Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 566: Fighting Three Transcendents Alone (3)

As Wang Xiao's colossal bone skeleton avatar clashed with the King of Rakshas below, his true self dealt with the fiery woman before him.

She was tough—surprisingly resilient—and he liked that.

She wasn't breaking easily, and it only fueled his hunger to crush her.

Tremble... Tremble...

But then, something stirred in the air.

A sharp chill ran down his spine.

His instincts flared, and his gaze shot skyward. Hovering far above, obscured by distance and swirling clouds, was a figure, small and humanlike, but exuding an aura of immense power.

"Huh?" Wang Xiao narrowed his eyes. "What now...?"

The sky above them darkened as the figure's presence grew.

Yuriko's eyes gleamed with a pale, ethereal glow as her lips moved in a silent command, the clouds above roiling in response.


Then, without warning, an entire mass of the sky solidified, becoming a colossal celestial boulder, large enough to blot out the horizon.

It burned as it descended, falling like a second moon, its impact threatening to shatter the land itself.

The massive meteor blazed through the sky, its surface crackling with lightning, its descent warping the air around it.

The ground trembled beneath its approach, splitting open as the very earth seemed to recoil in fear of its collision.


Its size and force created winds that tore trees from their roots, sending them spinning into the sky like mere leaves.

Wang Xiao glanced up, his smile fading for a brief moment.

This was power—true power.

"Another Quasi-Transcended? What's happening today?" he muttered bitterly, shaking his head.

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But even this immense display of strength didn't faze him for long.

His grin returned, sharper than ever.

Without hesitation, he seized the woman beneath him by the throat, her body still recovering from the beating she had endured.

Her eyes widened, panic flashing across her features as she struggled in his iron grip.

He hurled her into the sky with a flick of his wrist, aiming directly at the incoming celestial boulder.

"Aghhh!" Her scream pierced the air, her body crashing into the massive rock as if she were a mere ragdoll.

Yuriko, watching from above, felt a flicker of surprise.

Wang Xiao had thrown the woman into the path of certain destruction, using her as nothing more than a shield.


The impact was cataclysmic.

The boulder collided with the earth, creating a shockwave that rippled across the land, flattening mountains and sending waves of energy tearing through the ground.

The sky itself seemed to scream in protest, the air vibrating with an otherworldly hum.

Rumble... Rumble...

Lightning forked across the heavens, and the ground below cracked open like glass, revealing molten rivers that ran deep beneath the surface.


But through the storm of debris and chaos, Wang Xiao's figure emerged, unscathed. In an instant, he appeared before Yuriko, hovering mere inches from her, his eyes locking onto hers with a gaze that was both amused and filled with anger.

He was close enough for her to feel the weight of his presence pressing against her skin like an invisible force.

His smile twisted into something more colder. "You're Yuriko, aren't you?" His voice was as sharp as ice, freezing the howling winds around them.

Yuriko's confusion flashed briefly across her features—she hadn't expected him to recover so quickly, let alone move with such blinding speed.

But before she could respond, Wang Xiao's hand shot out, seizing her by the leg.

With a savage twist, he flung her with enough force to tear through mountains.


The mountain she collided with didn't stand a chance. It crumbled into dust, the rocks and debris falling into the fissures that snaked through the ground.

The land itself seemed to buckle under the pressure of the battle.

"Cough...cough..." Yuriko coughed up blood, her vision spinning from the sheer force of the impact.

Before she could recover, Wang Xiao was upon her again, moving like a meteor as he slammed her into the ground.


The force of the blow sent a ripple through the land, the earth splitting wide as her body was driven into the depths.

But the battle didn't stop.

The fiery woman from earlier, her body still bruised but filled with fury, lunged at Wang Xiao from behind, her fists blazing with the heat of a thousand suns.

Wang Xiao turned with supernatural reflexes, his hand shooting out to grab her by the neck once again.

"!" She gasped in shock, her body freezing as he lifted her into the air effortlessly, her flames flickering as if struggling against the overwhelming power of his grasp.

"Foolish," Wang Xiao muttered, his voice low and dangerous.

But Yuriko wasn't finished.

Seizing the opportunity, she transformed into mist, her body dissipating into the wind. Her form shimmered and began to slip away, attempting to escape the grip of Wang Xiao's overwhelming power.

Wang Xiao's laughter echoed through the sky, chilling in its confidence. "Running away?" he taunted, his gaze following her misty form as it drifted through the air.

Still carrying the fiery woman by the neck, he shot after Yuriko like a streak of lightning, his speed impossible to follow.

It was as if the air itself bent around him, the very fabric of reality twisting under his power.

The difference between them—between a true Transcended and those who had yet to ascend—was as vast as the heavens and earth.

No amount of skill or power could close that gap.

In the sky, their clash reached apocalyptic proportions.

The very atmosphere rippled with their every movement, the clouds parting as if in fear of the forces unleashed below.

The air vibrated with pure energy, distorting space and time around them.

Lightning struck with the force of divine judgment, tracing jagged paths across the heavens, while massive boulders and chunks of earth were torn from the ground and flung into the sky.


A single strike from Wang Xiao shattered the air, sending shockwaves that radiated out like ripples in a pond.

The ground below quaked, opening wide as if the planet itself was crying out in agony.

The battle of the titans—the colossal bone skeleton avatar and the King of Rakshas—raged on below.

What had once been a clash of giants now looked pitiful in comparison to the devastation unfolding in the sky above.

Compared to the three Transcended beings locked in their apocalyptic struggle, the ground battle was nothing more than an afterthought.


Spikes as large as mountains rained down from the sky, crashing into the earth with the force of falling stars.

Each impact sent tremors that ripped across the land, obliterating forests, leveling mountains, and sending ancient rivers surging into the air like waterfalls inverted by chaos.

The entire realm of Hollow Earth was being torn apart—its very existence hanging by a thread as the apocalyptic battle raged overhead.

Snowstorms raged out of nowhere, blizzards swirling with unnatural fury, while rivers of molten lava burst from the ground, consuming everything in their path.

Firestorms ignited across the land, blazing like hell itself had risen to the surface.

The very sky seemed to split as lightning tore through the clouds, creating webs of electricity that covered the horizon.

Below, the once-majestic dinosaurs and ancient species that had been preserved for millennia were caught in the path of destruction.

Their desperate roars filled the air, but they were drowned out by the chaos.

Massive creatures, once kings of their domains, were reduced to ashes, their bodies swept away by the tidal waves of power that consumed the land.

The ground tore itself apart, opening massive chasms that swallowed entire ecosystems whole.

The sky rained fire and ice, while the earth bled molten rock.

It was the end of a world—an apocalypse in real-time, brought about by the clash of beings who wielded power beyond comprehension.

Above it all, Wang Xiao hovered, the fire woman still in his grasp, his eyes burning with the thrill of the battle.

He was untouchable, his power insurmountable, and as he pursued Yuriko's escaping form, he knew that no one could stand in his way.

This was the might of a true Transcended.

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