Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 40: Dirt Bikes: Rubbing it to Fu Chao's face!?

"Haha! Wang Xiao, perfect timing, my man!" Fu Chao greeted Wang Xiao with unrestrained excitement, striding towards him. Wang Xiao, usually cautious around Fu Chao, decided to play along, sharing the embrace.

"Brother Fu Chao, you seem to be in high spirits. What's got you so fired up?" Wang Xiao asked, a faint, mocking smile tugging at the corners of his lips, unnoticed by Fu Chao.

Fu Chao's enthusiasm was infectious as he nodded vigorously, unable to contain his glee. "Xiao Ling brought a motorbike for us to test! Can you believe it? I'm pumped!" he exclaimed, blissfully unaware that his sister was also experiencing a different kind of excitement, thanks to Wang Xiao.

'Sigh, who would dare tell him about his sister getting pumped as well?' Wang Xiao's inner voices chuckled wickedly, hidden beneath his outward composure.

'Look at that excitement on the chubby face, haha!' another voice chimed in, reveling in the amusement of the situation.

'Why not spill the beans about his sister, then watch the shock on his face? Haha!' yet another voice suggested, each personality contributing its own mischievous commentary.

Unbeknownst to everyone around, Wang Xiao's mind was a cacophony of different personalities and voices, each taking turns to add their own commentary to the unfolding scene.

The voices blended seamlessly into the background, concealed by the boisterous atmosphere around them.

Wang Xiao pretended to be deeply interested, hanging on to Fu Chao's every word about the day's plans. But beneath the façade, his mind was occupied with the events that had led him to this moment.

Their current location was just outside the entrance of Shanghai Global University, where Fu Chao and numerous other students pursued their studies. With the university closed, the outside gate had become a vibrant hub for gatherings, buzzing with youthful energy and anticipation.

In the early hours of the morning, Wang Xiao had made a hasty escape from his home, leaving explanations and awkward conversations to be handled by Wang Xueying. He had no intention of being subjected to the inquisitive probing of his family so early in the day.

The very first thought that had sprung to his mind after fleeing was to seek out Fu Chao, for reasons that amused him deeply.

The tingling satisfaction of the forbidden coursed through Wang Xiao, intensifying the excitement that surged within him as he followed Fu Chao to the backside of the university walls. There, they found Tan Weimin waiting with another person, Ling Chen, who had arranged the dirtbikes.

Two brand new dirtbikes stood proudly, their blue and silver colors shimmering in the sunlight.

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"These babies are brand new, haha!" Tan Weimin exclaimed, clearly thrilled at the sight.

Walking towards Ling Chen, Fu Chao chimed in, "Where did you get these, Xiao Ling?"

"Brother, it was a calculated risk to liberate them from the showroom. You've got a mere 2-hour window to revel in their glory before I have to discreetly return them, or my old man will be onto us," Ling Chen divulged, a cigarette dangling from his fingers.

As the conversation unfolded, Wang Xiao observed the bikes, his curiosity piqued by their exchange.

Ling Chen's father owned a 4S shop, dealing not only with cars but also motorcycles. Ling Chen had orchestrated this escapade with the help of Tan Weimin, discreetly borrowing these two bikes for a short period to savor the day.

The dirtbikes stood like untamed stallions, their engines purring in readiness, a promise of untold adventures.

Fu Chao's eyes gleamed with the promise of adventure as he circled the bikes, running his fingers over the sleek designs. The vibrant blue and silver colors seemed to come alive under the sunlight, hinting at the thrill that awaited them.

He clapped Ling Chen on the shoulder with a hearty grin. "Xiao Ling, you're a legend for pulling this off! Let's make the most of these two hours!"

Ling Chen chuckled, glancing at the bikes affectionately. "You know it, brother. Now, let's gear up and hit the road before we have to sneak these babies back into hiding."

Tan Weimin handed out helmets, and the group quickly suited up, the anticipation building with each click of the buckles and adjustment of straps.

Wang Xiao, though still intrigued by the thrill of the moment, remained somewhat detached, his thoughts drifting to the complex web of secrets and forbidden experiences he had recently become entangled in.

With engines revving, the quartet mounted the dirtbikes, ready to carve through the winding roads and bask in the exhilaration of their small adventure.

Arriving near Century Park, the group of four, excluding Wang Xiao, took turns enjoying the exhilarating ride on the bikes.

Ling Chen, not particularly interested in riding, entrusted his bike to Tan Weimin, who reveled in the chance to take the machine for a spin.

Ling Chen, on the other hand, retreated to a quiet corner, engrossed in animated conversations with some girls over his phone.

Fu Chao observed the scene, shaking his head in amusement. Amongst them all, Ling Chen had a reputation as the biggest player when it came to women. He then turned his attention to Wang Xiao, an idea forming in his mind.

"Wang Xiao! How about taking a turn at the wheel?" Fu Chao proposed with an grin.

"Huh?" Wang Xiao was caught off-guard by the sudden proposal. His gaze shifted between the bike and Fu Chao, a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he contemplated the offer.

"I'm not of driving age yet," Wang Xiao replied, stating the fact plainly.

Fu Chao, however, wasn't dissuaded. He suddenly produced the keys, handing them to Wang Xiao. "Don't pull that crap on me. You don't have the legal age to go to Velvet Shadows either!"

Wang Xiao glanced at the keys, then at the bike, a sequence of confusion crossing his face. 'How do I drive this?' he wondered, feeling slightly overwhelmed as he had no prior knowledge of operating a motorcycle.

Fu Chao noticed his uncertainty and took a step back, explaining.

Over the next few minutes, he patiently explained the basics of motorcycle operation to Wang Xiao.

Gradually, it began to make sense, and Wang Xiao gained some confidence.

He mounted the bike, started the engine, and with a mix of excitement and curosity.


The bike roared to life, surging forward and sending a rush of adrenaline through Wang Xiao.

He was momentarily startled by the sudden acceleration, but quickly gained control, struggling to maintain his balance as the wind whipped past.

"Don't head towards the main streets!" Fu Chao's urgent yell reached him, a reminder to avoid the bustling main roads where traffic police could easily spot them.

Wang Xiao nodded in acknowledgement, steering the bike towards the less crowded, unmonitored streets of Pudong.

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