Chapter 235

Chapter 235

This reaction is a bit different than usual Shouldnt we stop?

Quiet Heaven knew that the rotational speed of the extractor should be constant upon reaching a certain equilibrium, so it expressed concern when it saw that the extractor seemed to be constantly increasing its rotational speed.

However, Merlin shook his head. He was focused on other things, so he couldnt afford to answer Quiet Heaven verbally.


In the ever-accelerating extractor, Merlin recalled what happened back when he received his Howling Archer [Occupation] title.

Merlin, Yongnos second self, was aware of the existence of bonus stats, but Merlin had been surprised to find his stats rising as soon as he received his occupation as a Howling Archer.

It was unlike when he raised his ability and skills through training, where his stats would change based on how much he developed. When Merlin received the Howling Archer occupation title, his stat window had displayed the change first. This stat change was only reflected in his body and spiritual power later on.

Merlin knew from what he observed when he received the occupation title Howling Archer that every users body was made of a rare resource called Anyform Stones. With this, he deduced and realized that users who trained or meditated to increase their mana were essentially raising the quality level of their allocated Anyform Stones. On the other hand, if a user developed through the increase of stat points, it meant they were allocated a greater quantity of Anyform Stones.

Of course, its probably impossible to separate the Anyform Stones that comprise a users body. The main issue is that the DIO systems protection mechanisms are considerable and that, above all, the shape is fixed.

If a users arm were cut off, the severed arm would remain intact for a while before dispersing into golden smoke. The moment an Anyform Stone, which could be transformed into any material, was separated from a users body, it would turn into a rare metal. Specifically, it would become a golden permeable material that could easily be transported through space, allowing the material to automatically return to Dynamic Island where it could be reallocated.

Since the Anyform Stone was a precious metal with great value, even the all-powerful Noblesse took a considerable number of precautions to protect this precious resource. If someone really wanted to obtain the Anyform Stones inside a user, they would have to create a tremendously large facility where they could completely trap the users soul, leaving the latter with no chance of escape. Then they would kill the user in that seemingly hermetically-sealed space. However, the Noblesse put various protections on their Anyform Stones, so in the worst-case scenario, a taken stone would harden and turn into a useless stone. If someone really wanted to steal an Anyform Stone, they would have to overwhelmingly surpass the Noblesses defenses and skills.

However, there was one kind of Anyform Stone that had a concept that changed freelyept.

Bonus stats.

Of course, the bonus stat allocation of Anyform Stones was a very small amount compared to the overall Anyform Stones that made up a users body. Above all, DIOs system essentially made it so that a user would constantly use up their bonus stat points upon obtaining them, so it wasnt very practical for a user to be in possession of a substantial number of bonus stat points. However, Merlins bonus stat points currently read 2,550 points.

100 bonus stat points were given at each level increase until Level 10. From Level 11 to 15, 150 bonus stat points were given for each level increase. From Level 16 and above, 200 bonus stat points were given for each level increase. Merlin was currently a Level 19 user. He received all the bonus stat points he could get before reaching the transcendent realm, and he hadnt used a single bonus stat point. Thus, he had amassed the maximum of 2,550 bonus stat points.

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Obviously, this was a huge amount. With 2,100 points, a user could raise their spiritual power from 0 to 600 points in one go, let alone the 2,550 that Merlin possessed. In terms of internal energy, a users internal energy would increase by 1,550 years in one go.

For internal energy users, 1,550 years of increased internal energy was equivalent to an additional twenty-five cycles and fifty years of internal energy. Once these bonus stat points were added on top of the base stats that a user possessed, one could imagine just how strong users could become through the use of bonus stat points.

However, because Yongno didnt use any of his bonus stat points, his stats had been considerably lower than Arthurs when Yongno and Arthur were both still Level 19.

In terms of stats alone, Yongno was slightly inferior to a general Master. After reaching a certain level, Yongno had focused on developing his internal energy and magic power. So although his spiritual power was quite high, his other stat areas were quite lacking compared to other users of a simliar level. If one were to ask how Yongno was able to not fall behind even amid this drastic difference in stats

Everything that I lacked was shored up with my gear and items.

Unlike other games, there was no stat requirement or limitation to equip gear or use weapons in DIO. The only condition was the users level. Due to this, Yongno had covered his entire body with a lot of reinforced gear items, which recalibrated and upgraded his base stats. Bruce, the rich pay-to-play user, was a walking billboard of the fanciest and most expensive magic items. Yet even Bruce couldnt contend against Merlin, the primary producer and exclusive supplier of the most sought-out reinforced magic items.



While Merlin was immersed in these various thoughts, the centrifugal pressure that the extractor exerted on him got stronger. To be precise, it wasnt a suppressing pressure but a form of extraction power that was gathering and forcefully pulling out his spiritual power in a centrifugal process.

Are you alright?

No. I feel like Im going to die.

Merlin was barely able to open his mouth and offer an answer. He felt no pain. Although there was no pain, there was still a lingering sense of it. The feeling of a mighty flow of mana forcibly overturning the power inside a persons body wasnt a pleasant experience. The effect of the rotation of mana in a persons body was so strong that a great number of ancient martial artists and mages had undergone Qigong Deviation in the past due to runaway mana circulation.

Should I consider myself lucky? The Seven Jewel School and the Golden Pill Immortal Technique Both of these techniques are rooted in the materialization of mana, so the unity of my mana is quite strong.

The rotation kept getting faster and faster, but even so, the reaction Merlin expected didnt occur.

Whoosh! Crack!

Instead, a different reaction occurred. Countless cracks formed in his skin, and golden smoke leaked out, accompanied by the sound of his bones twisting and breaking. The rotation of mana had exceeded a certain level and begun exerting physical force on Merlins body, which didnt possess a particularly high HP. Merlin soon became injured.

Hey! This isnt right! Im going to shut this off!

No! Merlin yelled out just when Quiet Heaven was about to move.

He then refocused his mind to withstand the barrage of outside interference on his body by concentrating and focusing his spiritual power.

Then at that moment


A handful of light masses emanated from his damaged skin and gathered in one place according to the flow of the extractor.

Quiet Heaven continued to express its doubts, Huh? What? Why isnt your blood disappearing?

When users bled, the blood normally turned into golden smoke and scattered. The blood would become a permeable material, with its unique property of leaping through space and returning to its original source. The blood that had just leaked from Merlins body turned golden in color as expected, but it wasnt converting into the usual permeable material.

Turn it off!

Hearing Merlins scream, Quiet Heaven stopped the extractor. At the same time, Merlin, who was sitting in a seated lotus position, quickly escaped from the extractor and let out a breath that he had been holding in.

Ugh! Ack! Damn it. Its a lot harder than I imagined. I thought it wouldnt be too bad because of DIOs pain control system.

Duh! This extractor wasnt made for people to enter in the first place! Anyway, what the hell is that? Did you have poison or something foreign in your body?

Based on his worldview and breadth of understanding, Quiet Heaven could only infer this conclusion after observing the existence of a gathered mass within the extractor. In the first place, Quiet Heaven didnt possess any special information about users' bodies other than the knowledge that they were abnormal.

Dude, think about it. What is extracted from an extractor?

The individual magic ingredients that comprise something.



While Quiet Heaven was still in a state of confusion, Merlin poured the golden liquified Anyform Stone into a bottle at one side of his lab. Although it should be in the form of a jewel, the Anyform Stone could be transformed into any material, just like the mystical Philosophers Stone that alchemists throughout the ages had dreamed of.

However, unlike the Philosophers Stone, this liquified Anyform Stone doesnt produce energy on its own. No, rather, it consumes energy to recreate a higher-class material.

This was why users could only manifest for an hour on Earth and why a Divine Weapon could only be used for a brief period of time. Certain conditions and a considerable amount of energy were required to maintain the form and properties of an Anyform Stone outside Dynamic Island, which was a very special artificial environment.

Ah, I get it! Wow, you masochistic bastard! Thats why you used your own body to extract its basic magic ingredients

Lets head out.


In an instant, the two teleported through space. Even though there was no record of Merlins login and access of DIO, Dynamic Island was still a space dominated by the Noblesse, so Merlin was mindful to move in a way that left the least traces and the fewest number of witnesses possible.

Its been a while. I see youve brought your bird brain pet as well, Aidelin, who had an impressive mane of white hair and a muscular body that was unlike an old mans, spoke without looking back.

As expected, he was fully focused on the white flame burning in his furnace.

Ah, I told this geezer not to call me a bird brain, but he refuses to listen.

Youre a bird brain because you have a bird brain What's the problem? Should I call you horse head instead?

Ugh, this old man Quiet Heaven muttered curses under its breath.

However, Merlin was surprised to see something else. Oh, this old man. While I wasnt looking, his skills have improved even more. Hes about as powerful as Aung Nina now.

Unusual energy emanated from the white flames in Aidelins furnace. The emanating energy showed that Aidelins knowledge and understanding of fire had gone beyond the Virtuous Gate (5th Gate)the gate that one reached when one initially became a Masterand reached the Human Gate (6th Gate). Since Aidelins understanding of fire had reached the Human Gate, Aidelin could now rule over all lesser concepts of fire, which meant that he had become a truly powerful figure.

Do you have a lot of back orders?

Ive been focused on training, so I tend to leave the production to my apprentices. Im only personally producing the most important items.

Like reinforced weapons?

Aidelin nodded at Merlins words. Yes, like reinforced weapons. Ive made so much money because of you that Im starting to get scared. By the time I die, therell be an uproar over inheritance issues amongst my extended family. I make billions of won every time I make a weapon.

In the past, Merlins reinforced weapons fetched a market price of one hundred million to two billion won each. The reinforced weapons were created by applying overlapping spells to Beast Metal, which contained a spiritual life form named Salk. The performance of these reinforced weapons was incomparable to their conventional counterparts; only a few Divine Weapons and a few S-class weapons could compare. Since DIO was an all-consuming immersion-type game, the amount of money that flowed through the goods market was enormous. Though reinforced weapons were initially just in-game items, they possessed too much value to be ignored as simply gaming items once manifestation became an option.

Especially now that the Noblesse had revealed their identity and aliens had begun to invade Earth

Well, it cant be helped. There are so many people who want to buy such weapons The going price has jumped more than ten times on average.

For example, the +10 Fantasy Magic Sword, which Merlin had made a while ago, had recently been resold for a whopping thirty billion won. At this point, no individual could afford to purchase such an item; the astronomical price necessitated the participation of giant corporations or countries. However, the larger problem was the lack of such reinforced weapons. This was because Merlin could not and did not want to spend all his time making reinforced weapons.

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