Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 46: 15 years before... (2)

Out of pity and a growing fondness for Lin Xue, Chen Meili became more involved in the brothel's management, a role that would have been long abandoned if left solely to Lin Xue's interests.

Lin Xue's disinterest extended far beyond the management of the brothel; she appeared disengaged from life itself.

Secluded in the back of her room, she consumed sustenance and drink like a person devoid of any desire to live.

It was a numbing existence, and the long shadows of her mother's habits loomed large, including the bad habit of smoking, which she had picked up following Qian Li's death.

But the arrival of a certain naive young man in the early months of the present year disrupted the desolation.

The news was unexpected and bewildering, and Chen Meili entered Lin Xue's room with a helpless expression, delivering this astonishing update.

In a surprising turn of events, Lin Xue decided to confront this situation herself, a choice that startled Chen Meili, who was well aware of Lin Xue's aversion to men.

To this, Lin Xue replied, "It's just a child," dismissing the notion of any potential threat from a boy.

As Lin Xue encountered Wang Xiao, Chen Meili couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and incredulity.

The boy, despite being a male, didn't evoke the same apprehension as grown men did. He was still very much a child.

To test her theory, Lin Xue even brought him into her room and allowed him to share her bed, a move that left Chen Meili astonished.

This marked the extent of what Chen Meili knew about the evolving relationship between Lin Xue and Wang Xiao.

However, what transpired after remained concealed, locked within Lin Xue's conscience.

After that fateful night, Lin Xue was burdened by guilt in the morning. She feared she might have unconsciously taken advantage of Wang Xiao and desperately wished for him not to return.

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However, the reality was different.

Wang Xiao, in her eyes, seemed to be a literal 'thug,' treating her as an object, causing her guilt to deepen.

Caught in this dilemma, Lin Xue felt a sense of helplessness.

Perhaps fueled by her guilt and her own childhood experiences of being forced, she developed an unexpected protectiveness over Wang Xiao.

He had become a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness of her life.

This unforeseen connection shattered her preconceived notions.

But this burgeoning connection also intensified her internal struggle.

Lin Xue grappled with haunting questions.

How would she react when Wang Xiao grew older?

Would the old fears resurface, and what did this make her in the eyes of the law?

The complexities of her situation weighed heavily on her conscience.

With Wang Xiao, Lin Xue felt a sense of helplessness.

Every attempt she made to distance herself from him inadvertently seemed to strengthen their connection.

The more she tried to reduce the contact, the more fate seemed to pull them closer together.

Deep down, she knew a romantic relationship between her and Wang Xiao was impossible given their significant age gap and the perception he seemed to have of her as an object.

The mystery deepened, but the story was only just beginning.

Wang Xiao was stunned as he listened to Lin Xue's past, a tale that seemed ripped from the pages of a movie script.

However, what he didn't know was that this astonishment was just the start.

Seven years in the future, Wang Xiao will be surprised again, but for different reason... an unexpected one, to say the least!


"Do you want to know anything else?" Chen Meili inquired, leaning in slightly.

Wang Xiao sat back, deep in thought, absorbing the weight of the revelations. He shook his head slowly. "That should suffice."

Curiosity danced in Chen Meili's eyes as she studied his contemplative expression. "How are you feeling about all this?" she asked cautiously.

"Mm?" Wang Xiao turned his gaze towards her, momentarily confused.

Chen Meili cleared her throat, feeling the need to clarify. "I mean, how has this revelation affected you?"

Wang Xiao blinked, processing the question. After a pause, he responded, "It's... alright."

"Alright? Just 'alright'?" Chen Meili probed, puzzled by his seemingly subdued reaction.

Wang Xiao let out a thoughtful sigh, trying to articulate his feelings. "What strong emotions should I harbor? Pity for Lin Xue, or perhaps hatred for her mother?"

Chen Meili raised an eyebrow, challenging his response. "Why not both?"

A gentle laughter escaped Wang Xiao's lips. "For what? Qian Li, her mother, led a different life and had her own set of experiences that shaped her actions. All humans are like blank sheets of paper, imprinted by ancestral DNA, which is essentially a collection of the past's accumulated experiences.

Her outlook on life was colored by her unique experiences, and she did what she believed to be the right thing. Ultimately, she was navigating life for the first time, just like each one of us."


Wang Xiao, lost in his contemplations, seemed to be echoing his thoughts more than directly responding to Chen Meili's queries, seeking validation in his own analysis.

Chen Meili felt a twitch in her face, her frustration growing. "What about Lin Xue, then? She has done so much for you. Can't you be grateful for once?"

"Grateful?" Wang Xiao seemed to be more musing aloud. "She acted according to her own will. Even parents, when they do things for their children, derive a sense of emotional and mental satisfaction. It's a form of payment beyond money. It's her choice to do as she pleases."

Chen Meili clenched her teeth, her patience wearing thin. "Whatever! She's foolish to believe in someone like you anyways!"

Somewhere along the way, the conversation had turned into a heated argument.

Chen Meili's own beliefs had been challenged, and it had shaken her to her core, causing her to activate her defense mechanism.

As an orphan, she had held a noble image of people who selflessly helped others, and Wang Xiao's words had shattered the very foundation of her beliefs.

Wang Xiao wisely chose not to escalate the situation further, and Chen Meili's outburst had already drawn attention to their table.

"W-We are extremely sorry!" Chen Meili quickly addressed the other customers in the restaurant, feeling a flush of embarrassment.

In the end, Wang Xiao provided her with Chen Li's contact information to handle matters going forward. Chen Meili was left in a state of daze; parting ways with Lin Xue was a difficult decision to make.

On one hand, she could stay in the same place, potentially allowing her own life to wither. On the other hand, there was the chance of a decent future, a life with more prospects.

The choice was inherently selfish, but Chen Meili didn't pack up and leave the very next day. She decided to spend the upcoming new year with Lin Xue as well.

At this point, Chen Meili considered Lin Xue to be part of her family, a person she deeply cared for and wanted the best for, even if it meant making difficult choices.

Maybe, it was high time for Lin Xue to break free from the confines of Velvet Shadows and embrace the possibilities beyond her boundaries.

Perhaps her departure would serve as the catalyst, nudging Lin Xue to step out of her comfort zone and explore the wider world that awaited her.

Little did Chen Meili know that life rarely follows the path we imagine.

In the series of successive incidents that unfolded in the future, Lin Xue would indeed find herself stepping out of the abyss, but these events would also push her to sink even deeper into its depths.

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