Dawning Skye

Chapter 95

95 Human Potential(Part Two)

As the group of nine attempted to enter the small study, Lucas decided to take their meeting out into his courtyard. Peggy left to gather refreshments, but not before setting the small table for the Fae on the outdoor set. She flashed her toothy grin at the Fae, and left.

Celestia sat down after Aero had pulled out her chair for her, like he always did. Tidas, Skye, and Lucas sat down together, while Lidia remained standing. She thanked the Fae for coming, and headed off to keep going with her daily tasks and such. But not before saying she’d be back later. After Peggy had returned with the refreshments, Lucas began to explain his plan.

“Now, yer Majesties.. First; I’d like to thank ye for traveling from yer Sanctuary to meet with me and mine. I know how cruel humans can be, and don’t blame ye for any hostility ye feel towards us, as a species..”

Lucas sipped at the tea Peggy had brought him to help with the last of his hangover, before continuing; “I would like to attempt to make begin making amends between our people. That is why I’ll be signing over the property that Warrick Forest sits upon, to the Queen.”

All four of the Fae sat with their mouths gaping open; including the king consort. The generosity that the Moonstones were showing made Aero nervous. In his experience; humans never gave something for nothing.. There was always a price; usually even two: the one they’d tell you about, and then their ‘hidden fees’.

Feeling overwhelmed by his inner conflict, Aero spoke in a snarky tone; “And what, exactly, will this cost us?”

“Nothing except to allow a select few to still hunt within the forest. It will be left up to you, where their boundaries will be. Me father did wish to see if ye would be interested in establishing a trade agreement with him, but that is a separate matter, and does not influence the deal in any way. We just figured that this way; you and yer people could experience human cultures at yer own, chosen pace. And the world could be introduced to ye through yer wares.”

Celestia’s eyes were brimming with unshed tears. She was astounded that Lord Moonstone would simply give the land to them, and with no obvious ulterior motives. The trade deal would create opportunities for the Fae to gradually enter the human world without each side enduring culture shock, and the eventual misunderstandings that often went hand in hand with it.

The queen’s wings twitched with excitement as she asked, “Are you sure that you want nothing in return for the land?”


Lucas smiled before replying; “Just the huntsmen, and a promise that ye will seriously consider a trade deal .”

“And Why, exactly, do you want a trade deal so badly?” Aero questioned in a sardonic tone.

Being completely honest, Lucas replied; “Because I can make a lot of money from it, as well as you.”

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“Greed; of course,” Aero retorted sarcastically.

Right as Celestia went to yell at her husband, Lucas replied first; “Is there any other reason for a trade deal?”

Lord Moonstone stood up before he explained his point of view; “Wanting a good life and working for it isn’t greedy, in my book. Want by itself isn’t a bad thing; it’s a part of all living things, even animals. It’s when one’s wants becomes unchecked, that evil men are made. Everyone wants to have a good, happy life.. For their loved ones and themselves. Some will always feel like their life is never enough; those are the ones who’ve drowned themselves in excess.”

“Too much of anything generally turns out badly. Too much food will leave ye fat. Too much alcohol will leave ye in an early grave.. But so long as ye can control yer self; any food is available to taste. Any spirit is available to savor.. Life is all about balance, me wee friend.”

Aero had been quite irritated with the lord’s lecture, and the ‘wee’ comment. Begrudgingly, he had to admit that Lucas was right. Any emotion could be viewed as corrupt, if the person acted in excess. Too much self-confidence led to vanity. Too much love for another hurt both parties. Even when it came to mundane things like food or possessions; Want was a pivotal driving point behind most actions; human and Fae alike.

It wasn’t anything to bond over, however; just an instinct all creatures shared. Humans created the word for a reason, and embodied the meaning behind it. Aero clenched his teeth as story after story of human atrocities flooded his mind. Having a Human lecture Him on self control caused his ire to flare.

“And how much self-control will you have after you realize it’s my people, not our wares; that will net you the biggest profit?” Aero baited Lord Moonstone in an aggressive tone.

Lucas smiled kindly before replying; “Only a fool would kill the cow to sell it’s meat when she’s still givin milk.. Besides me own personal ethics never allowing such a thing; would would be the point? A quick sale and done? Ha! Ye obviously don’t know true businessmen, yer majesty..”

“I could turn a much higher profit on wares made by actual fairies, than selling the fairies themselves.. It all comes down to marketing,” Lucas was about to start on another rant, but Aero lost his patience.

“I understand your point, but My people come first-”

“Whose People? Do not forget, dear husband, that the decision is up to Me,” Celestia abashed her husband with a sharp tone.

Celestia had been sitting quietly, sipping tea from a thimble. She didn’t like how Aero was acting, and was nearly at her limit for his unfounded animosity. Skye was beyond everything she’d hoped a human to be. While the queen understood how rare the princess was, it still gave her hope for humanity. And Aero was crushing it for her.

“Forgive me my Queen, I just think that these hu-” the king consort tried to defend himself, but Celestia had had enough.

The queen’s temper flashed red-hot, causing her glow to turn crimson as she layed into the king; “Yet you’re intentionally being dismissive of something that could benefit all of our kind! Over personal feelings that has nothing to do with the humans present!”

“Now you listen to me, Husband.. As Your Queen; I order you to reframe from speaking until speak to you; is that Clear?!”

Aero cleared his throat, looked at his wife and Queen, and sat down. Her fury was plain for everyone to see, and he knew he’d crossed a line. Celestia was the authority; he only had what she gave him, as King Consort. Without her backing, anything he said would be unfounded. The only thing supporting anything he’d said, was his hatred.

After several awkward moments, Tidas broke it by saying; “The trade deal can be dealt with shortly.. Right now we need to finish the land deal. Skye and I have a rather long journey ahead, and need to leave as soon as possible.”

“Aww..” both Skye and Celestia had groaned at the same time; causing the two to grin and giggle at each other.

The deal was straightforward enough; the land would be signed over to the Fae Empire, via the Queen. Celestia represented the Empress in all decisions concerning Fae in the northern half of the Star Continent. Since most didn’t acknowledge that Fae were actually real, she’d had few reasons to intervene. And even then; it was usually Aero who was her representative.

Celestia had barely ever left the Sanctuary since she’d arrived. Her mother had allowed her daughter to create her own settlement; her own tiny kingdom, away from home. The queen had rarely seen the land she’d come from. She’d always been locked away for her own safety. Her amount of freedom hadn’t been any different from before, to her great disappointment.

Aero was obsessed with keeping her safe. The tragic deaths of his previous family had damaged him deeply. In truth; Celestia hadn’t even wanted to bring Aero, but he’d been adamant. The honest fear in his eyes had caused her to cave, but he was doing the exact thing she feared; sabotage.

The king was highly intelligent and intuitive. His connection to the Source made him nearly telepathic when it came to the intentions of others. He’d already assured her that the intentions of those around them were pure. So the only reason her husband would be acting how he was, was due to his malice towards humans.

The king knew how angry his wife was, and knew she had every right to be. Aero had promised both her and himself, that he would try to keep an open mind. As he listened to the humans talk; the king had been surprised when Tidas chimed in.

“Wait Lucas: this needs to be altered; the law was changed right before I left.”

Lucas looked to where his son in law pointed and asked; “What needs be changed?! What did Magnus do?”

Tidas huffed testily before answering; “wasn’t my father that had it changed, twas Marco. If the Fae don’t technically buy the land, they can get hit with a new land tax my brother proposed. The local magistrate evaluates the land, and then bases the tags off of that. It’s quite Shiesty, but it’s supposed to cut down on tax dodgers, and general taxes for the people. Not that he had an addendum specifying that..”

Both of the royal Fae studied Tidas’ and Lucas’ reactions to the future king. It didn’t make them feel particularly good that they both seemed disapproving of the next king. Celestia focused on the fact that the deal was being proposed to the current king. And that as long as he approved it, the next king would be honor-bound to uphold it.

Aero saw the many issues that could arise, if the future king didn’t agree to the deal as well. If he decided to cancel their standing once in power; the whole of the world would know about them, and where to find the Fae in abundance. The protection offered by the king’s seal was imperative to their survival, once already exposed to the human world.

“What could they supposedly trade us that a magistrate would deem equivalent to a forest?” Tidas questioned our loud.

“Maybe I could have some gold melted down into a statue? Or maybe find a gemstone at Dragonhorn that we could use?” Lucas spit balled as he stared at his tea in contemplation.

About ten seconds of silence passed before Skye shot up out of her chair, ranting about the ‘perfect rock for the job’, and took off back into the castle. The prince took about three seconds before he’d caught his wife’s meaning, and burst out laughing. When the five others present inquired as to where she went, the prince just shook his head. Another minute passed before Maevis laughed out loud. She looked to Nicolas with a smile, but he failed to guess before the princess had returned with an object in tow.

Holding up a shiny, pitch black, sphere-shaped; Skye asked: “Ye think a real dragon’s egg would fetch a forest’s price, or more?”

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