Dawning Skye

Chapter 232

232 First Impressions

Shasta had walked the Bibalows to the palace gates to make sure Angelica didn’t try anything, even though she didn’t look like she could. Her father had his arm around her waist as he walked, propping her up as they went. If it were up to her, she would’ve just died where she stood..

As they reached the gates Shasta stated; “I’ll give you until Monday to be gone. If I see her anywhere near the palace, I’ll kill her without a second thought. Do I make myself clear?”

Lord Bibalow nodded silently as their carriage pulled up to meet them. The reinman had to circle around since people were usually picked up at the palace steps. As it rolled up, raindrops start to fall, which immediately put Shasta on edge. She hated water.

Opening the door, Angelica stepped in without a fuss, then whipped around to glare at Shasta and say; “She’ll never love him as much as I do!”

Shasta flashed an evil smirk. The only people around were the Bibalows, their driver, and her. She was almost positive that the lord was unaware that his daughter was a rapist, but he was about to find out.

Shasta closed the small distance between her and the carriage so any random passerby wouldn’t hear her; “You got that all wrong, you little psycho.. Those two love each other more purely than anyone else I’ve ever seen. Even if Skye wasn’t around, you’d still NEVER have a chance with Tidas. He doesn’t date Rapists. Especially his own..”

With that final comment, Shasta zipped away before the rain actually started to pour. The last thing she saw was the utter shock on the bitch’s face as her father began to both angrily and frantically question her. That was the scene she’d left behind as she made her way to Tidas’ aunt’s quarters.

As the guards announced a visitor and let Shasta through the doors, Marie stood up and squealed; “Oh! I still can’t get over how different you look with all that fur gone! You look so sleek and graceful now!”

Shasta quirked an eyebrow at her; “What did I look like to you before?”


“A surly house cat in need of a serious grooming, now...” Marie continued as Shasta glared at her with folded-back ears; “Which dress do you prefer?”

Marie walked over to several colorful dresses spread out on all sides of her bed; “I had the tailors make these just for you! Skye told me your measurements, so if something doesn’t fit right, blame her.”

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Shasta’s jaw dropped as she walked over and touched the fabrics. ‘These must have cost a month’s worth of pay each! The embroidery is so pretty and intricate! These.. these are too beautiful for me..’

As if reading her mind, Marie sighed and said; “If you don’t like the colors or fabrics, that’s one thing.. But if you think for a second that you shouldn’t wear one of these, then I’ll hold you down, and put it on you myself!”

Shasta was about to say something, but Peggy walked in from her restroom, and spoke first; “And I’ll help her! ...Ima sorry that Ima always pickin’ at ye. The first time I met you, ye were about to fight me bairn-”

Marie sucked in a sharp, short breath; “Ouch! Terrible first impression..”

Shasta and Peggy both shot her a look before Peggy continued; “Skye and I talked and she made some interesting points.. I-I just wanted to say Ima sorry.. I didn’t get the chance to before.”

Shasta wanted to let her jaw hang low to relieve the amount of shock she’d felt, but knew that would be rude. Peggy was always snarky with her, but to be honest Shasta knew that she provoked at least half their arguments herself. She was being completely sincere about her apology, so Shasta decided to be honest.

“I’m sorry, too. I don’t do friends well.. Never really had them before, so.. Thanks for calling me out for it. I was being unfair to Skye in the beginning.. But I’m really happy I can call her a friend now.. And maybe you too?”

Peggy smiled her toothy grin at Shasta as she replied; “Aye, I can agree, so long as ye don’t expect me to hold back on ye now. Ima especially honest with the ones I care about, hehe.”

Shasta lost her smile; “You were holding back before?”

Peggy laughed boisterously; “Ye look like a giant walking cat.. Did ye really think that was all the material I had?!”

“Ok, ok! That’s enough! Shasta! Dresses! Thoughts?!” Marie yelled,hoping that she could distract them.

After a bit more fussing, Shasta had finally decided on what dresses she liked, and what day she’d wear them. The one she was wearing for today was a mauve halter top dress that hugged her until it hit her hips, then it went loose. Billowing out whenever she walked.

The dress nearly touched the ground without shoes, and had a specialty hole for her tail to poke out from without bunching up the material. Marie had even found covered-toed wedge shoes that were the same color as her dress. She’d also gotten some pantyhose set aside for her, but Shasta had declined them.

After a touch of mascara and lipstick was applied, Marie led her over to a full-length mirror. Shasta was shocked at her own reflection. She really did resemble a human much more now, and an attractive one at that. If she didn’t know any better, she’d have to say that the being staring back at her looked more human than beast.

Since Skye and Peggy had trimmed her, people had been gawking at Shasta everywhere she went. A few of the locals that didn’t usually talk to her had complimented her. Even one of her ex-lovers had seen her in the street and tried to talk to her. She’d brushed them off, but had beamed the rest of the morning over it.

It gave her a disheartening feeling to know how much her appearance affected those around her, but she pushed the complicated emotions aside. Shasta was already a nervous wreck about meeting Lawrence’s children, and didn’t need to add to her stress at the moment. ‘Focus! One problem at a time!’

After a rapid barrage of compliments and fussing over how good she looked, Marie practically shoved Shasta out the door with Peggy leading the way. She told Shasta how she’d seen Skye running around with the children earlier, and how adorable they were. While Shasta smiled genuinely at her description of them, her heart felt like it was going to explode.

The closer they came to the banquet hall, the more her nerves frayed. Shasta was freaking out internally, and Peggy could sense it. She stopped in her tracks and whipped around to face her newly official friend.

“I understand why yer nervous, but ye need not be. Not only are those children well behaved and sweet, but they’re sincere. Just be.. genuine, and ye will be fine. Kids know when adults are frazzled around them. Just be honest, and I bet they’ll make ye feel better.”

Shasta smiled gently at the old woman before she replied in an equally soft voice; “Thank you, Peggy.”

Flashing a toothy grin at her, Peggy added; “I just hope they don’t have any cat allergies..”

Shasta laughed harder than she had all week at Peggy’s joke. It helped put her at ease enough that she was smiling as she walked up to be announced. Even the herald did a double take when she came to stand at the top of the small staircase leading down into the banquet hall. Shasta was quite breathtaking.

Lawrence had been fidgety the majority of the day. So much so that even his children had noticed. After their fussing, Lawrence had their nanny take them to get washed up and eat in their room before joining him in the hall. They not only needed their outfits changed, but Lawrence always had them eat separately.

Usually he ate with them, but his stomach was in knots, and he felt nauseated at the mere thought of food. Shasta had haunted Lawrence’s every thought while he was away. Eating, sleeping, working; she was a constant presence in the back of his mind. They’d written each other constantly, but it was no where near the same.

When they arrived in Alcon, he’d hoped that she’d be the first to greet him. Tidas had to inform Lawrence that she was busy making ‘last minute touches’ with a smirk. He tried to get his little brother to elaborate, but he’d just keep on smirking. He had wound up saving his brother and Skye from sycophants with his pestering instead of gaining any information.

When the herald called out her name, the entire banquet room fell silent. Lawrence’s jaw literally dropped at the sight of her. The color of her dress brought out the chocolate undertones of her short, neatly trimmed fur. The bright smile on her face that quickly turned shy when she realized the amount of eyes on her made his heart thump loudly in his chest.

Lawrence found it odd that she had trimmed her fur down short enough to look more human. He didn’t care how fluffy she was, he loved her for her. If this was something that she wanted, then he would support her.. But if someone had made her feel bad about herself, they were going to find themselves dealing with a Very pissed off king.

Lawrence walked straight over to Shasta as she descended the few stairs. Her eyes crinkled prettily as she smiled at him and greeted him. As soon as he’d come to a stop, the Ruscovic King extended his arm to her and said in a clear, louder-than-necessary voice; “You look beautiful tonight, sweetheart.”

The silence thickened for a fraction of a second before the room erupted in gossip and speculation. Skye and Tidas watched from the sidelines with knowing grins. They’d been looking forward to their meet cue all day, and was not disappointed. Lawrence’s reaction was particularly amusing to them.

As they linked arms, the herald’s voice cut through the overlapping sea of conversations; “Announcing! Crowned Prince of Ruscovic: Victor MacArthur. And Princess Anna MacArthur!”

Turning to look at the children, Shasta linked eyes with them in turn. As they ran down the few steps to supposedly meet up with their father, they giggled and shrieked their glee at the sight of the pretty cat lady. Unable to contain their excitement, the two children ran up to Shasta screaming; “Oooo! Pretty kitty lady!”

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