Dawning Skye

Chapter 249

249 Summer Games: Birthday Feast(Part One)

The Jousting Tournament turned out mild compared to previous years, but hardly anyone seemed to notice. The nobles and commoners alike were in a tizzy about the Crowned Prince’s decision.

Several servants and nearby spectators had heard his exchange with the king. Marco had every young woman and lass in the area wishing to be his Queen for a Day. All except one: Skye.

After she caught up to Shasta, they headed back to the palace to change their dresses for the impending feast. It doubled as a celebration for the Victors of the Summer Games, and as Magnus’ birthday party. This way, he spent less coin and time entertaining the diplomats and dignitaries.

The bulk of them left shortly after, except those stationed within Alcon as liaisons between the kingdoms. The only diplomats that didn’t stay were the Fire Nation, Sync, and Ital representatives. Although the Fire Nation’s prince promised to send a permanent one shortly after he returned.

Abdul wanted to return himself, but he had far too much to do. His youngest brother was king now, but if all went according to his plans, it wouldn’t be for long. Having Skye at his side would speed up the process, but she wasn’t necessary. All he had to do was wait another year or so, and the entirety of the Fire Nation would be his.. ‘As it should’ve been from the start..’

After some debate; Shasta settled on her bright yellow dress, and Skye settled on a royal purple one. They were nearly the same design: off-shoulder with a low neckline. Skye had even given Shasta her white choker to wear while she wore the black one with her so-called moonstone.

It was amusing to them both that they’d picked similar dresses. Even their hairstyles were similar today. Peggy said how they were acting was childish, but still smiled at them as she picked up their other clothes.

Changing the subject, Peggy grunted; “Why do ye have to change out of perfectly clean clothes, I’ll never understand.. Ima not washin’ them! Ima just gonna beat any dust off, then hang ’em up.”

Shasta chuckled before she retorted; “If you have to knock dust off of them, doesn’t that mean that they Are dirty?”


Peggy glared at Shasta; “Don’t catch ‘tude with me, ally cat! Ima not in the mood! Since the servants of the diplomats know that they’re leavin’ tomorrow, a bunch of them are shruggin’ off their palace duties. The lassies and I have been pickin’ up their slack: Mainly Me! So I don’t-”

“Ok! Ok! I apologize, geez! Calm down or you’ll stroke out, old woman,” Shasta replied after throwing her hands up in the air in a defensive manner.

Skye had to turn away from them or they were going to see her trying not to laugh. The added stress on Peggy wasn’t funny, but their arguments were always entertaining. Especially since she knew that Shasta did it to give Peggy a person to vent on.

Skye had realized that it was how they showed their love for each other a while back. Like how Peggy and Felicia were together. Now, she just sat back and watched their exchanges. Usually wishing she had snacks while she watched.

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After they finished getting ready, the three headed over to Lawrence and Shasta’s quarters. The nanny greeted them kindly as the twins pounced on Shasta and their Aunt Skye. Asking if their Uncle Tidas was ok, and if their Uncle Marco had apologized for ‘being so mean to his little brothers’.

Skye had actually snorted while trying not to laugh. The way they’d said it, and the fact that they were talking about Marco was too much. Victor and Anna both looked at their Aunt like she was crazy, so she told them that she was thinking of a joke she’d head earlier.

Being only five, instead of questioning Skye’s logic, they asked to hear the joke. Being on the spot, Skye could only think of a silly one Peggy had told her at their age that she thought was funny at the time.

“What’s a mouse’s favorite kind of joke?” Skye asked with a cheeky smile.

The children beamed as they asked in unison, “What?!”

“The cheesy kind..”

As she finished the joke, Skye did her best imitation of a mouse that she could muster. Sending the children into fits of laughter when she smushed her cheeks, and made a weird clicking noise with her tongue. Even Shasta and the nanny were giggling at her face.

After they got the twins straightened up, they headed into the banquet room early. Magnus was there, but not Skye parents. As they walked over, the twins launched themselves at their grandfather, who beamed as he caught them.

The king fawned over his grandchildren with ridiculous amounts of affection. He offered them sweets in exchange for stories of when they’re at home. It was like lighting an entire barrel of black power on fire; they exploded with enthusiastic stories as their grandfather pumped them full of sweets.

Skye laughed at the faces Shasta was making once they were on their eighth mini-cakes each. ‘She really is steppin’ into the mom role full force, huh? ...It’s so cute! Her ears twitch every time he gives them another sweet, hahahahaha!”

As Shasta was about to say something, the Herald started to announce the victors as they entered. Hearing Petrie’s name announced annoyed Shasta even further, but she settled for flicking her tail back and forth instead of decking him.

The MacArthur brothers were the final ones called. Lawrence first, followed by Tidas, and finally Marco. Karena wasn’t with him at the moment because she was getting ready for the Dance Competition. It was held right before the Queen for the Day announcement and the subsequent feast.

Skye beamed at Tidas as he walked over in his usual black suit, but with a dark purple undershirt on that matched her dress. The tan of his skin and the green of his eyes stood out when contrasted against the purple. As she watched her husband walk towards her, Skye had to remind herself that jumping her husband in the banquet room wouldn’t be a good idea..

As Tidas walked around to sit by her side, Skye looked at him, then the table with a sigh. ‘By the gods, he’s temptin’ though..’

Magnus gave a speech about the glory that the victors had brought to Alcon, had how they, themselves were their kingdom’s pride. He went on for twenty minutes about how every man, woman, and child made Alcon a kingdom; not the palace or land. He connected the thought by explaining that the Summer Games were actually more important than the Mage Trials for that reason.

“Not everyone is born with magic, but everyone born in Alcon is a citizen. The games show not just our capabilities, but our Spirit! No matter how many of us go down, we will fight until we reach our Goal!”

Everyone in the room clapped and cheered for their king, but Skye’s was half-hearted. Her parents had come in right at the beginning of the king’s speech, hugged her, then moved on into the crowds to socialize. She was hurt that her mother barely made eye contact with her, which meant that she was avoiding Skye.

Noticing his wife’s distress, Tidas walked over and took a few of the sweets that Magnus had ordered for the twins. They didn’t care anymore since they’d eaten so much that their stomachs were now upset. They sat curled up together on their grandfather’s chair until he returned to his seat, then they curled around him.

Skye couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen Magnus smile so peacefully. It was an adorable moment that made everyone who saw them make the “Awwwe” sound. Even Prince Abdul had a soft smile on his face when he saw the scene.

Moments after everyone found a seat, the dancers came out one by one for introductions, then did their performances in the same order. Karena was last so that her dancing would leave the biggest impression. She’d chosen to do a dance from her home country. The style reminded Skye of a mix between ballet and salsa.

It was a very graceful and seductive dance. With all-male judges, there was no doubt that she would win. Even though a lass from the kitchens should’ve won(in Skye’s opinion). She moved much more fluidly, and her dance was more about beauty than sex appeal. If there had been professionals doing the judging, the lass definitely would’ve won instead.

She was still thrilled about second place, though. The prize was more than she could make in five years doing daily double shifts in the kitchen. As she happily hopped back to work, the other servants congratulated her thoroughly, then by went back to work themselves.

After the Dance Competition finished, Marco was meant to announce his choice for the Queen for the Day, but Magnus added a little something to ease Karena’s wounded pride.

“The Crowned Princess has graciously suggested that Crowned Prince Marco pick an average commoner to be the Queen. Isn’t she kind?! An example to us all to follow?”

Everyone knew that Karena was Not a kind person, but they clapped along with the king anyway. It was his birthday, and no one wanted to argue. Especially after he’d blown up the previous night over how everyone was talking about Shasta.

Karena could tell that they weren’t buying it, and she didn’t care. She was furious at her husband for taking away her spotlight, and planned on torturing whoever he picked to replace her. ‘Since he has to pick a commoner, at least I can take some frustrations out on her later. I can only socially torture noble women, but commoners...’

An evil grin stretched across Karena’s face as she watched her husband walk around the group of women in the room. They were selected volunteers from the fairgrounds whose families had good standing with the palace. He looked each one up and down, but still kept going.

As he started to walked away from the heartbroken women, Marco said; “I’m sorry, father, but I cannot choose from them. It’s like picking a single flower from a beautiful bouquet.. Instead, I would like to make my choice based on merit.”

A sinking feeling filled Tidas and Skye’s chests as Marco slowly came their way. ‘He wouldn’t be that stupid, would he?! Tidas will kill him! Then he’ll be killed!’ Skye panicked as he moved closer and closer.

“There is only One commoner whom I feel truly deserves the title of Queen. She is generous, kind, and intelligent,” Marco paused to glance around the room before adding; “For a woman.”

Hearing snickers from various men, Marco continued; “Any man with a brain in his head would clearly chose Skye Moonstone as their Queen for the Day. So..”

Marco stopped in front of Skye on the other side of the table, and stuck out his hand to her and said; “Will you stand at my side tonight?”

Skye stood up, folded her hands in front of herself, and spoke in the clearest and sharpest tone she could muster as she resolutely replied; “Thank you, but I decline your offer..”

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