Dawning Skye

Chapter 93

93 Fashionably Early

A short, dense silence filled the room before Tidas spoke in a confused tone; “What?! Can you clarify Ralph; you’re speaking nonsense..”

“I’m not kidding! Elk, bears, and even a couple bloody Cougars, are heading towards the castle! They be walking down the road as we speak!” Ralph sputtered slightly as he talked; still in shock from the sight.

“Oh! I know who it is! Do ye know where Maevis and Nicolas are? The Fae representatives?” Skye questioned the captain.

Thinking a few seconds, Ralph answered; “I’m not sure, princess. I believe I saw them heading to the banquet room; why? Do you think one of them called the animals here?”

The princess smiled confidently at the nervous guard captain, then replied; “I think the animals are for transportation and protection.. Tell me father, mother, and me fairy friends to come to the main courtyard, please. Prince Tidas and I will be heading there now.”

Tidas knew what Skye had guessed; either Nicolas was outside training, or what not.. Or the more likely possibility was that the Queen and King Consort of the Northern Fae settlement had arrived early. Tidas buttoned the cuffs of his shirt, and grabbed the overcoat Peggy had picked.

The prince wore dark blue pants that matched his coat; with his black boots he always had on, but now covered by his pant legs. His undershirt was an off white color that fit him well. The outfit resembled suits that Skye had seen lawyers and such wear in the capital.

Many of the tomes recovered described the style as basic ‘working man’ garb. The suit Tidas had worn for their wedding, had been inspired by one he and Skye had seen and liked as young teens. The style hadn’t been a trend back then.

It wasn’t until the recent flood of artifacts and tomes, that some described a different type of suit: outfits referred to as ‘Power Suits’. They were just like the everyday suits that had already become customary among the commoners. But better tailored, and made from higher quality fabrics.


The notion of exclusivity quickly became popular with the nobles and wealthy. The fit and wearability were much more comfortable than most of the fashions currently at court. Tidas had made the concept popular by wearing the commoner’s version, but not many did the same until some of the noble’s wives began to make their own.

They loved the idea of ‘high-end brands’ that only the upper class could afford. Many tried to get the princes to wear their specific clothing, but Tidas had always refused. He’d rather buy the fabrics for his tailor, whenever he needed a ‘higher quality’ suit made. Because to Tidas; that was the only difference that mattered: the fabric, not who made it.

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It had turned out in the prince’s favor, that his servants had the foresight to pack him two suits. Peggy knew the royal Fae were coming today, but they were several hours early. Nicolas had said they’d arrive some time mid-afternoon, but it was only nearing noon now.

Ralph looked to the prince for confirmation, bowed when he’d received it, and left to notify whom he needed to. Peggy had just finished tying the strings to Skye’s dress when she’d mentioned something about needing ‘a lot more food’, and rushed out the door. Skye giggled as Tidas looked his wife over.

Her golden hair had been pulled back from her face, but kept down. The dress Skye wore matched her husband’s suit in color; complimenting the couple well. The lining and under layer even matched the prince’s off-white shirt. The bust line wasn’t deep, but the dress was off-shoulder in style.

Tidas stared at his wife’s collarbone and neck, resisting the urge to lavish them with nips and kisses. Skye’s dresses weren’t puffy or overly decorative like most of the woman’s fashions at court. She had the same tailor make her clothes for years; often basing them off of clothes she’d seen in ancient tomes. The tailor wasn’t much older than Skye, and loved whenever she’d bring her books with her, for inspiration.

The lass couldn’t read, but the pictures and colors were all she’d wanted to see; at first. Skye began to teach her little by little over the years, once the girl found out that some of the tomes held techniques instructions within them. When the lass had finished her lessons last year; Skye had bought her a tome dedicated to different sewing and embroidery techniques.

It’d been the best gift she’d ever gotten, and nearly shattered her windows due to her squeaky excitement. It made her incredibly sad that her favorite customer was leaving. Skye swore to the girl that once she’d settled in her new home, if she wasn’t married and still wanted to; Skye would send for her. Becoming the personal seamstress to the princess was an acceptable reason to leave home to her parents; if not for marriage first.

As the couple walked through the halls hand in hand, Skye realized that this would be her final day in her home. It was a sad thought, but also held excitement for her. Tidas had always been her future, but past that; she hadn’t really thought much of it. Continuing her studies, having a family; those were the only things she thought truly awaited her.

Instead of closing off her possibilities, Tidas had given her uncountable ones. He’d signed over her rights to herself without a thought. He’d even protected her; in case they’d drifted apart, or he died. Her husband had opened up the world to her, and she was grateful for it. She squeezed his hand and smiled adoringly at him.

The smile his wife had just given him warmed Tidas’ heart, even if he didn’t know why she’d done it. When he’d asked why, she’d replied with another heart-cinching grin; “Just grateful for ye, that’s all..”

Chuckling at her cuteness, Tidas asked; “And why is that?”

“Do ye want to go and meet the royals, or stand here being flattered all day?” Skye quipped.

Tidas stopped in the doorway to the castle, pulled Skye against himself, and kissed her sweetly before saying; “You should know better than to leave the choice to me.. I’d scoop you up and take you back to the room right now, if you’d let me..”

“How about not..” Lucas said dryly as he walked up behind the young couple with Lidia.

Ignoring his commented, Skye asked; “How’s your head feelin, Da?”

“Not as bad as my face, for some reason.. Ye didn’t hit me last night, did ye daughter?”

Skye burst out in laughter at her father’s ignorance. He didn’t remember anything passed their conversation; including his face plant on the marble floor. His cheekbone and jawline looked as though bruises were beginning to form, making Skye laugh harder. After mostly calming herself, Skye stated; “No, Da.. But I suggest drinking a little less next time.”

Tidas, Lidia, and Peggy all nodded in agreement as Lucas guffawed at his daughter’s comment; “I’ll drink less when I find stronger whiskey..”

The group filled the courtyard with laughter as the Fae procession neared. Celestia could hear the human merriment, and wished to know what had been so amusing. Aero’s countenance was pensive as they approached the open gates of the human castle. Several humans guards watched them from the walls and surrounding area.

The King Consort knew where every single human was hiding. He was ready to kill every human, if he had to. The laughter he heard unnerved him slightly. It didn’t sound mocking or maniacal in any way. It wasn’t what he expected, but then again; Aero wasn’t really sure what to expect.

The human he’d met in the forest was part of the two elder’s plans to get a sanctioned settlement. He hadn’t been fond of any humans in hundreds of years, until he’d met Skye. She spared another human that had attempted to kill her; which he found utterly stupid. But it had ultimately saved her husband’s life.

The Fae king had been impressed with her improvised fighting. Then when she’d injured the queen; Skye had not only called out for help, but stood her ground when faced with Aero’ Beta. To top it off, she’d healed his wife without even realizing it; revealing her honest compassion. She was intelligent, strong willed, and kind; reminding him of Celestia a great deal.

Aero gritted his teeth at the idea of accepting humans, but for the first time in a long time; his heart didn’t feel heavy or darkened. Nicolas and Maevis think the girl’s the Catalyst, and Aero could understand why. Not because of everything the elders had told him, but something on a deeper level assured him. It was as if the magic inside him sensed her connection to the Source, and refused to let him deny it.

Celestia observed her husband as he lost himself in his thoughts. She could see the internal struggle he was in the middle of, but they were about to enter the main courtyard. Many of the people in the castle were in windows, or looking out doors at the parade of animals trekking up the road.

“Aero?! AERO!” Celestia yelled as she swatted her husband; “Could you please send away some of them?! You’re scaring the humans!”

Coming back from his thoughts; Aero apologized to his wife, and sent all but three away. His Beta that they road on, and two cougars. When Celestia noticed he wasn’t sending them away as well, she crossed her arms and stared daggers at her husband. When he acted like he didn’t see her glare, Celestia said; “No cougars, Aero! Send them away or I’ll go by Myself..”

As the Fae royals entered the courtyard, the two cougars stayed right at the threshold of the main gate. The only animal to enter was the king consort’s beta. Skye smiled and waved at them as they crossed the lengthy courtyard. Celestia returned the gestures with equal excitement.

The Queen hadn’t been very patient in waiting to meet Skye. The truth was it was Celestia who had insisted upon leaving and arriving early. She claimed it was so that the two newlyweds and representatives could leave before nightfall. But Aero knew how excited she’d been to meet the kind human who saved her.

Aero had argued; “If she wouldn’t have hit you, then you wouldn’t have needed saving in the first place.”

Celestia had countered; “I was the idiot who flew right next to her head! I would’ve smacked me, too! And you know it!”

It had been a pointless argument, but Aero truly didn’t want his wife leaving their Sanctuary. He felt like the world would be out to get her, should they ever see her. Losing his family before had destroyed any faith he’d had in human decency.. But Skye sparked something in Aero, and Celestia was determined to nurture it.

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