Dawning Skye

Chapter 289

289 My Lady

After they broke the hug, Lucas looked behind Skye; “Ima surprised that Peggy didn’t try to follow ye.”

Skye chuckled; “If she wasn’t so sick, she probably would’ve. How’s everyone been?”

While the question was directed at her parents, all the people of Moonshire cheered, then rapidly started to tell her about little tidbits of their lives since she’d been gone. Skye tried to listen, but there were so many.. It warmed her heart as much as it flustered her.

After several minutes of people trying to talk over each other, Skye announced that she would stop in the village as soon as the soldiers were set up, and settled for the night. She was hit with a wave of disappointment, but they understood their lady. And trusted her to keep her word to visit.

As Tidas watched his wife be swarmed, a soft grin lit his face before he found himself in the same situation. The cotters all surrounded him, and thanked him for what he and Petrie had done for the children last Yuletide..

Boisterous laughter started to spread through the ranks as the story of their fearless leader in green tights circulated. Tidas internally yelled in frustration, but kept his polite expression as he nodded and chatted with the villagers.

Skye giggled as she listened to the soldiers. Even though they were razzing him, it was clear how much they respected their Commander. She smiled to herself, then went back to random conversations..

It took little time for the troops to set themselves up, then Skye made her way to Moonshire Village with Klaus and Kari trailing behind her. Ronnie was staying back to get a few hours of sleep before chow time, then he would have the first night shift.

All guards had to rotate themselves, to make sure that their charges were safe. It was easier for the other guards because there were more of them, but the princess’ guards were doing well on their own.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When they entered the village, Skye was surrounded again. There were even more people now because a many couldn’t walk all the way to Moonstone Castle. It was mostly the elderly and the younger children, but the group size was nearly double from what it had been before.

As soon as she came into the village, everyone cheered for her victory at the Mage Trials. Only a handful of them had been able to afford to travel to the capital, but they’d’still gone to cheer on their young lady’.

Klaus huffed testily whenever they said ‘our Lady’ instead of ‘our princess’, but Skye just brushed off his surly attitude. It was what they had called her for most of her life, and would mostly likely continue to call her until her final days.

After the initial hurrah of the situation; Skye laughed and teared up a wee bit as everyone told her about their past year. Many asked where Peggy was, and were sad to know that she was ill. As a heated bebate about a get-well gift basket was discussed, Skye focused on those that seemed under the weather, or injured.

She spent the next hour going through the villagers, and making sure that everyone was healthy; especially the few newborns that their were. Skye didn’t tell the mother, but one of the babies had been born with a defective heart valve. She’d fixed the issue instantly, but the situation made her wish that her Shaman trait wasn’t quite so.. unique.

Shamans were limited, just like all other traits. Some could only effect the dermis, while some were gifted with the ability to effect the entire circulatory system. Skye was the only person ever recorded that could heal any wound, anywhere; so long as the patient’s heart and/or brain weren’t too damaged.

She stayed in the village until Tidas had to literally come and fetch her for dinner. The villagers were sad that they only got to see her for such a short time, but grateful for any time given at all. They knew that if it wasn’t for whom Skye was, she wouldn’t have been allowed to leave the RMC encampment; like the other soldiers.

Bidding their young lady farewell, everyone stayed gathered at the village’s threshold until she was long out of sight. They prayed for their lass, then dispersed. They all still had their jobs to do in the morning..

Lucas had made a special exception, and broke into his food storages for the visiting RMC. Tidas had argued that he should save what he had, and that they had plenty of rations, but he’d insisted. By the time Skye had returned, various pots were cooking all over the encampment..

The aromas wafting through the air made Skye’s stomach grumble in protest, which seemed to amuse Kari greatly. Klaus scoffed at her, but kept a soft grin on his face as he did it.

Skye had seen the little looks that they’d been giving each other, but Klaus still seemed a bit reserved with her. As they approached the castle, a tiny plot began to unfold in her head.. ‘Once this trip to the Highlands is over, I think a wedding might be in order..’

A cheeky grin covered her features as Skye met her husband at the door. Seeing her mischievous little smirk, he commented; “I know that look. That’s your ‘I’m up to something’ look.. I usually don’t like that look..”

Skye chuckled; “And when, exactly, do ye like to see it?” Skye asked playfully.

Tidas’ eyes turned sultry as he replied low; “In the bedroom..”

“Oh? Well,” Skye wrapped her arms around her husband’s waist; “Maybe I’ll have to share a few of my...strategies, with ye tonight..”

As Tidas wrapped his arms around Skye a gruff cough came from behind them. Lucas and Lidia were standing just inside the doorway. Her mother grinned knowingly, but Lucas looked utterly distraught to here his daughter and husband talking in such a way..

The expression on his face sent Skye into a small fit of laughter before Lucas stated; “Dinner is bein’ served to all of the troops as we speak, but you two are required to eat with us. Consider it reparations..”

“For what?” Skye asked with a confused tone.

Lucas rubbed at his forehead; “For constantly scarrin’ yer old Da with conversations like the last one!”

Lidia, Skye, and Tidas chuckled at Lucas’ exaggerated ire. He was clearly joking.. Mostly..

The dinner was like walking down memory lane for Skye. She didn’t know if it was the soil that the vegetables grew in, or it it was the water from the loch, but everything tasted better at home. A warmth filled the banquet room as the Moonstones, Tidas, Klaus, Ronnie, and Kari all ate together.

The three friends had been a bit leery about crashing their family meal, but the Moonstones considered them part of the family now, too.

Lucas had seen them all working together during the trials, and knew that Ronnie and Klaus had already sworn life oaths to Skye. To Lucas and Lidia: they’d just gained two sons, and Kari was fitting in very nicely.

She and Lidia had chatted quite a bit while all the men listened to a few of Lucas’ stories about when he was a King’s Guard. All of the guards were mages now; Lucas had been the last non-magical guard that Magnus ever had, which spoke volumes about his skills as a fighter.

Skye savored her meal slowly as they ate. Beef-based sauce with chunks of beef, carrots, celery, onions, corn, and sweet peas was poured over sp?tzle noodles, then served. Fresh bread, butter, Peggy’s signature salad, and a large dishe of berries in a sweet vanilla pudding were off to the sides of the table for convenience.

The conversations were noisy, but full of mirth as the meal lasted longer than any the Moonstones had had recently. With Skye gone; the castle had felt very empty to her parents..

Once the meal finished; Lucas had a bottle of his best whiskey brought out for them all to share, then one for himself so he wouldn’t have to. Skye cracked a joke about a fish needing his water, which prompted Lucas to say what he always did whenever someone commented upon his drinking habits..

“I’ll drink less when I find a stronger whiskey..”

Skye chided him about his health, but she knew that he was as healthy as Thoth. Lucas drank every night, but rarely to excess, and he always handed his workloads with ease. Skye still worried for him though; he was in his sixties now..

After a few hours spent with her loved ones, Skye and Tidas retired to her old bedroom for the night. They held hands and made small-talk together until they’d reached her tiny hallway. She looked at Peggy’s old room with sad eyes, then shook her head.. ‘Peggy’s older than Da.. I hope she’s alright.. I miss her..’

Seeing her melancholy expression, Tidas cupped her cheek and said; “Out your head, love.. Your place is here, with me..”

Skye smiled up at him with warmth; “I know, I just miss her.. We’ve never been apart this long before. I hope she’s doin’ okay..”

Tidas kissed her lips gently before he said; “She’ll be fine: it’s Peggy. I think that the Grim Reaper himself is too scared to claim that feisty old bat. She’ll be fine: it’s Zazzy that I’m worried about.. Genie’s gonna spoil her rotten.”

Skye chuckled at her husband’s accuracy. Genie was more than wealthy enough to buy Zazzy a full cow every day, if he wanted. They joked about ‘coming home to a million pound dragon’ as they readied themselves for bed..

A sleepwear set had been laid out for both of them, but when Skye came out the bathroom from brushing her teeth and taking her birth control: she was completely naked. Tidas had been taking a sip of water when she had came out, and coughed violently from it going down the wrong tube.

She giggled as he sputtered, then blinked. When her eyes opened, Tidas was standing right in front of her with hunger in his eyes. Skye’s breath caught in her throat from both being surprised, and the intensity of his gaze.

“And what do you think you’re doing?” Tidas asked with a devilish smile that made her heart hammer erratically.

Skye gulped back her own need to speak with a raspy voice; “Guess Ima up to somethin’ now, aren’t I?”

Tidas chuckled with a husky tone that sent a shiver down her backside. He had a pair of loose sleep pants on, but no shirt. When he pulled Skye into his arms, their skin touched; sending a jolt of desire through both of them..

Skye tilted her head up to look at her husband; “I know we won’t be able to share a bed for a while, so I wanted to make a memory with you.. To keep us both warm on the nights we’re apart..”

Tidas beamed at Skye as he said, “What my lady wants, my lady gets,” then kissed her with a burning passion that would take them all night to try and put out...

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