Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 61 A Devil

Harker simply pushed his professor aside and took away the SS cell sample.

"This is a regenerative cell I'm researching on the sidelines for BITMAC." He explained to her. "Don't you dare steal it, Prof. Or you might get stitches."

Professor Seward's expression soured. "Who even told you I was gonna steal it? You know I just let you kids do their research and other bullshit in the lab then give them good grades if it's decent."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Harker took little Skitters out. "Shouldn't you be in the asylum at this time?"

Professor Seward nodded. "Yeah. But I'm too lazy to go there, my legs are just giving out on me."

"Must be an early sign of arthritis." Harker chuckled.

"I'm only 38, brat." She reminded him.

"Yeah and you'll be in your 40s soon so it will eventually develop." Harker told her. "You should take some kinda pill if you're not feeling well."

"Thanks for reminding me. I have to take these goddamn things." She took out a small pill bottle from her pocket.

"Those are anticonvulsants, right? You had seizures?" Harker asked as he noticed the label.

The professor just popped three pills into her mouth and swallowed them without drinking water. "Nerve damage. Sometimes my limbs go stiff and I can't flex my joints."

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"Oh. I didn't know you had nerve conditions." Harker's voice softened. "My dad also had a heart attack and he was recommended to take some anticonvulsants as spasms in the coronary artery may cause another one. He had to take breathing exercises and control his emotions to avoid ruptures."

"That must be rough on him." She said. "Mine is more brain damage than heart, really. I had a Traumatic Brain Damage, got involved in a train accident when I was younger back in London."

Harker had always known Professor Joanne Seward was English from her last name alone, but it was easy to forget as she has gained a common New York accent. She must have moved to America a long time ago, though he doesn't know if that included any family members. Even after being his professor and interacting at the lab for years, she was still a mystery to him.

Not that he ever was inclined to get to know her before. She had a very brash personality and attitude, though not really dislikable.

"I'll be going then. Good luck on those regenerative cells. Who knows, maybe the Institute would give you an award and prize money or something." She waved at him.

"Yeah, good luck on the ward patients too!"

As she left, Harker noticed some flies come over her shoulder.

He took some airspray. "Dang, since when did she last take a bath? Anyway, that was really unexpected. The professor was the first to see the SS cells in action, and I even got to learn stuff about her. Maybe I'll learn more once I get my Master's."

Harker was planning to take a Master's Degree in Biotechnology for 2 years, and eventually a Doctorate course that would last for 3-5 years depending on the programme. He would be staying on Stoker to research, and perhaps work on BITMAC during those years.

Or maybe not, because Angela was there. He might have to look for a better research facility despite BITMAC being of the highest caliber.

Speaking of Angela, Kian brought up the topic while they were doing their usual shift in BBB.

He brought a magazine that contained an issue of the new Chateuvania Game, a Japanese animated TV show about Dogmen…..

And Angela MacBheatha being featured in the cover to promote a race car video game.

She wore a sexy black and red race car driver costume, holding a helmet on her hip, showing off a dazzling, pearly-white smile.

"Just look at her curves, bro! I bet she'll be rising the ranks to supermodel level soon! And she even supports small companies like this, isn't she so cool!?" Kian gushed about her for hours.

Harker just placed a burger on takeout boxes. "Yeah, yeah. She's aight."

'On paper, she looks cool. But in real life? Ha. Cono diablo.' He thought, copying the curse he heard from his neighbor Mrs. Garcia.

After this shift, he'll be headed to BITMAC since he successfully had placed the SS Cells into Skitters' body and taken a sample that doesn't link any trace from him. Chameleons were surprisingly more resilient when transforming as he thought. After gaining the SS Cells, Skitters did not turn into a human, but...

He grew a pair of wings after eating a fly.

Harker had to catch the flying chameleon and put it in a metal box, securing it on his backpack. It must be a weird sight for the people at BITMAC to see a reptile with insect wings.

Kian suddenly tapped his shoulder. "Hey, I'm going on a pee break real quick!"

He left his magazine by the counter and rushed to the bathroom. It was there for all customers to see.

Harker took it and called out. "Your magazine, bro! C'mon, don't leave this stuff here! They'll think we jack off while on the clock!"

But Kian was long gone. Harker just sighed. He remembered his promise to Roland to buy that new Chateauvania game for him and play some time after all the help he gave. He went to check the price on the magazine.

"Huh, it's called Chateauvania: Nocturne Melody. The main character would be on Cocula's half-vampire son, Alucoc. Interesting…."

Harker went to read the premise, and did not realize that a certain blondie was approaching him.

"I didn't know that was your type, Harker."

Harker quickly put the magazine down. "H-Huh? Oh, Mina! What are you doing here?"

Mina Murray, the former mermaid princess, had arrived with a black fur trimmed waistcoat and Ducci bag on her. She frowned when looking at Angela MacBheatha's face on the cover.

"Porcelain skin….. Enlarged breasts and bottucks, possibly from surgery….  A more mature and curvaceous body…. Wavy black hair…." She examined the woman. "Had I known, I would have used skin whiteners and dyed my hair black. Ah, but I need to have the DNA of a curvy woman as well to change my current small shape—"

"She's definitely NOT my type, Mina!" Harker chuckled. "I don't like girls made of silicone like her. Plus I especially don't like her personality."

"You know her personally?" Mina raised an eyebrow, looking even more displeased.

"Don't get it twisted, Mina." Harker went over to whisper to her. "This is actually Roland's fiancee. They were arranged to be married by their parents, and he doesn't like her either. Luckily their 'arrangement' is kept a secret to the public until they get married for the sake of Angela's modeling career."

Mina's long golden lashes fluttered. "Is that so? I never knew White Ape was actually engaged….. He should have told me. Ah, but I pity him now if this woman was really as bad as you say."

"Right? It's hard to convince his Father otherwise….. It's really taking a toll on Roland." Harker pursed his lips.

He wished he could have done something more about it as his friend. But even if he did try having a serious conversation about it with Roland, his friend will evade the topic and try to keep his feelings to himself. He had always been that way, trying to suffer alone while always sacrificing himself for him.

"What brings you here, by the way?" Harker asked.

"Well…. It's about Roland too." Mina looked guilty. "He collapsed earlier."


"He was getting tired of giving blood…. I can feel it. His body can't handle it even if he kept saying it was fine." The blond girl said. "He's awake now and doing well, but I know this can't go on. It's all my fault."

Harker shook his head and placed a hand on her shoulder. "No, it's not. I should have moved faster. Don't worry…."

"After tonight, Roland won't have to sacrifice his blood anymore. We'll have BITMAC supply us with RH null blood everyday through my SS cells."

And Harker would indeed be able to do that…. with a price. For a devil wearing the face and name of an angel was just waiting in the front steps of the Institute that night.

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