Dawning Skye

Chapter 299

299 Earned Respect

As Petrie walked to the front, Skye released her magic, and went and hugged Zazzy. She was still sniffing and exhaling through her nose, trying to loosen the bullets lodged up there. They didn’t hurt once they cooled down, but the smell of gunpowder stung her delicate nose.

After some baby talk, Skye rung out a few drops of magic to help Zazzy along. The bullets were lodged in an awkward place, but she still managed to get them loose. Zazzy nuzzled her mother as she made her signature happy trill and purr noises, which looked extremely weird to the Highlanders.

It didn’t take long for Petrie to tell his tale. How Drexel’s men had ambushed them, killed both the Highlanders and Alconians he was with except for Ralph, then tried to kill them.

He had embellished their trek through the woods a bit, but other than that; Ralph thought that he covered everything. Many of the Highlanders were intrigued by the invisible suit, especially Murdoc. He wasn’t aware that the Alconians had such advanced technology.

Most of the Highlanders believed Petrie, but many were still skeptical about trusting the Southerners. They’d been fighting against them since shortly after they had moved the capital, and hatred that deep took time to root out. Murdoc and Petrie had been working hard at it, but Drexel had still managed to reinvigorate their suspicions.

As the Highlanders started to argue amongst themselves, Tidas stepped forward; “I don’t blame you for your mistrust! If the situations were reversed, I don’t know if I could trust a piece of paper with so many lives on the line, either..”

“But what’s the other option? War? Death? A never-ending cycle that swallows futures and children alike?! I don’t have children yet, but I want better for them than that! I want better for Your children! Your families! Aren’t you tired of the bloodshed?! The loss?!”

The crowds murmured amongst themselves, still unsure of what they should do. Murdoc stepped forward with a gruff expression on his face. As he looked out at the mix of soldiers, he briefly thought how odd it was not to see bloody, chaotic battlefield before him..

“I understand yer hesitation me people, but the time has come. We can no longer sustain ourselves, by ourselves. We need allies, and Tidas is a good man-”


One of the older Highlanders stepped forward; “But he isna king! Why not one of the other kingdoms?! One that hasn’t already betrayed us?!”

Murdoc sighed; “Because none are close enough, ye bloody Bampot!”

“What about Ruscovic?!” the man yelled.

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“Lawrence will never deal with ye. It would go against his own treaty with his father,” Skye stated as she walked out to be even with Tidas and Murdoc.

Zazzy followed her mother, and came to stand right behind the three as she looked around. Murdoc swallowed hard as he tried to ignore the massive dragon standing behind him, and maintain his indifferent expression.

As the low-hanging sun peaked through some snowy clouds, it’s light filtered in through the valley. Casting a beautiful glow around Skye. The soldiers and Highlanders stared while whispering various things that that were either praise, or concerns. Right as a chilly breeze kicked up, Skye began to speak..

“We canna promise that this will be easy.. That a wee scrap of paper it gonna stop generations of resentment and anger. There be resistance on Both Sides. But what greatness has ever been easily obtained? Even a child’s happiness is dependent upon those that care for them!”

“How much work do ye put in so yer children can be fed and happy?! So You can be fed and happy?! In our world, most things must be earned, but it doesna have to be that way for yer children! What if, through yer hard work, ye could Give them a better world?! What if one day: ye woke up with half yer worries?!”

“An alliance would mean more food, more medical supplies, and freedom from War! Are ye not sick of watchin’ yer kin die?! Raidin’ for scraps?! We have the technology to turn this valley into a productive field! Ye could grow yer own food without worry!”

“I canna promise that it will always be simple, but the bottom line is! If ye want change, ye must Become it! Look to the man next to ye instead of to the old fools stuck in their pasts! Murdoc! Tidas! They’ve been fightin’ for ye all these years! Will you abandon them?! Or will ye Stand! And fight with them?!”

Skye’s final speech had won over the rest of the Highlanders. Everyone on the field cheered for the end to the battle, then immediately started to tend to the injured.

Dead humans and horses were scattered everywhere, and Skye felt her ire rising. She looked in the direction that Zazzy had flung Drexel’s body in, and thought about how easy of a death he’d gotten..

‘For all the pointless death he caused over his greed: he deserved much worse..’

As Skye started to lose herself to her dark thoughts, Murdoc snapped her back by getting too close to her face. She leaned back in surprise, and had to stop herself from punching him.

With a goofy look on his face, Murdoc said; “Yer quite the beauty, Princess. What’re ye doin’ with that riffraff?”

“At least I’m not scruffy,” Tidas retorted.

Murdoc glanced at him, then looked back to Skye; “I prefer the term ‘ruggedly handsome’.. If yer ever in the market for an upgrade, well: King trumps Prince, is all Ima sayin’..”

“Are you Actually hitting on my wife in front of me?! Right after All of this?!” Tidas struggled to keep the anger out of his voice.

Murdoc shrugged with a cheeky smile; “Ima not hittin’ on her.. Just lettin’ her know that she’s got options..”

As Tidas took a step forward with his hand on his hilt, Skye burst out in laughter at their antics. It reminded her of a part in a book she’d read before, but they didn’t know that. Murdoc quirked an eyebrow at her, while Tidas eased his stance a bit.

He was still pissed that Murdoc had said such things to his Wife, but he should’ve expected it.. ‘The bastard is infatuated! I knew it! Well, he’s barkin’ up the wrong tree with my lass..’

Right as the thought crossed Tidas’ mind, Skye said; “I’ll keep that in mind, but don’t hold yer breath. Ima quite in love with him.”

“Fer now, me Pretty.. But me door will always be open to ye,” Murdoc replied with a cheeky smile and a half-bow.

After a bit more banter between the two commanders, they started to issue orders to their soldiers. The Highlanders that could move were to head home for the night, and he would stay with their healers and injured. When he told his Vice Commander to send more healers, Skye told him that it wouldn’t be necessary.

“There’s no way you can use your Shaman magic right now, Skye. Not after how much magic you’ve already used,” Tidas stated with worry in his tone.

Skye grinned; “I just need to eat, then I’ll be fine. I promise I won’t collapse like that one time.. I promise.”

Murdoc grinned, then reached into a hidden pocket on the side of his leg. When he pulled out the contents and unwrapped it, Zazzy inched closer..

Holding it up in his hand, Murdoc said; “Would ye like this jerky? I always keep some on me in case I get stuck on the battlefield for an extended period.”

“Oh, is that what was in your mouth those couple of times? I just thought you were getting mad,” Tidas said offhandedly, still irked by his ‘option’ thing before.

Murdoc grinned; “Bit of both, actually. Yer the only person that I couldna really eat around while fightin’. Everyone else is too borin’, and I get hungry eas-”

As he had spoke, Zazzy had inched her head closer and closer, sniffing around for the jerky. Murdoc froze when he could literally feel her breath on his head; his loose hairs moving up and down as she breathed.

Murdoc looked up to see a giant snout in his face as he said; “Umm.. Should I be worried about this?”

Tidas smirked; “Only if you don’t have more jerky..”

Murdoc’s eyes went wide, but Skye put him at ease by saying; “Ye don’t need to worry about our wee scaly bairn. She knows eaten people is wrong. Right, Zazzy?”

Zazzy lifted her head and nodded to Skye, astounding all the Highlanders watching. They’d heard the stories about dragons, but didn’t realize how intelligent they would be.

Murdoc started laughing boisterously, making Zazzy rear back a bit, then look down at him. He was grinning like a mad man, but it didn’t seem threatening to her.. Just creepy.

“Yer a smart lassie! Good! Well, if ye can be patient, I’ll make sure that a nice fat goat is roasted for ye. How’s that sound?” Murdoc asked while still trying to calm himself.

Zazzy automatically started shaking her head, and wagging her tail. She was sitting like a dog, so the resemblance to a happy puppy came to Skye’s mind as she ate the jerky. She was ravenous, and still needed more food.. A lot more.

Seeing her expression, Tidas commented; “They should be getting chow ready about now.”

Skye beamed at him; “And that is why I love ye so much: ye always know just the right thing to say..”

Tidas smiled back at her, then leaned in to kiss her. Murdoc scoffed, then walked off to go bark more orders. Tidas smirked as he kissed her, knowing that Murdoc’s seemingly irritated mood was his doing..

‘If kissing My Wife pisses him off, then I’ll have to do it more often..’


When Skye and Tidas went over to the RMC camp sight, the aromas in the air made her stomach gurgle loud enough for her husband to hear. He chuckled at her, which prompted Skye to smack him playfully.

Tidas feigned like she had seriously injured him, but she just laughed at him. He tried to make a pouting face, but Skye just laughed harder. Not getting the results he wanted, he decided to mess with her a bit..

“That’s it! I’m telling Shasta you called her a house cat!” Tidas stated loudly while grinning.

“When did I do that?!” Skye asked, even though she already knew what he was referring to.

“When you fought Drexel, I heard you.. I’m tellin’,” Tidas taunted jokingly.

Knowing her husband’s goal, Skye’s face went from playful, to sultry in two seconds flat; “Well.. I guess I’ll just have to figure out a way to convince ye not to..”

Leaning in with a smirk; Tidas said, “I think you’re already on to something,” then kissed Skye as a fire crackled before them.

In between kisses, Skye giggled and said; “Aye.. I am a quick study..”

As they enjoyed their moment, Murdoc came up from behind them and asked; “Would ye two like to make a supply run wit me in an hour? We need more food and alcohol if this is gonna be a party!”

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