Dawning Skye

Chapter 251

251 Summer Games: Birthday Feast(Part Three)

The entire banquet hall, and every room close to it was filled with people discussing Marco and Skye. Everyone that supported them defended them fervently any time they heard a conversation about them begin to turn salacious. The one thing no one expected was about forty minutes after the incident was resolved, Karena stomped out of the banquet hall in a huff.

Skye admired her for a split second for having the nerve to leave because she wished she could. They had already planned to stay at the palace, but Skye Really wanted to go to Zazzy’s place. Peace, quiet, her husband, and her dragon were all she really wanted at that moment.

Karena couldn’t take being in that room another second, or she was likely to kill someone.. Or all of them.

Rage rolled off of her in tsunamis as she quickly made her way down various hallways. Walking into her quarters, Karena yelled at all of the servants to leave immediately or face her wrath. Knowing how serious she was, everyone cleared out; seemingly leaving her alone.

Once she knew they were gone, Karena screamed at the top of her lungs; “Draco! Get in here! NOW!”

Out of no where, a tall cloaked man appeared before her on a bent knee. His features were covered, but Karena would know him anywhere. He was her favorite lover, after all.

“Did you do it? Did you release Bibalow?” Karena asked impatiently.

“Yes, your Majesty.. But the girl is currently on her way out of the capital as we speak..”

Draco explained in detail to Karena what had happened when Tidas was greeting the arriving diplomats and dignitaries. She was aware of an incident that Skye had dealt with at the beginning of the Summer Games, but didn’t know Angelica was involved.


Fury twisted Karena’s usually beautiful features as she picked up a glass vase from a nearby table, and smashed it against the wall. Shards flew in every direction as she screamed and cursed Skye and Tidas with every vile infliction she could think of.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Draco had not seem her this angry since she first learned of Marco’s affairs. The only difference between now and then is that there are no innocent servants around for her to beat. The first time she’d done it, Karena had nearly killed the woman.

Marco hadn’t of slept with her. The poor girl had just made the unfortunate mistake of looking at her. Karena believed that servants should never look upon their betters unless being addressed. With her fury already engaged, she took it all out on the poor girl in one extended thrashing.

Magnus had threatened to divorce her from Marco, and send Karena back to her brother if she ever pulled another stunt like it again. After being thoroughly rebuked, she started terrorizing the woman her husband slept with only, and secretly.. Although it was still a known fact that she did it.

After destroying a few more things around the room, Karena marched over to Draco, and told him to stand. Once he did, she told him to bring Bibalow back, no matter what. Even if he had to bribe her, it was fine.

“Once she’s done her job, you can get that knife and the money back from her corpse,” Karena stated at she started to lazily run her hand up and down his chest.

Draco hesitated a second before he said; “I don’t think she’ll come back this time. Tidas was fairly harsh with her-”

“I don’t care what you have to bribe her With, just get her to come back! Go to Dr. Stein and get something to help persuade her! He has a ridiculous amount of drugs and plants; he’s bound to have something you can use,” Karen’s stated as she began unbuttoning his shirt.

Draco nodded, then allowed the future queen to have her way with him. He was under strict orders from Prince Marco to keep her happy. He was paid well enough, but his clincher was that the prince swore that he’d be the one to kill her.

Karena often took her anger out on him, and in more ways that one. She used to kick and beat on him too until he told her that he wouldn’t sleep with her anymore if she did. On the rare occasion, she still hit him, but it was usually only once. He hated her, but didn’t mind the release. He had nothing better to do anyway..


Shasta and Lawrence were a big hit amongst the diplomats as a couple. Since she was a Pillar, they admired him for ‘snagging her away from Alcon’. Shasta was not treated as friendly by a few of the women, but many admired her for her position and newly-found fashion sense.

It wasn’t her idea of a good party, but Lawrence at least seemed to be enjoying himself.. Key word being ‘seemed’. When they finally had a moment alone, she learned that he was just as bored as she was.

The twins were still with Magnus, but they had fallen asleep right before all the commotion earlier. If they hadn’t, the king would’ve intervened with Skye and Marco.

He was quite angry at Marco for the little stunt his oldest had just pulled. Magnus knew that he was well aware of the rumors. They’d had multiple conversations about them, and had discussed where they could’ve come from. ‘I will have to give him a stern lecture on propriety tomorrow.’

As Skye looked around the room, she was a bit surprised to see that Petrie was actually enjoying himself. He and her father were in deep conversation with a group of nobles and high ranking merchants. They were interested in how the Nomadic Tribes traded with both themselves and Lucas.

Petrie never gave full answers to any inquiries into their actual movements or settlements. Making it a point to only name their ‘outpost’ settlement. The group that lived there was called Clan Kenneth. They’d been there since the capital had been moved.

Because of their history; Murdoc, nor any other former Chieftain had attempted to force them from their settlement. They were the ones who traded with random travelers while the other tribes usually just did raids. Most frequently into Moonshire and Lucas’ surrounding neighbors.

When Lucas himself was almost robbed and killed, he’d struck a deal with a younger Murdoc who’d just come into his position. Lucas wagged his silver tongue and explained the long-term benefits to trading verses raiding; at least his property. Lord Reinbolt partnered with Lucas to avoid damages himself, but only a very select group knew that...

As the night past, drinks flowed freely and often. By the end of the banquet, everyone was in high spirits. The diplomats were particularly impressed when Lord Reinbolt had tripped on his way out, and Skye healed a broken hip in less than five minutes.

After she healed him, the princess went around to all of the diplomats and dignitaries, and took care of their issues. The Sai representative had terrible arthritis in his back and hands, which Skye healed instantly. She asked about Mr. Fuu’s allergies, then told him specific foods to eat like oily fish, walnuts, and various seeds she knew were available in Sai.

Skye also suggested that he try acupuncture, which got a good laugh out of Mr. Fuu before he replied; “That’s what I usually do to relieve the pain. Since traveling, I haven’t been able to have a treatment. I thank you for your help, princess. It is greatly appreciated.”

After Skye went around healing everyone, she felt staved again. Which gave her and Tidas the perfect excuse to leave. All she wanted was to leave, eat, and sleep.

As they made their way to the kitchens hand in hand, Tidas asked; “Did the night at least end well for you?”

Skye scoffed before replying; “Is bein’ treated like a party favor sound enjoyable to you?”

Tidas stifled a chuckle; “I suppose not.. Do you wish to talk about the other thing later? I heard everything he said, so if you don’t want to-”

“Oh, I wanna to scream about it, but not at you.. Why did he? With all the hearsay goin’ about right now? And the delegates.. I can only imagine what they’ll say to their kings when they return to their kingdoms.”

Skye spoke cryptically so anyone listening in wouldn’t fully get what she was saying. Mentioning Marco’s name right now would spark another round of gossip, which was the last thing Skye wanted.

Stopping outside the kitchen doors, Tidas kissed her forehead before saying; “I know I don’t Need to say it, but just so you know: I don’t believe any of the rumors. At all.”

Skye beamed at her husband. She knew he didn’t believe them, but after everything she’d heard tonight; it warmed her heart to have the confirmation.

“Thank ye, love. Ye always know what I need,” Skye trailed her fingers along hiss’s she’d spoken.

Tidas grinned cheekily at her as he replied; “Aye, and I know you need to eat and sleep. You’re in charge of the fairground’s disassembly tomorrow, right? You need sleep-”

A large roar of a gurgle came from Skye’s stomach, interrupting her husband. She knew that he was trying to tell her ‘no sex tonight’ in a nice way. It irrated her, but he was right. She had a lot to do tomorrow. Karena was supposed to help with the coordination, but Skye got the distinct feeling that she was going to be a no-show for her duties tomorrow...

‘At least Zas will be there to help me. I haven’t had the chance to talk with him in a while. I wonder how Mary’s doin’ in Dragonhorn without him? Does she have help runnin’ Thistlewood Taven? I bet their family helps..’

As Skye began to lose herself in her thoughts, enticing smells pulled her back to reality as Tidas dragged her into the kitchen. He knew what that particular dazed look in her eyes meant, so he just pulled her along.

Tidas was exhausted too, and wanted was to be unconscious. The quicker his wife was fed, the quicker sleep would come. He would only get about six hours at most, but sleeping next to Skye made it feel like twelve.

After four ham, cheese, and apple butter sandwiches, Skye had finally had her fill. They immediately left for their quarters. Shasta and Lawrence were carrying the twins out of the banquet hall when they exited the kitchens. It was adorable to see.

They all walked together for a few hallways, then split to go to their respective quarters. Peggy had set out all their bedtime routine essentials, so they quickly showered together before hitting the sack. Tidas passed out almost instantly, but Skye laid in bed with a weary expression.

An anxious feeling was muddling her thoughts, keeping Skye from finding peace. A sort of instinct was screaming at her, telling her that something was going to happen soon. Marco kept popping into her mind’s eye whenever she tried to focus on the source.

Neither of them had really lost or won today. He still got his spectacle, but Skye didn’t think that the end result was what he had hoped for. The court was still divided about whether or not the rumors were true, but more people than before were on Tidas’ side. Whether Skye loved him or Marco, the prince was in an awkward position.

As she stared at her handsome sleeping husband, Skye finally started to drift. ‘Who would Ever choose that psycho over this wonderful man?’ A soft smile touched her lips as Skye finally fell asleep.

Blissfully unaware of dangers she would face tomorrow...

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