Dawning Skye

Chapter 264

264 Fae Parade

Celestia marveled at Zazzy as she flew overhead, along with most of the other Fae in line to enter the capital. The only one not awestruck by her was Aero. He looked up and saw a very rapidly growing threat, or so the dark little part of himself said.

Aero knew better than to think that way, so he shook the thought from his mind, and focused forward. Just in time to see the reason for his change of heart approaching: Skye and Tidas. It had originally just been Skye, but after the confirmed reports he’d received about the Third Prince, Aero couldn’t deny he liked the young man now.

It wasn’t just the reports from Nicolas and Maevis, either. Aero had long had Brownie spies within the walls of Alcon’s palace. He knew that the two elders were aware of them, but didn’t know who they were, or how many. Which was how he liked to keep it.

“How’s it goin’, Celestia! Aero! Great to see ye two! How was the trip down?” Skye had instantly started to jabber once she got within earshot.

In her excitement, Celestia flew off of Aero’s giant bear that Skye vividly remembered. Tidas had to yank Thoth to a stop so they wouldn’t collide. Celestia and Skye still hugged each other, which dumbfounded Aero.

‘They Barely know each other! Why are they embracing?!’ Aero flew over at rapid speeds as the thought crossed his mind.

He didn’t know it, but the last time they met, Skye had offered to hug her, “because that’s what friends do when they don’t see each other for a long time.”

Celestia didn’t have any friends except for her mother, Maevis, and Aero. All of whom she hugged whenever she saw them, so it made sense to her. Aero, on the other hand, thought that a bond established over time was the only kind of real friendship there was.. ‘Until I met these strange humans..’

Tidas extended his finger to Aero in greeting, who actually gave a small smile as he shook it with his tiny hands. Celestia and Skye were already engaged in rapid-fire conversations that continuously branched off into other topics. The two men stood there a few minutes watching their women enjoy themselves, then told them it was time to go.


Tidas mentioned that the crowds gathering around the gates was going to cause them issues as is. Aero and Celestia shared a knowing look, then smiled at their human friends.

Aero gestured behind them as Celestia spoke; “I think they’ll clear a path for us...”

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Both Skye and Tidas grinned broadly as Skye asked; “Where do ye want us to go or do?”

Celestia fluttered close to her; “How good are you with your Water magic now?”

Skye smirked; “Damn good! So long as ye got some water!”

Celestia grinned back; “Then you’re with us! Come! I’ll explain once we get situated. Ohh! This is going to be so much fun!”

Without another word, the two women took off towards the back of the line. Aero and Tidas shared an exhausted smile, then followed after their women. The show was about to begin...

People crowded around the gate, waiting to catch a glimpse of the Fairy Queen and King. Rumors about their arrival had swirled around for weeks before Magnus had made an official announcement about it.

Magnus and Marco would sign a peace and trade treaty with the Fae Nation, which was being represented by the Queen and King of the Fae Sanctuary. Then, enjoy the Mage Trials before departing for home again.

Many of the other kingdom’s delegates had already gathered, or would be arriving over the next two days. Aero had planned to use the time to evaluate how other humans’ kingdoms had progressed.

Celestia just wanted to visit with Skye, and cheer her on at the trials. She didn’t like crowds to begin with, so dealing with large Human crowds wasn’t going to be easy.

Seeing his wife’s anxiety, Aero gently squeezed her hand for reassurance. She smiled sheepishly at him, kissed his cheek, then told him that she would be alright now. Looking out at the immense procession ahead of her, Queen Celestia signaled for the Fae Parade to begin...


A group of small children ducked and bobbed between legs as they made their way to the front of the crowds. Rushing forward with unbridled enthusiasm, they ran straight into a giant(to them) wolf man. Looking up with blatant fear in their eyes, the wolf man smiled genuinely as he said; “Be careful, young ones.. Don’t want to get smushed!”

Patting the tops of their heads, he re-joined the other wolf men, and continued the procession. The children shared looks of confusion between themselves, then looked down the line with wide eyes, and gaping jaws...

People clamored to see the Fae as they marched into the capital. Every manner of creature imaginable walked, danced, or flew in synchronicity as horns, drums, guitars, and flutes kept the parade’s tempo steady with their enchanting music.

As trumpets blew in the distance, the majority of the Fae began to dance. What Alconians considered Beast Men up until a few months ago filed in first. From Jackits and the Wolf men, to Centaurs, to Pantharos, and other various Fae that looked similar in appearance to humans.

Mixed in were leprechauns, dwarves, Coblynaus, Clurichauns, Kappas, House and Field Brownies, other types of Gnomes, and all other manner of smaller, non-flying Fae. They were either running along the ground, or riding on other various Fae. Seelies, Elves, Dryads, Salamanders, and Nymphs danced around in perfect unison with each other, and the rest of the parade.

When three-fourths of the procession was past the gates, the flying Fae flew into the sky, shocking the growing masses. Pixies, Sprites, Wisps, Sea Guardians, Banshees, and Devas swooped and dipped in a beautiful air show of color and sparkles. As the Devas began to sing along with the music, the more surreal the Fae who entered became.

The next few groups of Fae were Imps, Minotaurs, Manticores, Hippogriffs, and Griffins. Even though three of the five could usually fly, both Aero and Celestia thought that they might scare the humans too much. All the smaller Fae flying around wouldn’t come off as threatening in any way, so they told the others to stay grounded until the end.

Spectators cheered and called out to the Fae as they passed by. Children especially loved it when the Pixies and wisps whizzed around them in a playful manner. Giggles, ‘Ohh’s, and ‘Ahh’s were heard throughout the crowds as the end of the two-block long parade came through the gates..

Skye and Tidas sat on top of the biggest bears anyone had ever seen. They waved to the groups of people who were a little surprised to see them involved, but screamed their love all the same. What had them in temporary awe was who was behind them..

The final Fae were the Queen and King of the Northern Fae Sanctuary; riding on top of one of the largest Wyverns that Tidas had ever seen. He was Aero’s Alpha, and was unbelievably intimidating. It was as big as Zazzy, but one could tell was Much older.

Wyverns didn’t have upper arms, so when they walked, it was upright. Celestia and Aero waved to the humans as they passed, who all seemed to have mixed feelings about the creature that they rode. Except for the children, whom had to literally be restrained by their parents so they wouldn’t run up to it.

Once they cleared the first few blocks, Celestia and Skye combined their magics to create a beautiful light show, similar to the one Skye had made with the water from the Summer Games fairgrounds. Except there were A Lot more rainbows..

Skye stretched and twisted the water as Celestia used her Light magic to cast beautiful patterns and colors over the crowds, and into the skies. Everyone cheered at the beautiful display, and began chanting the two women’s names.

Aero was taken aback by the positive energy flowing through the air, and directed at them. ‘I never thought I’d see the day where humans celebrated us. It’s probably just from the display, but I don’t feel any animosity right now.. Except from up ahead..’


As Marco and Karena met up with Magnus, Lawrence, Shasta, and Marie to greet the Fae, they could hear the commotion from outside. Stepping outside of the main entrance to the palace, they saw what it was over..

Magnus and Marie beamed and talked like excited children as they named off the various Fae that they recognized. Lawrence and Shasta talked more calmly, but enthusiasm could be heard in their voices and words. The crowned couple seemed to be the only ones not enthralled in the moment.

Karena could hear Skye’s name being chanted, and fumed at the fact that it wasn’t her. Marco was being his apathetic self on the outside, but on the inside; he tipped his hat to the Fae.

Their entrance would automatically earn them the admiration they needed to cement the treaty. If they hadn’t put on such a spectacle, the people most likely wouldn’t have cared what happened with the treaty. It would make his later plans slightly more difficult..

‘Good thing that Tidas has already set himself up for the fall on that one.. I have no need to worry..’


As the procession entered the palace’s inner gate, the Fae broke off, and disappeared in their own respective ways. Most returning to Warrick Forest. Only a select few stayed behind as guards and escorts.

As the Fae Royalty entered the main courtyard, they dismounted the Wyvern. He then flew away after receiving instructions from Aero, much to Skye’s disappointment. ‘I was hopin’ that he coulda met Zazzy, but I suppose that’ll have to happen another time..’

Out of nowhere, Maevis and Nicolas were by Magnus’ side. They bowed deeply to their Queen and King, then Nicolas made introductions:

“Your Graces, I am extremely excited to introduce you to King Magnus MacArthur, King of Alcon. Next to him is the Crowned Prince Marco, and his wife, the Crowned Princess Karena.”

“To my other side is King Lawrence of the Ruscovic Kingdom. He is the the second oldest son of King Magnus, and an Excellent man and king. The female next to him is the Vice Commander of the RMC, Shasta. They are, umm..”

Lawrence interrupted Nicolas; “Shasta is my Fiancée, we just haven’t announced it yet.”

Aero couldn’t stop himself; “But you’re a Human King? Won’t your people disapprove?”

Skye and Tidas chuckled at the look of astonishment on Celestia, Aero, and Shasta’s faces. Apparently, it was news to her as well..

Seeing the shock on her face, Maevis saved Shasta by commenting; “We can talk policy shortly, right now, I think the people are waiting..”

Motioning to a podium that had been set up with the same speaker system as the Summer Games, Magnus agreed with Maevis, then walked over. Tapping the microphone to make sure it was functional, the King of Alcon addressed his people:

“Today, is a historic day for Alcon! Fae have been a presence in all of our lives since childhood. Their stories comfort us, and teach us how to be better people! May the treaty we sign today last longer than time itself! So we may continue to learn and grow together! Creating a better and brighter future for All!”

Alcon exploded in every corner of it’s kingdom with happy cheers and well wishes. Magnus’ speech had been broadcast across the entire kingdom, as was the descriptions of the Fae as they became visible. The man who usually did the Mage Trial announcements was in charge of it.

It turned out almost as many listeners as the Mage Trials themselves. The only reason that there weren’t more listening was because so many were already traveling to the capital for the trials. The Mage Trials would last two days this year, so the team sizes could be properly proportioned and monitored. The tension in the air was almost palpable as the trials drew ever closer...

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