Dawning Skye

Chapter 319

319 Party In The Bunker

Skye and Tidas stood next to Murdoc and Amara as they quelled the arguments popping up everywhere within the crowds. The leaders acknowledged the skills of their opponents, each taking a turn to discuss the other’s abilities.

Both Tidas and Murdoc had made similar comments about each other, which incited whoops and cheers from the spectators in response. Amara had made a very dignified speech about the merits of the Last Warrick, and the crowds had respectfully applauded and murmured their agreements.

When it came Skye’s turn to speak, she gushed back and forth with the crowds. She’d make a statement, then ask a random person what they thought. Others chimed in out of turn, but it was never disrespectful in any way.

As Tidas watched her, he smiled at how much Skye had grown in the past year. She used to hate speaking to crowds, doubted herself, and struggle to keep her emotions in check.. ‘Well, Skye does still loses it on occasion, but-‘

“She’s amazin’! I canna Believe she handled a Fire Mage after all of the others! That’s our Princess General!” Ronnie yelled as he, Klaus, and Kari walked up with Arthur and Ralph in tow.

Everyone was all smiles as Skye went back and forth with the Highlanders. They had switched from the fight, to answering questions about Zazzy. She was slowly making her way towards the crowds every time she heard her name..

Skye told them the same story that she told everyone else: the Fae had given her the egg, which made Amara scoff. She knew where the last dragon egg had been stashed due to her volume of Roland Snare’s Journal. It was befitting that Skye was the one to find her.

Lazarus was a Bloodline Dragon, and could only be handled by a select few.. ‘I don’t imagine that those two bein’ together, and findin’ that egg was just happenstance.. Fate’s spinnin’ her wheel, and she’s runnin’ outta thread..’

As the thought crossed her mind, Zazzy came to stand off to the side of the front section of the ring. The Highlanders were mere feet away from her, and the wish to touch a real dragon was too great for some of the children.


Two dashed away from their parents, and ran straight up to Zazzy. They had to tilt their heads all the way back to look at her, and giggled due to it. Zazzy bent her neck down to be a mere foot or so above their heads.

The mother of the children cried out in fear as Zazzy sniffed at them, then slowly pulled her tail around..

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Straightening up, the dragon placed it’s tail where her head had just been, and made a soft trill noise at the children. They looked at the offered tail with confused expressions for a split second, then grabbed ahold of it.

As the mother panicked, Skye assured her; “Don’t worry about Zazzy, she’s great with kids. The Alconian children play with her any chance they get. And King Lawrence lets his twins play on her, too. I swear she’s a gentle lass, right me scaly bairn?”

At Skye’s cue, Zazzy made another soft trill noise, then shook her head in the positive. The woman’s jaw dropped a moment, then she smiled nervously as Zazzy gently swayed her children back and forth with her tail. Before Zazzy knew it, she was surrounded by bundled up Highlander kids.

As the dragon enjoyed the company, the RMC members began to mix and mingle with the Highlanders. Before everyone knew it: they were talking about throwing a joint party.

The bunker nearest to the one that the RMC was using wasn’t occupied, so they could serve food out of there. The alcohol would be easy to bring over, so the only thing missing would be music.

When Tidas heard Murdoc start to inquire if anyone played any particular instrument, he asked; “Do you have a violin handy?”

Murdoc grinned sardonically; “Aye, why? Ye gonna play us a wee bit of fiddlin’?”

Tidas smirked in response; “No, but Skye loves to play..”

“Oh really?” Murdoc paused to look for someone in the throngs of people; “Quinn! QUINN! Go get the classic violin from the historical display in the museum! General Moonstone wants ta play later!”

A young man with dark hair took off through the people, and disappeared. Murdoc looked at Tidas with a self-satisfied expression as he said; “I think she’ll appreciate the sound from an original..”

Tidas mock-scoffed; “And if it would’ve been for me?”

“Tch.. We woulda found somethin’ er other for ye,” Murdoc mumbled as he looked around again for specific people.

“...Really? That’s not even an answer!” Tidas yelled as the Highlander King scurried away, avoiding the whole ‘she’s My wife’ discussion again.

Skye had heard the entire thing, and was trying hard not to laugh out loud as she listened to the people around her. As she calmed, a new feeling overtook her senses: dizziness.

Using up so much of her magic twice in a row was straining on Skye’s body. Last time, she’d eaten almost right afterwards, so it wasn’t so taxing. With her adrenaline and excitement in overdrive, Skye hadn’t felt the side effects from the fight until that moment..

As she started to sway, Tidas was at her side, propping her up as he said; “I think that’s enough conversation until you eat and get cleaned up.”

“Ima inclined to agree with ye, husband,” Skye replied in a soft tone, then apologized to the Highlanders for her temporary absence. They all nodded and apologized back for keeping her right after the fight, then started discuss how amazing it was amongst themselves..

As the sun dipped below the mountains, a beautiful array of colors played at the feet of the encroaching clouds. It was a very beautiful sight, and one that they could only see while in the Highlands. As Skye stared up, a comforting arm tightened around her shoulders..

“Thank you, husband,” Skye said with a soft smile.

“Any time, wife. Are you enjoying yourself?” Tidas asked as he pulled her against his side.

“Aye, which is a weird thought considerin’ what we just did, and what we came here for. I just never expected it to be this...peaceful, I guess.”

“Highlanders aren’t all that different from Alconians. We all need and want the same things, it just comes easier to us because of our geography. They’re a hard people, but only because that’s their way. It doesn’t make them barbaric.”

“My, how yer tune’s changed,” Skye replied in a teasing manner.

Tidas quirked an eyebrow; “Since we met Petrie, I haven’t-”

“What? I heard me name,” Petrie asked as he came out of a group of people.

Skye chuckled as Tidas tried to explain what they were saying, but the moment he let go of her, she nearly fell down. Petrie freaked out and asked what was wrong over and over, in various ways.

Motioning for him to come closer, all dramatic-like, Skye whispered to him; “Food...”

Petrie’s expression deflated as he looked at the smiling princess, and replied; “Yer an asshat!”

Skye grinned cheekily and yelled back as Tidas carted her off; “But ye love me!”

“Like a bratty sister that Ma dropped on her head too many times!” Petrie hollared back, inciting a glare from Amara.


The sounds of laughter and good times could already be heard as Skye and Tidas ate a bit of fruit, and cleaned themselves up. They chatted a bit about their fight, cuddled a moment, then walked out their door into crowds of people. Cutting through the throngs of people to reach the food area, Skye’s stomach did flip flops as they made their way to the room..

People walked about as the party was already in full swing. Games, dancing, and good conversations were being had all around as Highlanders and Alconians alike partied. The alcohol and food were flowing freely as everyone celebrated peace for the first time in generations.

The smell of food wafted through the air, and literally made Skye’s stomach roar with need. Upbeat, folksy music rebounded off of the walls, and filled the space with a pleasant atmosphere.

The first thing Skye did was eat. Because it was such short notice, there wasn’t a whole lot of variety, but she didn’t care as long as they had quantity..

Two types of stew were available, and she ate three bowls of both kinds over rice, with two loaves of bread. One stew had chunks of beef, broccoli, carrots, and mushrooms in it. The other had a sweet and spicy base with chicken, corn, black beans, and something crunchy that tugged at her nostalgia.

When Skye asked the cook what it was, he smiled and told her that it was a kind of radish called a daikon. They were easy to grow because they required little care and maintenance. The vegetable added a mild spice to dishes, and absorbed the flavors around them.

“That’s why it’s familiar! Genie! He put it in that stir fry stuff he used to make!” Tidas exclaimed as he stood next to his wife, eating.

Skye chuckled; “Of course ye would remember details about food..”

“I make it a point to remember delicious things..”

Tidas’ eyes were sultry as he’d spoken, making Skye think of their many.. delectable moments. She leaned against him as they quickly finished eating, both now determined to leave the party early. Once they handed in their dishes, the two locked arms, then headed out into the party..


Skye danced with Tidas, Draxzel, Petrie, Ronnie, Arthur, and a bunch of the Highlanders. Many were making passes at her, but she’d kindly deflect them. Only one had given her an issue, and that was Mickey. She didn’t want to dance with him due to how drunk he already was, so Petrie kindly escorted him out...

Tidas had actually become annoyed that he had to wait several times to dance with Skye, but became preoccupied with his own requests. More than a few of the Highlander women had shown up with the hopes of catching the Southern Prince’s eye. However, as the night progressed, it became obvious that their affections were solely reserved for their partner.

It was adorable to most, but angered a select few; like Malcolm. Skye was the Last Warrick, and he still didn’t like the fact that she had married a MacArthur, regardless of his Winchester bloodline. As he watched them enjoying themselves, the cogs of his mind began to turn in sinister ways...

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