aye! You can have your alone time with your wife once we’ve decoded the legend,” Maevis added with cheeky sass.

Knowing to pick his battles, Tidas set his wife down as he agreed. The three loaded into the carriage, and headed back to the palace. They chatted about the legend Nora had explained until the carriage had reached the front of the palace.

Once in their room; Skye began to unpack the box that Tidas had carried for her. She thanked him with honeyed words and a kiss on his cheek, for requesting Dr. Lyberth gather the materials ahead of time. He beamed with his happiness as Maevis and Skye stared at an old scroll in her hands.

Curious to see what it said, or if he could even read it; Tidas asked to see the legend. Passing it to him; Skye froze when the scroll began to glow like the first time she’d picked it up. A massive wave of magic nearly sent the two of them flying as they each gripped an end of the scroll.

Before either could question what was happening, a familiar disembodied voice spoke; “I see you have aligned with your Noble Aegis, Catalyst..”

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