Chapter 237

Chapter 237

hat kind of existences do you think pets like me are?

I know that youre not an ordinary NPC.

Actually, this wasnt a secret. Quiet Heaven had often talked about its [contractual] relationship with DIO, understanding of DIOs broader system, and knowledge about the Noblesse All of this meant that Quiet Heaven was not an ordinary NPC but an [external] existence.

Strictly speaking, we also belong to the Noblesse, but were more like a mixed-race species.

Mixed-race species?

Quiet Heaven soon responded to Merlins question, You know that the two forces that make up the backbone of the Union are the Elohim and the Noblesse, right?

Sure. I heard that the Elohim are a normal species like humans, while the Noblesse are a higher species like dragons.

At Merlins explanation, Quiet Heaven nodded. Close enough. The main representative species of the Noblesse are the transcendent species, such as dragons or Prajna, but not all Noblesse are from the same species. In the first place, even if the frequency of entering transcendence is extremely high for the representative transcendent species, the species has a population of fewer than 30,000 beings in total. So it needs a support base to maintain its position as the backbone of the Union, which represents thousands of trillions of beings.

Quiet Heavens explanation made Merlin realize that Quiet Heaven was an existence that belonged to that [support base]. Though Quiet Heaven was not from a transcendent species, it wasnt from a normal species either.

Merlin then asked, In other words, youre not a normal species, which are largely insignificant, like humans Instead, youre saying that youre a transcendent species-like being thats needed to maintain Noblesse?

Yes, thats right. Thats why theres the differentiation between a higher-class species and a mixed-race species.

After hearing Quiet Heavens explanation, a thought suddenly popped into Merlins mind. Higher-class species and mixed-race species Could it be that higher-class species include existences like elves and dwarves?

Yes. However, elves and dwarves are only two of the many species that exist in Panitris. Furthermore, the elf and dwarf species are more generally referred to collectively as being part of the fairy species. In addition to them are beings like me, the mixed-race species.

Merlin looked at Quiet Heaven. Compared to normal hawks, Quiet Heaven was larger in size and had vivid red feathers, which looked unnatural.

Merlin said the first thing that came to his mind, I see. So, youre a hybrid between a transcendent and normal species.

Yes. Although Im not absolutely sure of what transcendent species blood I carry, Im fairly certain that I carry the blood of the immortal Phoenix, the greatest spiritual animal amongst spiritual animals. In my case, I possess the fire attribute but walk on two legs, which makes me a sort of exception to the common image of a Phoenix. However, there are also other beings like me who inherited the blood of the three-legged crow, a species that the draconic species particularly hates. Among my mixed-blood avian species, the three-legged crow is like royalty Ahem, I seem to have gone way off topic.

Well, I find it interesting to hear. Please, continue. Merlin smiled as he saw Quiet Heaven passionately explaining about his species and others.

Moreover, Merlin found Quiet Heavens words not only interesting but also useful; the explanation could help him better understand the Unions background.

Despite this, Quiet Heaven shook its head and said, Ill start with the main topic. In the end, the reason wethe mixed-race species within the Noblesseare being assigned as pets for users, who belong to a lower civilization, is to accumulate Karma.

Karma? You mean like Karma thats often described in Buddhism?

Yes. The power used by those born as spiritual animals isnt much different from that of users, but there is a difference in the way spiritual animals build up their power. The mechanism of accumulating power is different.

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The body of a user, made of Anyform Stone, was perfect, but that was all. A user didnt possess any innate transcendent powers like the Prajna or enormous magic powers like dragons. Though the possibilities and potential for users were endless, that was just the nature of human beings. Aside from having potential, humans didnt possess any other special qualities or innate traits.

In other words, youre saying that your species needs to do something other than simple training to develop your powers, right?

Right. Training is absolutely needed. Unlike the dragon species who reach transcendence when they reach a thousand years of age, species like mine have a limited lifespan. Or even if our lifespan is long, there are many cases where we die before reaching the transcendent realm, so we have to accumulate Karma.

So, you guys are working as pets for DIO users to acquire Karma.

At Merlins words, Quiet Heaven nodded. Yes. Since youre a mage, you probably already understand. When a user signs a contract with a pet, the spirit of the user and the pet are connected to each other, so a pet can build up a certain amount of Karma just by assisting its master. In addition, if a user carries out a mission offered by the Noblesse, they will receive a reward.

A reward?

Yes. A treasure trove of jewels, Chintamani pieces and sometimes even rare items like a fragment of the Philosophers Stone. If beings like me who are born with a spirituality base swallow and consume such a treasure, its possible to increase not only our Karma but also our overall spiritual status.

Having said this, Quiet Heaven suddenly sighed.

Merlin, quick-witted, knew Quiet Heaven was feeling bitter about something. Whats the matter?

Though beings like me have signed and entered into a contractual relationship with a user As it is, we dont know when well be able to raise our levels as nothing is clearly specified. Even so, we readily contract ourselves with half-mad human practitioners who cant let go of their lingering desire to become more powerful beings. If users give up on their dreams to become transcendent beings, they could all live peacefully and die in the comfort of their own planets, so I dont understand why

Merlin sensed deep remorse in Quiet Heavens sigh.

This guy

Suddenly, Merlin thought that perhaps Quiet Heaven was much older than he had initially thought.

Anyway, back to the main topic, why do you want to see Arthur?

I need to check the condition of a transcendent being that was created through DIOs system, as well as the condition of the pet that contracted with Arthur. Perhaps, I might find important clues related to our endeavors, Quiet Heaven spoke in an unusually serious and earnest voice.

Merlin could understand from this that becoming a transcendent being meant a lot to beings like Quiet Heaven. Well, after all, becoming a transcendent being meant one became a god, so it wasnt a small matter.

After becoming a transcendent being, one could cast off all innate limitations and realize an impossible miracle, even if it took hundreds or thousands of years.

But Arthurs pet, Toothless, is a dragon, isnt it?

Its Unfortunately, I dont have all the data, so Im not sure exactly what Toothless is. I know that Toothless is a draconic species, but nothing more than that. Since Toothless is of the dragon species, itll have an advantage over beings like me. But in the end, Toothless is just a half-breed mixed-race species that inherited some dragon blood.

Is that right Merlin replied languidly and looked at Aidelin, who was processing the liquid Anyform Stone.

Then, it suddenly occurred to Merlin that the jewel that Quiet Heaven had talked abouta jewel that would increase the spiritual status of beings with spirituality once consumedwas the Anyform Stone, the stone that Aidelin was processing right now.

Quiet Heaven wishes for such a spiritual item, but it doesnt know that it's right in front of it at this very moment. Quiet Heaven also doesnt know that a large portion of DIO is made from Anyform Stones either.

Of course, it was impossible to embezzle or absorb DIOs Anyform Stones, which were programmed by the leaders of Noblessean organization full of transcendents. Nevertheless, the situation was a bit different for Merlins Anyform Stone, which he had obtained by extracting his stat points. If Merlin fed Quiet Heaven his liquified Anyform Stone, Quiet Heavens spirituality status would most likely change.

Oh, come to think of it, what are you going to make with that liquified jewel?

The dreams and hopes of users and the number one public enemy hated by DIOs administrators.


Merlin smiled at Quiet Heaven, who tilted its head after hearing Merlins incomprehensible explanation.

An Editor.


In modern society, the individual was powerless.

A sports star showing off his world-class skills, a president of a country, a world-famous superstar There were countless outstanding individuals in the world, but no one could defeat the monstrous entity that was commonly known as a [group].

No matter how proud one was, the individual was only a tiny cog in a larger machine. Even if a president dies, a country would not fall into ruin, and no single beingeven with great determination and strengthcould stand up against an entire country.

In comparison to a larger group of countless people, an individual and his or her power was just a shabby existence.

Yet an entire nation had just been defeated by just one individual.

This wasnt something that could be taken lightly. It was a great event that obliterated the existing paradigm that was upheld around the world.

Although I expected it Dang, Level 20 is no joke. Once a user reaches the transcendent realm, they can freely use their abilities in real life.

Lea, I told you not to eat in front of the computer, didnt I?

Dont complain so much! I mean, this is an important issue! Isnt it frustrating for you that we need to continue hiding from these government bastards?

Leas current outward appearance was of an Asian girl with black hair as they were currently in hiding.

She didnt just wear a wig, but she used special makeup and artificial skin to transform herself into a completely different person.

Well, to be frank, Im not the one being chased.

Boo! One of your family members is being chased, so at least pretend to be concerned and worried!

What should we be worried about? No country in the world has been able to find out the origin of Cruze, a member of the Heaven above the Heavens.

At this moment, the Japanese stock market was collapsing, causing experts to be on edge. Normally, even a single sign of possible war in a country was enough to cause a market downturn. However, Japan was experiencing a complete defeat, so who would feel safe investing in such a country? As soon as Arthur defeated the Japanese self-defense forces, foreign capital immediately left the country because foreign investors hesitated to invest or keep their investments in Japan.

Of course, Japan did not stand still and just accept this reality.

Japan characterized Arthur as an evil villain and a terrorist, and they reached out to the world for help. In addition, the Japanese government fiercely argued and protested against the government of Arthurs homeland, Korea, and recruited a large number of Masters by expending their huge national reserves.

Nevertheless, this was all done in vain.

The Japanese government thought that the whole world would help them, but the world did not respond the way it expected. Nations did not move for altruistic motives or higher ideals If there was nothing in it for their country, why would they mobilize? Thus, no country dared to step into the fray.

The great powers of the world, including the United States, expressed their concerns, but they largely stayed on the sidelines and refrained from taking any action. They made the easy decision to abstain from sacrificing themselves for the notion of working together once they saw the actions of Arthur, who demonstrated power beyond their wildest imagination. If Arthur were slaughtering people for no reason, the great powers would have had no choice but to mobilize, but Arthur was operating under a justified reason[vengeance] for his mothers death.

Due to this, some countries or forces even demanded that the criminals who murdered Arthurs mother be brought to justice and publicly tried. Though there were calls to negotiate and appease Arthur, no other country considered facing Arthur head-on.

While the international community was largely staying on the sidelines, Arthur was completing everything he had planned and stated he would do.

Youre making things difficult.

Y-y-you are making a mistake. This is wrong Its ugh! Prime Minister Noda, who was the de facto representative of Japan, was trembling as he cried out without his usual dignified manner.

It was not because someone was harming him. Rather, it was because he was being weighed down and suffocated by the aura of the man standing in front of him.

I really I dont understand. Why are you trying to protect him?

Using his transcendent-level information acquisition ability Eyes of Light, Arthur had already found out the identity of the yakuza organizations connected with the far-right forces that harmed Hye-ran and further uncovered several organizations that instigated them. He had also identified members of the Japanese National Assembly who were controlling everything from the shadows.

As of now, the yakuza organizations had suffered a near-death blow, and several right-wing groups had been completely destroyed. The last person left was Nobuyuki Suzuki, who had actively misled the security forces and prevented the police from intervening when his mother was being held hostage. Nobuyuki was a famous far-right lawmaker who had succeeded in winning a fourth term after running under an extreme right-wing platform.

From Arthurs point of view, it was surprising that Japan sent out its self-defense forces to tie him up so that they could buy some time to hide Nobuyuki.

We, the Japanese, do not negotiate with dirty terrorists! You wont be able to fabricate lies and blackmail the great country of Japan!

Although Noda was overflowing with the righteous spirit of a nations prime minister, Arthur just smiled and raised his hand.

Then youll be joining the rest.


A tremendous light seemed to swirl in Arthurs hand.

Prime Minister Noda screamed out, stunned by the words and actions of Arthur who seemed to act without any hesitation.



Accompanied by a loud roar, a ripple spread around Arthurs body. It was a phenomenon that appeared when something, which flew at the speed of Mach 5, was disintegrated by the current of light that swirled around and protected Arthurs body.

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