Dawning Skye

Chapter 349

349 Holiday Help

It was only three days away from Yuletide, and Skye was rushing to help the weavers and bottle makers fill their holiday orders. After she had been finished, the shop owners begged her to help..

Word had gotten out where the Last Warrick was getting her gift items from, and the shops had become swamped with requests. Most wanting their orders filled before the start of the holiday. The owners promised to pay Skye a far wage, but that wasn’t what she wanted in exchange..

From the weavers, she wanted a comfortable mat for Zazzy to sleep on. From the glass makers, she wanted vials made. The quality of the ones made by the Highlanders was extraordinary, and there was a special kind of set that she wanted each hospital, and the palace medical ward to have.

If it worked out the way she wanted, then they might order more sets from the Highlanders, and begin regular trading between the two kingdoms. Although technically the Highlands were a part of Alcon, the treaty dictated that they could retain their own royalty.

Their power was kept in check by handing over taxes and indoctrination candidates, but the Highlanders still maintained their general independence. Their indoctrination age was set at seventeen instead of sixteen, and the taxes they paid were only a percentage of what others did. Marco hadn’t been particularly happy to reduce their pay-in amount, but dealt with it once Magnus made the final choice.

Since the tax amount was reduced, the Highlander families could still afford to buy their Yuletide gifts. Magnus had been told by Petrie that their people didn’t have much in the way of gold, but that didn’t mean that the Highlanders didn’t have their own way to pay for things..

Although physical currency was accepted at all stores and shops, most used what they called Income Cards. They had gotten the idea from ancient movies and books that used things called Credit Cards. The difference being that you Had to have the finances within your account to use the cards.

Highlanders didn’t believe in the ancient’s concept of ‘credit’. From what they saw, it hurt more people than helped, so it wasn’t allowed in the Highlands. Tabs could be run by local establishments, but they took on the responsibility of all debt incurred that wasn’t paid off.

Usually only well-known regulars were allowed tabs: except for Skye and Tidas. They were celebrities at Mead Hall, and usually didn’t have to pay, but always left a tip. They’d brought Alconian gold coins, which were solid gold, not plated like the Highlander coins.


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At a fare exchange rate, one Alconian coin equaled three Highlander coins. So every time they gave a tip, they were essentially covering three. The waitresses at Mead Hall had all agreed to pay any balance left on their tab when the Alconians went home, but highly doubted there’d be one.

The glass maker had offered a tab for Skye, too, but she’d happily paid her bill in full instead. The prices in the Highlands were close to what the Alconians paid at home, but they were still getting triple their money’s worth due to the currency difference.

It was to the point now that chaperoned groups of Alconians were allowed into the city for a couple hours every few days. It took that long to rotate through them all, and they had to be accompanied by at least two Highlanders when touring.

They were going to wait until the signing ceremony to allow the RMC Members to venture out of the bunker. But with Yuletide nearly there; Murdoc and his people wanted to show some holiday cheer to the Southerners..

All of the school children, and a few of the adults that Skye had saved made decorations for the bunker for them. The Mystic Unit went out and cut down a tree for them, and the shop keepers all donated extra ornaments and garland to put on the tree.

The gesture had warmed Skye’s heart to the point of tears, and they still weren’t done with their generosity. There were a few certain movies that were Yuletide classics for the Highlanders, and they wanted to share them with the Southerners.

An old projector and movie reader were found and brought to their bunker, so the RMC Members could have movie nights. It was a Huge hit since the Mage Trial screens were the closest thing to a movie they’d ever seen. Next would be a play, but they liked the movies much better.

As the soldiers all watched a grown man running around in an elf costume, Skye thought of Tidas and Petrie last year. Feeling a bit nostalgic, she went outside to sit with Zazzy a while. As she headed for the door, she was stopped by Amara, who followed behind her when she said where she was going.

As soon as they came out, Zazzy poked her head out of her little house. She had just finished her dinner, and was excited to see her mother. Tidas had come outside earlier and played with her. They even went for a ride, but she wasn’t supposed to tell her mother that..

He was currently having a drink with his men and some of the Highlanders as they talked, and watched the movie. Murdoc and Petrie had become regulars at the RMC bunker as well, having developed friendships with Ralph, Arthur, and the rest of the rowdy crew.

Tidas had watched his wife slip out with Amara, and hoped that his sweet scaly lassie could keep her thoughts to herself. Skye didn’t want them flying around in the snow, regardless of the time of day. The blizzards in the Highlands came on quickly, and usually lasted days.

If they got caught out in one, there was a high chance that they would freeze to death before they could be found. Not wanting to risk it, Skye made a rule for Zazzy: if there’s snow, it’s a no-go. Not that Tidas listened..

Seeing that Amara was with her, the dragon became extra excited, and shook her house as her tail smacked against it from her enthusiasm. Skye and Amara both chuckled as they walked over, and started petting her.

Amara had come to talk with Skye about trivial things, having nothing more pertinent to tend to. Malcolm’s trial was set for after the holidays, and Gavin had kicked her out of his office so he could get some work done.

According to him, she was too tempting of a distraction, and he needed to fix some parts for the hydroelectric dam. Reluctantly, she left him in his office, but not before they had a bit of fun together..

Amara and Skye talked for over an hour before Tidas ventured outside in search of his wife. Judging by the way he was walking and talking: Skye knew why he was looking for her.

Tidas had been drinking heavily since the incident with Raymond a few days ago. He would have Skye heal him, then go back to drinking until she came and retrieved him for bed. It wasn’t a healthy cycle, and Skye was about to break it..

“My love! My life! Stars of my Moon! Wait, that’s not right.. What’s that guy from your show says that you like: I need yer healin’ touch,” Tidas slurred nearly every world as he’d spoken.

Skye had seen Tidas drunk plenty of times, but he had never let himself go like this before. The guilt of killing Raymond was eating at him, and Skye wasn’t sure what to say about it..

“What’s wit this foolishness?! Dinna heal him, Skye. The man needs ta learn a wee bit of self-restraint,” Amara stated.

Tidas glared at her; “Tis none of yer business, Fire woman. This be between me and me wife..”

“I think Amara has a point,” Skye started as she glared at him for his rude attitude; “Ye have been doin’ this every night since Raymond’s death, and it isna good fer ye. I refuse ta heal ye.”

Tidas flashed her his puppy dog face, but she still didn’t give in. The shots he’d just taken with Ralph and Murdoc weren’t sitting right in his stomach, and he was starting to feel queasy..

Frustrated, Tidas said something that he never would’ve said sober; “Get yer arse over here, and heal me, wife! I’m yer husband! So what I say in law-”

The look in Skye’s eyes was a warning of death, and even drunk off of his ass: Tidas recognized it. Knowing it meant that he’d pissed her off, his stomach clenched..

As Tidas stood swaying, he said; “I don’t feel-”

Before he could finish his sentence, the Alconian Prince was puking his guts out. Skye wanted to help him, but he wouldn’t learn anything if she did. Amara was laughing so hard that she had doubled over..

“Hahaha! Karma came quick fer yer arse! Hahahahaha!”

As Amara laughed until she cried, Tidas begged Skye to ‘make it stop’. Taking pity on him, she went over and healed him, but only his sickness. She had intentionally left him at his limit..

“Not gonna heal the rest, are you?” Tidas asked in between spitting several times.

“Nope,” came Skye’s simple, yet angry reply.

“...Fair enough. I’m sorry for what I said. You know that I see you as my equal in every way.”

Skye eyed Tidas skeptically; “Aye, but ye still need ta understand that I willna accept that kinda behavior from ye in a serious manner: ever. Ye will be sleepin’ wit yer drinkin’ buddies tonight, Husband. Tis the punishment fer ye tryin’ ta give me an order as yer wife.”

“Aye, wife.. I’ll sleep with Zazzy then. Would you like that, my sweet girl? Dada keepin’ you company?” Tidas asked as he rubbed her snout.

Zazzy smiled until he breathed on her. She made a forced sneezing sound as she stared at her father. After a few seconds, Tidas smiled and said; “Aye, I know. I’ll brush my teeth before I come in..”

Amara shook her head; “I still canna get over that she has a link to ye. All of the old tomes say that the bond has ta be exceptional fer ye ta manifest a neural link. Only a handful of riders ever accomplished it.”

“Well, we did raise her from an egg.. I take it that those tomes are how ye knew where Zazzy really came from?” Skye asked, realizing that Amara had never finished telling her what she knew about Snare.

“Not those, but one of his diaries he left to me ancestor. It talks about the Great Betrayal, and about the Celestial Objects,” Amara pulled a small flask from her robes as the snow kicked up again.

“What did it say?” Skye asked with contained enthusiasm.

Amara took a drink, then attempted to hand it to Tidas, who grimaced. After a small chuckle, she handed the flask to Skye as she smirked and said; “Fer one thing, Zazzy is no ordinary dragon..”

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