Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 13: Nanjing Road, Puxi: Shuangxue (1)

In the heart of Shanghai, nestled amidst the urban hustle, lay Century Park – an oasis of tranquility. The chilly air of winter hadn't deterred the school students from gathering there, seeking a breath of fresh air and a momentary escape from their academic routines.

Wang Xiao, unfazed by the cold, made his way through the park toward a slightly dimly lit corner where three figures sat on a bench.

Fu Chao, the first among them, stood up and greeted Wang Xiao with a warm smile. "Brother Wang, you're a bit late today!"

While it might have seemed odd for someone older to address him as "brother," Wang Xiao took it in stride, not dwelling on the semantics.

The quartet soon left the park, heading for the nearest metro station that would take them to Nanjing East Road.

As they traveled, a thought occurred to Wang Xiao, prompting him to turn to Mo Xiang. "Mo Xiang, you still have the money I gave you a few days ago, right?" he inquired, his tone casual yet pointed.

Mo Xiang, with his darker complexion, sheepishly scratched his head. "Brother, I've already used up that money," he admitted, avoiding eye contact.

Wang Xiao's gaze narrowed slightly, but he chose not to react in the moment. He had entrusted Mo Xiang with around 3000 yuan, a significant amount that was now unaccounted for.

Mo Xiang had once lived in Wang Xiao's previous neighborhood before he transferred to Green Oasis Garden.

In those days, Wang Xiao, lacking a personal space, used to entrust surplus money to Mo Xiang for safekeeping.

This practice had endured through the years.

Fu Chao and Tan Weimin were newcomers in Wang Xiao's life. While Tan Weimin could easily be labeled as Fu Chao's follower, the latter didn't give Mo Xiang much consideration.

Instead, Fu Chao was drawn to Wang Xiao, seeing him as a potential friend due to their similar well-off backgrounds.

However, their paths diverged significantly in university life – Fu Chao was deeply immersed in various activities, including smoking, drinking, and more.

Fu Chao had even met Wang Xiao's parents on a few occasions back in their old neighborhood. However, they remained blissfully unaware of his habits and lifestyle choices.

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Little did Fu Chao know that Wang Xiao was fully aware of his motive in approaching him first. The reason was none other than Wang Jiarong, Wang Xiao's elder sister.

Wang Xiao had seen through Fu Chao's intention, which was to establish a connection with Wang Jiarong's younger brother in order to gain further opportunities.

As their journey continued on the metro towards Nanjing East Road, Wang Xiao couldn't help but be aware of the complex dynamics and relationships that surrounded him.

Wang Xiao was a skilled pretender, adept at keeping his enemies close.

As time passed, Fu Chao and Wang Xiao's relationship evolved into something resembling friendship.

However, Fu Chao's initial intentions of pursuing Wang Jiarong were dashed when Wang Xiao orchestrated a plan that led to Fu Chao's confrontation and subsequent beating by Wang Jiarong.

This entire scenario had been carefully orchestrated by Wang Xiao himself.

He had discreetly shared information about Fu Chao's existing habits and behavior with his sister, and had gone so far as to exaggerate some of Fu Chao's actions, falsely claiming that he was involved in drugs and other illicit activities.

While Fu Chao did not engage in drug use or smuggling, Wang Xiao's manipulation had painted him in a negative light.

This strategic move was meant to ensure that Wang Jiarong would react strongly against Fu Chao's advances, ultimately leading to his defeat.

Wang Xiao's ability to carefully engineer situations and use information to his advantage showcased his cunning and calculated nature.

He knew how to exploit weaknesses and create scenarios that played to his favor, all while maintaining his facade as a friendly acquaintance to those around him.

When Fu Chao finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings to Wang Jiarong, the outcome was both unexpected and entertaining.

Wang Xiao watched from a short distance as his typically gentle sister, in a surprising twist, *slapped* Fu Chao across the face with her slipper.

The scene was a spectacle to behold, and even Wang Xiao was taken aback by his sister's ruthless reaction.

This unexpected side of her made him silently decide not to provoke her in such matters again.

The slap must have stung Fu Chao both physically and emotionally.

As he walked away, disappointment etched across his face, a red mark from the slipper's impact was visible on his cheek.

Wang Xiao, with his intricate understanding of people, stepped in to console Fu Chao.

He offered words of encouragement and inspiration, aiming to guide him towards making better choices in life, as the world as no shortage of woman.

Wang Xiao's cunning nature wasn't lost on Fu Chao. While Fu Chao never considered Wang Xiao to be completely innocent, he couldn't have fathomed the depth of Wang Xiao's strategic mind.

Wang Xiao's ability to engineer situations, manipulate perceptions, and turn adversaries into allies was beyond Fu Chao's expectations.

Wang Xiao's actions not only allowed him to evade direct confrontations that could lead to his defeat due to his age disadvantage, but they also showcased his skill in transforming potential enemies into useful allies—all while carefully monitoring their actions.

His approach was a testament to his intelligence, foresight, and ability to navigate complex situations, all beyond his age.

Wang Xiao's circle of friends fell into two distinct categories, each group unaware of the other's existence.

Chen Li, his school friend, remained blissfully ignorant of Wang Xiao's involvement with a different group of university friends.

Chen Li knew that Wang Xiao had friends, but he was unaware of the extent of their activities—smoking, drinking, and more.

Their friendship revolved around school-related activities, such as visiting malls and game parlors. Whenever Wang Xiao wanted to maintain a facade of goodness, he would hang out with Chen Li.

On the other hand, there was Fu Chao, Mo Xiang, and Tan Weimin—the university companions with whom Wang Xiao freely engaged in more adult activities.

It was Fu Chao who introduced Wang Xiao to the world of the Velvet Shadows, and this group was like Wang Xiao's key to various experiences.

They were his companions for visits to bars and other adult-oriented places.

The dynamics within these two groups were interesting. Wang Xiao tolerated Mo Xiang's tendency to use his money without permission because Mo Xiang's loyalty outweighed Fu Chao's.

Losing Mo Xiang over such matters was not something Wang Xiao wanted, as Mo Xiang was the kind of loyal friend who wouldn't switch sides easily.

He might have been a bit reckless, but his loyalty was unwavering.

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