Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 149 I Am Going To Make Him Love Me

A123, A222, had decided to go and leave Lenny behind. 

Meanwhile, C888 watched from a corner. He had insisted on not leaving lenny behind. 

lenny had gifted him the ability to be able to use Darkline magic.

C888 had already sworn his life to Lenny.

He watched from a corner without interrupting Lenny from his business with the devils.

He had witnessed as Lenny put away his swords just to fight with his fist.

C888 really did not understand why lenny was doing this.

After all, was using a weapon not going to be easier than this?

Without a weapon to fight, Lenny although not weak had still become easy pickings for these devils.

Ever time he hit, it was like he was hitting a big Loud drum. Also, the recoil of each attack was disastrous to his muscles. 

After the first one that Lenny killed, he had not killed another again. 

Also, the devils launched at him like Canon balls from a giant Barrel.

Every hit was strong.

Even though Lenny was now at the second stage of the Lesser demon rank, there ws only so much hit he could take.

Also, every hit, was like a full body slap with Chaos magic. 

C888 watched as Lenny stood up from the ground. 

he spat at a corner, and then he waved his hands, producing two little blades.

"It seems like he is back to his senses," C888 thought to himself. He thought that Lenny was now going to fight with weapons.

However, what Lenny did next made him go speechless.

Lenny stabbed the knives into his ears. 

As he did, his blood flood steadily down his neck.

Even the tortoise looking devils looked at Lenny as if they were looking at a fool.

Meanwhile, A123 and A222 had made their way to the back of the devils lenny was fighting and sneaked into the Chamber were the Mini boss was located.

As they approached, they could hear the continuous Screams and Battle cries of Gladiators.

They could also hear the kissing of metal against metal. 

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It almost made them wonder if the gladiators were fighting each other or fighting the devil. 

However, entering the chamber, the sight they saw shocked them to their marrows. 

The first thing A123 saw was the welcoming look of a half smashed head on the ground. Have the head looked like the gladiator had experienced deep painful horrors before death, and the other half looked like dog shit that had been peeled off under a person's foot.

A123 frowned at this, but there was more. 

Almost every where of this big spaced room was littered with human innards. 

it looked as if a toddler that did not know the value of food had played with its meal here. 

Human innards were all over the room. On parts of the wall were stain of fresh blood trailing down slowly.

Only a few steps in and someone's large intestine fell on A123's head. 

It looked as if a Grinding machine went out of control and sprayed all its content in the room.

It was truly a terrible sight to behold. 

As they entered, a hand grabbed A222 by the ankle.

She sharply turned to it.

It was the upper torso of a person struggling for life as it crawled on the ground. Even as it crawled, the cut half still left behind blood and valuable organs behind. 

"Plea...please," the gladiator stammered a plea through the blood continually leaking from his mouth, "! protect...E999"

A222 sighed. She knew on first glance that this one was finished.

A123 waved his sword and stabbed it right in the center of the gladiator's head.

This might be a competition, but as a fellow gladiator, this was the best he could do for him. It was more of an Act of mercy.

However, something clicked in A222's head. This half dead gladiator was not even pleading for his life. 

He was pleading for help for someone else. 

A222 leaned in and then she saw it in the eyes of the gladiator as the life left his body. 

His pupils were Pink.

She frowned her brows. She knew what this meant.

A123 and A222 walked forward some more and through another bend, they finally saw it.

This was a big fight.

they were at least thirty gladiators on these devil. However, it butchered them one after the other.

The devil looked like the devils outside that Lenny was facing. 

However, it had some very special features to it.

For one, it was three times the size of those outside. 

Secondly, Its shell, also very big was metallic, and decorated unevenly with very long metallic spikes

To top things up, it was not as slow as the ones Lenny fought outside. 

It was fast, and the hits it delivered were fatal.

This mini boss was indeed nothing like they were expecting it to be.

But that was not what caught A222's eyes.

What she noticed was how relentless these gladiators were.

They fought like their lives depended on it. 

No! they fought like they were fighting for a lover. Whether they were male or female, it was true for both of them.

A222 had good eye sight.

The moment she saw them, she looked into their eyes, and they the problem laid.

Their pupils all had a pinkish glow deep within.

A222 was most familiar with this glow.

Just by the side, the culprit for this waited in a safe corner.

She stood beside two big gladiators. Both of which also had pinkish glows in their eyes. 

Even at this moment, E666 was still whispering sweet words into the ears of the gladiators. 

One look at them, and A222 could tell that E666's powers had become far stronger than it was before. 

Subconsciously, A222 turned to A123. "No matter what happens, do not let that bitch touch you!"

A222 had the look of an overprotecting wife in her eyes.

She was obviously scarred that she was going to lose her man to E666.

After all, the number of men that had died because of the desire for this women were many. 

She played them like puppets on strings attached to her nipples. Begging for ways they could please her. 

The Magistri had chosen each gladiator for this fight based on specific abilities and skills that they possessed.

A222 had to admit that aside Lenny, E666 had the scariest. 

Even Tank and his boy toy 'Adorable the Untouched' were not exempted.

Each and everyone of them had a glow in their eyes. 

E666 saw A123 and A222 in a corner. 

she waved at them like they were old time pals. 

After which she walked around the chaos of the battle to them. 

As she approached, A222 stood before her man with her blades out pointed at E666.

E666 sighed, "I am not here for your man!" she stated bluntly. 

A222 frowned, "I don't believe you!"

"If I was, I would have had my boys on him!"

A222 looked at the two gladiators acting as guards for her. 

"then what do you want?"

"Where is he!?" she asked. Her voice showed her excitement to see him again, and she even giggled a bit.

This really surprised A222. After all, the last time Lenny saw E666, he put a sword in her belly. If she had not interfered, he would have definitely killed her.

This was the second time that Lenny had attempted killing her, and yet, she still giggled like a little girl at the thought of him.

A123 also looked at her weirdly.

He really did not understand why E666 was so into Lenny. 

After all, it was clear that the relationship she had with Lenny was already very abusive, and this was not the usual beat and walk away. He genuinely wanted to kill her.

If any one were to ask him, then he would say that E666 had a screw loose somewhere in her head. 

"He is handling personal matters behind us," A222 responded.

"Good! he will make it just in time."

"what do you mean?" A222 asked her.

E666 pointed at the gladiators fighting the Mini Boss, "If he does not want me, then I am going to force him to!"

Those words sounded even stranger in A123's ears.

They still did not understand, however A222 suddenly noticed something.

These gladiators were not fighting the Mini boss to kill it. 

Instead, they were fighting to capture it.

This was a hundred times more difficult than killing it.

It made more sense why they were so many deaths. 

E666 was just feeding Gladiators to their deaths.

As they watched, Tank suddenly brought out a little cloth wrapped like a purse. 

He opened it, and then he popped its contents into his mouth.

Usually, only on devils pill was needed. However, Tank popped three into his mouth, as his body went through incredible changes, Tank's boy toy 'Adorable the Untouched' popped two devil pills into his mouth.

Both of them went through incredible changes.

As they did, E666 smiled, "I promise you D999, I am going to make you love me!"

(Author's note: let's push this book forward with reviews please!)

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