Dawning Skye

Chapter 212

212 Repercussions

After Skye, Klaus, and Ronnie finished off the pasta dishes, Alfred had Renee bring over mugs of warm apple cider to finish off their meals. Skye was hoping for some kind of dessert, but their time was running out. She wanted to be in front of the arena early, and explain what happened yesterday to Shasta first; before she had access to the sharp objects within the arena.

It was funny to her that Shasta would be mad that she didn’t show up, considering how hard she’d fought against it in the beginning. Skye liked to think that she and Shasta were actually friends, even if she didn’t have the ability to heal Shasta’s drunkenness. She wouldn’t have told her about her past if she hadn’t. At least that’s what Skye thought.

Even though Shasta was an unruly drunk that everyone knew, no one really knew her. She was extremely private about personal details, and extremely good at deflecting questions pertaining to her past. Grant it, not many had truly attempted to get to know her, but she didn’t want to make it easy. Many a broken men and women had left Alfred’s in shambles after either showing too much interest in her, or simply asking the wrong question.

It was one of the main factors as to why Alfred had been so utterly shocked when Shasta began to open up to Skye the other night. She never spoke about the past, and she had deliberately invited him to volunteer his story as well. Not the he didn’t get why; there was something different about the princess from any other human he’d met. He’d actually wondered for a moment if she was a Land Siren, or maybe a Lamia.. But he would’ve smelled the difference if that were the case. Plus Maevis would’ve known.

As he waived goodbye to the three, Alfred lost himself in his thoughts for a few minutes.. ‘There is Definitely something different about that human woman. Her scent isn’t like anything I’ve ever smelled before. It was like I was drawn to her or something.. Strange.. I wonder if Shasta feels the same pull? Maybe that’s why she opened up to her so easily? Why we both did?’

‘Tidas never mentioned her being a mage any of the times he’d talked about her. Did he know?! I bet he didn’t.. Oh, I wish I could’ve seen the look in his face! It would’ve been worth an entire month’s stock of ale!’

Alfred didn’t know it, but his tail had started wagging. Renee watched him being happily lost in his daze, which sent her into a dark train of thought.. ‘Why is he staring at the door like that? Why is he-his tail is waggin’?! Is it for her?! Could Alfred have feelings for the princess?! No! He can’t! He’s suppose to... Ahh! Who am I kidding? He’ll never see me like that.. Ima just sweet, wee Renee to him.. Permanently friend-zoned.. But I still love him.. How pathetic is that?!’

‘Get a grip, Renee! If ye really love him, ye would want him to be happy! ....I just wish it could be with me..’



As the two stood mindlessly inside the Cat’s Paw Tavern, a hooded figure dashed away before they were noticed. They weaved through the alleyway, turned about and avoiding any people they came across without being seen. The only thing that let anyone know another person was in the vicinity was the distinct clacking of woman’s shoes on the pavement. A face or silhouette was never seen, only the lining of a fancy dress as the person disappeared around corners. Tracking her target with murderous intent...

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


‘Damn it.. Shouldn’t have stopped for that sweet bun on the way here..’

Skye’s mind nearly fried as Shasta came into view. She was impatiently tapping her foot while emitting enough frost to freeze all of Alcon. Her demeanor reminded Skye of a huffier, angry Tidas. Which somehow took the edge off of her threatening glare as the group approached her.

Skye immediately tried to explain what had happened, but Shasta cut her off coldly; “I literally have thousands of mages that would Kill to have personal training time with me. Do Not waste my time like that again or I won’t train you, understand?!”

Ronnie leaned close to Klaus and whispered; “I think she meant to say that she has thousands she can kill durin’ her personal training time..”

Shasta instantly looked at Ronnie with murder in her eyes and voice; “I heard that..”

“Sorry! But I mean-”

“Shut up if you want to live, Ron,” Klaus interjected.

Skye had giggled at Ronnie’s quip, drawing Shasta’s ire right back to her. She supposed it was for the best; Skye was the one she was actually mad at, after all. ‘But why So mad? It’s just one trainin’ session.. Why is it such a big deal I wasn’t here yesterday?’

Not being sure, Skye eventually lured Shasta into the locker rooms for the competitors. The weapons room wasn’t too far away, so Skye kept an eye on Shasta’s magic; just in case irrationality overtook her friend momentarily. After she made sure no one else was around, Skye asked Shasta directly why she was so irate.

Her reaction to the question made Skye more curious than worried now. Shasta went from angry, to damn-near bashful in seconds. Her attitude was going to give her whiplash, so Skye asked again with a harsher tone. They didn’t have all day to pull truths like teeth.

Fidgeting in place, Shasta spoke meekly; “Well now I don’t know if I even Want to tell you..”

“You were ready to scratch me face off outside for not bein’ here yesterday to hear it. Tell me now, or we’ll simply move on to the fightin’ bit.”

“Fine! You know, I’m the one whose supposed to be angry here..” Shasta sheepish expression turned into a smile; “I got a letter from Lawrence. He’s gonna bring his kids with him to the Summer Games.”

Skye beamed; “That’s great! Ye love kids, and I bet Lawrence’s children are adorable.”

“Yeah..But,” Shasta hesitated; “What.. What if they don’t like me?”

Shasta felt silly about how she was reacting. Kids loved her; she’s a talking cat, for crying out loud! But for some reason she felt apprehension whenever she thought about meeting Lawrence’s children. ‘What if they don’t like me? What if they think it’s strange that their dad likes a cat woman romantically? What if I’m too.. furry for them?’

As Shasta’s eyes began to glaze over, Skye snapped her fingers in front of her face several times. She was at the cusp of leaving the planet with her worries as fuel, but her friend brought her back. After seeing the light return, Skye began to gently admonish her friend.

“Yer jokin’ with me, right? Of course they’ll like you! They’re gonna love you! Yer a walkin’, talkin’, overgrown cat! What’s not to love? Although I do suggest layin’ off the cream durin’ their visit.”

Shasta smiled brightly at her friend.’WAIT. When did Skye become the person I couldn’t wait to tell things to? Wasn’t that always Tidas? Or at the least Alfred? Neither would want to hear about this anyway. They’d probably just make fun of me. Skye’s different.. Is this what it’s like to have a female friend? Huh.. Kinda nice.’

Once the Lawrence issue was shelved for now, Skye explained the day and night she’d had. As soon as she mentioned Marco at the library, Shasta perked her ears up, but gave no other indications of interest while she dressed. Not until Skye mentioned Tidas coming to her rescue.

“Please, please tell me they didn’t fight?!” Shasta’s voice was strained as she spoke.

Skye grinned softly; “No they didn’t, thank the gods.. That’s sweet of ye worry for Tidas like that though.”

Shasta laughed sharply; “I’m not worried about Tidas, he’d mop the floor with Marco. I just don’t want to miss the show when it finally happens!”

Skye’s expression flattened instantly; “Of course.. Why would I think otherwise?”

The banter between them nearly erased Shasta’s ire, but she still planned on giving Skye a sound thrashing. Truth be told, she saw extraordinary potential in her friend. The legend craziness didn’t really mean much to her, even after Skye told her about the freaky disembodied voice. If anything, it made her more determined to keep Skye’s training up.

“You do know that this all translates into ‘work her harder’ to me, right?”

Skye smirked cheekily; “That’s what I was hopin’ for. I know ye won’t hold back on me, especially if ye understand that me life-everyone’s life, depends on me bein’ stronger.. I need to be as strong as I con be, in as many ways as I can think of. I Refuse to let anyone I care about die..”

The overwhelming resolve in Skye’s eyes unnerved Shasta a moment. Saving the world was far too big a burden for anyone, but her love ones were a part of it. Protecting them meant protecting the world, and Skye seemed to get that. But that wasn’t all.. Shasta thought she saw something else there too; amusement? No, that wasn’t the right word for it.. ‘She’s excited at the challenge of it all.. That’s my girl!’

Shasta beamed at Skye; “I’ll help you as much as I can on one condition..”

Skye quirked an eyebrow in suspicion; “What? Ima not gonna be yer personal hangover cure, if that what yer-”

Shasta chuckled boisterously; “No, but that’s a good idea for the next time you’re desperate..”

“Yer a strange kinda friend, ye know that?” Skye stated as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“But you know you love me already,” Shasta beamed at Skye sarcastically, but her reply caught Shasta off guard.

“Aye, ye got me. So what do ye need?”

It was strange how that phrase struck a cord. It didn’t click with her until then, but Skye genuinely did care for her. Not in a romantic way, but the friend way she’d been unknowingly craving from another female. It was most likely why women she’d been romantically involved with in the past always lasted longer than the men. It wasn’t until they wanted to take the relationship further than a ‘friends-with-benefits’ level that she’d dump them.

Skye wasn’t interested in anyone but Tidas, which worked perfectly for Shasta. She could have her friendship with her without the usual baggage accompanied with relationships. It was a strange concept to her; not sleeping with the person she was growing attached to. ‘But isn’t that what I did with Tidas, Zas, and Alfred? I’ve never thought of them in a sexual way, so why am I so weird about women? Is it because of my past? What the hell is wrong with me?’

Before Shasta could fret any further, Skye snapped her back; “Hey! What’s the trade off?!”

Jolted out of her thoughts so abruptly, Shasta replied; “Lawrence! I want your help with Lawrence, ok!”

Skye literally squeaked her excitement at the chance to help and play Cupid. She didn’t care for fashion or anything along those lines, but she was a romantic. To be able to help Shasta with her dilemma sent her into a frenzy of thoughts and words. She went off as they finished dressing, and walked to the arena where they found an impatient Maevis waiting.

“What took so long you two?! I’ve been waiting for almost half an hour! I was literally about to come find you!”

Skye and Shasta both laughed as they apologized for their tardiness. When Maevis’ expression went stern, they cut their laughter, and got to work setting up the privacy wall. There were more and more mages coming to practice for longer stretches as the Summer Games approached. If Skye didn’t figure out a better solution to her privacy issues, her plans for winning against Tidas in the Mage Trials might not matter.. Not if everyone found out about her Tank trait beforehand..

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