Dawning Skye

Chapter 222

222 Date Night: Like Our Honeymoon

Upon entering the cabin, Skye sucked in a sharp breath out of astonishment. It really was just like the DragonSnare cottages, just larger. The bed, table, fireplace; it replicated their honeymoon almost perfectly. The only differences were the kitchen area, bathroom, and an addition of a bookshelf.

When Skye looked at the books, she realized all of her research materials were there. From her medical textsbooks, to her engineering research binders, to the four Roland Snare journals they had. The fire was going, and the small table had an embroidered, cream-colored tablecloth on it with dishes for two, two candles, and a small bouquet of flowers near the wall.

The smell that had first hit her nose was the birch wood burning in the fireplace. The next was a savory, sweet smell wafting in from the kitchen. Her stomach began to burn even though they’d just eaten a of couple hours ago. Turning about, Skye launched herself into her husband’s arms, and embraced him tightly.

While chuckling at her enthusiasm, Tidas asked; “Well? Do you like it all so far? Wait until you see Zazzy’s place.”

Skye leaned back to look her husband in the face, but kept her arms around him as she spoke; “I love it! It looks just like our honeymoon! ...Are ye sure ye didn’t think it was our anniversary? This feels very much-”

Skye had suddenly been cut off by a loud creaking noise as Zazzy became stuck in the doorframe. The surprise on her face sent Skye rushing to her side, and Tidas into another laughing fit. She’d even made a trill of confusion when she’d gotten stuck. It was hilarious; even Skye was giggling as she tried and failed to shove the dragon back out the door.

Once she realized that she needed help to get Zazzy free, Skye called out to Tidas; “Are ye gonna help, or stand there laughin’ all day?! Go out the back and pull.”

Collecting himself, Tidas acknowledged his wife before heading out and around. Her wings weren’t stuck, so that was good. She’d lifted them slightly as she’d tried to force her way through the door, but it hadn’t helped her gut.

“This is exactly why she needed to be out of the palace! Maybe we should put her on a diet?!” Tidas yelled jokingly, but Zazzy thought he was serious.


Peggy had threatened on multiple occasions to do it if she didn’t stop being such a messy eater. She’d explained it more like starvation than cutting back to purposely scare her.. It worked. Upon hearing the word, Zazzy began to thrash about, and hit Tidas square in the chest with the backside of her tail. Sending him flying a good twelve feet or so.

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“Tidas? What did ye say?! Tidas?!” Skye called out, but heard nothing in response.

Realizing what must’ve happened, Skye told Zazzy to calm down, then ran out the back door. She’d immediately deflated, and waited uncomfortably while stuck in the door. When Skye came around the corner, Tidas was laying on the ground and not moving. Panic clenched her throat as she ran over to her husband. Building her Shaman magic in an instant.

Crashing to the ground onto her knees, Skye placed her hands on her husband’s chest. As she funneled her magic into him, she frantically called his name over and over. Trying to get him to respond as she checked him over.

As soon as she touched him, Skye felt at least two broken ribs, and he had an obvious broken arm. It was twisted around and bent in a way that made her want to puke, but she kept herself together. Tidas needed her calm if she was going to help him. The more distraught she was, the less effective her Shaman magic would be.

“Tidas?! TIDAS?! Can ye hear me?! Hang on, I’ll have ye fixed up in no time,” Skye’s voice was strained as she spoke.

Loud pops and cracking noises echoed within Skye’ head and heart, threatening to shred her composure. ‘If he hadn’t had his trait active, then he’d probably be dead..’ The thought made her grateful that Tidas always had his magic circulating, and that Zazzy hadn’t injured anyone in the palace.

As his arm contorted back into place, Tidas stirred. Skye released a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding as tears streamed down her cheeks. The moment she’d finished healing him, Skye laid her head down on his chest and sobbed. It was a harsh reminder that life was unpredictable. And that even if she knew of a specific threat, her loved ones might still be struck down at any moment.

Still dazed, Tidas instinctually wrapped his arms around his sobbing wife. The circumstances were quickly coming back, albeit in fragments. He remembered making a fat joke about Zazzy.. The next thing he knew, he’d felt a massive surge of pain.. Then nothing. Now Skye was half on top of him balling her eyes out.

‘Did.. Did Zazzy hit me? Is that what happened? Because I joked about putting her on a diet?!’ As jumbled thoughts raced through his mind, Skye leaned up and locked eyes with him. She was an unhealthy pale color with a thin sheet of sweat on her face. With puffy eyes and a soured expression, she started to yell as she continued to cry.

“Do ye have ANY idea how scared I was?! I thought I lost you! Ye idiot! Who stands directly behind a dragon and makes fat jokes?! You asshole! Ye could’ve died! For Real this time!”

Still out of it, Tidas replied; “Why are you yelling at me? It was a joke! I’m the one that almost died! Yell at the dragon!”

Skye got up to her feet; “Oh, she’s gettin’ an earful, too. But ye know she understands us; why would ye say somethin’ like that Right behind her?!”

Tidas sat up slowly, but stayed sitting on the ground. Skye had her hands on her hips as she’d chided him. He always thought it was cute that she’d picked up a few of Peggy’s mannerisms, but right now it was a bit too spot on for his liking. Taking the brunt of her misplaced ire, Tidas listened to her go off for another couple minutes before he stood up and hugged her tightly.

Normally he would’ve snapped back at her irrational, but her constant tears made it hard to do it. He knew how much grief and pain he’d caused her with his fake death. ‘The accident must’ve struck a still-sensitive nerve for her.. Plus, it’s Skye: she always flips her emotion switch to anger whenever they were too overwhelming for her to deal with. Maybe it’s a redhead thing?’

Skye struggled against him for a split second before she just stood there, and let her husband comfort her. He stroked her hair and whispered to her in a soothing tone.

The birds chirped as a gentle wind blew through the line of trees that separated their farmland from the next. The pines were only about ten years old or so, based on their size, but thick and bushy. Giving them privacy from anyone working in the nextdoor field, so long as they weren’t purposefully trying to be intrusive. It was an odd thing to focus on, but that combined with Tidas’ love murmurs; the multiple distractions helped Skye calm down.

Leaning back, Skye met her husband’s worried gaze; “Ima sorry for freakin’ out like that. I just... Seeing you laying on the floor like that.. I couldn’t-”

Skye’s voice broke, prompting Tidas; “You don’t have to say anything, love. I understood where your head went to, given your rage. I’m sorry for scaring you; I honestly didn’t see Zazzy having that bad of a reaction to me joking about putting her on a diet.”

At the mention of the word, Zazzy began to fidget inside the doorway again. She made noises that sounded like a dying cow, bringing Skye and Tidas’ attention back to their original problem: how to get the dragon unstuck. As they approached, Skye assured Zazzy that she wasn’t going on a diet, and to calm down if she didn’t want to be stuck there forever.

Listening to her mother, Zazzy stopped moving instantly with a disgruntled huff. She sat still as they tried to figure out a way to unstick her without damaging the doorway. They drew a blank for a good twenty minutes or so before Skye headed inside. She came back out with a tub of freshly churned butter, and handed it to Tidas.

Confused, Skye explained; “When I was four, I got me head stuck in the banister at Lord Reinbolt’s castle. His chef used butter to unstick me head. Me Da thought it was hilarious, but me mother was horrified.. I think that’s the first time I saw real concern for me from her.”

Tidas grinned softly at his wife, unsure of what to say about the bittersweet memory. He knew Lidia wasn’t close to Skye, but had always wondered why. She spoke about Skye often, just like Lucas did. Any time he could recall seeing her at events or banquets, she was either discussing her daughter, or their business ventures. It was strange to him that Lucas and Lidia clearly loved their daughter, but hid it from her.

Since their marriage, Skye’s parents had been trying to connect with her. They’d been sending her letters every couple of months to let her know what they’d been up to, and that they missed her. It was sad that they’d waited so long to try and connect with her, but Skye would simply say: “Better late than never.”

It took about five minutes of strategic pushing and pulling to get Zazzy free. It’d taken every ounce of restraint within Skye not to use her Tank trait. If she had, it would’ve taken five seconds to do instead, but then Tidas would’ve found out. If that happened, her chances of winning the Mage Trials would’ve been lost completely.

The moment Zazzy became unstuck, she’d nearly landed on Tidas. He’d fallen backwards, but threw his legs up to do a reverse somersault. Successfully avoiding being crushed under a thousand-pound dragon. Skye poked her head up, a breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of him sprawled out on the ground away from Zazzy’s backside.

Grateful for their help, Zazzy licked her mother’s face, then turned around to do the same to her father. Seeing the glint in her eyes, Tidas tried to tell her to stop, but it was too late. She was stood over him, and immediately began to ‘puppy-attack’ him with licks. Skye was laughing so hard, she had to brace herself against the buttery doorframe for balance.

“Ok! Ok! I get it! You’re sorry! I get it! It’s ok! I forgive you! Just turn off the faucet!” Tidas screamed angrily, but had a smile on his face the whole time.

Collecting herself, Skye walked over and helped get Zazzy to back off. Once she did, Tidas went into the cottage to clean up and change his shirt. When he came out, he led them all to ‘Zazzy’s Place’. Skye found it utterly amusing that he’d even had a sign made that hung above the entryway.

The barn was big enough to fit half the palace in. It had taken weeks to build the two basic structures, and three teams of workmen. It cost Tidas a small fortune, but was more than worth it. The looks on Skye and Zazzy’s faces were worth more to him than a kingdom.

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