Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 17: Mother's Words, Going to School

Chapter 17: Mother's Words, Going to School

As the new dawn rose on the City of Rambruck, its light showered the streets with a brilliant hue as the clear sky gave one a feeling of brightness for the day's activities. Much like those in the Prominent Sector, the many different citizens who lived in the Gutter Zone started their day rather early; they knew how hard one had to work to keep living, even more so than those better off beyond the Dividing Wall.

Like everyone else, Nero was up early; he was currently in the kitchen, making omelets with bacon and various vegetables. A kettle was also nearby with boiling water.

Soon, Nero had emptied the contents of the frying pan into two plates, even placing some slices of avocado as well; he then turned off the kettle and pour two cups of tea. After placing the dishes around the table, Nero was about to call his mother.

However, as he turned around, he saw that she was already staring at him with her thin almond-shaped eyes with goldish-brown pupils, her long silver hair seeming a bit unrefined as if she'd just got out of bed while her elegant looking dress was a bit crumpled.

"Mother, you're up early, that's good," Nero said with a happy expression.

Hersa made a warm smile as she saw his expression, she walked over and gently pinched his cheek as she spoke, 'Who am I to say in bed while my adorable child is doing all the work? Hehe, you've made my favorites; I'm already feeling famished, so come on, let's eat.'

Even at 15, Nero could never outgrow his feeling of satisfaction when praised by his mother. He smiled as he helped her sit down, and the two began to eat and chat about various things.

"Nero, you seem to be in good spirits, how is your school life coming along?" Hersa suddenly asked while looking at him with a gentle gaze.

As his mother, she would naturally notice every detail of her son. She obviously noticed that he wasn't wearing his glasses, and had a sturdier and refined appearance, but as if she didn't care she only questioned about his school life.

Nero was a bit surprised by the sudden question, but as it only focused on his school life he calmed down and spoke with a slightly forced a smile, "It has been okay mom, I've been studying hard. I think that after I graduate, I'll be able to qualify for another scholarship."

Hersa nodded and replied, "That's good; my Nero has always been smart; I wouldn't expect anything lesser. Hmm, but though that's good, what about your classmates? Have you made any friends?"

Nero was a bit depressed when he heard the term classmates; he knew that ever since he provoked that individual, he was no longer a classmate in their eyes.

As far as Nero was concerned, he didn't care about them, but he didn't want his mother to know, especially when he recalled the scene of her kneeling in the past.

Suddenly, Nero remembered that he made a friend last night, his eyes brightened as he spoke, "Mother, I forgot to mention, I made a friend last night."

Hersa was observing Nero's face, when she saw his initial look of coldness, she felt a bit hurt as she didn't want him to be alone, but as she saw his eyes brightened and heard his words, her eyes flashed with surprise then satisfaction.

"Good, what's his name? Does he attend your school?" Hersa asked with a smile.

Nero hesitated for a bit before he spoke, "Mother, he is a friend I met online, he is similar in age to me, and we also study together..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Nero didn't like lying to his mother, but he knew that he could only do so in this case, it would be sheer madness to expose her to the world of the Universe Ring.

"Online? I see..." Hersa said as she looked at Nero deeply before placing down her spoon and speaking again, "Nero, I'm glad that you were able to find a true friend. I want you to remember these words; no one in this world can ever truly live alone. It is the people we meet and the bonds we form that allows us to be who we are, no matter what happens in life, you must treasure your friends and never allow yourself to wallow in solitude."

Nero was a smart boy, who listened to her words carefully noting her serious expression, he nodded and replied, "Yes mother,"

Hersa smiled as she heard his reply; she then looked at the time and saw that it was nearing 7. Not wanting to keep his time, she rose from her seat and spoke, "It was good talking with you, my son hurry on now, you don't want to miss the bus for school."

"Oh, no!" Nero said as he was a bit startled, only now did he realized that the time had grown late. He jumped up and got his backpack before kissing his mother's forehead as he runoff like the wind, leaving a few words, "Okay, mother, I'll see you later, make sure to keep the house locked up."

Hersa stared at his back and smile as she spoke to the wind, "Hehe, he's so much like his father, even now he's still thinking about my well-being."

However, after saying this, Hersa's eyes showed a trace of sadness as she muttered, "His father..."

When she ushered those words, a silhouette of a broad back and strong-looking man flashed in her eyes, but before she could even clearly picture it, her eyes shrunk as she hurriedly placed her hand at her mouth to cough.

After coughing, Hersa saw black spots in her red blood; her arms trembled slightly as her eyes showed sadness when looking towards the Direction Nero left.

She was about to close the door, but at this moment, Hersa saw that someone was looking at her. It was a man that wore a thick black overcoat, with a large had, shades, and black gloves with red patterns.

Hersa looked at this man in silence, as he did the same to her, the two seeming to carry a strange synchrony. Suddenly, the man lifted his hand, placing it on the tip of the hat as he nods his head before turning and leaving.

Hersa looked him before she sighed and closed the door, heading back to her resting quarters with a lamenting look on her face.

Not aware of the scenes at home, Nero had already arrived at the Dividing Wall. He saw that a few family's children from the Gutter Zone were gathered after passing the checkpoint and standing beyond the wall.

As Nero appeared, no one seemed to look his way; Nero didn't mind as he felt more at ease this way. While he wouldn't reject his mother's wish to find friends, he wouldn't do so with those that have explicitly betrayed him.

Still, though Nero was ignoring everyone, some were looking at him and discussion in silence.

"I-Isn't that Nero? W-When did he get so... so... good looking?" A girl asked in shock.

"For real, I didn't think it was him, look, he's even stopped wearing glasses, his eyes... they are so different without them..." Another girl said as she dreamily stared at his face.

A few of the guys noticed this; they stared at Nero with ugly looks on their faces.

Nero paid their responses no mind; his eyes were fixed onto the bus that approached in the distance, unlike the final bus that waited for students in the evening, this one was in much better condition. He already decided that he wouldn't act in such a weak manner anymore, with strength, he will claim what he needs for his mother to live a better life.

Not too far away from Nero, was a silent Asian youth in glasses, and short yellowish hair. He seemed to be busy playing with a smartphone, but if one looked at him carefully, they would see that his narrow slanted dark brown eyes were staring at Nero.

Soon, the bus came, and Nero, along with everyone else had entered. It then drove into the distance, moving through a crowd of early morning traffic as it went to the more central sections of Rambruck.

Looking around, one would see a variety of tall buildings and core facilities; one area had a large campus capable of holding over a thousand students. It was filled with many different structures and even had an artificial river running through its compound.

Many different school buses were parked neatly, as groups of students from distant places began to make their way across the compound headed for their classrooms along with those who were coming from the hostels.

This place was the Rambruck Academy of Excellence; a prestigious academy ranked within the top ten high schools of the Levier Sector.

Nero's bus soon arrived on campus; it parked itself in an orderly manner by the sides of other school buses. Following this, Nero and the others departed and headed towards different directions.

However, only the silent Asian youth trailed behind Nero at a far enough distance, casually playing with his smartphone.

Nero felt a bit strange, but he didn't overthink it, while he walked, it didn't take long for him to be a center of attention, it's only natural as his looks had undergone a drastic change.

"Hey, Velmon, isn't that fellow the one from that time?" A hook nose youth with hawk-like eyes said as he sat in the open areas, by his side was a handsome young man with short black hair, a straight nose, and slender purple pupils with long eyelashes.

Velmon narrowed his eyes when he looked at Nero, noticing his change, he frowned as he spoke, "So it seems..."

The hook nose youth looked at Velmon and spoke, "He's acting so bold, do you want me to send Benson to rough him a bit?"

Velmon shook his head as his eyes flickered when he replied, "No, let him be, no need to do such foolish acts from now on..."

The hook nose youth made a puzzled look as he spoke, "Odd, you'd normally enjoy such a thing, why the change? You've even gone and dyed your hair?"

Velmon smiled as he replied, "All new eras start with change, don't you think so, Jason?"

Jason looked at Velmon deeply before he shook his head and replied with a laugh, "Haha, fine-fine, whatever, but even if we don't say anything, that Benson is only going to act as he please..."

"Let him be; we have more important things to focus on..." Velmon said no longer paying the topic any mind, he rose to his feet, preparing to head to class.

Jason looked at him deeply before he followed along in silence.

Unaware of them, Nero had already arrived at his classroom, with the title A2. He looked at the number, which was a representation of the elite numbers in every year group.

Nero took a deep breath while thinking, 'A new day begins...'

Following his thoughts, he opened the door, and the lights from the open windows shone brightly for a while soon after revealing its interior.

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