Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 68 Enough To Make You Go Crazy

Mina frowned. "And why should I do that, Father? Harker is my best friend."

"I heard news from Angela. She said that Harker had got her hospitalized and severely injured." Mr. Faust sounded displeased. "You do not know this? Shouldn't you value your fiance more than your friends first?"

Harker cursed under his breath. That bitch snitched on him to Mr. Faust!

Mina made a questioning look at this. Harker's holographic screen appeared to show his thoughts to her in secret:

[It was totally her fault! She manipulated the situation to make me look like the bad guy!]

Mina nodded, and asked in true logical Roland fashion. "What happened first? Because I know Harker. There must be a valid reason for this, I want to hear both sides of the story."

Mr. Faust had told him about the whole pushing incident, and how the chameleon had caused a deadly allergic reaction. Harker rolled his eyes. If it was truly deadly, that bitch shouldn't have been able to speak and snitch about him. She's exaggerating and making stories again, since that's her talent as a fake-ass whore.

His thoughts showed up on the holographic screen, and Mina could not help but chuckle a little. She tried to suppress it, but just found it very amusing how much Harker hates Roland's fiancee with all his heart and soul.

"Excuse me, did I just hear you laugh, Roland?" His dad asked sternly. "This is a serious matter! The MacBheatha family is willing to sue Harker!"

"I didn't laugh, Father." Mina answered calmly. "I simply couldn't help but sigh. And what do they plan to sue Harker with? From what I have heard, all of this was an accident. Unless they have sufficient evidence, all Harker needs is a good lawyer to protect his innocence in court."

Harker couldn't help but be impressed with how good Mina can replicate Roland.

It was not just the voice, but also the manner of talking, his very formal and sometimes overly righteous speech, and especially what he would say in these situations. If only her gained Shapeshifting Ability from Harker was more effective, she could be Roland's duplicate. But alas, it's 50% of a B in Effectiveness, and this was the best she could do.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I don't doubt Harker's innocence. I am not daft. I know what Angela is like, she's not a very trustworthy woman. I am simply warning you, Roland." Mr. Faust said. "If we aggravate the MacBheatha family anymore, the engagement would be in jeopardy—"

"What if I don't want to be engaged to Angela anymore, Father?"

Harker's eyes widened. [What are you doing, Mina? We just need him to get out of our hair for tonight—]

"You said it yourself. You know what Angela is like. Who would want to marry a woman like that, especially someone who continuously harms my best friend?" Mina said. "If you worry about the MacBheatha family's power….. Aren't we also just as powerful? Isn't that the reason why they had set up the engagement in the first place?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a while. Mr. Faust did not say anything, and Harker felt his stomach churning a little while waiting for his response.

".... If it's not the MacBheatha family, then who, Roland? Who will continue our bloodline? The Faust family legacy…. Especially since you insist on not continuing our noble duty of providing health services to the people?"

Mina frowned. "Is continuing the bloodline my only reason for being a Faust? Isn't it because I am your son first, that I am your family?"

Harker couldn't believe just how bold Mina was to speak up for Roland. They were literally at each other's throats, and now she's saying the things even Roland himself could not dare say to his father.

"This isn't just about the family, Roland—"

"Then what is it about? Business? Business can be led by several people, and I could still be involved even as a lawyer. If the Faust doesn't continue it, then what about people who deserve it? Who has the same noble intention of serving the people?"

Mr. Faust sounded displeased. "Did you just interrupt me while I'm still talking, young man?"

"I apologize for interrupting, but wasn't everything I said true, Father? There is no reason for me to force myself to marry someone I do not love nor care about. Not for power, or legacy, or duty. That is not enough for me to suffer, for YOUR SON to suffer."

[Mina, I think that would be enough.] Harker said cautiously.

Though she was right, it still felt wrong to trifle with other people's family matters. And Roland might get in trouble if she goes too much. This might even count as too much, as he still wasn't sure what exactly was Mr. Faust's disposition.

Mina put the phone away as she breathed heavily and mouthed. "Sorry….. I just got carried away. Roland doesn't deserve this."

[I know. You did a good thing. But he might suffer consequences for it….]

They waited anxiously for his response as a long pause came again…

"If this was what you feel about it, why did you never tell me?" Mr. Faust said sternly. "I don't want to discuss this over the phone. We'll talk more about it later when I get back home. As for the matter between Angela and Harker…. I'll try to convince the MacBheathas to not sue him. But I have no assurances."

Mina and Harker beamed. But before Mina could answer back—

Someone grabbed the phone!

"Thank you, Father. I am relieved."

Roland put the phone back, ending the call. He looked at Mina and Harker with narrowed eyes.

"Mina, I can't believe you just pretended to be me and talked to my father. Despite me telling you to not replicate my voice again." He said to the former mermaid, then turned to his best friend. "And Harker, I can't believe that you didn't tell me about the incident with Angela. You keep so many secrets, am I not your best friend anymore."

The two of them gulped at the same time, not expecting to be caught.

Harker bowed his head. "You see, I didn't wanna trouble ya…. I apologize…."

"Sorry. I just wanted to help you…." Mina did the same.

Roland went closer to them….

And suddenly gave them both a hug!

"I know your reasons. And I appreciate it. I forgive you this time, but please don't do something like that again." Roland sighed. "I'm not lying when I said I was relieved. I never thought that there would finally be the day where my father becomes aware of my thoughts about Angela and the engagement."

He smiled at Mina. "Thank you, Fish Girl."

Mina elbowed him. "It's nothing. And as much as I hate your guts, no one deserves to be forced into a marriage they don't want. Or be forced into anything, for that matter. You are your own person, Roland. Don't let someone else dictate who you are and should be."

Roland's eyes lowered a little, as if these words hit him pretty deep. Then, he nodded.

"That's some pretty wise advice from a smelly fish, I have to admit."

Mina chuckled, and then yawned. "Well, this fish is going to sleep. I'm exhausted."

She went up to her room, waving at them. "Good night, boys."

"Good night." They both answered, waving back.

Roland shook his head. "I hate to say this, but Mina sure is the gutsiest out of us three."

"She sure is. Her determination and will is beautiful. " Harker smiled. "Since when have you been listening, by the way?"

"Actually, I've been awake ever since a certain someone sneaked inside my room and took a  pair of briefs and pants from my closet." The blondie said in a playful tone.

Harker almost coughed out blood. "I-I'm sorry….. I'll wash and return them sometime…."

Roland just patted his shoulder. "Keep it. You should go home too, you must also be exhausted after all. It must be hard to grind and pound fish in the kitchen."

"Yeah…. WAIT, YOU—"

Roland gave him a wink.

"You really are a fast learner, Hark. I'm impressed."

Harker was left with his face absolutely heated up, steam rising from his ears.

These two blondies…..

They really make him go crazy in different ways. But he loves them very much and will do anything for them. They're his family too.

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