Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 179 Poisoned By Kisses

When Lenny had felt the illusion of a hammer smashing into his head, it was not because he could see any around.

Besides, neither Razor nor Manta carried one.

However, now, that illusion proved to be a forecast.

Manta had dislocated and ripped apart her left arm.

There it was, the hammer Lenny had seen.

Manta's hammer had been a part of her own body.

Little to no blood poured from her body as she detached this Hammer.

It was not so large, but the moment she removed it, Razor's attention focused on it with extreme prejudice.

"Manta of Lady Hanger's Arena. I have never met you, but I have heard of your tales...Hehehe" Razor chuckled.

"I have also heard stories of what your hammer can do. Only a foolish man would face you bare handed with that thing in your hand."

As he talked, his reptilian tail, like a Scorpion pointed at her. It's end was very sharp and pointed. A good part of it looked to be metallic as it reflected under the light of the room.

Proper observation would note that the tip looked wet. 

It was laced with poison.

"Not bad! You brought a toy of your own, and You have also heard of me, regardless of my master's efforts to keep me a secret. That's good! You are a half-born with a True name from your master. Don't you dare bore me!"

Her words had barely left her mouth before she moved.

Just like before, there was no extra movement, no effort from her was wasted.

Unlike when Lenny moved, there was no kicking against the ground.

Her hammer just so happened to appear right on Razor's head.


Both weapons kissed hard.

Just like before, another assault had began.

It was fast and it was incredible.

Razor used both his tail and his fists laced with pointy fingers to attack.

However, Manta used only her hammer in one hand.

Surprisingly, the dwarf did not lose in momentum to him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Even though he used three weapons and she one, she parried his attacks ceaselessly.

Her expression was void of emotions, and she exuding a calm but cold and blood tasty vibe.

Coco watched the match with keen attention.

A regular Gladiator would not be able to see it, but with his level of strength, he could see it clearly.

These two were actually using their Darkline magic. However, for each of them, it came in different forms.

At their level of power, they could turn their Darkline magic into tangible things of incredible destruction.

For Razor, it was the poison of his blades while Manta's was her hammer.

Unlike when lesser Half-borns fought and wasted much of their Darkline energy as they attacked, sometimes flaring it out their bodies when their emotions got the better of them, these two were not like that.

Even though Razor smiled continually to the excitement of the battle, he did not lose control of his emotions, attacking with incredible precision.

Between these two, there was no where they attacked that was not a fatal point on the opponents body.

Every attack aimed at killing or at least dealing damage significant enough to death's approach.

As Coco watched, a corner of his eyes noticed something, and he only looked on that direction for a split second. 

However, what he saw both amazed and impressed him.

After all, it concerned a supposed dead fellow on the ground.

His eyes darted back to the match between the two fighters.

Their fight was reaching a critical point. 


A resounding upper cut with Manta's hammer sent Razor into the air.

He went so high that he nearly hit the stalactites-turned chandeliers in the ceiling.

That hit was not something he expected.

But it was still far from over.

As he landed, her hammer came again.

Her aim was to crush his head.

However, Razor instinctively placed his arms in front of his face, hardening his scales like a shield before him.


Another attack sent him flying a good distance, smashing into a wall.


He coughed out some blood, and even with the hard scales about his body, his hands looked a bit crushed from the impact.

 However, his smile had not dimmed even in the slightest.

He stood up his feet, his eyes showed his displeasure at the way the fight was going.

He had been attacking with all he had but she was still able to give him a defining hit.

He took a step forward, however as he did, his knees went straight for the ground.

He coughed up some more Blood.

Whipping his lipless mouth with the back of his hand, he looked once more at her hammer.

"For someone that had already heard about my hammer, you are really too sloppy. Letting yourself get hit like that his a recipe for death," Manta explained to her opponent.

She raised the hand-made hammer to her face and kissed it a bit at its edge, before setting her eyes once more on Razor.

"Every hit from my hammer shaves off 25% of life force from my opponents body. Simply put, in three more hits, you will be dead!"

Razor chuckled, "I know, but it is not enough."

He rushed at her again.

Yet again, another round of British attacks aimed at weakening each other.

Yet again, another hit from her hammer sent him flying.


This time around, the blood he poured out was so much that it looked as if he was vomiting his food.

"Hahahaha!!! Two more to go you little snake," Manta in her joy kissed her hammer's edge yet again.

Coco watched the fight and shook his head.

Apparently, Razor regardless of his tenacity to be able to fight a Half-born that was a rank ahead of him due to his true name was currently losing the fight.

Yet again, the Reptilian man, unable to learn his lesson rushed for Manta.

"Since you want to die so bad, here comes three!"

She raised her hammer to meet his face.

However, her eyes suddenly squinted tightly.

Something was not right.

For some reason, Razor was actual faster than she could raise her hammer.


Blood went up in the air as a significant amount of flesh from her side was fetched out.

Razor landed behind her.

Even though he was bloody all round and the deep dented scars of her blows still maintained shape like the the carved out sites of meteor to earth, he still smiled heartily.

In his Bloody claws was a significant chunk of her side, ribs, tummy and all.

Manta turned to him in surprise.

She could not believe it. Or rather, she did not want to believe it.

"Was he hiding his strength the whole time?" She asked herself as the blood she was trying to hold back forced it's way out the gapping hole at her side and her mouth.

Even though she coughed out blood, and could taste the sweetness of her own blood on her mouth, she couldn't believe what had happened.

She looked to her side. Some of organs were very clear to see.

Half-borns were a very tough bunch. The higher they climbed in their power, the stronger they became. Therefore, also an increase in toughness.

This much as an injury was no where enough to kill her, but the blow was still a strong one.

It was a blow not just to her body but to her mind.

Razor still held in his claws the part of her body he fetched out.

"Hehehe!!!" He chuckled as he opened his mouth abnormally wide, and then before her eyes, he forced the chunk he carved out of her body into his mouth.

As he did, she frowned tightly. Razor was literally eating her flesh before her very eyes.

"You fucking bastard! You dare!?" She stepped forward in anger, but a sharp pain from the gapping wound stopped her advance.

Razor's neck expanded like a snake forcing down a rabbit through it's throat.

His abnormally long tongue protruded out of his mouth to lick the blood off his fingers.

As he performed this particular action, he maintained eye contact with her.

"Of course I dare!

"I see you have still not noticed." He added.

"Noticed what?" She frowned.

"Your hammer of course. I mean were those kisses to it not affectionate? Did you not feel my Darkline magic in them?"

Like a little spark of enlightenment made way in her head.

Razor was not joking when he said that he knew Manta.

And from the little he knew, she had a habit of kissing her hammer every strike she made that gave a definite hit.

However, Razor regardless of his appearance, was not all brute with no brains.

Regardless of his strength due to his true name, he knew he could not match up fully to her.

It took quite a lot to match up to her blows. Therefore, he did something else.

At their level of strength, their Darkline magic could become tangible.

For Razor, it was his poison.

However, the illusion he played was that only his tail and claws carried his poison.

However, proper observation would show that his entire body being covered in a thin layer of his Darkline magic, was covered in poison.

Those proud hits Manta gave that resulted into giving her hammer's edge kisses was just her sending his poison into her own body...

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