Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 194 Give A Standing Ovation

The woman had chocolate brown skin, and a number of beauty marks on her face and body. She was slender, but couldn't really be called 'petite' either. Her lips were red, and despite wearing a white business suit and sitting in an assertive manner, she still appeared very feminine. 

Her hair was also brown, though a few shades darker. It was tied into a neat braid, resting on one of her shoulders. Her eyes were brown as well, but this time with a tinge of gold to them. She wore light make-up that was going for a more professional look.

Harker could hear her speak to Roland about the current politics. She was very articulate, and very knowledgeable about the matter. Her voice was firm and the words flowed from her full lips easily and gracefully.

There was something in her manners and her voice that almost seemed to make a statement. That statement being:

'I know exactly what I want, how to get it, and that I will get it. I am in full control of my life.'

Even men won't help but be in awe with her charisma, and envy her for it. This was something that he had only seen in Roland. They seemed to be…..

Equals. A perfect match. 

Harker had never seen Roland laugh this much around someone who wasn't a real friend. He had many, sure, but all his laughter around those types of friends were fake or generously exaggerated. Even towards his side chicks, he didn't give so much of a genuine smile. Harker knew him enough so he could tell.

Who is this woman to Roland?

".... rather ridiculous, as the mayor could have resolved the dispute with a much more competent PR team— Oh."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Roland seemed to have finally felt Harker watching him and this stranger intensely, and stopped mid-sentence to turn to his friend. 

His face paled, and lips twitched in fear and anxiety. It was a complete 180 switch from the calm and relaxed Roland from earlier, discussing the mayor's scandals and how he could solve those issues better. He quickly stood up, and Harker could sense his blood rate increasing and his breathing becoming unsteady from a mile away.

The woman frowned. "Are you alright, Roland…. Oh. Were you expecting another visitor?"

Harker clenched his fist, feeling a pang of both anger and guilt from seeing his friend's reaction like that. He understood exactly why Roland would react that way. The last time they encountered each other…..

He almost got him killed. And he did something much worse, or at least, a part of him did.

Harker would never forgive himself for allowing Roland to suffer like that. 

But he still can't stop feeling mad seeing him having tea with strangers when he had been awake for a week. 

He expected that Roland would ask for his welfare, but Mina and Joan only spoke about how quickly he went back to working again. Roland doesn't owe him anything, yet….

Was what happened between them so bad that he had to act like Harker didn't matter to him?

Even now, he was doing it. He cleared his throat, and gave Harker that same fake smile he gave to people he don't like at his family's parties and so-called 'formal occasions'.

"Harker, you're awake now. That's good. I trust that you're well. This is Ms. Artea Holmwood, by the way. Ms. Holmwood, this is Harker Jones. My…. friend."

'Just friend?' Harker gritted his teeth. 'What happened to "best" friend? "Closest" friend?'

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jones." This Artea offered her hand to shake.

Harker shook it reluctantly. "Pleasure."

She seemed to have easily picked up in his uneasiness, and let go. "Mr. Faust mentioned that you were 'awake now'. Did something happen, or….?"

"Harker had a bit of concussion, just like I did. You have heard from Alejandro, I believe. Our little trip had left us some damage, but it's all well now." Roland explained. 

Artea's bright and charming demeanor seemed to fade a bit. "Yes…. I did hear from Mr. Laurel. I'm glad that all of that was settled."

"I was very much relieved that I was able to make it in time to appeal before Mr. Garcia was locked up in prison. His case is far from over." Roland told her. 

He then turned to Harker, though seemingly hesitant to even speak to him. "Do you need anything, Harker? Are you fine now?"

His hand went up as if to reach for his forehead, but stopped half-way and retreated. Harker really couldn't bear this kind of behavior. 'Some damage' was a big understatement. It may not be a lot of physical damage thanks to magic healing stuff, but this was much worse. 

"I'm fine." Harker managed to force himself to say. ".... You seem to be busy. I'll go another time, I still need to go back home anyway after my recovery."

"That's a good decision." Roland said. "You could take one of the cars—"

"No thanks, I'll walk. Need to stretch my legs anyway after being in bed for so long. I hope you're doing fine too." Harker said, noticeably more pointed than usual.

Roland couldn't even meet his eye as he said. "I'm good….. Take care."

"Yeah. You too."

He gave Artea Holmwood another look, and half-heartedly bid his goodbyes.

But deep down, Harker wanted to pry Roland off that woman and talk things out with him. To give an apology, an explanation…. anything to get them back to the way they were again. Back when they were best friends that trusted each other.

Yet the way Roland looked at him was like he was the one he distrusts the most in this world. He was even worse than a stranger to him.

Harker tried to convince himself that he may be able to change things. That there was still hope to get it all back again. After all, he and Roland knew each other since forever and stuck like glue the moment they met. Yes….

This was just a test to their friendship, and they'll get past it just like the old times. 

He now approached the cul-de-sac where his family's dainty little house stood. 333 Brick Road, right next to the Garcias and the Tariqs.

When he knocked on the door…..

He didn't expect the person that greeted him, standing tall with his eyes sparkling wide.


"Dad?" Harker blinked fast.

Howard Jones wasn't in his wheelchair anymore. He was standing, his clothes much cleaner and even sophisticated than before. With a haircut, shave, and new clothes... Harker almost didn't recognize him.

Why did so many things change in just a moment's rest?

Harker couldn't help but feel that he had woken up into a strange new world...

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