Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 154 Graceful Chaotic Dance Of A Murderer

"I heard Devils were a people of chaos," Lenny muttered lowly, "True chaos is not the distability of Order. It is the presence of it within Order. Let me show you Chaos."

Lenny kicked against the ground as he rose in the air.

C888 watched attentively.

At this moment, if he was to describe Lenny, it would be in two words, "Gracefully Frightening."

Lenny's body floated in the air and then like a an eagle that had found it's prey, he dove down, right in the middle of the Devils.

As he landed, he moved his hands.

A devil behind him was caught unaware as Lenny's elbow gave a strike backwards.

It was so fast that it looked like one hit, but just as before, it was double.


Even without looking at the result of his attack, he moved again.

His fingers stroke like the strike of a hungry lion on an unfortunate rabbit.

He brought it down ferociously.

After that, it was his knee, and then his feet as it moved like a serpent hunting fish.

Every part of his body had become a subtle weapon for chaotic destruction.

To C888 and everyone watching from the Arena, Lenny was performing a dance.

At least, that was what it looked like.

But in the harmonic rhythm of this dance, his feet, hands, joints and any part of his body capable of voluntary motion had become a sort of weapon.

If this dance was a performance, then the crowd would have stood in applause.

However, this was a massacre.

An absolute Massacre.

Even though they were Devils, their deaths in the hands of Lenny did not only look but felt unjust to the Audience watching.

The worse part of it was that his attacks on the Devils sounded loudly. Because of the nature of the shell of these devils, every hit was like the drumming of back up instrumentalists.

Before Lenny had began this Massacre, he had said he would show true chaos.

Apparently, he had not been exaggerating.

His dance was like a princess celebrating the joy of finding love.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But the deaths he caused was like a lion playing with a heard of cattle.

Blood burst from every being his body touched.

He was like a painter experimenting with new paint.

Every attack was a different splash of red paint on the walls.

Like pampered children in a cafeteria during lunch break that had little to know value for food, and instead played around in a food fight.

Except in this case, Lenny threw the food at the wall like it was his opponent.

Basit watched the fight from the Arena and his eyes widened in surprise, "is he throwing tomatoes at the walls!?"

This question had popped up subconsciously from his mouth. 

His mouth had not been able to hold back and spat out the troubles of his mind.

These words as an Arena master should not have been spoken.

But in this scenario, no one could even question his words.

Lenny was putting up a show like never before seen.

All the Demons in the Arena had forgotten to watch the other gladiators and their eyes were glued to the scene of Lenny fighting.

The bat eyes could not transmit sound, but everyone watching could feel deep within their being the rhythm of his movements.

It was as if his every kick or punch played a string in their souls.

The entire Arena had even gone silent.

Some demons even hesitated breathing in fear that they would disrupt his chaotic dance.

Even though they were not there, Lenny's every movement drew them in like hungry cats to the enticing smell of rotten fish.

Lenny gave the last attack with his Elbow.

He had started with it, and he had ended with it.

*Graceful Chaos!*

That was the name of the Assassin technique he had just used.

It was ancient, but then again, he had leant it from a master with ancient but resounding capabilities.

<+100 kills>

<+100 magic points>

<+300 Stre>

<+500 Agil>

<+50 bonus points on all stats for finishing Early>

The sweet sound of Alearts sounded in his head to congratulate him for his expressive efforts.

He had completed the required task and had even killed more.

Blood flowed on the ground as a testimony to his unforgiving fists.

And the walls were painted with a new attention to a deeper color.

Of course, guts and innards hug on the rocks.

They were like pretty decorations to a Christmas tree.

Yet, in all this, not a single drop of blood from the devils that had been unfortunate to meet him had stained his body.

In fact, in the continuous attacks he sprayed out, the system had managed to heal his body good.

And the reward from the Satan system had sped up that process.

Lenny looked all around and shook his head.

He sighed lowly.

Even though he had gotten the reward from the system, and had killed all the devils, he was really sad.

Lenny could not help by kneel on the ground as a few drops of tears were tempted to fall from his eyes.

This surprised all of them that were watching.

This included C888. 

He really did not understand why Lenny's eyes looked like a new born that had just dropped a candy.

However, none of them knew that Lenny was pained because he did not get the chance to drink the blood from the hearts of these devils.

After all, they were stronger than the average.

If he had taken it, it would have definitely added to his strength.

But he had attacked so hard that he destroyed the insides of the devils.

There was nothing left for him to squeeze out.

This was his pain.

As his eyes traced the dead bodies with the Giant holes in their centers, he could not hold it any more and screamed to the sky.

After a few minutes of shedding tears to his heart's content, he wiped his eyes and stood up to his feet.

He turned to C888, "are you coming?"

C888 was speechless. He had just seen a graceful but deathly dance.

After which, the cause of the deaths had gone on his knees and cried for the dead!?

"Why not just go around them like I suggested earlier!?" C888 thought to himself.

However, he held back his tongue. Lenny was not a person he was willing to offend.

Even if the sky was going to drop and beg him to do it, he was not going to be that foolish.

He stood to his feet and followed behind Lenny.

In C888's head, Lenny was not a person he could understand.

One moment he was killing, and the next he was crying, and just like that, he had a straight emotionless face like none of it had happened.

C88 followed behind Lenny and the both of them walked through the passage and into the region that the others had entered.

This was the location of the mini boss.

Lenny had already promised himself that he was going to ensure that his attacks let him enjoy the meal.

After all, growing in strength while having a nice meal was the sweetest part of the job.

As they walked, C888 could see the dead bodies on the ground.

While Lenny was engaged with the Devils, he had heard a loud explosion from this place.

One look and he was sure that a fierce battle had taken place.

Blood and flesh bathed the place.

From the pungent smell, it was obvious that a lot have died, and not too long too.

The cave passage was quiet except for the continuous trickle of blood from the walls, and it's flow that formed a small red stream.

From the marks on the dead bodies, C888 could see the gladiator Classes of the dead bodies on the ground.

They were a lot of A and B class.

Ideally, these people were stronger than him.

Subconsciously, he walked even closer to Lenny.

After all, with the things he had seen Lenny do, he was safer walking closest to him.

However, Lenny did not even give the dead on the ground a second look. 

They were of no significance to his goal.

He was like a rich man taking a peaceful stroll in his garden.

Nothing could bother him.

They went through the passages and after several turns, an even more awful sight.

It was as if the many deaths of gladiators they had seen till this particular cave was all an appetizer.

This was were the real struggle for life happened.

Just then, two people rushed over.

It was A222 and A123.

"D999 you have to get away from here. She is fucking crazy!" A222 adviced.

Lenny looked at the two of them with a frown on his face.

Both of them were panicking, and had obvious worry on their faces.

Just then, Lenny felt the earth shake as the silhouette of a monster approached....

(I'm so sorry for the mistake guys...I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Once again, I appologise)

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