Dawning Skye

Chapter 292

292 Dash

The night was cold, and Skye missed the warmth of her husband. Tidas was basically a walking, talking heater with legs, and she wished that they could’ve share a tent. If not for her Shaman trait, she most likely would’ve caught a cold.

As the dawning sky shifted to a dreary bluish-grey color, the soldiers had already been up and moving for hours. Snow was threatening them, and the villagers warned of it being the first long storm of the winter.

Snowstorms could last for weeks at a time in the far north. Skye had experienced something akin to it as a young lass, but it had only lasted two weeks before it had broke. In the middle of winter, a storm could last a full month. If they couldn’t finish their missions by the end of two weeks time; they’d most likely be stuck in the Highlands all winter.

That thought combined with the knowledge of Magnus’ health made Skye very anxious. She and Doctor Gohan had had multiple discussions on the subject, usually centered around what was truly making him sick. Skye was the only one whom could heal him properly, and if they didn’t make it back in time...

Skye shuddered lightly at the thought of Magnus’ death. She loved him like a doting uncle, and didn’t want him to die any time soon. Not to mention how frightening the thought of ‘King Marco’ was...

Shaking off the chill, she refocused on the task at hand. Tidas was explaining their route with the aid of a map that the villagers had helped him make. There was a massive, multi-mile long mountain pass that was ideal for ambushes. They Had to go through it to reach the valley on the other side..

The pass was the only way through the mountains that didn’t take weeks to cross. If they went through on horseback, it would only take a couple hours to reach the other side. Tidas didn’t see the Highlanders causing an avalanche or anything akin to it just to take them out, but he could see gorilla tactics as being highly effective against them as the ran through.

Tidas knew that there were two scenarios that were the most probable.. Either they would have to deal with a non-stop barrage for the entire length of the pass, or it would be broken down into sections. Having an understanding as to how Murdoc’s mind worked; Tidas knew that an attempted slaughter awaited them..

Tidas watched Skye as she explained the search patterns they were going to use as they approached the mountain pass. He was a little surprised that she knew the correct terms to use, then inwardly scoffed at himself for it.. ‘I really shouldn’t be surprised by how intelligent she is anymore..’


As Skye finished, Tidas pulled her off to the side and spoke in a slightly distraught tone; “I don’t like not going with you for this, but I don’t have a choice. Once you get the layout of the pass, run like hell, got it?”

Skye looked at him skeptically; “Why? Shouldn’t we start pickin’em off?”

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Tidas shook his head in the negative; “That would be a bad idea.. The amount of magic you’ll have to use to survey everything will be noticeable to even amateur mages. After you gather that intel, you need to leave the area immediately, and rendezvous back here.”

“Oh.. Good point. I didn’t think of that,” Skye admitted honestly.

Tidas grinned cheekily at her; “That why we make such a good team: we keep each other sensible.”

“Aye, that we do.. Mostly,” Skye joked, then kissed her husband sweetly.

After going over their plan a final time, Skye readied her platoon to leave. She gripped the Thoth’s reins nervously, but her face remained stoic. She didn’t want the others to see that their Platoon Commander was worried..

There was too much of the situation that was unknown.. ‘What happened to Petrie? Why does Murdoc believe Drexel? What was he plannin’ in the first place? Does he still plan to kill Murdoc?’

As her thoughts and questions persisted, Skye was brought back by Tidas; “Out your head, love.. Your place is here, with me..”

Skye grinned broadly as he kissed her cheek and added; “So make sure you come back to me, alright? I think Zazzy might eat me if I came home without you..”

Skye laughed; “The same could be said for me if I didn’t come back with you. Ye know she’s a wee daddy’s girl now.”

Tidas chuckled; “True, but you two have a...a strong bond that I barely understand. I really think that Zazzy would die without you.. just like me. So make sure to come back.”

“Aye, husband,” Skye kissed his cheek a final time, the started rode off as she added; “If I can kick the arse of the RMC Commander, I think I can handle a few Highlanders!”

Tidas and many of the other RMC members outright laughed at Skye’s pun as the Scout Platoon left. When they were out of sight, their Company Commander went back to his usual, slightly-ridgid self. As the various members started to have orders barked at them, they missed the princess’ effect on him already...


The Tamers had their various birds fly overhead to scout from above, while the long range squad abandoned their horses to run on ahead. It was interesting to watch the two petite female Manics jump onto the Tanks’ backs.

The short range squad fanned out according to Skye’s plan while the Support Squad remained back with her. They would stop about half a mile from the mountain pass’ opening. That way Skye could go and survey the area without putting them into direct danger.

If Skye was spotted, she could lead them away from their temp camp, and possibly even get some information out of them..

Once they’d reached their meet-up point, Skye handed out a few instructions, then had Klaus accompany her. Since he was the only Tank that was a part of her guard unit, it had to be him to go.. Which upset Kari a little.

After a few reassurances, she let him go without further fuss. After Ronnie gave him a little grief, and assigned a chipmunk to be their relay between themselves and their temp camp; Skye and Klaus took off at incredible speeds..

A raven from another Tamer stayed with Ronnie. He used one of his own to communicate with with it, and was able to connect and correspond with their main camp. It was their version of a field radio.

As they ran, they cut through a small patch of forest. Skye was surprised to see it since it was the only cover until one reached the mountain pass, and pretty much the only greenery for as far as her eyes could see.

As Skye ran through the marked path made by the long range squad with Klaus, she made it a point to keep the tiny chipmunk protected from the low-hanging tree branches and shrubbery jutting out. If not for their armor; Skye and Klaus would’ve been covered in cuts..

Once they reached the edge of the woods, Skye and Klaus dropped low. They didn’t see anyone, but Skye could already sense several mages up ahead. After she checked with Klaus to see if he was ready to run like hell again; Skye sent out a Massive wave of magic..

It was a combination of her Earth trait, and her Shaman one; making something akin to human radar. As the number of heat signatures skyrocketed, Skye muttered; “Oh shit..”

“That can’t be good,” Klaus stated in a nervous whisper.

Skye’s face turned contemplative; “There’s just over seven-hundred and fifty RMC members with us in total.. There’s over a thousand Highlanders hidden throughout the mountain pass.. Way more.. Some are heading our way; we need to go Now!”

As they turned and ran, Skye sensed two decently strong mages nearby that weren’t part of the RMC. Both were Tanks, but she couldn’t tell what kinds. Right as they began to close in on them, Skye realized that they were the only two following them..

Making a split-second decision; Skye slammed down with her feet, stopped, and clothes-lined the young male Highlander nearest them..

As she pinned him down, Klaus did the same thing to the other, more bulky mage. The younger one underneath Skye didn’t fight back like the one Klaus was dealing with, so she quickly questioned him..

Using her Earth magic, Skye made a stone dagger come up and out of the ground. As she held it to his throat, she asked; “Where is Petrie?! What did Drexel do with him?!”

“What do ye mean?! Ye southerners killed him! Ye want our lands, and our-”

“Why would we kill the man helpin’ us with peace talks?! Petrie is me friend, and I won’t stop until I know where he is! So I’ll ask ye again: Where. Is. Petrie?!”

The Highlander looked utterly confused; “What?! Friend?! Southerners and Highlanders can’t be friends!”

Skye pressed the dagger to his neck; “Well WE ARE! Now tell me what I want to know, or I’ll slit Yer throat, and leave ye here to bleed out!”

Unfettered fear was plastered on his face; “I-I don’t know! We were told that the Alconians killed him!”

Skye huffed; “Lemme guess: by Drexel?! Ralph is with me husband right now. He can tell everyone what happened-”

“Ha! Do ye truly believe that we would believe anythin’ a Southerner has ta say?! Yer daft, woman!”

Skye wanted to slice his throat right then, but he perked up when he saw whom Klaus was fighting. His eyes grew wide as he nodded in their direction and practically yelled; “Angus! Angus will know! He’s one of Drexel’s lads! He’ll know what Drexel knows! Now get off of me!”

Skye grinned as she stated; “If ye even Think about doin’ somethin’ stupid: ye will be dead before yer body hits the ground..”

Releasing the young Highlander, Skye immediately attacked the man that Klaus was still wrestling around with. He was obviously a Power Tank, must’ve been working towards being a Hybrid. As she fling him off of Klaus with ease, Skye asked the question again; “Where is Petrie?!”

The man scoffed as he gripped his stomach where Skye had kicked him, and said; “It’s too late! He’s probably dead by now!”

Feeling her anger soar, Skye stated in a deadly voice; “If he’s dead, then so are you...”

Seeing the raw, terrifying emotions within the beautiful woman’s eyes, the Highlander added; “B-But he might not be yet! Some of the others were ordered to take him to the old capital.. To be sacrificed..”

“What?! How long ago?! How do I get there?” Skye screamed as she pricked his neck with her blade.

“Skye! We need to go now! More will be here any minute!” Klaus bellowed.

“Alright then: guess we don’t have a choice. This one is comin’ with us,” Skye turned to the young Highlander; “If ye truly care about Murdoc and yer people, don’t tell anyone about this. I Swear that we’ll save Petrie, and bring him back!”

As Skye and Klaus bound the other Highlander, the young one asked; “But what if he’s already dead?! What will ye do then?! And what do I say about Angus?!”

Skye smirked; “Just tell them that you escaped while I was killin’ him. It’ll also cover why ye don’t know what happened to his body.. If ye get Murdoc alone, tell him what’s really goin’ on!”

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