Deep Affection: Honey, Come Back To Me

Chapter 10 An International Hacker

"Forum?" When Isabella opened the website, the most eye-catching thing was still about Nina.

Seeing that the post still ranked number one, and after reading the negative comments, she felt satisfied.

But the next second, she was stunned. Her eyes went wide when she read her own name on the screen.

A post with a title "Isabella Got Beaten Up" caught her eye. This post was getting more reads and comments, and it was constantly forwarded until she had become the most popular person in the forum, replacing Nina on the top spot.

"I just like to see her fall in a mess."

"So funny. She looks like a monster!"

"Wow. Will she be disfigured? But it doesn't matter. She's rich and can do plastic surgery."

"Let's clap. I really dislike her. This post really vents my anger."

"Who beat her? They have done an excellent job!"

This post was like the seed of the dark night, nourished by malicious words, taking root and sprouting, spreading around Isabella's limbs; it was as if it was going to firmly lock her and drag her into the darkness.

"Oh, my face..." In an instant, Isabella dropped her phone and touched her bandaged face with her trembling hands. Out of frustration, she began yelling. The post, as well as the comments made her hysterical. She was not used to receiving those kinds of insults.

"No, that's not me! My face is fine. That's not me..."

All of a sudden, there was a commotion at the hospital.

Because of Isabella's family background and continuous crying, the medical staff didn't dare to neglect her.

Such a big scene attracted many people's attention. Outside her room, people were glancing and whispering about her.

Of course, Nina was also there. She was standing at the end of the corridor, hearing Isabella's sharp voice from time to time.

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Her cries were like music to Nina's ears, and she felt particularly pleasant. This was called giving Isabella a dose of her own medicine.

At this time, her watch suddenly lit up. Nina glanced at the watch before she took a taxi back to her apartment.

Sitting on the table, Nina pressed the watch and the flickering red light stopped. She pressed another button, and a holographic screen appeared in front of her, which showed the school forum.

When she logged in to the inner operating system of the forum, the firewall was being attacked. These must be done by a genius in the computer science department of the university.

But Nina didn't care about it at all. Instead, she read the comments on Isabella's photos, which were meaner than the comments on her.

It was not surprising at all. Those who were hostile to her were either jealous of her face, her figure, or the number of men who chased after her. She seldom dealt with people, let alone offended them.

However, Isabella was different. She was spoiled by her parents, and she was always arrogant and domineering. She had always been scolding and commanding other people like they were all her servants. Most of the people around her didn't dare to express their anger towards her, out of fear. But now, it was a good chance for them to say whatever they want and vent their anger. All those hurt and envious people took the opportunity to attack her on the forum.

When Nina felt bored, she went to make a cup of coffee and tasted it slowly. She took her time as if nobody was trying to gain access to the system. The interface of the firewall suddenly appeared and the red warning logo flashed. But instead of worrying, Nina flashed a lopsided smile.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you for a long time." She sat back at the table. Seeing the powerful attacks made her quite excited.

There were a lot of undiscovered talents in the city.

The other party had tried many ways to break through the defense line, and it only took them one minute to break through more than half of it.

This made Nina more excited as if she had seen a prey. With a smile on her face, she didn't make a move until the other party was about to succeed.

When the person trying to hack t

he system, thinking they were about to succeed, the screen suddenly turned black. The moment the screen turned bright again, a red exclamation mark and a special mark appeared on it.

"Damn it! Who is this guy?" The hacker who was hired by the Fang family stood up and kicked away the chair. The person stared at the computer screen in disbelief.

Only then did the hacker notice a string of numbers flowing on the screen, and a line of red words appeared. "When you see this logo again, stop what you're doing."

The tone was authoritative, which annoyed the hacker more.

Nina, who had succeeded, leaned against the chair and leisurely drank up the remaining half of her coffee, before she pressed the button on the watch. The interface disappeared, and everything was back to the usual.

Meanwhile, in Time Group, Henry was sitting at his desk. He was sending the email with the video which John shot attached to it.

As soon as the email was sent successfully, his phone vibrated and a hidden interface popped up. Their group, which was usually silent, became active today.

This group was called THO—The Hidden Ones—and it was also an organization.

The members of THO were hackers hidden in the city, whose levels were all above Level 4. As for Henry himself, he was a Level 5 hacker, and he was less competent among them.

Since the group was active, something must have happened. It turned out that everyone was talking about a logo, which was released by Paul, a hacker who was at the same level with Henry. In the group, Henry's nickname was Hank.

"Hank, come out and have a look at this logo. Do you know it? I got a deal today. I thought it was easy, but when I was so close to succeeding, I failed. And the guy even left a warning mark arrogantly. It really pissed me off! I tried several more times and found out that the guy is an international hacker."

'An international hacker?'

His brows furrowed by the mention of it. He hadn't heard that an international hacker had come to the city. Otherwise, why didn't THO know it? Currently, there were only two international hackers, and both of them were in THO.

To get some answers, Henry sent the logo to the two international hackers he knew and asked them about it. When they saw the logo, their expressions changed. They said that it was best to avoid it and not to make any conflict with the other party when they saw the logo again.

At the same time, they told Henry that the hacker was a rising new star in the hacker world in the past two years, code named Elk, whose level was above the highest Level 7. This logo was the unique representation of this person. If they saw this logo, they would quit as soon as possible. THO hadn't

won the person over yet.

Henry sent the news to the group and brought about heated discussion in an instant. They could only worship the person who could make the two international hackers avoid them.

Amazed and grateful, Paul sent a message to the group as if this international hacker could read it. "Thank you for letting me go and I'll worship you from now on."

Just like what the two international hackers told him, Henry told the group, "When we see the logo again, we'll have to quit."

Without taking a single penny, Paul refused the order from the Fang family. After giving a brief explanation, he left. Nothing could change his mind.

With a serious look on her face, Amelia Fang thought, 'So, it is an international hacker. What big shot did Isabella offend? It's not easy to get out from this mess this time.

My daughter is really troublesome sometimes.'

Her mother hired the best private doctor to accompany her throughout the treatment when Isabella was taken back home. Because of her condition, they had asked for leave from the university too.

It was not until they saw the video sent by Henry that they got some clues. Amelia Fang showed the short video to Isabella and asked her in a soft voice, "Isabella, do you know this girl? She took pictures of you being beaten at that time."

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