Dawning Skye

Chapter 332

332 Bonus Reward


Once Skye got the hang of it, clearing out the other fields was a relatively simple task. Murdoc did have to go get another three pizzas for her after the second field, but she cleared them all without an incident.

The final field had a group of spectators hanging around right at the boundary. Many wanted to see Skye’s powers in action, but aside from the tremors in the ground, they saw and felt nothing. It was a bit of a letdown compared to when she was fighting in the bout, but they were grateful none the less.

As the group came out of the field, the Highlanders cheered for the Hero Warrick, and bombarded her with questions about her magic. She lasted about twenty minutes before the questions started to either repeat, or become too personal for her to answer.

By the time they made it back to the RMC bunker, Ralph and Arthur were furious. They’d been gone all day, and were trying to leave again so Skye could bathe. The RMC showers were in constant use, and she had missed her slotted time.

Amara offered to let them use her home, but after their subordinates had a meltdown, Murdoc allowed them to use the single family bunker just across from their area. The people that lived there before had moved due to the noise from their ‘new neighbors’, and the living space wasn’t currently occupied.

It was tiny compared to every other bunker they’d seen so far. Opening the door revealed a small living room area with two bookshelves on the wall immediately to their left. A decent-sized TV screen was mounted on the wall directly across from a two-person couch with a coffee table between them.

Walking straight ahead led into a small kitchen area, then passed that was a small bedroom with an attached bathroom. It had a sink and mirror, a tub, a shower head, and a little table to put your towel on.

The previous residents were an elderly couple, so the tub was designed for them. A tiny seat was built into the wall of the bath so the occupant didn’t have to stand. Skye’s eyes practically sparkled as she imagined soaking in it..


Murdoc explained how some of the items worked, then pointed to a tiny care package on the kitchen counter and said; “Ye two are welcome to anythin’ here. We’ll replace it tomorrow. Ye can use as much water as ye want, too. Everything goes through a triple filtration system, then reused throughout the Highlands. As a bonus fer what Skye did, ye two can have this bunker ta yer selves tonight.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Tidas smiled at him, but shook his head in the negative; “I think Ralph and Arthur might kill us if we don’t-”

“Amara is winnin’ those two over as we speak. By the time she’s done, if they refuse, they’ll look like the most ungrateful bastards that ever lived.”

Tidas and Skye both laughed as Skye replied; “I don’t doubt it. That woman is somethin’ else.”

“Aye, that’s why I leave all the big decisions up ta her and the Council. I only step in if there’s a tie on a matter,” Murdoc stated with a smile.

Tidas quirked an eye; “Sounds closer to the way Sai does things. Normally a council only advises their ruler, not the other way around.”

“Aye, but I don’t like makin’ choices. Especially ones that can bite me on me pretty arse in the end. I could make all the rules, and there’s a few on the council that are badgerin’ me ta be more involved, but that’s mostly Malcolm.. And cause he loses ta Amara all the time.”

Murdoc stretched as he added; “They just respect her more. She’s fought fer her people. She’s lost loved ones, but still kept goin’ fer the sake of ’em. Honestly I don’t see why she just won’t take the crown from me, but she says Ima just as loved.”

Tidas chuckled; “From what I’ve seen, your people respect you above anyone else, and they’re right to. Without you, no one could’ve held me back.”

Murdoc laughed, too, as he replied; “And I would’ve mowed over yer wee RMC bairns in armor without ye around ta protect ’em.”

As the two traded macho, backhanded compliments, Amara returned with comfortable clothes for each of them, and a promise of fresh sheets, pillows, and a blanket to be delivered shortly. Skye thanked her profusely for them since her only other body suit was being washed.

Each RMC member had only brought two body suits, socks, undergarments, and their armor. Their packs needed to carry food and water more than sleeping clothes. Plus they weren’t expecting to be inside anything other than flimsy tents. Changing clothes to sleep in would’ve been pointless.

Once the two cleared out, Skye and Tidas looked around a bit before a knock sounded from the door. Klaus and Ronnie were outside, standing guard as was their jobs. Murdoc had given them special permission to pass between the two bunkers, and spread the word to the guards that monitored their section.

Once they took the sheets and made the bed, Skye declared that she was going to get into her bath. She still had dust and dirt in her hair from when she cleared out the reactor, and desperately wanted to get clean.

“You’ve got twenty minutes, wife. Best get to it,” Tidas said in a serious manner, even though he was joking with her.

“Ha! Not on yer life, love. I’ll be at least an hour once I slip inta that water, and yer not gonna change that,” Skye replied as she had him unzip her body suit.

After she bent down to slip the suit off, Tidas pulled her against himself from behind. She was naked except for her necklace, but Skye rarely took it off. She often forgot that it was on, she was so used to it.

Since it was a piece of the Northern Star, Skye wasn’t about to leave it behind. The way that the body suits were designed, it covered the stone and most of the choker. So she’d been wearing it every day since they’d left.

When she straighten her back, Tidas pulled her against him, and kissed at her neck. Skye purred like a well-fed cat as she leaned into him, allowing his hands to travel across her bared breasts at his leisure. When his touches started to turn hungry, she pulled away from him..

Turning to face him, Skye grinned mischievously then said; “Not until we’re clean, husband. I refuse ta get an infection because yer too impatient.”

Tidas quirked an eyebrow at her; “Flimsy excuse, but aye.. I’ll wait if you insist. But don’t go taking an hour in there, wife. I need to bathe, too.”

Skye smirked in response; “Then I suggest that ye go first. Like I said, I ain’t cuttin’ me soakin’ time short fer anythin’, or anyone..”

Grumbling as he passed her, Skye smacked her husband’s arse, which made him smile as he swatted her hand away. As soon as the door closed, she fell back on the squishy new mattress with a grin still on her face. As soon as she heard the water going, Skye nodded off..


When Tidas came out of the bathroom and saw Skye curled up naked on the bed, it was hard to contain himself. She had pulled her legs up, and rolled to her side; exposing her perfect little arse to him.

He was torn between smacking it like Skye had done to him, and curling up around her. As Tidas watched her, waking her up in a very pleasant way was the most tempting option available. But she’d get angry at him once she realized that she hadn’t bathed yet.

Sighing with a touch of regret, Tidas kissed her shoulder as he whispered; “Time to get up, love.. It’s your turn in the bathroom.”

Skye stirred, but didn’t get up. Watching her face twitch with displeasure, an idea popped into his head. Leaving Skye where she was, Tidas went back into the bathroom to fill the tub for her. When he came back out, Skye was still in the same spot he’d left her, lightly snoring away.

After five minutes of gentle attempts, Tidas finally used a last resort; “Your bath is ready, love. If you don’t get in, Peggy’s gonna tan your backside..”

Skye grumbled angerily, but she sat up. After rubbing at her eye for a minute, she slid off the bed, and walked towards the door like a zombie. When she went to grab the door handle, she remembered where they were, and turned back towards Tidas with a glare.

“I am not amused, husband.. Not at all.”

Tidas laughed as he laid down on the bed; “Got you up, didn’t it? Behold! The power of Peggy!”

“Ima tellin’ her ye said that,” Skye yelled as she went into the bathroom.

“I’ll deny it!” he yelled back with amusement in his tone.

When he heard Skye’s ‘Aww’ from slipping into the hot water, Tidas relaxed on the bed. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist as he stretched out in the middle of it. As he listened to Skye splash around, Tidas soon drifted off to sleep like Skye had..


When Skye finally came out of the bathroom, she felt alive again. There wasn’t another feeling quite like being freshly out of a long bathing session; especially a long bath. While she preferred showers, soaking in the bath, scrubbing, then rinsing in a shower was bliss to her.

As she closed the door behind her, she saw her husband sprawled out on the bed. He only had a towel on, which was barely covering him after he’d bent a knee, and raised his leg. As she stood next to the bed, Skye admired her husband’s muscular body..

His legs were thick and firm, and his hip bones showed right above the towel line. The dark-brown patch of hair on his chest didn’t do much to obscure the detailed lines on his chest. As her eyes trailed down the thin line of hair that went from near his bellybutton, down to his manhood.. Skye felt her desire stir..

Like a cat on the prowl; she slid onto the bed without a sound. Looking him up and down, Skye lightly trailed a finger down the middle of his chest, all the way down to his towel line. The fold was in the front, off to the side..

When she pulled it loose, Tidas stirred, but didn’t wake. Pulling the towel back, Skye found that her husband was already halfway to where she wanted him. A devilish grin spread across her face as she leaned up, and gently kissed his lips.

Responding on instinct, Tidas kissed her back lightly. The fuzzy thought crossed his mind that it was most likely a kiss good night. But as her lips went from his, to his jaw, to his neck, and continued down; Tidas’ body knew what she was doing before he did..

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