Dawning Skye

Chapter 81

81 Amazingly Awkward

Skye still sat naked on her husband’s lap as they laughed. There was no doubt in either of their minds that their driver had heard their cries of pleasure. As their laughter subsided, Tidas played with one of his wife’s curls. They sat still for a while; simply enjoying each other’s presence before Tidas broke the silence.

“Alright my love; time to dress. I’m famished, since you drained me.”

“Yer drained; ha! I can’t feel me legs anymore,” Skye said a little too happily as she sat up to look at her husband.

After a chuckle, Tidas folded a stray curl behind Skye’s ear and muttered; “So beautiful..”

Skye’s heart thumped in her chest at her prince’s words. His gaze was warm and his smile was soft as he’d spoken. If they hadn’t just made love, Skye would’ve taken him then. It was silly to her, how he could make her heart skip a beat with such simple words. But that was what she assumed love did to people.

Placing her had on his cheek, Skye looked into her husband’s eyes adoringly and said; “I love you, Tidas..”

The prince was in trouble now, and he knew it. He was head over heels in love with his wife. All she would ever have to do was ask, and he would give her all he had. His own emotions were reflected back at him in her eyes as she’d spoken. Without warning; Tidas smashed his lips onto his wife’s.

Skye welcomed his fervor and matched it. He was incredible to her in every way possible. Strong, brave, tender, and he loved her wholly. He loved her enough to give her the possibility to leave him. Which was something only death would cause her to do.

After their kiss, Skye regretfully got off of Tidas to dress. She hadn’t realized how cold it had gotten, until away from his warmth. She shivered and chattered her teeth as she dressed, causing Tidas to laugh under his breath at her antics. Skye looked at her husband with bewilderment, but began to chuckle openly at him instead of questioning his source of amusement.


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“Ye might want to keep yer cloak on until ye get a chance to change yer pants, hahahahaha!” Skye’s laughter rebounded inside the stagecoach, making it seem louder than it was.

When Tidas looked down at his pants, he understood why she’d commented in such a way. Their lovemaking had left quite a mess on the outside of his pants. The prince half-groaned, half-laughed at his predicament. His pants from the wedding were packed up, and they had no means of reaching them from inside the coach.

“Maybe after ye lace me up, we can have the driver stop. I need to feed Zazzy again, anyways. And it’s difficult to eat while traveling,” Skye stated as she turned her back to her husband.

“Aye, we can stop long enough for that.. We’re already late as it is. Half an hour shouldn’t make a difference,” Tidas replied as he pulled the strings at the bottom, and began to tighten them; working his way up.

Once his task was completed, Tidas banged on the roof to the stagecoach to gain the attention of the driver. Feeling the coach slowing; Skye opened and stuck her head out the small window. She yelled at the top of her lungs for him to stop; startling the coachman as he focused on controlling the horses. After coming to a full stop; the coachman climbed down from his seat, and opened the door for the young couple.

Skye stepped out first, with the heavy basket of food in tow. The coachman smiled and offered to take it for her, but wouldn’t look her in the eyes. He’d clearly heard them earlier, and was obviously embarrassed by the situation. Skye laughed inwardly as she blocked most of his view of the prince.

Tidas quickly went around to the back of the stagecoach, where a large trunk was attached. Since they didn’t bring too many things with them to begin with, it was all they needed. Their clothes along with Zazzy were on top. The journals they’d gotten from the real DragonSnare Cottage were at the bottom.

The prince had the bundles of leather and the books from the store, stored on top of the stagecoach. It distributed the weight more evenly, therefore putting less of a burden on the horses and wheels. The dragon leather wasn’t all that heavy, but the amount they had made it so. The driver had been curious, but Skye spun an intriguing tale that satisfied him. And it even covered her feeding Zazzy.

“I wanted to do some experiments on ways to process the leather. As well as test it’s integrity against magic. But constant use of me magic drains me so.. It’s best I eat before or during using it. We would’ve done it in the coach, but I accidentally packed up the piece I was gonna use.. Sorry for the delay; but on the bright side, ye can share our meal with us!”

The princess’ mere presence was more effective than her story had been. The driver had barely registered what she was saying; he was too focused on not staring at her. Between her kind manner, beauty, and what he’d heard coming from the coach before; it was nearly impossible to look her in the eyes... Let alone ask questions.

After Tidas changed his pants in the coach; he joined the two, and handed Skye her ‘rock’. She seemed overly happy to see it, at least to the driver. Since it was so cold out, the three ate inside the stagecoach. As soon as they opened the basket, all three grinned at the delectable smells that began to fill the small area.

There was a large bundle of elk jerky, and four thick slices of ham off to one side. A good sized wedge of cheese wrapped in cheese cloth separated it from the rest. Two large, fresh baked loafs of bread, a medium sized tub of apple butter, and four perfectly ripe apples were next to it. It was a simple, but delicious meal.

Skye had only eaten the jerky and two apples. The two men made sandwiches from the ham and cheese. Tidas saw the driver spread some of the apple butter on one side of the bread before putting the ham and cheese down. It seemed strange to him at first, but he was pleasantly surprised by the sweet and salty combination.

Ripping off a small piece of the sandwich; Tidas gave some to Skye as she ‘experimented on her rock'(fed Zazzy). The princess loved the combinations of flavor; the cinnamon in the apple butter complimented the saltiness of the ham, and the sweetness from the apples accented the mild cheddar.

“I think I might have a new favorite sandwich!” Skye commented after she inhaled the last bite.

“Ima relation to the owner of the orchard. I’ll tell him to send a barrel of apple butter to the capital for ye,” the coachman replied as he finally made his first, albeit short; eye contact with Skye.

Tidas grinned as his wife smiled at the nervous coachman. He was obviously still uncomfortable around them. If their situations were reversed, Tidas probably would’ve been reacting the same way. Feeling sympathetic; he offered the man to take the last of the jerky while driving the coach. Tidas also climbed up onto the roof of the stagecoach to fetch him a good-sized piece of the leather to wrap about himself. To better protect himself against the wind and cold for their journey.

The sun was beginning to set, and the temperature was steadily dropping. The driver thanked the prince for his consideration, and accepted the leather. While Tidas and the coachman conversed, Skye packed up Zazzy snuggly in her wedding dress. After the couple relieved themselves and got comfortable again; the stagecoach took off .

Skye and Tidas talked for around an hour or so before they grabbed the crescent shaped pillows the driver had bought. They put them around their respective necks, and were pleasantly surprised by how comfortable they were. Not getting much sleep the night before; the newlyweds snuggled under there blanket together, and drifted off to sleep.

They’d only slept for around two hours before the stagecoach came to a stop. Skye groggily sat up and looked out the window. Seeing the dark, but familiar courtyard made her both smile, and want to sulk. She didn’t want to face her father; to hear him say what her heart already knew.

Tidas had seen the shift in his wife’s features. He knew what she was worried about, and placed his hand on her back in sympathy and support. Skye smiled softly and thanked her husband for his concern before the door to the coach opened.

Cheers and clapping filled the courtyard as the newlyweds stepped out of the stagecoach. Almost all the household staff and servants were gathered to greet the royal couple; including the lord and lady. Dozens of torches lined the courtyard; allowing all to see relatively clearly. Peggy stood at the forefront, with tears in her eyes. As soon as Skye saw her, she began to run to the old woman.

The people in the courtyard smiled warmly at their young lady. They were proud of the young woman they’d all watched grow. Skye showing affection to Peggy was normal to them, even if most others considered it improper. The bond the two shared was akin to a mother and daughter, and wouldn’t change due to anyone’s opinion.

Tidas sauntered over to Lord and Lady Moonstone with a smile. He didn’t look much different to his in-laws, but both him and their daughter seemed happier than they’d ever been. Lidia hugged her son-in-law, and Lucas shook his hand.

Skye looked over to the rest of her family and sighed. Peggy had caught it, and asked her bairn what was troubling her. When all she’d say was ‘Da’, the old woman replied, “Just remember how loved ye are me bairn.. By all who know ye.”

“Haha! I love ye, Peg. But not everyone adores me as ye do,” Skye quipped at her.

Peggy chortled at Skye before retorting; “Those with good taste do...”

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