Chapter 246

Chapter 246

A pocket of space opened up, and Dustinthe scaled draconic sword that Arthur often summonedemitted a subtle light as it made its appearance.



Ahh!! My eyes!!

The moment Seyoung placed his hand around Dustin, the lawmakers fell onto the floor and screamed. They were suddenly struck by a tremendous burst of light that Dustin emitted.

However, Seyoungs goal was not to injure the lawmakers.


Shocked by the sudden gust of wind that they sensed on their skin, the lawmakers forcefully opened their eyes, which were shedding tears due to the previous burst of blinding light.

Oh, my god

Oh. Ah. Ugh.

This cant be real

Everyone either expressed their disbelief or held their breath.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This was because a scene that they had never imagined had unfolded right before their eyes.

There wasnt even a trace of a wall on one side of the National Assembly building; it was as if it had suddenly disappeared. Furthermore, the visible world beyond the wall was neatly cut, like a cake that had been cleanly sliced by a huge knife.

Mountains, buildings, roads, and even the land Everything had been cleanly cut into a cross-section.

Its a simple equation, Seyoung said. He sent Dustin away and continued, If you dont do as I say, you will be [punished]. But if you do as I say and do well, I will give you a [reward].

A reward? What kind of reward

I will take care of all the Legion and Grotesque forces that attack Korea


You mean to say!

Every national assembly members expression within the Korean National Assembly hardened for a different reason, unlike when they stiffened upon seeing Arthur divide their surroundings with his draconic sword.

The reward Seyoung mentioned was a prize more valuable than anything in the world to the politicians sitting in the assembly hall. Currently, the biggest challenge for Koreano, for all countries around the worldwas the persistent alien attacks. Even powerful countries such as the United States, Russia, and China were unable to completely block the aliens constant attacks and suffered massive casualties. In addition, countries weaker than these powerful nation-states or those that lacked a national defense were on the brink of collapsing. So if these representatives could find a way to prevent such damage and deploy an effective and dependable response, they would receive the unconditional support of the entire nation.

If you understand, start moving.

When Seyoung kicked off from the ground, the lawmakers remained dumbfounded, speechless, and in shock.

Furthermore, I dont intend to give you a lot of time.


Arthur disappeared with a burst of light. All that was left was the huge chasm he had created in the surrounding landscape with his draconic sword.


While writing down various social phenomena and the popular commentary regarding them on the blackboard, the professor suddenly stopped and asked his class, Can modern society really accept superhumans? What do you think? Do you guys think thats possible?

Are you talking specifically about the knight of vengeance, Arthur?

You could consider him as a prime example, but my question isnt focused specifically on his case but a wider perspective around all superhumans. In short, the transcendent beings that we know as the Noblesse, creators of DIO, or the gods contained in the newfound knowledge the Noblesse presented us Ah, right. You all know of Buddha and Jesus Superstar.

The lecturer on the podium was Stephen, a senior professor at Harvard University.

In Academy City, which had been created on the eastern plains of Starting by users who possessed expert building skills, there was an eclectic collection of academies and schools from all around the real world. Harvard University was among these virtual schools that operated within Academy City.

Are you talking about Buddha and God?

After hearing a students question, Stephen laughed.

Due to DIOs accelerated timewhich was twelve times faster than time in real lifeand the availability of magic teleportation circles that connected the classroom with all parts of Dynamic Island, many people were now able to access quality education and study in DIO while living their normal lives in the real world. So Stephen was able to engage with a much wider and more diverse audience.

Yes. However, the important thing here is that, based on the information the Noblesse leaked, Buddha and Jesus Superstar were beings who existed in real life.

The student made a surprised expression after hearing the lecturing professors words. Is it really true that the Buddha or Jesus that we know of now really existed?

Yes. Esther, Asgards Grand Master, said that those past beings had a great realization and became such high-ranking existences that even the Noblesse considered them beings from another world. They were even said to have been Greater Gods among the gods Ah, it seems Im going off on a tangent. Stephen walked back up to the podium and looked once more at his students. Alright. Lets go back to square oneto my original question. Right now, Earth faces a transcendent existence that can be called a god, and we will meet more of them in the future.

Everyone was focused on Stephen. It seemed that the lecturing professor had chosen a topic that was quite interesting to the students.

Stephen paused for a moment before continuing, Well then, what do you think humans will do?

A buzz of chatter rang out among the students for a moment after hearing Stephens question.

Soon after, one of them raised a hand. Wouldnt we reject the transcendent beings? Superhumans are singular figures that arent associated with any tribe or group, and human beings do not tolerate beings different from themselves. A transcendent being may be given some benefit of the doubt and afforded some consideration in many cases, but in the end, he or she would never be accepted as part of the tribe or group. In fact, even now, there is talk of the need to isolate Masters.

Like the isolation of X-Men superheroes from the wider public in the Hollywood movies?

Uh right. Also, like those in the social minorities.

After hearing the students response, Stephen nodded. However, he did not agree with what the student stated.

You make a good point, but I think and believe differently. The transcendent being we face now is not just a psychic with strong combat power but a transcendent being who has gained a divine position. And, as a Master-level user who has often met with Esther my opinion is the exact opposite of yours.


Superhuman beings will be honored and worshiped.

Even though they are the same human beings as everyone else, they will be honored and worshiped just because they have power?

Yes. In fact, from the beginning, I never really understood why superhumans and normal humans have to enter a war against one another or why there needs to be an antagonistic relationship at all.

But isnt that whats happening right now? Besides, isnt it natural for a person to feel awkward or uncomfortable toward a being that is higher than or above them?

Stephen shook his head after hearing the students words. That statement itself may be correct, but the problem is that even that is only part of the larger issue. If you think all humans will make the same judgment, thats a serious misconception and incorrect assumption about humans. Rejecting superhumans for being different is something that clearly makes sense for some people as they feel unsettled by the existence of such powerful beings amid them. But if superhumans are clearly recognized as beings of a higher rank, the number of people who will follow and support themeven if they dont go as far as to worship themwill be greater than expected. Isnt it the same as a poor man, who cannot escape poverty, casting his vote for a rich politician he could never dream of meeting or becoming or a guy longing for a beautiful celebrity even though he is ugly?

But at least, in your examples, they are all normal human beings.

Superhumans are, of course, fundamentally human beings. If we dig deeper into that thought, we can see that the determination of whether they are human is not the fundamental issue. Even if they arent human, even if they possess a draconic body like the Grand Masters Ive met in the past If humanity knows that its powerless to do anything against such existences, humans will somehow find something in common or something to feel a sense of common identity with those existences. If the worship of a god, whose very existence was actually unknown, was so prosperous on Earth over the past couple of millennia, then isnt it obvious that there will be people who are enthusiastic about existences that really exist and have tangible transcendent powers? There will be many who will choose to worship such existences as gods or show their admiration for those superheroes in other ways.

As Stephens voice became louder and more passionate the more he spoke, one of the students casually remarked aloud, You seem to be very excited about this topic.

Though the tone of the students voice was a bit rude, Stephen just nodded in response. Yes. Perhaps because I am a prolific academic writer and novelist by nature, I couldnt restrain my excitement while talking about such an interesting topic.

Stephen was a famous novelist even before DIO came out, but now, he was more famous as a Master-level user who specialized in summoning.

It was already widely known that so-called [literary talents], who possessed creative skills such as imagination, expressive power, and vocabulary, had tremendous power as pure spiritual-power users.

Hence, world-renowned writers, cartoonists, and poets became powerful elementalists or summoners in the world of DIO. It was becoming the case that people who specialized in the science field, philosophy, and the realm of literature became accomplished mages, martial artists, and summoners respectively.

Right now, the knight of vengeance is receiving a lot of public criticism. I understand his resentment, but equating the death of one to the slaughter of thousands is obviously too much. However, Im sure of one thing, Stephen said. Then as if he found something extremely funny and entertaining, he chuckled before continuing. Surely, humans will soon try to [understand] and [align] with the knight of vengeance. This, I am sure of.


All the broadcasting companies in Korea began broadcasting similar news all at once.

After reviewing various past cases and interviews, the broadcasting programs focused on Seyoungsin other words, Arthurs or the knight of lightsupbringing, what kind of life he had lived, and how sincere and kind he had been.

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