Chapter 226

Chapter 226

*** A Mistaken Awakening ***

Approximately 40 people were gathered within a large assembly hall. About ten were politicians or military figures, while the rest were Japanese Masters, celebrities, and a few journalists. Everyone wore a dashing or dazzling outfit.

Arent there too many celebrities for a banquet held before a military operation? There are so many politicians here as well.

Well, this isnt a simple military training exercise. In Japan alone, there have been about 1.5 million casualties due to the Legion and Grotesques attacks. Currently, in the minds of all Japanese citizens, there is a high amount of interest regarding safety and the Masters existence, so politicians are jumping into the mix.

Masters were swiftly becoming national superstars that were more popular than most acclaimed singers or actors; at the same time, they were also experts widely respected by everyone. One could not ignore that level of recognition and favorability. Consequently, Arthur, or Seyoung, had received numerous requests from the Japanese president and members of the National Assembly for his support on various matters.

Id be lying if I said I wasnt expecting it, but this much engagement is troublesome.

Seyoung thought that a being with enormous power like himself should not intervene in politics. The amount of influence he could exert was one problem, but Seyoung also felt that it wasnt right for Masters to take political sides and potentially become enemies. Instead, they should fight for humanity and Earth.

Yusei, or Adol in-game, was one of the closer users to Arthur, and he smiled bitterly as if he had read Arthurs thoughts.

Unfortunately, it is unavoidable. Right now, its hard for any of us to maintain neutrality, let alone me. Furthermore.


Some Masters have already taken sides and started walking the path of a politician. You probably know of the user named Bruce.


Bruce Wayne - a magic swordsman who wielded two swords and boasted super-luxurious gear, which he obtained through his enormous wealth. He was the eldest son of the chairman of Mega Giant, a huge movie and broadcasting company.

Bruce Waynes real name was Christian Michael Bay. From the start, Christian had always been interested in politics, but after becoming a Master and receiving public interest and adoration, he threw himself into the political arena without hesitation. Of course, there was strong opposition from the political world. However, with the outpour of support from the American people and his skillful political maneuvering, he eventually became a candidate for the US Congress.

But Masters are like an army in and of themselves. Why would anyone enter a National Assembly or Congress when they have the power to launch a coup at any time?

Unlike a military unit, Masters possess a critical weakness, a manifestation time limit. Paradoxically that weakness allows Masters to mix with ordinary people.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A Master living within reality was not a flawless, omnipotent superhuman; once manifested, they could only exert their absolute power for a brief moment. In addition, Masters currently had an excellent public image. Despite having abruptly obtained immense powers, out of all the Masters, only a few harmed or took advantage of normal people.

Due to the Masters overwhelming strength, many forces and groups tried to suppress and control them, but every time they tried, they faced backlash. The current events in China were a prime example of this phenomenon.

Oh, my, why are you two talking about such dreary things?

Then, a woman approached and snuck in between the two, wearing a dress with a bold design that half-exposed her chest. Tall and fit, she had a slender yet voluptuous body and possessed an exotic sense of beauty from her apparent Slavic and Asian background. Yusei recognized her and initially made an awkward expression, but he soon gathered himself and smiled brightly before speaking.

Ah, its Miss Sanae. Seyoung-san, let me introduce Sanae Ayase, a newly minted Master. Shes a mage, and her ID is Uld. And here-

Of course, I know who this is. Its Arthur! It is an honor to meet the strongest and most powerful Master in person.

Sanae clung to Seyoungs arm, her eyes twinkling. Seyoung paused in embarrassment after feeling Sanaes voluptuous chest against his arm.

Oh, hmm. Nice to meet you. I am Seyoung Kim.

While introducing himself, Seyoung casually removed his arm from Sanaes grasp. Though Seyoung couldnt help but feel flattered that such a beauty was enamored with him, he wasnt the type of person whod immediately accept a complete stranger.

May I join you two?

Ah, um, is it okay, Mr. Seyoung?

If its Yusei-sans acquaintance, of course.

Seyoung was not an idiot. To be precise, he was the exact opposite of an idiot. From his observations, Seyoung knew that Yusei and Sanae were not too close and that Yusei felt uneasy about her. In addition, the uneasiness didnt seem to stem from a personal matter but something public.

If I tell her to get lost, it will only cause a greater headache for Yusei and me later. Ill just have to deal with Sanae for a moment before sending her on her way.

As he thought this, Seyoung continued chatting with Yusei about a mixture of topics. Seyoung also listened to the explanations from several military officials and exchanged greetings with various politicians. Sanae tried to stay by his side and talk to him, but Seyoung politely cut her off or asked for her understanding and did not allow her to join him in his conversations. In this formal fashion, she had hit a wall, so Sanae immediately became sullen, as if she had lost all her energy.

Hmm. It seems hes not willing to engage publicly. In a situation like this, where a beauty like me suddenly appears and is overly friendly, hes choosing to cast me aside for the moment rather than engage directly, right?

You never considered that he just might not be into you?

Sanae laughed at Yuseis words, which she couldnt agree with less.

Oho, there is no man who cant be charmed. Ah, this is a secret, but if a lady lacks this certainty, she cant exhibit her true charm.

As he saw her confident smile, Yusei made a strange face. Based on Sanaes expression, it didnt seem like she had any ulterior motive other than to get close to Seyoung.

Was I mistaken about her intentions?

Before Yusei met Seyoung, the Japanese government pressured him to introduce Sanae to Seyoung and create an opportunity for the two to be alone together. Obviously, Yusei took these words to mean that the government and Sanae were plotting against Seyoung. Most likely, the government was trying to appease Seyoung and coax him into doing something.

Seyoung has a strong sense of patriotism, though. He would never betray his values and be coaxed into doing something through any normal political maneuver.

Trying to change Seyoungs mind by having a woman seduce him was a pretty sub-par idea. To become a Master, an individual needed to have a steely will, regardless of whatever path they took. How could a pretty face coax someone so determined? Even if Sanae and Seyoung later became good friends, which already required a great deal of creativity to imagine, that would not be enough for Seyoung to defect to Japan.

Do they have some other plans? Unless theyre complete idiots, theres no way theyre solely relying on swaying him through a pretty face.

Yusei sighed and stood from his seat. However, there was something he didnt know.

The politicians who worked in his country, or at least in the current Japanese government, were far dumber than he expected.

A stimulant. It even has an aphrodisiac effect.

Seyoung stood up after the meal and smiled. The dining utensils he had used were coated with a stimulant; it was clear that he was being targeted.

However, like Merlin and Cruze, Seyoungs body differed slightly from an average humans. He could detect quite a few drugs by scent, and even if he consumed or were otherwise affected by one, the drug wouldnt work on him unless he took enough to affect an elephant.

If any biologists could see his bodys inner workings, theyd notice that he had evolved to a point where a biologists eyes would widen in surprise. His body seemed like it belonged to a new type of human whose constitution was entirely different from ordinary people.

Well, it wasnt unexpected I guess Japan is also eyeing the Heaven above the Heavens. I suppose theyre relying on a seduction-based approach?

Undoubtedly, an adult man and woman could sleep together if they saw eye to eye, but how many celebrities or politicians have had their careers ruined because of such obvious scandals? Besides, if a woman ever claimed Seyoung raped her, his public image would be dealt a fatal blow.

Although, even if that unlikely scenario occurred, that didnt mean hed suddenly switch nationalities and become a Japanese Master. However, things would probably become complicated if the woman he slept with ever got pregnant and claimed that the child was his.


At that moment, the smartphone in Seyoungs hand vibrated. Since no more than ten people knew his direct number, it couldnt be an unimportant call.

[Is this Seyoung?]

Oh, mother. Have you had dinner?

It was an unexpected phone call, but Seyoung answered. It was his mother, Hye-ran. In the recent past, her health had suffered from leukemia, and Hye-ran didnt know if shed survive another day, but now, she had fully recovered and was living an active life. When they could still exert some influence on Earth, the Noblesse had given Seyoung and his mother this gift.

[Hahaha, the in-flight meal was delicious, so I ate my fill. Im getting stronger day by day thanks to you, son.]

Seyoung paused at his mothers unexpected words.

In-flight meal? Are you traveling somewhere?

[Im crossing the sea to see my busy sons face. Ill be able to see you in about two hours.]

Seyoung had sat down to answer the call when he jumped up. Wasnt his mother saying that she was coming to Japan for him?

Oh! Mother, you should have told me you were coming. I would have made time to be there to receive you.

[No, its okay. I have a guide and a bodyguard.]

Seyoungs face hardened. However, he continued to speak calmly and cheerfully.

Still, I should go and receive you. Where are you now?

[Well, Im not sure. Im passing the three-way intersection. Theres a sushi restaurant, a supermarket, a bakery, and another restaurant.]

Hmm. I dont think I know where you are. Tell the guide and bodyguard to take you to the Conrad Hotel. Ill meet you there.

[Alright. See you in a bit.]

After that, Seyoung hung up the phone. And without hesitation, he turned around and left the party.

Oh! Are you meeting your mother? I know this neighborhood well, so Ill help guide you!

In contrast to Sanae getting up with a happy smile, Yuseis expression looked stiff.

Ill also accompany you. Something doesnt seem.

Yusei also felt that something was off. Currently, Seyoung, that is, Arthur Pendragon of the Heaven above the Heavens, was a state guest who came over because of Japans desperate lobbying efforts. However, his mother was coming to Japan, of all countries, without contacting him beforehand. Unless the Korean government had gone crazy, how could they let such a thing happen?

Seyoungs only family was his mother, so once she entered Japan, there was no way to stop Seyoung from staying in Japan to be with his mother. Although Seyoung had some relatives, they all turned their backs on him and his mother after his fathers death when the two were going through financial trouble. Thus, Seyoung would have no qualms in cutting off any and all relations with them.

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