Dawning Skye

Chapter 272

272 Mage Trials: Opening Ceremony

“What makes ye think that I haven’t come up with a few strategies just for dealin’ with you?” Skye replied in an irked tone.

Tidas chuckled arrogantly; “Oh, I don’t doubt it.. I’m just saying that they won’t work.”

Skye scoffed before she turned her attention back to her armor. ‘He’ll see.. He’s got no idea what I got in store for him..’

After a bit more bravado from both of them, Tidas’ voice turned sincere; “I do believe in you, Skye.. I always have, and always will.”

‘Damn it.. How do I stay mad at him now? That face is too cute sometimes..’

“Yer lucky yer cute, husband.. Alright! What did ye bring to appease me?! Ima starvin’, and we need to leave soon, or we’ll be late for the opening ceremony.”

After kissing her sweetly, Tidas replied; “Aye, wife.. Can’t keep your adoring fans waiting now, can we?”

“Don’t get me started.. I was bombarded on me way to Athena’s with well wishes and prayers. It’s sweet, but not when Ima in a rush.”

Tidas quirked an eyebrow as he brought out their food; “How did you get here so quickly, by the way? The streets must’ve been packed.”


Skye wanted to laugh, but reframed; “Oh, umm.. People generally get out the way when they see Thoth barrelin’ down the street. Once we cleared the main roads, it was easy to go fast.”

“...Okay. I can tell you’re lying, but it doesn’t matter.. As long as Klaus didn’t carry you in his arms or anything.”

Skye laughed loudly as she began to dish up their food; “Would it bother you if he did?”

Tidas didn’t even look at Skye as he automatically replied; “Aye, it would a bit. I trust you two, but still.. Reverse the situation, and answer honestly: would you be bothered?”

“...Fair enough. Ima rather greedy when it comes to ye as well,” after she’d replied, Skye leaned across the table, and kissed her husband.

As they readied to eat, the two talked about how Tidas had made the armor with Athena. The reason he had been waking up so early was because that was the only time their schedules lined up. She woke up at four in the morning every day to work, so the early hour didn’t bother her one bit.

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Skye laughed as she savored the aroma of the food that Alfred had made for them. He’d also included hot tea as a cleanser. As she leaned over the pot for a better whiff, her hair annoyingly came undone again.

She was struggling to re-tie it back up when the tie snapped. Skye cursed as she fumed, prompting her to turn to Tidas and ask; “Would ye help me hack this...Monstrosity, off me head please?!”

“I canna handle it any longer, and I don’t want someone grabbin’ it durin’ the trials..”

“Aye, I can help, but don’t get angry at me if you wind up with a bowl cut,” Tidas replied with a shrug.

Skye eyed him skeptically; “Are ye sure ye don’t care?”

After finding a pair of scissors, Tidas came back and said; “About-face, wife, and let me get this over with so we can eat! ...Hair grows back.”

“Are ye sayin’ that for my benefit, or yours?”

“...Both. I agree with you, though: it is a weakness on the battlefield. I’ve seen men and women alike get grabbed by their tail, yanked back, and then beheaded.”

“...So good choice, then?”

“Good choice, Aye...”

Once her hair was taken care of, they got back to their food. One pot had chicken noodle casserole with corn, peas, and carrot bits in it. The biggest pot had a hearty beef stew in it.

Large chunks of meat, potatoes, mushrooms, and daikon swam around in a thick gravy. The third pot was nothing but cooked rice. The light scent of sweet mirin wafted up, and mixed with the savory ones. Skye’s mouth watered as the aromas filled the air around them.

They ate with gusto as they conversed between bites. By the time they’d finished, it was time to leave. They drank their tea, used the extra cloak to wrap her armor, then went to step out the door. As she reached for the nob, realization slapped her in the face..

‘Oh shit! Thoth isn’t here! After that conversation we had; Tidas might actually think that Klaus brought me here! He’d be stupid to do it, but that’s exactly where his mind will go, I know it!’

Noticing her hesitation, Tidas asked if she’d forgotten anything. They had her armor in hand, and she hadn’t brought anything but her cloak... Her cloak!

“Me cloak! I forgot me cloak, hehe. Silly me,” Skye stated nervously as she went around him.

“...Okay. I’ll meet you outside then,” Tidas said as he opened the door, and stepped outside.

Skye waited for the question, but it never came. Snatching her cloak as quickly as possible, she turned around, then took off out the door.

A tiny barn was attached to the other side of Zazzy’s Place, where the horses were tied and housed. As Skye walked away from the tiny house, the barn came into view..

Thoth was tied up to his usual spot, happily munching away on some hay. Tidas was strapping her armor down onto the backside of her saddle, unaware of the giant sigh of relief that escaped his wife.. ‘THANK YOU Ronnie and Klaus!’

With her secret safe, Skye headed over with the rest of her armor and cloak in tow. A large smile was plastered on her face as she kissed her husband’s cheek, then strapped down the rest of her armor.

“What was that for?” he asked with a suspicious smile.

“Just felt like it, tis all. Ima suddenly feelin’ very...confident.”

Tidas laughed boisterously; “And why is that?”

Skye looked up at her namesake with a pondering expression. The air was cool and crisp, but the sun made it feel warmer than it was. The breeze smelled of the coming winter, and Skye welcomed it.

“Do ye realize that we’ll be in our own home soon? Once the Highland Raid is over, we can start to discuss a family..”

Tidas perked up; “Really? You’re ready for it?”

Skye chuckled; “Well, we ain’t gettin’ any younger, husband. And Ima sure that both Magnus and Peggy would like to meet their grandbabies before their time comes.”

Tidas happily nodded. He’d been thinking along the same lines lately. His father’s life was constantly threatened, and they couldn’t figure out by whom.

All of his foods, drinks, and clothes were tested for poison multiple times, every day. But somehow, someone was still getting to Magnus. Skye told him that she didn’t think it was traditional poison, but he brushed it aside.

It was like any time someone brought it up, he was programmed to change the subject. Even if the conversation didn’t pertain to him, Magnus would say that he didn’t want to discuss such a macabre subject. It worried Skye to no end, but there was nothing she could do without his consent, which he wouldn’t give for some reason...

As they neared the arena, the streets became packed with people. When they saw the royal couple, they either cheered Skye on, or told her not to hate her husband for beating her. They’d both simply smiled as the crowds parted for them, dismounted, then disappeared into the competitor’s area.

While holding hands and giving each other a final kiss, Tidas stated; “No matter what happens: I love you, Skye.”

Beaming at her husband, Skye replied; “I love ye too, Tidas. Always and forever..”

Keeping their hands linked until the last second, Skye and Tidas broke away from each other, and went to their designated locker rooms...


Skye quickly dressed with the help of Kari and Shasta, who freaked over her hair. They gave he crap about being late, but when they saw her head and the armor, they figured out what had happened. She told them about Athena, Klaus, and Ronnie’s involvement, too. Which made Shasta crack up laughing.

The sensory suit issued to Skye required two people to put on and check, to make sure it was registering. ‘Why do clothing designers keep puttin’ the bloody zipper on the back?! How is that helpful in any way?! What is so Bloody hard about puttin’ it where the Seam is?!’

After several minutes had passed, they had finally finished getting Skye suited up. The timing was perfect since a herald popped her head in as soon as the last clasp on her armor clicked into place. The few women participating filed out of the locker room, leaving Skye trailing behind.

As Skye walked up the ascending hall, she could hear the people screaming. Her heart hammered within her chest in time with every step she took. As her eyes adjusted to the light, the stadium came into view.

Thousands upon thousands of people crammed together to watch the trials. They cheered for their favorites as they came out, but a louder roar was never heard as when Skye had stepped out onto the field..

Lining up with the other competitors, each team waited for the king’s opening speech. Magnus only ever said a few words, then passed the announcing duties off to his favorite herald. He’d been doing the announcements for two decades now, and had seen Tidas compete and win.

As Magnus stepped up to the podium to speak, the crowds grew silent to listen in..

“My People! I welcome you to the Annual Mage Trials! This year, to keep things equitable, there will be two days of trials! The qualifications for winning have changed! Since the Pillars will be obstacles for the teams, we need to keep things fair!”

“Each Pillar is designated a section of the course! If they step out of their assigned area, or are forced out, they are deemed defeated! If a Pillar or Competitor is knocked out, or verbally gives up, then they are defeated!”

“And the special prize this year! The first Competitor that can get past Prince Tidas, and reach the finish line will instantly be granted the rank of General. Of course they will still follow the training schedule, but the rank is theirs; pending their final evaluation!”

“What say you, My People?! Do you think that our fresh recruits have what it takes to get past our strongest, and fastest members of the RMC?!”

The spectators cried out in a mixture of excitement and hope. Most seriously doubted that any would get past the Pillars, but some argued that numbers and strategies could turn the tables. Before the debates could carry on, the herald stepped up to the podium...


Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to this year’s Mage Trials!

How are you folks enjoying Two Days of Trial Action!? Well, let’s not waste any time, and get these trials going!

Here are the rules! Only one member has to reach the finish line to complete the trial for the whole team! The winning team will be determined by the overall score of the team at the end of the trials! The sooner you get taken out, the fewer points you get! If you are rendered unconscious before a member of your team crosses the finish line, you are disqualified! The more obstacles you overcome, and damage you deal to other competitors; the higher your score! Do you think our competitors can handle it this year’s challenges?!


The crowds cheered uproariously in response. They were excited to see the trials in general, but an extra special show was in store for them. A showdown between Prince Tidas and ‘Eir’, his wife. It was a juicy bit of drama that no one wanted to miss.

Most gambling dens had the odds set against Skye. They didn’t know about her experience, studying, or training.

They saw her as the daughter of the King’s Favorite, Tidas’ Wife, Eir.. An incredible Shaman, but not a combatant. Even the open knowledge that she trained one-on-one with Shasta didn’t tilt the scales in her favor.

‘Let them all underestimate me.. That works in me favor. Shasta nearly botched me plans, but I think everyone’s more concerned about the Pillars than me right now.. I’ll use that.’

Magnus introduced the Fae Royals since they were human-sized, and could actually be seen. Everyone applauded and cheered for them, then Magnus talked about the trade agreement for a few moments. As soon as he finished, he bellowed at the top of his lungs; “Competitors! Take Your Positions!”

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