Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Huh? Isnt this Startings Guardian Tower? Quiet Heaven, who had teleported with Merlin, spoke in a confused voice.

What made Quiet Heaven more confused was the fact that Merlin, who had to avoid other users as much as possible to fly under the Noblesses radar, had chosen to appear in the most public place possibleStartings central square. However, before Quiet Heaven could express this thought, it noticed that Merlin, as well as itself, were hidden behind concealment and invisibility spells. Having realized this, Quiet Heaven shut its mouth. It seemed that the spell had been used immediately after they teleported into the square.

I blocked all outgoing sounds as well, so theres no need to fret over your voice leaking out. But be careful. We might need to leave immediately if our connection is discovered. Although, whether or not our access records are truly not being recorded is another matter Merlin said.

He flew through the air without even stepping on the ground and approached the Guardian Tower. Then Merlin took out his newly made jeweled dagger.

The Guardian Tower controlled the entire DIO system. It was such an important physical construct that DIOs service would be shut down for 24 hours if the tower were ever to be destroyed. Hence, the Guardian Tower possessed defenses that prevented users from coming within three meters of it.

Oh, you can enter the Guardian Towers restricted space. Are you immune to the restriction defenses?

It must mean that the system doesnt recognize me. The defense spread around this Guardian Tower isnt a magic barrier But its a bit strange and interesting that you, who can stay in DIO even if I log out, are immune.

Thats because Im a member of the Noblesse. Though, its true that most high-ranking beings within Noblesse dont even acknowledge hybrid existences like me

While looking at the grumblin Quiet Heaven, Merlin opened his Enhanced Eyesight.

His jeweled left eye couldnt be utilized for Enhanced Eyesight. However, his mastery of Enhanced Eyesight had gradually increased, so his right eye had transformed into a Golden Eye, specially for Enhanced Eyesight.

Through his Enhanced Eyesight, Merlin was able to peer into and peel back the various defensive layers surrounding the Guardian Tower and recognize the location of the Guardian Stone within the tower.

After concentrating his mind on the stone and the surrounding defense system, Merlin raised his jeweled dagger and stabbed the Guardian Stone.


Operate Editor Blade.

With a whisper, Merlins thoughts and consciousness were fired into the central system through his daggers jeweled Anyform blade. Soon, Merlin began to acquire information and interpret the massive amount of content within the central system.

Tan had underestimated Irregulars. No, it was more accurate to state that transcendents tended to underestimate Irregulars. These transcendent beings knew that although a considerable number of Irregulars had appeared throughout history, only a few of those Irregulars had ever reached the realm of transcendence.

From the point of view of those who had already reached the [arrival point] of transcendence, Irregulars would always be trying to catch up to them and never meeting them at the top, no matter how great a genius an Irregular might be.

Being a genius did not necessarily mean someone who learned and acquired knowledge quickly though. If that were the case, wouldnt the difference between a genius and a normal person be the time they took to learn something?

A true genius would be able to see something that someone else couldnt see, no matter how much effort was expended by the other. A true genius imagined new things and made novel approaches that others would never think of.

Merlin was undoubtedly a lower-level being compared to most in the Noblesse, including Tan. Nevertheless, there were special cases where Merlin could perform miracles that the Noblesse could not even wish to imitate.

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For example, there was the production of the magic stone, which even the great mage Leighann was so surprised at that he instantly partnered with Merlin to seek a patent. There was also Merlins weightless controlled movement, which even Tan was surprised at when he first saw Merlin deploying the skill in the bus. Were these not things that the transcendent beings had not discovered or created?

The true strengths of an Irregular were in coming up with innovative ideas that even those with more wisdom and knowledge couldnt think of and having the ability to absorb everything.

At this very moment, Merlin succeeded in accessing the central system that even many Noblesse had never been able to access.

Data patch.

Merlins new Editor Bladewhich was made of Anyform Stone that formed the fundamental basis of the DIO systemhad the power to access, analyze, penetrate, and modify all of DIOs programs.

As a master key and an ultimate hacking tool that could open all doors, the Editor Blade possessed formidable features, such as allowing Merlin to Data Drain, Data Patch, and Data Delete. Of course, even with this access power, it was impossible to edit the entirety of DIOs system with a single slash of the Editor Blade. Above all, Merlins level was too low, and the power contained in the Editor Blade had its limits.

Even so

It needs to be reinforced. But I can still do a lot.


No sound was heard from the outside. Nevertheless, Merlin felt the satisfaction of opening a door. Of course, there was more than one door, and the various doorsor layersthat the system protector contained were unimaginably thick.

Moreover, if one couldnt open all the doors in one go, the system protectors defenses would become fortified, causing the system protectors doors to increase in thickness. So if Merlin made one mistake, he would have to start all over from the beginning and face a reinforced defensive system.

Since the system protector was a layered barrier that even the leadership of Noblessewho had influence over the entire material worldcouldnt break through, how difficult would it be for Merlin, just one user?

Analyze and unlock. The whole construct is Oh, this is tremendous. The being who made this must have been a genius.

Merlin forgot about everything else as he focused his entire mind on releasing the system protectors layers.

DIOs system, which Merlin read through his Editor Blade, was a truly phenomenal construct. It was just the act of interpreting and peeling away each layer, but even Merlin, who had the talent of an Irregular, couldnt afford the slightest distraction while trying to do this.


Merlins left jeweled Magic Eye flashed a red light, and his golden Enhanced Eyesight right eye scattered divine light. His eyes were working in tandem to read and interpret all the information that he could lay his eyes on.

That wasnt all. The heaven mark, hidden behind Merlins bangs, started to operate. A powerful spiritual power began to swirl around Merlin. All of his magic circuits began to operate under the optimal route for the most efficient operation of his left jeweled Magic Eye, and all of his internal energy was being concentrated to operate his golden Enhanced Eyesight right eye. Due to this, the concealment spell that he had been utilizing to protect and shroud himself and Quiet Heaven was naturally lifted, but

Tsk! You said you had to avoid others eyes and not get caught yet youre showing a gap at the most important moment. Quiet Heaven, who had been watching Merlin quietly work, clicked its tongue before using its powers to cover itself and Merlin.

Of course, the ability to conceal wasnt Quiet Heavens specialty; Quiet Heaven was more specialized in utilizing Dao-based abilities.

Therefore, Quiet Heavens concealment spell didnt perform at Merlins level, nor did it have a diffracting effect like Merlins concealment spell. If someone approached them, they would crash into the concealment field and know of its existence. Nonetheless, the Guardian Tower was basically an area where users couldnt access, so this was not a matter of concern.


The second, third, fourth, and fifth layer of the system protector opened. The deeper Merlin delved into the system protector, the higher the level of the system protectors defensive layer became. Nevertheless, Merlins cracking ability also increased each time he broke through a layer.


Steam formed around Merlin momentarily and then disappeared. Merlin was unaware of this phenomenon as he was concentrating to the fullest on peeling back the various system protector layers. However, Quiet Heaven was so shocked by the scene that it temporarily forgot to breathe.

Quiet Heaven was overwhelmed by the sight of the bursting auspicious aura.

Hey, what is this? This isnt even a divine land, so how was he able to project such a divine aura?

Quiet Heaven looked around in surprise, but the auspicious burst of energy that had appeared momentarily had disappeared just as quickly. It was an aura that could not be created through training or ability, so Quiet Heaven couldnt understand how it had appeared or even came about.

That aura isnt something that can be made artificially Did this guy get his hands on and consume a Philosophers Stone from somewhere?

That was an impossibility. This was because the Philosophers Stone, which reproduced all materials in the world and emitted infinite energy, was a material that even high-ranking gods could not get their hands on.

Even if there was only a small little-finger-sized Philosophers Stone, it would be impossible for Merlin, who was under the constant watchful eye of DIOs system, to obtain one. Such a small stone could allow a mixed-race species like Quiet Heaven to instantly turn into a transcendent being comparable in power to a fairly decent old dragon.

Since the Philosophers Stone was such a precious material even for the Noblesse, Quiet Heaven was certain that the Nobless would take away such an item at all costs once they sensed its existence.

Besides, isnt it absurd that such a substance would appear in the form of vapor? If it could appear as a vapor, what would it even be called? Its a liquid that can make ones dreams come true, so would it be called Dream Water?

Regardless of how bewildered Quiet Heaven was, Merlinwho had fallen into a state of high concentrationwas releasing the various system protector layers without lifting a physical finger.

It was a scene that stunned Quiet Heaven, who was excellent in magic and knew the meaning of what Merlin was doing. Additionally, since there was no sign of the steam that had appeared and disappeared earlier, Quiet Heaven dismissed that scene from earlier as an illusion and focused its energy on maintaining the concealment field.


Sweat evaporated, and steam rose above Merlins head. This phenomenon meant that his brainwhich was completely different from that of a normal humans as it had been materialized in DIO through an Anyform Stonewas consuming an excessive amount of nutrients, as well as mana and energy.

Amazing. Spectacular. I see! Merlin mumbled incomprehensible words and sounds while immersed in his endeavor.

Merlins eyes, which glowed brightly with gold and red light, were not looking at DIOs system surface but at what lay deep within the system.

Oh, my goodness How many hours is he planning on doing this for? Quiet Heaven groaned while maintaining the concealment field.

Surprisingly, Merlin had been completely still and focused for nearly twenty hours.

The DIO access limit for users was twelve hours of real time. That equated to six days in DIO time, so Merlin didnt face any problems from this restriction. Regardless, how was Merlin able to maintain such a high level of concentration for so long?

However, Quiet Heaven did not know that Merlins reasoning and comprehension power had accelerated to a hundred times his normal level. In addition, Quiet Heaven did not know that during this long period of time, Merlin had only been able to read and analyze a large portion of what he was looking at; he hadnt even attempted to release the system protector layers underneath.

For an ordinary mageno, even a great mage with strong mental power, maintaining such concentration levels was an impossibility. Overcoming all hardships with an indomitable will or hot-bloodedness sounded plausible, but it was absolutely impossible in practice.

Mental power was a concept that was based on consumption. There was a limit to the effort that even the person who possessed the strongest mental power could achieve. This was especially the case if what they were doing did not produce clear results.

Endless effort consumed a persons mind, so they would eventually give up if they were to take a break or if there was no spark or event to motivate them. For this reason, the pursuit of focused mental power was expressed as a process of [cutting down ones soul] in order to ascend to a higher level.

Yet no such concept applied to Merlin right now. He may have entered the DIO system out of necessity, but once he was in, he became fascinated by the construction of DIOs system and the lofty theories that supported it and permeated throughout it. Interpreting the system was entertaining for him, and the process of opening various doors provided him with an indescribable sense of accomplishment, achievement, and reward.

Regardless of whether this characteristic came about as a result of the process of ones growth or an innate personality trait, those who possessed such strong mental power and could make endless efforts were often referred to as possessors of a [talent to work hard].

Of course, this had nothing to do with real talent, so the phrase was no different from a pun. Nevertheless, the underlying message was that mental strength was an important quality when training and developing oneself.

However, what was more important to mages was the disposition to feel a sense of pleasure and reward in the process of exploring and acquiring knowledge.

Curiositythe want to know something that they didnt know and the desire to pursue and possess knowledge Those who studied endlessly without getting anything worthwhile or those who spent their entire lives to learn only one more truth, were beings who possessed this tendency this character trait.

For those who possessed this character trait, training and learning were no longer actions that were interpreted as hard work. Merlin, who felt a sense of achievement and reward in the process of unlocking and acquiring knowledge from the system protector, delved deeper and deeper into the system without resting or giving up. He was like a gamer who played a game for three days and nights without feeling any passage of time.

This wasnt something that a person could teach another. Even though modern educators agreed that a child with a strong desire and curiosity for knowledge could learn on their own without being taught, the reason why many parents dealt with children who couldnt do exactly this was because this character trait was a somewhat innate temperament. If the disposition of [putting in effort] was a talent, that meant the disposition of [enjoying] was also a talent separate from the other talents one possessed.

Moreover, Merlin was an Irregular.

This guy Hes a freaking monster. Quiet Heaven, who had to maintain the concealment field for three days straight, looked at Merlin with a tired expression.

Surprisingly, Merlin, who currently looked almost as emaciated and lifeless as a skeleton, remained motionless the entire time.

Merlin wasnt a life force user who could consume his own vitality, so Merlin consumed his bodys nutrients to cover his excessive brain activity. Even with the help of his magic power and internal energy reserves, Merlin couldnt avoid this constant exhaustion of his physical body.


Finally, Merlin released the 99th layer of the system protector and pulled the Editor Blade out of the Guardian Stone. Simultaneously, an urgent notice popped up all over DIO.

/[Emergency! Emergency! Dynamic Islands self-operated program is running! To repeat, Emergency! Dynamic Islands self-operated program is running! All external interference is being blocked until authorized by the special management operator!]/

Merlin, who had obtained various bits of information from the Grand Masters and even Quiet Heaven, knew the special management operator referred to in the notice was Jenicathe Empress of Magic and the creator of DIO.

However, shes dead.

Knowing that this meant that the Noblesse had completely lost control of DIO, Merlin laughed out loud despite his utter physical exhaustion.

And now, the counterattack begins.

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