Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Catching The Brownish Demon (2)

The moment the two sets of runes that Blake just drew flashed and disappeared, the two spells that were an improved version of the basic first realm spell started finding their targets.

And with Blake sending his intentions and pointing the two sets of runes towards the layers of earth walls in front of him, of course, the spells would soon find their target that was hidden beneath the multi-layered earth walls.

The brownish demon had prepared for an attack to come and bash the earth walls from the outside.

And his preparations were certainly adequate to even hold off against Robus’ attack if Robus decided to come and punch those earth walls.

However, even though the brownish demon had been very wary of Blake’s spell, his fear had clouded his judgment and forgot that Blake’s spell came not from the outside or his surroundings, but instead from the ground beneath his feet.

So when the two spells, the darkness binding spell, and the darkness tendril spikes gathered the nether needed to manifest themselves, the brownish demon began to realize what he had done to himself.

Darting his eyes left and right and turning his head all over the place, the brownish demon realized that he was surrounded from all directions by his own earth walls that limited his movements to only either one step backward or one step forward.


An idea then suddenly struck his mind.

Just as he could easily summon the earth walls from the ground with the wave of his hand, the brownish demon could also make them disappear or come back down to the ground with his bloodline power.

Without thinking much, the brownish demon started waving his hands faster than ever to insert the layers of earth walls that he had summoned back to where they came from.

And after realizing that it was impossible for him to insert all the earth walls from all four directions back before the spell manifested, which was about a whole second, the brownish demon decided to focus on just one part of the walls so that he could take more steps away from the dead center.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, when the brownish demon somehow was able to delete 4 walls in just one direction, it was then that he realized that the circular earth wall that stood tall and unmoving right after his layers of earth walls was not an earth wall that had been summoned by his bloodline power.

And it was impossible for him to instantly delete the earth walls that he didn’t create himself.

He could do it, but he needed to draw runes and cast spells to be able to do it.

It was at that moment that he realized that he had nothing else he could do.

And it was also the same moment that he felt the pain that he had never felt before.

The two spells that Blake had cast at the exact same time had finally gathered enough nether to manifest themselves.

And something that Blake didn’t know before, with the two spells being so similar to each other and they were placed right on top of each other when they started to manifest and there was double the amount of nether required to cast the spell, the two spells had actually magnified each other’s strength and the result was the two spells had become stronger than they originally were.

If usually only dozens of darkness tendrils appeared from each spell, now that the amount of available nether doubled, literal hundreds of darkness tendrils now manifested themselves under the brownish demon’s feet and started making their way upwards to pierce through the brownish demon’s body.

The characteristics of the darkness binding spell were to summon darkness tendrils from almost every angle that you could think of, they were bendy as they would bend and latch themselves onto anything they could find.

The brownish demon’s legs, arms, waist, chest, head, neck, and the darkness tendrils would circle around them before stabbing their pointy tip towards the brownish demon’s flesh and pulling them down to restrict their movements.

However, that wasn’t the cause of why the brownish demon felt an unbelievable amount of pain in his body.

Different from the darkness binding spell that bends and circles around the brownish demon’s body, the other spell, the darkness tendril spikes spell was more straightforward.

Although it also came from many different angles just like the darkness binding spell, the darkness tendril spikes spell didn’t have any plans to bend left and right to latch themselves onto the target’s body.

Instead of the bendy characteristics, the darkness tendrils that came from the darkness tendril spikes spell were rigid and they worked like literal spikes that could pierce through your body.

And they did exactly just that.

Coming from your front, back, left, right, and even diagonally, spikes of darkness tendrils protrude from the ground and shoot towards your body with only a single intention and that was to make holes in your body.

Piercing your body was their main goal, but due to their rigid characteristics, they were also able to prop your body up to stay in your current place.

With the darkness binding spell pulling you down and the darkness spike spell keeping you up, the two forces fought and resisted each other.

And the result of such a fight on a creature’s body was none other than a level of pain that was unthinkable.


If the brownish demon’s voice so far sounded like gurgles to Blake’s ear, this time, the sound of his scream of pain was so clear that Blake had thought for a second that the brownish demon was actually a human that had been trapped inside the circular earth wall.

Even through the circular earth wall, the crips sound of the brownish demon’s scream reverberated clearly as both Blake and Robus were slightly startled by the scream that they had never heard of before came from the creatures that they had hunted before.

As an ex-human, Blake could feel the truest sense of terror and pain that were carried by the scream as he even had never heard someone release that kind of scream before in his entire life of being bullied and seeing someone else getting bullied.

It made him think for a second if he actually had done something terrible to the brownish demon for choosing to combine the darkness spike spell with the darkness binding spell.

But before those feelings could cloud his mind, Blake suddenly found those feelings magically disappearing as if something had forcefully thrown away those feelings from his head.

As those feelings disappeared, Blake quickly didn’t feel anything when he heard the screams of pain from the brownish demon’s mouth.

Blake just stared at the circular earth wall with his usual expression plastered on his face, and the scream of the brownish demon as his background music.

His eyes locked in the brownish demon’s direction, wondering whether his attack had been enough to kill the annoying brownish demon, and wondered how tasty the soul of a relatively strong humanoid demon would taste.


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