Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 7: Nero's Choice, The World of Promise

Chapter 7: Nero's Choice, The World of Promise

Adult Nero watched in silence as the All-Seer spoke to the Young Nero about the World of Promise, his eyes cold, and indifferent to everything as no one knew his thoughts, and he seemed no different from an observer in the passing.

"There is a treasure, an object left behind by a fallen being that roamed the universe. It was sealed within the Origin Star, a place that was later termed as the World of Promise. In memory of his existence, he created the Universe Rings, objects that allow for a myriad of races scattered across the distances galaxies of time and space to connect by Digitization, even to this world unreachable by even the most advance technological species. It is there you must do battle, and fight in the ultimate contest for supremacy. Only with strength can you find this treasure, and so long as you claim it, any desire or dream you may have will come true," The All-Seer said with a smiling expression shown by the curvature of its eye.

Young Nero's eyes beamed in excitement, but he wasn't foolish, he carefully pondered before he spoke, "You're saying that this treasure, this thing... can save even those like my mother? How do you find it? What is the cost of acquiring a miracle from this kind of divine object?"

The All-Seer smiled and replied, "It's at no cost at all, everything is just, and as such, you merely need to search these lands with your power. So long as you grow strong enough, you can face anything; you'll accomplish any goals you desire. I trust that finding the treasure will be no hassle at that time."

Young Nero looked at the 'smiling' All-Seer deeply as he thought to himself, 'I don't trust him one bit, but... he is the only lead I have to my mother's well-being. I have to take this chance. If science can't cure her, then there's a method if I were to rely on things once thought as fantasy. Hmm, he mentioned Universe Ring, then I think I already know what that is, and if it's as he says, then it's more like a server connecting to the network being the World of Promise. Since I'll be battling with alien lifeforms, there are more risk factors to consider; I'll at least confirm a few more bits of details...'

After saying this, Nero spoke, "Fine, I agree, I'll venture into these lands, and I'll do my best to find this treasure. However, I need confirmation for a few things."

The All-Seer made an 'ambiguous-smile' once again but showed surprise when he heard Young Nero's latter words. He spoke, "Hmm, questions? Sure, speak, and I shall answer."

Young Nero didn't hold back anymore, "What is the name of the treasure I am seeking? Can the beings from other worlds connected to the Universe Ring affect my daily life on Earth, and finally, what happens if I die in that world?"

The All-Seer looked at Young Nero deeply before its expression became friendly again as it spoke, "The treasure you'll seek is a treasure of many names, when you venture the world you'll have to use your own chances to find clues regarding its existence and whereabouts. As for your second question, let's just say that there are appropriate means for interaction, huhu. Lastly, in answer to your final question, you won't die through normal means, especially as a 'Novice Ranked Digitizer.' But as you progress, things will become more dangerous. Now then, Nero, do tell me of your decision? Shall you partake in this grand undertaking?"

Nero looked at the All-Seer deeply as his mind rapidly processed everything, considering his advantages and losses. Soon, his eyes shone in a determined way, causing Adult Nero to look at him in silence as he sighed.

The All-Seer made an 'ambiguous-smile' once more as he spoke, "I take it that you've already made that choice..."

Nero nodded and spoke, "Correct, grant me passage."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Haha, excellent, excellent! Nero Valstine of humankind, I officially welcome you to the World of Promise, congratulation on becoming a Digitizer! May your quest be fruitful!"

Following his words, the All-Seer waved his staff, causing the door behind him to glow in bright lights that slowly enveloped everything within its vicinity.

Soon, Nero had vanished, as Adult Nero slowly began to fade away, the All-Seer looked at him in silence, as Adult Nero did the same, the two seemed as if they were in a faceoff.

Suddenly, the All-Seer spoke, sending off Adult Nero with a few resonant words, "Who will it be the next time we meet? The old or the new, huhu I look forward to your choice..."

Not long after those words, Adult Nero, who remained silent, merely showed an indifferent smile as his body vanished into the lights. Soon, the lights faded, and the door closed.

Now, only the All-Seer remained hovering in this boundless space. It looked at the door in silence, but if one stared at it, they would see a look that would cause a chill to any who witnessed it, as its eye vanished, revealing a set of sharp jagged teeth that curved upwards.


The World of Promise was an endless land filled with grand opportunities and equal dangers. Its mystery shrouded to all due to its sheer size and hidden realms, creatures of all walks roamed about bringing life to any fantasy.

Legend says that though large, this world was split into quite of few sections called Zones. Each Zone had its master and secrets that may lead to grand revolutions. As such, if one wanted to make it far in these lands, they must start from the beginning, a place known as the Novice Zone.

The Novice Zone was a broad area that spanned hundreds of millions of kilometers, filled with many different towns, secret regions, and other factors.

Here, many different races from all walks of life were spawned into separate towns. Races with the highest status were spawned in the most extensive areas occupying more than one town, but as for races such as humankind, they were spawned in smaller areas, no from different villages.

One such village was about to welcome its newest arrival, a simple looking settlement with wooden fences, and stalls set up at street corners on an unpaved ground of soil and trimmed grass.

A white light beam shuttled from the heavens, crashing at the center of this village in what seemed to be a magic circle. Looking around it, one would notice that there were a few individuals garbed in simple village patched up armor with spears.

Behind the portal was a large wooden building, with an old lady seated on a chair with a staff in her hand. Occasionally, a few humans in simple-looking armor and wears with hurry over to her to discuss something before rapidly leaving the village, other than human's however, there were beings that had furry tails and cat ears, along with other humanoids with unique features.

It didn't take long for this light that fell at the magic circle to reform into Nero, who stood at its center in simple linen clothing. Even with such standard garments due to his handsome face and uncommon makings, such as the silver hair and red eyes, he instantly attracted a few girl's attention.

"Ou, who's this young hotty?" A cat-eared young girl said as she looked towards the magic circle.

"Oh, so handsome!" Another strange species lady said.

"Little brother, come over here, let this sister show you the ropes!" A more mature voice said it could be seen that this was a grown woman trying to act young, and it caused a few of the other women to look at her in disgust.

A gorgeous 15-year-old human girl with long chestnut brown hair, large rounded eyes, small nose, and red lips and a small frame looked at this scene in silence and shook her head as she muttered, "Such idiots, Big Brother, let's go."

As she said this, she turned and walked away from the scene while swinging her slender arms that wore shiny gauntlet as her well-shaped body was clearly defined in her violet dress-like armor. It's lower hems fell a little below her supple thighs as black stockings were shown below her leg armor.

Behind her was a sturdy-looking brown-haired man in his twenties, he gave the impression of a rock, giving off an overpowering feeling. His sculpted jaws, square-shaped head with thick eyes brows above his deep-set eyes and broad straight nose, further added to his character giving him an unyielding air.

He glanced at the young girl with a smile and spoke, "In such a hurry? Well, fine, I guess you want to hurry and mass level before you transfer schools tomorrow. In truth, I only have about a day or so to guide you, so I'll do my best little sis."

As she heard his words, the girl smiled and replied, "Hehe, brother is the best as always."

The man rubbed her head as the duo walked by the crowded street, bypassing the onlookers who spoke in whispers.

"Hey, isn't that..." One person ushered while nudging someone's shoulder.

The other person upon noticing the sturdy-looking man and young girl nodded in shock as he spoke, "Indeed, he's a Guider, definitely not from our Novice Zone. Must be one of those who've transferred to a higher-level Zone whose guiding beginners for money. Che! Those bastards sure know how to reel in coins..."

While this scene quickly died down, the commotion caused by the women around the magic circle only grew more intense.

Nero, the target of these women's affection frowned, he didn't think he was a celebrity. He snorted as he walked away, leaving them behind.

Yet, despite his rude and dismissing behavior, the women behind him seemed to found it even more attractive as some also went as far as to say, "Oh, he's so fiery, such is the way of a true man!"

Nero ignored everyone else as he stood at the village entrance, gazing at the broad plains and forests before his eyes as he took a deep breath. He soon gripped his fists and spoke in a voice only he could hear, "This is where my struggle begins... mother, watch me rise and change our fate. I shall become the strongest in this world to make your dreams come true..."

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