Dawning Skye

Chapter 287

287 Dark Intentions


After Magnus’ speech, Tidas and his Platoon Commanders gave the gathered troops time to bid their families farewell. Looking around; Skye saw Ronnie, Klaus, and Kari walking towards her with large smiles on their faces. They had the RMC armor on, but each had a Moonstone crest on their breastplates.

Confusion covered her features, then it hit her.. ‘They’re Still gonna be me guards?! And why is Kari with them?!’

“Ima excited! Are you excited, Princess?!” Ronnie’s voice cracked as he spoke, he was so enthusiastic.

“Why are ye three here? Looks a bit silly for a Platoon Commander to have personal guards,” Skye commented with a bit more attitude than she’d wanted to use.

The three exchanged a look before Klaus stated; “No it’s not. They all do, look..”

As Skye’s head whipped about, she realized that some of those gathered had different insignias on their armor, just like her three. Most of the commanders had at least five for their guards.. All except one: the Company Commander.

Tidas didn’t have any of his usual guards around him. Even Ralph was in his regular RMC armor, not his guard set. It was similar, but she was used to seeing Tidas’ MacArthur family crest on his armor. It only slightly varied from the Alconian insignia, but Skye noticed.

He also had his full stripes on, indicating that he was an acting Platoon Commander, like Skye. She, Ralph, Arthur Tanner, and two nobles that she recognized from uncounted dinners were the Platoon Commanders. Arthur was also the Vice Commander for the mission.


Skye grinned as she watched his family squeezing the life out of him. Tiny Tidas and his wife were particularly making him both laugh, and cough as he tried to withstand their tear-inducing goodbyes.

Arthur was a good man, and one of Tidas’ favorite mentors. He, Zas, and Ralph had basically taught the prince most of his magical knowledge, and helped him to develop both aspects of his Tank trait. Seeing Skye’s group looking his way, Arthur smiled and waved, then went back to being lovingly mauled by his family.

As she looked around, it was a common scene amongst the families gathered. Wanting to send their loved ones off to fight with smiles, but most ending up crying as they waved them good luck and farewell. Looking over at Tidas, Skye realized how very lucky she was to be able to stay by his side..

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

‘No, not luck: I Earned this. With sweat, and blood; I earned my place at his side..’

As affirmation strengthened her resolve, Skye looked to her guards and said; “We best form up before we’re the last ones to do so.”

Tidas stood at the head of the Company of RMC with a serious expression. Skye could not only see a shift in his personality, but she sensed it in him. Their connection was telling her to keep an eye on him.. Something was off.

As the men and women finished lining up, Tidas’ voice boomed out like he was talking through a loudspeaker; “We strike out today, to bring an End to not only the Highland Skirmishes, but to bring a Traitor to Justice!”

“I cannot tell you what we are riding into in the Highlands, but I Swear this to you! These men and women gathered here today are the best of the best! I have shed blood with every one of them, and I could wish for No better to go into battle with!”

The crowds cheered and screamed for Tidas as he mounted his horse. The entire Company would ride as far into the Highlands as they could to conserve their magic, then release them to go back to Alcon. With so many Tamers around, it would be easy to orchestrate.

With everyone ready to go, Tidas called out; “For Family! For Glory! For Alcon! We Ride!”

Like thunder crashing down from the heavens; the Alconians cried out, then took off as fast as their horses could run. The people on the sidelines screamed and cheered for their warriors as they set off to prevent war...


As Marco watched Tidas and Skye leave, a dark smirk touched his lips, then disappeared. He told his father that he had a few things to take care of, then he would meet him in his study to draft up the paperwork for Tidas and Skye’s diplomatic status.

Karena followed beside him, excitedly and annoyingly asking about her in-law’s futures. She seemed overly happy to learn that Skye was going to Sai shortly after they returned, but it made sense that she would feel that way.

Being the Crowned Princess had made her used to being the center of attention. Skye was not only more popular than her with commoners, but was very quickly losing her noble friends to the growing Skye fan group.

She was never rude, nor did she talk down to anyone unless provoked. Skye didn’t care what anyone said about her life because she was happy. The only time she ever involved herself in conflict was on the behalf of another..

Karena was the exact opposite of her. She talked about others constantly, and almost never anything positive. Every other woman was either too fat, or sickly thin to her. And all men either loved her, or ‘had no taste’.

Even her closest friends weren’t immune to her nastiness. When a few of them had worn simple dresses with similar designs to Skye’s, she’d sent them home in tears. In truth: Karena Loathed Skye, and wished for her death.

Marco was no fool. He knew that his wife had tried to poison Skye on several occasions, but it never worked. Even when she had tried to use the deadliest one she could get her hands on Again: she failed.

Skye had acclimated herself to the poison by studying it’s chemical breakdown, then constructing an antidote for it. Doctor Gohan had been unbelievably impressed with her, as well as everyone else.. Infuriating Karena further.

Even when given a high dose, Skye’s body could instantaneously break it down like it were regular food or drink. Karena’s second attempt had proven that. Even when Doctor Stein had created an ultra-concentrated version: Skye had been perfectly fine..

After Karena had finished her questions and pranced off, Marco weaved in and out of various hallways. The couple of Brownies that the Fae King had tailing him lost sight of the Crowned Prince as he turned a corner. Vanishing without a trace..

Marco walked down a relatively new winding staircase, then stopped suddenly. Out of nowhere; one of his guards appeared in front of him. His knee bent and head lowered.

“Did you find them?”

The guard nodded; “Yes, my King. The one named Mary is at Thistlewood Tavern, in Dragonhorn. Most of her family are there working right now because she’s sick. But both her son-in-law, and one of her granddaughters are still unaccounted for as of yet.. Should we gather whom we can now?”

Marco didn’t hesitate; “No, not yet. Just keep track of the General’s family for now..”

Marco motioned to his guard to follow him, then started descending the stairwell as he spoke; “We have to get them all at once, and only After my brother and Skye have arrived in Sai. If we do it sooner than that, then my brother may come back and interfere with the second phase.”

“How is the first phase coming?”

Marco barked a sharp laugh, but didn’t smile; “The good doctor is taking his sweet time, but he’s made decent progress. He’s requested more corpses.. Too bad that they can’t send the dead from the Highlands back here.”

The guard lowered his head as they walked; “Forgive me, Your Highness, but I thought that they were most likely not going to fight?”

Marco stopped when they reached the bottom of the stairway, and looked to his guard with a malicious smile; “Let’s just say that a little bird might’ve warned Drexel of that Nomad’s attempt to reach Murdoc..”

The two shared a devilish grin, then began walking down a long, dim tunnel. It was only about a year and a half old, but looked ancient due to it’s rough, rocky appearance. When they reached the end, it opened up into a room larger than the R&D department’s bottom floor.

Thousands of decomposing bodies and intact skeletons covered thousands of tables. The smell was beyond any description of vile a language had. The guard gagged involuntarily, earning him a staunch look from his king.

None of Marco’s guards called him ‘prince’ unless they were in front of others. He basically controlled his father, but it was still technically treasonous to call Marco king.. Yet.

When they got about a quarter of the way in, Marco saw Doctor Stein futzing with one of the skeletons. He was mounting a small gem onto it’s sternum when he noticed his king coming his way.

Seeing him attempting to stop his work, Marco stated; “No need for formalities, Doctor Stein. Just talk while you continue.”

Nodding in the positive, he added a last bit of black goo, then spoke; “The first test was a success. The Decoms(decomposing bodies) are nearly as functional as when they were alive. The Skulls(skeletons) had.. unexpected results..”

Marco narrowed his gaze to be almost piercing; “What’s the problem?!”

The doctor flinched, but then smiled nervously; “It-it’s good! It’s good! Come, come, come! See what your power has created..”

Walking to the farthest end of the room, two corpses were chained to the wall. One looked like a half-rotten-out elderly man, and the other was just a skeleton.. But the Skull seemed almost ravenous.

It clawed and chomped at the air in their direction. Making a sickening grinding sound as it’s parts clanked together. Dark clumps of what looked like smoky tar held them together. Occasionally grinding it’s teeth in frustration and fury.

It’s jaw stretched wider than humanly possible, sending a thrill down Marco’s spine; “You have done well, Stein.. What’s the unexpected part?”

The doctor motioned to the two chained corpses; “Look at them! See the difference?! The Decom just wants to kill, but the Skull, hehe.. The Skull wants to eviscerate.. Look! It’s almost..Feral, isn’t it? Like it’s human nature in it’s purest form..”

The guard shifted uncomfortably; ‘This guy’s a fucking nutcase..’

Marco’s eyes were lit up like a child at Yuletide. He marveled at the primal creature before him, too engrossed to see that the chain on the wall was about to snap..

Within a split second; the Skull charged Marco. The guard moved to protect him, but the creature was faster.. But not faster than Marco.

As soon as it was within his reach; he grabbed it by it’s face, flipped it over his shoulder like a rag doll, then smashed it on the ground. Large and small bone fragments scattered everywhere as the creature broke apart from the impact.. Except where the pieces all connected.

Staring at a still-moving hand attached to a piece of arm, Marco picked it up, and examined it. The hand tried to scratch at him until he released a little bit of his power to calm it down. The doctor cheered about it responding to his magic obediently as the guard began to clear a path for his king.

After a few moments, Marco tossed the hand to the doctor, whom immediately dropped it when it scratched his hand; breaking it’s fingers off when it hit the ground.

“Coat each one completely in the plasma. That should stop it from breaking apart so easily,” Marco stated as he brushed his hands together, then started walking away.

Doctor Stein’s called out to him; “My King! Won’t that strain your powers too much?!”

Marco stopped and turned to look back at him with a pure-evil grin as he answered; “Once my future wife brings me the spear, I won’t need to worry about my power issues anymore..”

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