Dawning Skye

Chapter 85

85 Rifts

Lucas Moonstone followed his daughter down the hallway to her room. Skye had insisted on having their discussion in there, instead of his office. She wanted to be comfortable when she asked her father about her almost-wedding with Jacob Fowler.

Lucas had been in his daughter’s room a total of five times in her life. Three times when she was a baby, once after the prince had supposedly died, and when Skye fought off Jacob. It was her private space, and he didn’t feel the need to intrude upon her when she always had Peggy near.

Skye offered her father a seat on the small couch that faced the large window. They sat down next to each other, and allowed a heavy silence to fill the room. Several minutes had passed when Peggy came into the room with a bottle of whiskey for the lord, and a glass of watered wine for her lady.

After setting the tray down on the bed, Peggy brought over the drinks, then left. She could feel the tension in the room, and did not wish to be around when it imploded. After she shut the door, Skye waited until her father finished his first drink before she spoke to him.

“No doubt, from yer reactions, that me husband has discussed me issues with ye already?” Skye questioned her father calmly.

“Aye, he did.. He fears for yer feelings. He wanted me to have clear answers for ye about yer marriage to Jacob..” Lucas attempted to be diplomatic in his explanation, but it didn’t matter much.

Lord Moonstone could tell his daughter was upset with Tidas now. He felt bad for the lad, but he did want Lucas to be completely honest with his daughter. It wasn’t his fault it was slightly backfiring on the prince.

“Did ye know of his... tastes, before ye sold me to him?” Skye questioned harshly; irritated from Tidas’ betrayal of her confidence.

Lucas openly flinched at his daughter’s inquiry before replying; “No... But to be honest, it hadn’t crossed me mind to check such a thing. But if I would’ve found out-”


“The damage would’ve already been done!” Skye stood and began to pace as her ire built.

“I understand that ye would saved countless lives by sacrificing me... But what of my life?! Yer me Father! Of all the girls in the world, I am the one You Are supposed to protect! Ima Yer daughter! Are strangers really more important to ye?!”

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Skye’s words cut at her father’s heart. He never knew she disliked Jacob so much. Peggy had told him that the lad took every opportunity he could, to try and be alone with Skye. He’d given her strict instructions not to ever leave her alone with him. Considering what he was trying to entrap the Fowlers for, he didn’t trust the boy to be alone with his daughter.

Lucas wasn’t a complete fool; he’d made arrangements for Fowler castle to be raided as soon as the wedding was completed. But there was never a guarantee that they’d find anything incriminating before Skye had consummated the marriage. In her father’s mind; she had every right to hate him.

“I love ye, Skye.. Yer me only child. I never wanted ye to marry Jacob, but with the death of the prince-” Lucas tried to explain, but Skye cut him off.

“Oh, don’t try to pull that shit on me, Da.. I know of the message Tidas sent ye! I also know that instead of calling off the wedding, ye sent word to Tidas to come and do yer dirty work for ye! Why did ye not call off the wedding?!”

“I couldn’t risk them leavin! I had the magistrate on standby at their castle to raid it; if they’d left, then me plan would’ve been ruined. Then the people-”

“I Don’t want yer excuses, Da! Ye basically SOLD me to that monster for yer own gain... Yer no better than the slavers to me now....”

Skye stormed out of her room in a fury, and went straight for the stables. Tidas was waiting for her with Thoth and his own horse, saddled and ready to go. She was surprised to see him, but utterly grateful he’d anticipated how the talk would go. Even if she was irritated with him as well for speaking with her father.

He stood next to the horses with a thick cloak for her. After shooting her husband a curt smile; Skye put on the cloak, put her foot in the stirrup, and hopped onto Thoth.

They didn’t ride far, due to the late hour. Just around the castle a few times at breakneck speeds. Coming to the side that had Skye’s courtyard, she broke off from their previous route, and headed to the loch. She trotted over, dismounted, and stood looking at the still water. Wishing her emotions would mimic it’s calm.

Tidas did the same and walked up behind his wife to embrace her from the back. They stood in the cold night air; looking at the perfect reflection of the partial moon. After twenty minutes of silence, Skye broke it by saying; “Ima terrible person...”

“No you’re not, Skye. You’re just hurting.. Anyone would be, in your situation,” Tidas replied as he squeezed his wife lightly.

“Yes I am... I didn’t want to yell, but I did. I didn’t want to make him feel worse, but I did.. Ima selfish brat. I know how many suffer, and I know that me father was just tryin’ to save them... But damn it, he’s my Da... He should’ve protected me....”

Skye turned in her husband’s arms to cry into his chest. Tidas stroked her hair as he made little comfort noises. He didn’t blame her; they’d just gotten onto good terms, at the wedding. The prince hadn’t wanted to tell her, but he couldn’t lie to his wife; Skye’s the most important person in the world to him.

After some time had passed, the princess had finally regained control. She wiped her puffy eyes, and apologized to her husband for soaking his shirt. He chuckled slightly before cupping her cheek, and kissing her softly. He folded a curl behind her ear, leaned back slightly, and asked if she loved her father.

Skye bit the tip of her thumb before replying; “Aye, he’s me Da.. That’s why this is so hard.”

“Then don’t think about it.. I know that sounds condescending, but you’re working yourself up over something that didn’t-can’t, ever happen,” Tidas cupped both of his wife’s cheeks before continuing; “I love you, Skye.. And so does Lucas. I don’t think he ever meant for you to be in danger.”

Skye let her husband’s words sink in. Based on what her father had told her; he’d had no idea of Jacob’s darkness, other than his business side. He’d never even heard rumors, which would explain why he signed the contract as bait. But it’d still been a miracle that even Tidas survived. Skye couldn’t help but think of what would’ve happened, had he not shown up when he did..

“Out your head, wife..This is where you belong...” Tidas’ voice was low as he leaned in to kiss his wife.

It wasn’t passionate; it was full of love. Tidas truly suffered whenever he saw Skye hurting. It ate at him that he couldn’t do anything else for her. But he’d already interfered by rebuking her father before dinner. And to be honest; the prince was surprised his wife wasn’t mad at him over it.

After breaking the kiss, the two went back to staring at the loch. With her head a little bit clearer, Skye realized that the water level had dropped by several feet. It exposed the whitish-colored rocks that made up the base of the walls.

The loch had been there much, much longer than the castle. Lucas had his castle built from the ground up, to his specifications. And he’d picked the spot it was build due to the loch’s location. It was close enough to Warrick Forest to keep an eye on it, but far enough away not to cause Lidia and Lucas constant pain due to their memories.

It had taken six years for it to be built. In truth; Lucas had commissioned it built when Skye’s true mother, Sorcha, was still alive. He was going to surprise her with her dream home, close to her family. When she’d died, Lucas decided to move in anyway. Sorcha had helped designed most of the castle, and he was the only one who knew it.

One of their favorite pastimes was imagining; visiting places, where they might live, and what their home would look like. Even Skye’s room had been designed by her; down to the wall colors. And she’d been the one to insist that Skye’s room be the one to face the loch..

“Did the loch lose water somehow? It looks shallow, comparatively speaking,” Tidas said out loud right as Skye was.

“Good eye, husband.. I was just gonna say the same. It’s probably due to the hot spring Maevis and I made. It uses a lot of water to maintain itself,” Skye replied matter-of-factly.

Skye huffed softly before she looked up at Tidas and added; “Don’t think yer in the clear, by the way... Ye obviously talked with me Da before dinner. Ima not happy about it, but... Ack! I guess I understand why, I suppose.”

“I’m sorry I broke your confidence.. I just thought that if he had a little warning, things might turn out better. Forgive me, love?” Tidas gave Skye his best sympathetic expression he could muster.

Skye laughed at her husband before replying in a teasing voice; “Aye, I do... So long as ye make it up to me later, husband...”

The prince squeezed his wife against himself and smirked. He knew she probably wasn’t meaning anything by it, but Tidas couldn’t help himself. He reached his right arm across her back, while he moved his left hand to cup her buttock. Squeezing firmly, the prince looked down at his wife as she yelped from his sudden grip, and said; “Aye, I’ll make up for it tenfold..”

Skye smirked cheekily at her husband before she replied; “Well; we best head back before ye get too handsy, and I lose another pair of underwear..”

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