Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 2: Amazing growth.

While drinking the breast milk of the arctic wolf, Su Lin fell into a drowsy sleep with drooping eyelids at the sound of the system's reminder next to his ears.

Young mammals are always very lethargic.

This is well reflected in both human babies and arctic wolf cubs.


A month later, in the cave.


A childish growl sounded beside Su Lin's ear.

A tiny figure was looking at Su Lin in amazement with his cute little eyes blinking.

This figure is obviously the wolf girl.

Wolf Girl was born not much later than Su Lin, that is, the front and rear feet.

But she didn't expect her brother, who was originally about the same size as her, to grow up so fast.

Now he is several laps older than himself.

As for Su Lin, who was looking at the scenery outside the cave and daydreaming, when he heard this surprised growl, he just turned his head, stretched out his paw and rubbed the wolf girl's head lovingly.

Of course he was aware of the surprise and doubt in Wolf Girl's heart.

At the same time, not only the wolf sister, but also the wolf father and mother in the cave, as well as several other members of the wolf clan are also very curious about him.

If it wasn't for Su Lin growing up under their noses this month, they might have already regarded Su Lin as an arctic wolf who sneaked in.

After all, within this month, Su Lin's growth was indeed a bit too terrifying.

Of course, the role of those ten potential medicines is indispensable.

On the third day after being reborn, Su Lin could already run and jump alone.

On the tenth day, they were weaned from milk and began to eat the prey that father wolf caught from the outside world.

On the twentieth day, his body size had already surpassed that of the wolf sister, and even surpassed that of the half-year-old cousin of the uncle wolf's family.

Thirty days old, that is, now, Su Lin's size is almost the same as a one-year-old male arctic wolf.

Name: Surin.

Species: Arctic wolf.

Level: Level 3. (Upgrading requires 80 evolution points.)

Vitality: 300.

Stamina: 30.

Strength: 30.

Defense: 30.

Speed: 60.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Evolution value: 8.

In a month, Surin evolved to level 3.

Compared with the scattered attributes of wolf father and wolf mother, Su Lin's attributes are more balanced.

Because for every level up, the system will give him a balanced increase of 10 points in all attributes.

As for qi and blood, it will increase by 100 points.

But in addition to this, there is an additional 10 points of free allocation of attribute points.

It can be seen that this should also be the effect of those ten potential medicines, which have additionally developed their own potential.

Don't underestimate the 10 extra attributes, which means that at the same level, your overall strength is at least one-fifth higher than the opponent's!

This is not the scariest.

The most frightening thing is that the extra attribute points can be distributed freely!

Surin allocated all free attribute points to speed.

Now his speed is definitely far higher than those of the same level, even the wolf mother can't match it.

In heaven and earth, speed is king!

After all, if you have speed, you can run even if you can't beat it.

This is what Su Lin thought.

But at this moment, a thick and low growl of a male arctic wolf interrupted his thoughts.

Su Lin looked up at Father Wolf.

This roar belongs to Father Wolf.

Through these days of observation and personal experience, he has also roughly understood the meaning of the various sounds of the wolves.

Like this low growl, it is the roar of Father Wolf beckoning his members to go hunting.

Surin heard this kind of roar almost every day.

Because wolf father and wolf mother go out to hunt every day.

However, due to the harsh environment and the fact that there are few species in the North Pole, the wolf parents and mothers only get very little harvest every time they go out.

As for common large animals such as polar bears, yaks, and grizzly bears, wolves dare not hunt.

After all, hunting these animals often causes heavy losses to the wolves.

Therefore, unless there is a hopeless situation, any wolf pack will not attack these animals.

As hunting became more and more difficult, this time even the wolf mother who had stayed in the cave to take care of her cubs stood up, and then walked out with the large group.

Before leaving, Mother Wolf rubbed Su Lin and Sister Wolf affectionately with her head.

Then he howled twice, telling Su Lin to take good care of the wolf girl, then turned and left.

As for Father Wolf, before leaving, he explained to his cousin who was also staying behind.

This half-year-old cousin is naturally the eldest sister of the cubs in terms of age, so after the wolf father communicated with her, he was relieved to take the wolves away.

There are eight adult Arctic wolves in the cave, counting the wolf parents and wolf mothers. This time, all of them were dispatched.

Hope they have a good harvest this time.

And there were only five cubs left in the cave.

Among the cubs, apart from Su Lin, a little lone wolf who always likes to be alone stands out.

This little lone wolf has no parents. It was discovered by wolf father and mother wolf when they went hunting by chance.

Maybe it was out of sympathy for the same kind, or some kind of emotion, anyway, the wolf father and mother took in this little lone wolf.

Three months old, but not much smaller than her half-year-old cousin.

This growth rate is not slow.

It can be seen that in the future, this is also the head wolf seedling of the wolf pack, but it is still much inferior to Su Lin. UU Reading

At this time, after the wolves left, Su Lin thought for a moment, and felt that it was time for him to go out and hunt alone.

Because he eats more and more meals, more than an adult arctic wolf.

But the wolf father and wolf mother had already worked very hard to hunt for food, and they lost a lot of weight these days.

It seems that he saved all the food and threw it to himself and the wolf girl.

This made Su Lin feel that it was time to share the responsibility.

Coupled with the "devoured evolution" system, one would have to go out and experience battles and kills.

Hiding in a cave and being fed by wolf parents and mothers all the time is not a problem.

So Su Lin didn't hesitate, and moved as soon as he said it.

Through howling wolves, he briefly explained to his wolf sister and cousin.


The cousin also howled, trying to stop Su Lin.

But Su Lin turned a deaf ear and walked out of the cave, leaving only his wolf sister and his angry cousin staring at him eagerly.


The North Pole is a land of endless ice and snow and long winters.

The temperature here in winter often drops to forty or fifty degrees below zero.

This is a horrible temperature.

Even if Su Lin was reborn as an arctic wolf, covered by this thick layer of fur, he could still feel the severe cold brought by the arctic winter after he came out.

"The severe cold brings damage, blood value -1!"

"The severe cold weather doubles the energy consumption of the host, please pay attention to saving energy."

A cold reminder sounded from the system next to the ear.

The sound made Su Lin know that he couldn't stay outside for too long.


After taking a breath of the icy cold air from the Arctic continent, he walked away from the cave step by step.

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