Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 203: Doppleman’s Interference, Nero’s Win

Chapter 203: Doppleman’s Interference, Nero’s Win

Bang! The battle platform echoed as the violent clash of energies created a scarlet scene, the weaker digesters amongst the various groups shrunk back, fearing the overwhelming show of force. But unlike them, characters such as Jillian, Kailua Mei, and Kyle stood their ground with somewhat pressed gazes.

'Che! The Combat Power for that skill of his is no lower than one of mine, maybe even 450 or a bit more... how could a random guy like this be so strong?' Jillian thought to himself with a look of seriousness on his face.

Unlike him, however, Delkan took a step back with shock over his face, his fist clenched as he gritted his teeth while thinking.

'Damn! Damn! Damn! How is this strong already? Will I never be able to crush him under my feet?' Delkan cursed to himself, his hate for Nero growing with each passing second as they looked at the chaos on the battle platform.

On the side of the Shadowblood Faction, Davia showed intrigued eyes as she looked at the platform, saying nothing in the end. Kyle also looked on with a serious expression; he now felt that Nero was someone who he could recognize as an opponent.

Weizer, on the other hand, felt that he was looking like a monster; he glared at Nero hatefully but didn't think to challenge at this time; he knew better than to fight a hopeless battle.

"Brother, he..." Ivy said as she stared at the battle platform with bright eyes, almost as if fascinated.

"I know... truly a freak," Mikan said as he coughed a bit, recovering his wounds. He didn't think that Nero defeated him without even using his most decisive move.

Currently, on the side of the Martial Union, Kailua Mei looked at Nero more sternly as even Kojima Ruysei turned his hatred from Ryo onto the stage, feeling Nero to be a bit peculiar.

But unlike everyone else, within the Margrave associates, Velmon, who seemed to have been forgotten by everyone, remained silent, his eyes flashing as if carefully analyzing Nero's skills.

'It's a bit different... but I see his essence. Interesting, it looks it will be more interesting than I'd thought,' Velmon thought to himself with a smile.

At this moment, Ashton, who stood in his corner with ease, observed with his arms crossed and red hair flowing back due to the collisions wind, his lips curving into a faint smile as he muttered, "So, father's claims weren't all talk, I suppose fighting him does have, a little meaning. A pity, that much strength is still not yet worth my time, not unless..."

When Ashton spoke to this point, his words paused as he stared coolly at the scene, not finishing words in the end.

Like Ashton, Avollo, who laid back lazily, sat up, and clenched a bamboo sword, he now had a tinge of battle lust in his eyes; he felt Nero's improvement to be quite outstanding and wanted to test his limit.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Haha, he roused the young master's battle sense, but I can't blame him; it appears that friend of his has grown quite capable in such a short time. But, I truly wonder, what kind of Digitize Bit will he awaken?' 

Ian thought to himself while staring at Nero, his mind showing a variety of thoughts.

Elly looked at the battle platform with a different expression; she thought to herself, 'This fellow... he truly is something else, he got even stronger than I'd imagine, I wonder... can I beat him?'

While Elly thought to herself, Yullia and the others stared at the platform with deep gazes, staring through the scarlet lights at a particular silhouette.

"Hmm, that bastard..." Yullia said as she attempted to move, but another figure had charged ahead like a blur before that could happen.

Soon, the lights began to fade, revealing Nero that stood with the edge of his scythe tightly pressed between two fingers. Naturally, the person who appeared was none other than Doppleman, who now calmly stared at Nero.

The terrified Lira and Andrew stood behind him, shaking like baby chickens behind their mother; they didn't even dare to move.

Nero looked at the person that stood in front of him with a tinge of surprise before showing iciness; he spoke, "Sir, I believe this battle isn't over; why are you hindering me?"

Doppleman stared at Nero deeply before he flicked his finger, repelling him by few meters. He then spoke, "Kid, it's not good to be so ruthless towards competitors, you know, we're all humans here; let my little act serve just now to teach you a small lesson."

Nero, who fell back, felt a surge of weakness, blood flowing down his mount corners as if he had a few internal wounds. In this instance, Nero's manner became icy cold, his silverly magic power taking on a shade of red as a violent killing intent erupted from his body.

'This damn bastard' Nero thought as eyes glared at Doppleman as he was an enemy, but even before he could do anything, a figure appeared in front of him, followed by a shockwave that blew Doppleman back.

"Doppleman, I didn't know you like to bully children; it's not your place to teach that boy any manners," Screwgelman said.

Doppleman frowned as he didn't notice Screwgelman's initial attack; hence he was a bit wounded, just like Nero.

"Mr. Vondelez..." Doppleman said in an icy tone, the two now looking at each other like tigers in the wild, ready to fight strike at a moment's notice, but suddenly, a voice sounded ended the conflict.

"Enough, the battle is over; the victor is the Blood Steel Society's Nero Valstine," the masked man said as he suddenly appeared once more.

The two looked at each other before turning away with a grunt, Doppleman brought away the fear-stricken Lira and Andrew, but as for Screwgelman, he walked up to the now calmed down Nero and patted his shoulder.

"Boy, you're a lot better than I thought, keep this up, and I'll... put in a good word," Screwgelman said with a faint voice and knowing look on his face.

Nero, who no longer had the mind to be angry about Doppleman, quickly understood Screwgelman's meaning; his face turned a bit red, but he didn't deny the latter's 'good intentions' either; he nodded with a smile.

Screwgelman chuckled at Nero's manner, finding it a bit adorable, but he didn't say anything; he left the battle platform, leaving behind Nero and the masked announcer.

The masked announcer looked at Nero and spoke, "Do you want to continue?"

Nero thought for a bit and shook his head as he replied, "No, I suffered a few injuries just now; I'll take a little break."

"Good, go on ahead," The masked announcer said in a somewhat gentler tone.

As Nero walked down, contrary to his expectations, the first persons to greet him were Kenra and Judy.

"Well fought," Kenra said.

"You... you did good, better than I did," Judy said a bit awkwardly.

Nero chuckled at this and replied, "It's no biggie; we're all society members; I naturally must strive to add fame to our name."

As Nero and the two chatted, Elly walked over and spoke, "Hey, are you okay? That dirty uncle surely had no manners when he attacked you."

Nero looked at her and answered, "It was nothing; though his attack wounded me a bit, it's not that serious. What's wrong? Where you worried?"

"Hmph, as if!" Elly snapped back but quickly turned away, hiding her red face. 

Nero found her actions a bit cute, he was going to tease her a bit, but a voice sounded nearby, "You're tougher than you look, here, drink this..."

Nero turned only to see a flask coming his way; he hurriedly grabbed it and then looked at the person, only to see that it was Yullia who looked at him with a smile.

"What's this?" Nero asked, a bit curious.

Yullia snickered and replied, "Poison..."

Nero rolled his eyes at this, he wanted to ask more, but Yullia already walked away; he clicked his teeth and opened the cork. He then smelt it a bit before he drank it; he knew they wouldn't kill him for no reason, and most importantly, he didn't hear any warnings from a particular bastard in his head.

After downing the entire contents, Nero felt his chest warming up; he felt as if the festering pain was dying down.

'Ah, such a wonderful thing; I wonder what kind of audience this is?' Nero thought to himself. However, while he did so, it appeared that the next battle was about to begin.

The masked man on the battle platform now waved his hand, causing the details on the board to change as he shouted, "Who is the next challenger?"

His voice echoed over the entire room as quite a few digitizers were now rearing to go, but suddenly, Nero and Elly looked at the side in shock as they saw Avollo rose to his feet.

"Ah, it's about time I stretched my legs... wish me luck," Avollo said as he walked towards the battleform, bringing rise to a new commotion from many who saw his movements.

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