Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 17: Wang Zhihao: Family Dinner?

Green Oasis garden, Wang Family villa.

As the grand doors swung open, Wang Xiao stepped into an all-too-familiar domestic battlefield.

The aura of the Green Oasis Garden's Wang Family villa seemed to wane against the emotional tempest brewing within.

The scene inside was one of complete chaos, yet so familiar at the same time.

"The dinner is late again!? What were you doing the whole day!? Humph!" Wang Zhihao's thunderous voice cut through the dining table's clamor.

Wang Xiao's mother, Xinyue Zhilan, looked like a woman who had grown accustomed to these turbulent waters.

Her eyes were tightly shut, as if attempting to shield herself from the tempest around her.

The rhythmic clatter of cutlery against her plate provided a repetitive distraction, an attempt to drown out the emotional turmoil surrounding her.

Seated next to her, Wang Mei appeared almost robotic in her response to the chaos. Her fork moved across her plate with mechanical precision, as though the food were nothing more than a mundane necessity.

Her gaze flitted between her parents, a silent observer of their familiar dance.

Wang Xueying had long sought refuge from the tumult, choosing to take her food directly to her room. She left the battleground of the dining room to its own devices.

On the opposite side of the table, Wang Xiao's eldest sister, the seventeen-year-old Wang Jiarong, emerged as a confident beacon amidst the tumultuous sea of emotions. Her calm presence was a stark contrast to the chaotic scene unfolding around her. Her long, glossy black hair cascaded in sleek waves down her back, creating a mesmerizing contrast against her flawless porcelain complexion.

Clad in a refined black dress that seemed to mold to her every curve, she moved with an effortless grace that seemed to soothe the very air around her.

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Sitting upright with her back straight, Wang Jiarong exuded an undeniable elegance. Her ample bosom, delicately supported by the bodice of her dress, added a subtle allure to her demeanor. Her thin hips accentuated her graceful posture and gave her an ethereal aura.

Though her eyes were fixed on her plate, the enigmatic depths of her obsidian gaze held countless untold stories.

They glimmered with a quiet strength, offering a glimpse into the resolute woman beneath the serene surface. Delicate silver jewelry adorned her, delicately glinting against her muted elegance.

Despite her age, Wang Jiarong's aura of composure remained unwavering.

With her expression carefully draped in a mask of practiced indifference, she coolly replied, "It was a mere misunderstanding, Dad. There's truly no need to blow it out of proportion."

But amidst this sea of tension, a new player entered the stage. Wang Xiao, feeling like an intruder in his own home, found himself at the center of their attention.

"Wang Xiao, you're late again! Can't you respect the sanctity of family time?" Wang Zhihao's voice reverberated with pent-up frustration, a convenient outlet for the irritations of the day.

Wang Jiarong's eyes narrowed at the constant yelling echoing in her mind, her jaw clenching as she held her voice.

The room seemed to hold its breath, each word a weight upon the air.

Struggling to manage the tempest of emotions within him, Wang Xiao's voice ran with indifference. "Tutoring ran late, you know how demanding these subjects can be."

Wang Zhihao's nostrils flared, his narrowed eyes searching for weakness in his son's defense. "Late again, just like your mother. Don't let me catch you making this a habit."

Amid the charged atmosphere, Xinyue Zhilan's grip on her fork tightened, her eyes remaining firmly closed as though trying to shield herself from the world around her.

Wang Xiao nodded and washed his hands before taking his seat at the table.

Just then, Xinyue Zhilan was serving food to Wang Xiao's place when she accidentally spilled some onto the table.

Looking at her carelessness, Wang Zhihao's face contorted in anger. "I can't believe this incompetence!" he roared, his voice a tempest that swept through the room. "A simple task, and you managed to mess it up!"

Wang Jiarong closed her eyes, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass. "Can we please not do this at the dinner table?" she said wearily, her voice laced with resignation.

Wang Mei's fork scraped against her plate as she muttered, "... Can we just eat in peace, for once?"

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Wang Xiao's father continued his tirade. "Peace? This is a reflection of your attitude towards everything!"

Xinyue Zhilan sighed softly, almost inaudibly, as if the weight of the world rested on her shoulders. "Can we just have a quiet meal?" she whispered, more to herself than anyone else.

Wang Xiao clenched his fists, his frustration simmering beneath the calm surface. "Dad, yelling won't solve anything," he said evenly, his voice a calm contrast to his father's booming rage.

Wang Zhihao's eyes narrowed as he turned his ire towards Wang Xiao. "I don't want to hear it from someone who is always late!"

Despite the urge to lash out, Wang Xiao maintained his composure. "I have my reasons, Dad," he said, his tone steady, refusing to let someone else's anger define the conversation.


The dinner eventually drew to a close, and Wang Jiarong and Wang Mei quickly made their way toward the stairs. Wang Xiao followed closely behind, the air still heavy with the aftermath of tension and unspoken frustrations.

"This family used to be so close," Wang Mei mumbled, her voice carrying a hint of wistfulness.

Wang Jiarong nodded, her gaze lingering on the living room. "Those days seem like a distant memory now."

Meanwhile, Wang Zhihao, who had managed to dissipate his earlier anger, sat before the TV with an unusual cheerfulness. He seemed like a completely different person, the weight of his earlier outburst seemingly lifted.

In stark contrast to his indifference, Wang Zhihao seemed apathetic towards addressing the issues plaguing his business. Instead, he opted for the easy refuge of yelling and watching TV, a stark reminder of his priorities.

Seated on the other side of the room, Xinyue Zhilan kept a slight distance from him. Her presence was a quiet one, a companionable yet fragile coexistence that had settled between them.

Wang Xiao's gaze narrowed as he contemplated the multitude of times he had restrained the urge to kill this pitiable man.

The reasons for holding back were painfully evident, the knowledge that any drastic actions would only worsen their already precarious situation.

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