Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 199 The Opportunity Presents Itself

Lenny could already see it, he was going to die.

The sheer momentum and malice that Basit's eyes spilled was only expressed in the wave of his Darkline magic pouring out of his body, heading in one direction.

At this point, Lenny knew that they was no where to move or run to.

He was like a planet trapped in the gravitational field of a sun, and about to be bathed in horrible solar flares.

Even if he wanted to move, he couldn't.

However, just when he was about to be burnt like the ant he was, under the lens of a child that had discovered a new method of killing bugs, a hand from seemingly nowhere patted Basit on the shoulder.

"GENTLEMAN Basit, I understand your loss, but please mourn after the event is over."

It was Basket face, the butler of Lady Vinegar.

His smile appeared friendly but menacing , revealing his rows of uneven teeth.

Even Lenny was not so dumb that he did not understand those words.

What Basket face was saying was, 'do not dare show disrespect before Lady Vinegar. Leave it till after the event is over.'

Basit swallowed back his Darkline magic as he turned to Basket face. "You are right, I'll just mourn my losses later." 

He gave back a side smile so forced it looked as if his face would crumble like biscuit in tea.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Once more, the capabilities of this Butler had been increased in Lenny's mind.

After all, Basit was a Deep level demon. 

Demons respected strength. If he was being respectful to Basket face the butler, then it meant that they was more behind that black suit and tie.

"Gladiator D999, step forward."

Every one's attention was drawn by these words.

It had come from Lady Vinegar. Her voice was gentle, and felt like the soft whisper of the wind on the ocean surface on a calm night.

Lenny walked forward past the Arena masters, past Cuban and past the members of the Governor's family.

The rest of his teammates were left down below.

Lenny had completed the tournament by 'Defeating' the last boss. He alone was to carry this honour.

However, right now, Lenny felt like a Deer cub in the center of a group of Lions contemplating if he was ripe enough for dinner.

He could feel their sharp gazes from all round, stripping and assembling every part of his body. 

Like children trying to figure out how the light in a fridge came on when it was opened, they observed his every movement. 

Even the vein lines along his neck and arms was scrutinized well.

Without anyone telling him what to do, Lenny presented the case before Lady Vinegar, and then slowly, he opened it.

The moment he did, he noticed that not just her, but the other Demons took several steps back.

It was as if he had revealed the light to shoo away the darkness.

It was just three Angel feathers that Lenny had mostly drained of power, but the radiation they carried in them had this much effect on the demons.

This was truly surprising.

These demons only a moment ago where like confident snakes about a rabbit, and all of a sudden, they pulled their heads back in hiding at the faint sight of a Bald eagle.

This reevaluated what Lenny thought of Angels.

Lenny noticed that everyone subconsciously recoiled or at least shy away from the case except one person.

Yes, only Cuban remained where he stood, looking at the feathers like he was looking at any other person.

Lenny's head went in fast deep revisit of the information he had of Cuban.

Cuban was a demon but not a normal demon.

According to what he had heard, he had royal blood in him.

This made Lenny wonder whether having royal blood was the reason why the feathers had no effect on him.

However, that would be thought process for another time.

Meanwhile, he could also hear the sharp whispers from the demons that formed the audience.

He could tell that aside the Arena masters, no one else knew that the true goal of this tournament was to get the Angel feathers.

The whispers slowly became louder, evidently praising the ability of the Governor's family to find and take them.

Lenny could feel they was yet again another agenda behind this. After all, the angel feathers were obviously considered to be precious.

But if they were so precious, why allow their display in public?

This did not make sense. Even museums did not truly display their most priced artifacts only copies of them.

Priced artifacts were only displayed when a special need was involved. An example a display of status and capability.

But that risings another question. Who were they trying to display to?

Lenny closed the case, the demons recovering from the light it gave.

Lady Vinegar nodded, stepping forward, she took the bronze box containing the Pheonix heart and handed it over to Lenny.

As she did, their fingers slightly brushed against each other.

Lenny's brows frowned slightly. A particular memorable moment that happened only recently brushed through his mind.

As it did, he raised his head from the bronze box. 

Lady Vinegar wore a thin white veil over her face, but with how close their faces were from each other, Lenny could almost see her facial features clearly.

His mind trained to be quick wittily tried to merge it with an uninvited visitor he had not long ago.

However, before he could dwell on it, a laughter so loud it echoed throughout the Arena was heard.

"Hahahaha!!! Finally, all the pieces are complete and in one place."

Big broad skin wings that casted a wide blanketing shadow on the Arena made it's appearance.

As it did, all eyes looked in it's direction.

But before any one could make an understanding of who it was, a rain of bright red arrows three fingers thick with the length of a grown man fell sharply.

The arrows fell on the governor's family...

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