Dawning Skye

Chapter 97

97 Human Potential(Part Four)

The group of Skye, Celestia, Lucas, Nicolas, and Tidas all chatted away about various things like Wyverns, and the real DragonsSnare Cottage. Tidas had barely spoken throughout their conversations. He’d make grunts, or cough occasionally, but didn’t actually add much to their talks.

Unknown to the rest, Tidas was using his trait to heighten his hearing. He was eavesdropping on the king and Maevis’ conversation. He’d distinctly heard his wife’s name spoken before they’d gotten up, and headed over to the fountain. He knew it was bad form to eavesdrop, but he hadn’t liked the looks Aero had been giving Skye.

As there talk progressed, Tidas again marveled at his wife’s compassion, and progress. She was not only developing her powers quickly, but her character as well. She was polite and political in most interactions, and treated everyone with respect. Which was why he was currently taking issue with the Fae king, for Skye had done nothing to earn his ire.

The two elder Fae had warned them of Aero’s biases beforehand, but Tidas didn’t think the king consort would be so bad. His position was similar to a queen’s in the human world; with limited power. Aero could only make decisions if the queen wasn’t present, or had given him specified authority. The prince now understood why the two elders had been so worried before, about being the ones to represent the Fae at his father’s court.

Aero would’ve most likely angered his father with his hostile attitude. Magnus was not one to suffer a fool’s presence. Tidas knew his father would’ve dismissed the Fae treaty with little to not regret. Causing many issues to arise for Lord Moonstone.

If the king consort angered Magnus enough, it could put strain on his relationship with Lucas. Possibly even cause retribution against him, if he couldn’t hold Aero and Celestia directly responsible. The entire situation would bring pain for Skye, if the king consort would’ve been allowed to go.

Tidas wished that Aero not going to the capital, wasn’t the only way to keep him in check. As a king, consort or not; his people still looked up to him. If they saw and felt his hostility, they might be inclined to agree with him, regardless of the circumstances. Aero was well liked among his people for his hard stances on stringent human interactions. Many Fae had suffered due to mankind, and the older ones remembered well, the cruel nature most humans took when faced with something that they didn’t understand.

However, people like the prince’s aunt and Skye were more common due to tomes and other various incidences; like with the Cu Sith and Nicolas’ alter Yuletide ego. Fairies and elves were beloved fairytales. Legends of the undead and barguests were tools for teaching children. Whether Aero wished to acknowledge it or not, Fae were already in the hearts of humans.

As Tidas listened to Maevis defend his wife, and even threaten her king over it, brought a smile to his face as he sipped his tea. He appreciated Maevis far more than ever, for seeing Skye almost as he did. After all the shots he’d taken at Skye throughout their conversation, Tidas was slightly shocked at Aero’s sincere sounding inquiry into Skye’s integrity. But what made the prince literally spit and choke on his tea, was Maevis explaining the dragon armor.


The elder Fae had described in great detail, from the moment they’d left the castle, to when they’d returned. How she studied the journal by the glow of Maevis as they headed to the forest. The ridiculous plan she’d come up with, and how badly it had backfired. And how Skye had stuck it out; even as her flesh cooked and melted from her bones.

Tidas had choked so badly at Maevis’ description, Skye had passed Zazzy off to her father to check her husband. She lightly smacked his back with one hand as he doubled over in a coughing fit. Placing her other hand on his arm, she asked him if he was ok in a gentle voice. The question made the old Fae’s words stick in his throat.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Tidas gingerly grabbed the hand of his wife that rested on his arm. He looked it over momentarily as he ceased his coughing, then kissed it tenderly. Looking Skye in her golden eyes that nearly matched her hair; Tidas replied; “I’m fine.. Are you feeling alright?”

Flashing a sweet, but dismissive smile; Skye retorted; “Aye.. But Ima not the one tryin to inhale their tea.”

Tidas looked one last time at Skye’s hand before saying; “True, but I’m fine.. Just went down the wrong tube, is all.”

Skye gave a skeptical stare, kissed his cheek, and returned to the group. She grabbed Zazzy from her father, who’d been cooing at the egg like it was a puppy. Nicolas and Celestia had joined in with their own baby talk, shortly before Skye had rejoined them. It was hilarious and heartwarming at the same time, inducing a giggle from the princess.

Tidas immediately glared at Maevis, who was watching from the fountain with Aero. He took a final sip from his tea to re-coat his throat, then turn his body towards the the two. Maevis watched him, and knew from his semblance that he was pissed. She stared at him maybe three seconds before she remembered the specifics of his trait.

Exhaling deeply, Maevis asked out loud in the tone she’d been using; “You can hear me, can’t you?”

After the prince nodded his head curtly in the positive, Maevis spoke again; “Eavesdropping isn’t very princely of you..”

With another curt nod in the positive; Maevis wasn’t sure if he was agreeing with her, or if he was arguing the fact. She grinned with a defeated countenance and huffed a laugh. She looked back over to the prince and asked rhetorically; “Well are you going to come ask me questions, or just stare daggers at me from afar?”

Tidas said something to Skye and the others before walking over to the two Fae. He didn’t look bothered, per say; but he exuded intimidation. Maevis actually felt the smallest twinge of threat from the prince as he approached, but wrote it off as due to his size. When she looked at Aero, Maevis could see both interest and repulsion in his eyes.

“Pardon my intrusion into your conversation, but considering the subject matter, I think you can understand my,” Tidas looked directly at Maevis as he finished; “eavesdropping.”

Maevis ignored the prince’s mock; “You best not ruin her surprise for you! That lass suffered greatly to make that for you.”

“That’s what I’m pissed about! Why on Earth would you let her do something like that?! The deal for my help was that you protect her!” Tidas was barely keeping his voice out of earshot to the group as his temper flared.

“You heard my story; it’s not like it was part of the plan! But she refused to stop.. In her mind; you got lucky the last time you went up against your uncle. She made it to protect you!”

Tidas barely even moved as he talked to the elder Fae; “It was too high a cost, Damn it! What if she damaged herself? She’s no doctor!”

“She said she was fine! And if you Don’t wear it, she’ll know that you know.. I know you never want Skye to know pain, but doesn’t it mean something to you that she’s willing to go through that to protect you?”

Tidas gave Maevis a bleak expression before replying; “Aye, it does.. It means my worst nightmares are possible..”

Scoffing loudly, Maevis bellowed derisively; “By the gods! You’re such a drama prince! She’s not going to just throw her life away! In fact she’s gonna fight like hell to live by yer side, you giant twit! Stop treating her like an invalid!”

Aero listened to the two bicker back and forth; thinking that he now understood his wife’s troubles a bit better. Watching the two go back and forth made him realize that Celestia had to deal with the same thing constantly. Usually, it was always him butting heads with some Fae or another. She was continually being a mediator between him and her other subjects.

Before their argument got out of hand, Aero intervened; “If I might interject since I am being forced to see and hear all of this..”

“After hearing Maevis out, Princess Skye seems capable of upholding her end. As a prince, you should understand my scruples of trusting someone I don’t know in the slightest.. Whom is being vouched for by those I’ve always considered to be less than respectful towards me..”

“Oh, shut it Aero. Tis not like ye didn’t deserve it.. Most of the time,” Maevis rebutted out of annoyance.

“Some of the time..” Aero admitted lightly, but the look on Maevis’ face signified that it was a huge deal for him to say it.

Celestia, Skye, and Nicolas continued on about the baby dragon as Lucas focused on the other group. He didn’t actually know why the prince had gone over, but he’d looked stern when he’d done so. Based upon experience; the one subject that elicited a hasty response from Tidas, regardless of the person, was Skye.

Being a prince; Tidas was used to dealing with royalty, nobles, and anyone else in a position of power. Lucas was one of the most influential businessmen on the Star Continent, but he wasn’t the only wealthy commoner that had ties in the capital. Several of the wedding guests had been wealthy commoners that either Lucas, or the Crown had dealings with. Most, anyway...

After Lucas had seen the conversation between the prince and the Fae die down, he approached them. Aero looked at him slightly different than before, making Lucas a little leery of the Fae king. It wasn’t a bad change, but the fact that it had happened in such a short time made Lord Moonstone pondered what their conversation could’ve covered in the twelve minutes or so since Tidas had joined them.

Aero watched Skye’s father approaching, and debated with himself on how to handle speaking to him. He’d been incredibly rude before, and now regretted his actions. The Fae king knew of Tidas’ acts of heroics, and his war on the slave trade through Nicolas and Maevis. But he hadn’t known that Lucas helped fund the majority of aid that the Crown didn’t provide after their liberation.

Using his own wealth; Lucas had been a supporter of the prince’s crusade since day one. He’d help to provide clothing, food, temporary lodging, and aid in finding in family for the survivors. Lucas also coordinated with other lords, businessmen, and land owners in finding stable work and homes as well.

Neither Tidas or Lucas had ever been biased about who they saved either. Thanks to Skye’s obsession with Fae as a child and his aunt’s; the prince had recognized several beast men and creatures as Fae that he’d saved. Never had he Ever, left anyone behind, and Lucas had never turned away someone in need. Which was more than Aero could say for himself.

As soon as Lord Moonstone finished his pleasantries, Aero apologized for his earlier behavior. He also asked that it not reflect upon his queen, or her desire for their races to co-exist. Maevis gaped as he’d spoken, and Tidas swore he’d see her eyes literally bugging out, like in one of his childhood comics.

Lucas grinned ear to ear before saying; “Ima glad to hear that! Does that mean ye will consider the trade deal? I get the feeling that the queen wouldn’t have agreed to one without yer approval.”

Aero smiled widely at Lucas before saying; “I think we might be able to work something out.. I’m beginning to see the potential in it..”

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