Destined with You

Chapter 20 - 25 - I Finally Broke Free [Seeking Monthly Pass]

Chapter 20: Chapter 25 – I Finally Broke Free [Seeking Monthly Pass]

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“You dare to hit me?” Tang Rongling’s handsome face was full of shock. Was she still the girl who would unquestioningly comply with his requests and even fight others for his sake?

Gu Qingxin took a deep breath, her eyes red-rimmed as she lifted her chin proudly and declared, word byword, “Tang Rongling, hear me well, it’s me, Gu Qingxin who’s done with you! Continue to cherish Gu Yunci as you please, but if she dares provoke me again, I might just get rid of her child!”

Following her speech, without giving a second glance to Tang Rongling and whatever expression he wore, Gu Qingxin walked swiftly out of the Gu residence.

The impact against her back was still faintly painful, yet that pain was nothing compared to the heartache she felt.

Inside the Night Charm Bar.

In a corner booth.

Gu Qingxin was chugging a glass of alcohol, rum running down from her mouth, trailing down her pale neck and drawing an enchanting line.

“Qingxin, slow down! Drinking yourself to a stupor over that scumbag Tang isn’t worth it.” Bai Qianqian snatched away her near-empty glass of alcohol.

Bai Qianqian had always criticized Tang Rongling’s attitude towards Gu Qingxin. No matter how well Gu Qingxin treated him, he merely responded with indifference, acting as though she owed him something.

“I’m not drinking for him; I’m downing these for the youth I’ve wasted. Qianqian, celebrate with me! I’m finally free! Cheers!” prodding another cup of alcohol from the table, Gu Qingxin began to drink again.

Decades of love culminating in such a pathetic ending; it would be a lie to say it didn’t hurt or didn’t matter – love isn’t a faucet one could turn on and off at whim…

Even if it hurt, she would force herself to move on!

The person that was Gu Qingxin, had never been one to stick around when unwanted. Had Tang Rongling made his stand clear earlier, she wouldn’t have played the fool this long!

Bai Qianqian once again seized the wine glass from Gu Qingxin’s hand, worried that she might pass out drunk if she continued drinking.

This girl simply had no alcohol tolerance, barely enduring three cups before collapsing.

Pulling her up from the sofa, “Enough drinking, let’s dance it off.”

Upstairs, within the bar’s private room, one could clearly see the dance floor downstairs. A cold and aloof figure sat elegantly on a sofa, gripping a fancy crystal glass, his gaze fixed on the dancing individual occupying the highest spot on the dance floor below.

Following Beiming Ilan’s gaze, Huangfu Ye landed his sights on a girl. The girl had long, straight hair that flowed down to her waist, her upper body adorned with a small white tank top, fitted denim jeans enveloping her lower body. Even from a distance, Huangfu Ye could clearly see the girl’s gorgeous features. Her light and graceful figure resembled a dancing butterfly…

Given his many years’ experience with women, Huangfu Ye concluded that this girl was an exceptional beauty. No wonder even the normally disinterested Mr. Beiming was captivated.

“Big brother, what do you think? Should I bring her up for you?”

The moment Huangfu Ye finished speaking, the man – who usually sat steadfast as a mountain – abruptly stood up and left the room amidst bewildered and questioning gazes.

Seeing this, Bai Jingqing immediately turned to Huangfu Ye and asked, “What’s happening? Where’s big brother going?”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Prepare yourselves for a show! Bloody hell… am I dreaming?”

“Speak sense!” Bai Jingqing stood up and gave him a kick.

“Look for yourself!” an excited Huangfu Ye gestured towards the first floor.

The spectators followed his gaze…

Down at the main hall on the first floor, the crowd was dancing frenetically.

Gu Qingxin’s presence instantly drew the crowd’s attention. Her delicate, unpainted features stood out on her fair cheeks which had turned a faint pink from the alcohol. She moved in sync with music.

This girl, embodying both purity and charming coquettishness, was as captivating as a siren, merely standing there would be enough to steal hearts.

A group of men who had been dancing around Gu Qingxin and Bai Qianqian for a while noticed they had no companions, exchanged a glance and immediately moved to surround the two girls.

Just as one of the men was about to touch Gu Qingxin, he was forcefully yanked back and thrown out of the ring.

Bai Qianqian was also abruptly halted. She turned to alert Gu Qingxin but had her mouth covered and was dragged away before she could do so.

Being tipsy, Gu Qingxin was oblivious to the sudden change in her surroundings, and continued dancing.

Beiming Han strode towards her; Gu Qingxin was dancing with such abandon, that she staggered and nearly fell.

Beiming Han extended his arm, and pulled her towards him. Gu Qingxin twirled around and her light frame landed in his arms.

The man’s face in front of her looked somewhat blurred, and she flashed him a smile, “Hey handsome, my name’s Gu Qingxin. You look familiar, have we met before?”

Beiming Han’s face darkened, his hand tightening around her chin, his voice icy “Seems like I’ve been too lenient with you!”

With that, he bent down, hoisted the dazed girl onto his shoulder, and strode towards the bar exit.

Suddenly being upside down on his shoulder, Gu Qingxin felt as if all her internal organs had been upended. Her legs kicked wildly and her hands smacked forceful against the man’s back.

“Let go of me, I feel awful!” Gu Qingxin screamed.


Seeing her resistance, Beiming Han unceremoniously hit her.

“Ouch! That hurts! Who are you to hit me! You big villain, let go of me…ah!”

Who is this jerk!

In one of the rooms upstairs.

Huangfu Ye and Bai Jingqing, along with others, were utterly stunned. Beiming Han had just stormed downstairs and taken a dancing girl away.

Beiming Han, carrying Gu Qingxin, strolled out of the bar. His bodyguard had already opened the car door for the two of them. As they approached the car, he outright threw her into the car.

“Ouch…” she whispered, frowning lightly. Her somewhat vacant eyes now appeared much more lucid.

“Now, look carefully. See who I am!” Beiming Han’s large hand gripped her long hair, forcing her to lift her head.

“Beiming Han!” Gu Qingxin sucked in a breath of cold air, becoming fully lucid. Any traces of tipsiness had vanished.

“Be sure to remember this name!”

Beiming Han smirked in satisfaction.

The next day.

In a bedroom so vast it was frightening, the decor was the epitome of luxury. Light chiffon flowed around the room…

Beiming Han had already taken his bath and emerged from the bathroom.

He had undergone many extraordinary trainings to control his temper, all in an effort to control his emotions freely, so he wouldn’t cause that horrifying accident again!

But this girl had easily broken his revered self-control.

The feeling was really strange – Beiming Han was certainly not lacking in female company, but none of them had ever incited a reaction in him!

It’s simply incredible!

Beiming Han lowered his gaze in thought, walked over to the bed and sat down.

He lifted his fingers lightly and gently touched Gu Qingxin’s shoulder which was exposed from under the duvet.

His handsome brows furtively knitted together. Did this woman hold some kind of secret?

No matter what secret she held, he had decided, she would be his!

When Gu Qingxin woke up, she was greeted with white gauze curtains. The gossamer-thin material seemed to flutter of its own accord.

She was stunned for a few seconds. This scenery seemed like something from a dream.

“Awake?” A cool male voice sounded. Only then did Gu Qingxin realize there was a man sitting at the foot of the bed.

“Stay away, don’t come any closer!” Gu Qingxin immediately tried to back away, but the smallest movement caused her tears of pain to fall.

After all, Gu Qingxin was still nineteen years old. She was so frightened that she started to cry uncontrollably, clutching the duvet tightly and sobbing.

Beiming Han’s brows furrowed tightly. What was wrong with this woman?

“Enough, stop crying! You believe I won’t throw you out?” Beiming Han gripped her shoulder threateningly.

“Sob… It hurts… Am I dying? I want to see my mother!”

Gu Qingxin felt as if she was dying and didn’t care about his threats. Her cries became louder.

Beiming Han’s expression darkened. He lifted the sobbing girl, blanket and all, and started walking out.

“Let go of me, where are you taking me? Don’t touch me!” Gu Qingxin struggled and shouted..

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