Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!

Chapter 34 - 34- Level 10 And a Plan

Chapter 34: Chapter 34- Level 10 And a Plan

Talon and Hyun-Jae stuck to the wall as they moved through the station as sneakily as possible. They made sure to carefully make every step not to create some kind of noise that would alert the monsters and ends up screwing them over.

Meter by meter, they crawled toward the stairs, eager to leave this place. During that time, multiple creatures came awfully close to them as if they were suspicious of something before they turned around and continued their mindless stroll.

Talon and Hyun-Jae had to hold their breath and even their heartbeats to stay completely invisible. It was nerve-wracking.

That continued for a while till they were halfway through the station when Talon made a huge mistake. Because the place was very dark and he could barely see, he didn't notice a metal pipe protruding out of the wall.

As he moved next to it, he had to pull away from the wall to avoid it. However, when he was about to pass it, he mistakenly pushed his back against it, right where his open injuries were.

Immediately, Talon's eyes widened as a small groan leaked out of his mouth. The young man quickly shut his mouth with his hand as he noticed Hyun-Jae looking at him with a frown.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! I didn't notice that thing!' His eyes immediately wandered to the monsters. None of them seemed to have noticed the groan which made him sigh in relief.

Then, he turned to Hyun-Jae to signal that he was fine only to be frozen in his place. Right between him and Hyun-Jae, a gigantic spider had suddenly descended from the wall where they couldn't see and stood between them with its red eyes staring directly at Talon.

The young man and the monster looked at each other silently. Neither of them moved. However, at that moment, Talon knew one thing and one thing only... It was a disaster.

A second later, the spider suddenly opened its mouth before a long string of webs was spat out at Talon. Its speed was impressive.

The young man immediately pulled his spear and with a skillful maneuver, he deflected the attack before he dashed toward the spider and thrust the spear forward, piercing its head.


[You have killed a level 7 Wisten Spider.]

'Fuck! Did they hear it?!' Talon immediately looked behind him only to see eyes of all colors shining through the darkness. Tens of eyes belonging to tens of monsters were directly looking at him.

'You got to be kidding me...'

"Run!!" Without time to waste, Talon turned to Hyun-Jae and yelled.

The girl didn't even stop to think and immediately broke into a sprint. The two rushed toward the gate without bothering to hide their sounds since the monsters had realized their presence.

As they ran, Dimension Walkers quickly rushed to them from all sides. Hyun-Jae pulled her sword and she swiftly sliced one of them before she ducked and launched herself forward cutting another one swiftly and continued to run.

Her speed had seen an explosive improvement ever since they left the warehouse. Because of her lightning manipulation skill, she had leveled up several times and gained a lot of bonus stat points.

In the darkness, she appeared like a ghost that flashed through enemies, killing them swiftly without wasting time. Dimension Walkers fell one after the other. At the same time, Hyun-Jae noticed that the insects and the other creatures were closing in.

So, channeling her skill, she aimed her attack in the direction of the biggest monsters coming from it.


The slash strike flew threw the air, cutting multiple monsters with ease as it exploded in the heart of the horde, wreaking havoc in their lines.

A long list of notifications assaulted Hyun-Jae's retina as she leveled up again and gained more points. She was now level 8 and her skill leveled up to level 2 after the continuous use which allowed her to activate it a few more times without the huge exhaustion.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Meanwhile, Talon was akin to a killing machine as he ran behind Hyun-Jae. His spear flashed left and right, destroying anything in his way. If Hyun-Jae had speed and accuracy, Talon had destructive power and speed.

His spear would slice through multiple monsters at once as if they were pieces of butter. He didn't have the need to dodge too much because his spear would deal with any enemy before they could even close up on him.

In a matter of a minute or two, the two single-handedly killed at least 40 monsters. Even though the two were barely a level or two above most of the monsters, their overwhelming strength completely ignored all of that.

Acrypha watched what was happening with surprise. She had seen low-level geniuses at the start of their paths before in her lifetime and they could perform great feats. Talon and Hyun-Jae, however, made fighting these monsters seem easy.

'Their stats are ridiculously high for their levels.' She thought to herself.

It was certainly abnormal how high their stats were. Especially Talon with his ridiculous abilities that keep getting more and more ridiculous.

Down beneath Acrypha, the duo had already crossed 2/3rd of the way to the stairs. However, the situation was getting harder and harder to deal with. Monsters were starting to overwhelm them with numbers.

'They keep coming and coming!! Is there no end?' Talon cursed as he barely dodged a leopard hybrid sneakily attacking him.

Cutting through a few monsters, Talon's eyes were hit with a new notification.


[You have leveled up. +2 free points.]


[You reached level 10.]

[Calculating host's kills.]

[Determining host's potential classes.]


[Potential classes have been chosen. Please pick one class. Keep in mind that the class you choose can't be changed in the future.]

'What? Not now! Can't you see I'm in a problem here!' Talon clenched his teeth as he pushed the notifications away for alter.

"I can see the exit! Hurry!" Hyun-Jae yelled as she pointed ahead.

Seeing their escape, the two hurried even faster, using all their strength to kill anything that stopped them.

Shrieks of pain echoed in the station as the duo cut their path through the monsters, emerging from the other side with minimal injuries. Apart from scratches and small cuts here and there, they were relatively fine.

Eventually, they found themselves in front of the stairs. Without time to waste, the two leaped forward, skipping multiple steps, and continued their sprint.

The monsters rushed after them with bestial eagerness to shred them to pieces. Because running up the stairs was considerably slower, Talon and Hyun-Jae found themselves quickly surrounded by monsters.

'We won't make it in time!' Talon clenched his teeth as he looked around him sharply. He knew that the situation was getting worse and worse by the second and he needed to find a way to stop these monsters.

As he looked around, his eyes fell on something and an idea suddenly hit him.

"Immediately turn left when we exit!!" Talon said as he suddenly turned around and stopped his sprint.

"What?!" Hyun-Jae's eyes widened in terror as she saw Talon fall behind out of nowhere. For a second, she thought that he decided to sacrifice himself.

"I will be fine! Just move!!" Talon yelled back with a serious tone.

Staring directly at the monsters, Talon swallowed back all of his fear as he took a deep breath. Everything slowed down for a moment as he opened his eyes again.

'Curse me if this doesn't work.'

As the monsters quickly rushed toward him, Talon suddenly changed the grip on his spear and then leaped in the air, landing on the handrail of the stairs before using it to leap even higher, reaching the ceiling.


[You have activated Dimension Harvester: Spearmanship.]

His body suddenly was taken over by an unknown force. Then, with all of his strength, he sliced the ceiling.


The hit was aimed directly at a cracked part of the ceiling which made it shake before the cracks started widening. Like a domino effect, the cracks spread everywhere, turning the ceiling into a fragile, shaking mess.

By the time Talon landed, the entire ceiling was completely cracked. At the same time, the monsters reached the middle of the stairs where they found Tlaon staring at them.

With a small smile, he picked up a small rock in his hand before he waved at them.

"Bye bye~"

A moment later, he threw the rock up at full speed.


Hitting the ceiling, everything started suddenly collapsing. The entire ceiling fell down like a torrent right on top of the monsters.

Shrieks and growls echoed in the station akin to the cries of devils in the depth of hell. Every monster that was hit with the rocks was crushed.

Meanwhile, Talon had already broken into another sprint up the stairs. He wasn't safe from the collapse either.

With his Enhanced Focus working at full throttle, he dodged every boulder that rained down on him. He kept his eyes ahead and his senses alerted.

As the seconds passed, the rocks falling increased in number and started accumulating around the gate, forming a wall.

"Come on!" Talon yelled as he moved toward the exit before he leaped forward right before it closed, emerging from the small hole in the wall.

Rolling on the ground, Talon landed on his knee. His entire body was covered in blood, debris, and dust.

"Hah... Hah! Damn, that was close." He murmured.

"You're seriously one of a kind, Talon," Acrypha said as she started clapping with an impressed look.

What she just saw was simply an outstanding genius move. To notice the state of the ceiling and quickly form an idea and execute it flawlessly. She was starting to realize that Talon's talent wasn't the only thing amazing about him.

It was his wits and quick thinking that was truly a work of art. Every characteristic he showed made Acrypha realize that he was indeed the perfect creature to thrive in this world.

It was as if he was a fish that was finally put in the ocean so that it could freely move and live how it wanted.

'A fish?... More like a shark in this case. A very tenacious and unyielding shark.' Acrypha laughed at her own thoughts as she stared at the little human companion of hers.

(A//N: Thanks for everyone who supports the book with power stones and golden tickets, you guys are the best:) )

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