Chapter 266

Chapter 266

[Yes, its me. However, what I was originally aiming for was becoming a residual thought. I just wanted to see the end of Qi Heavens development.]

It was an incomprehensible answer, but Merlin roughly grasped the situation and the meaning behind Marys words.

Right. You essentially annihilated yourself at that time, and you put your soul and residual thoughts in the Seal of Heaven.

!! Mary, who had been examining her body, hesitated after hearing Merlins calm voice.

This was because the Merlin she remembered was an innocent young man who just loved to travel, swim, and roam around from place to place. However, the Merlin before her now was a completely different being; Merlin was much more powerful and knowledgeable than she expected.

That wasnt all.

Embarrassingly, Merlin accomplished the miraculous feat of defeating a Crimson Mode Mary as a non-transcendent user.

Hey, youve changed.

Well, a lot has happened.

As Mary sighed and laughed, Merlin realized that Mary had changed as well. She was speaking naturally, unlike before when she always used honorifics. Merlin didnt bother pointing this out though.

Considering her age, she was probably much older than him. More importantly, she wasnt being forced to take on a role as a courteous NPC character anymore.

Anyway, how can a body be formed even though you only left a residual thought behind? Wouldnt it have been impossible to keep such an enormous amount of information intact in the Seal of Heaven?

Actually, I didnt expect this outcome either, but I was able to maintain the information that the [me] in the Seal of Heaven was receiving while absorbing the information and qi from the Crimson Mode me. I couldnt maintain the previous me as the [Guardian] of the system control room, so I thought Id eventually be annihilated, but the result was much better than what I expected. At the very least, I didnt completely disappear.

Mary checked the aura in her own body.

Most of her qi was absorbed by Merlins Editor Blade, so she had less than one-hundredth of the qi she had as the Crimson Mode Mary when she fought against Merlin.

Nevertheless, she had already been prepared to be annihilated, so she was ecstatic that she was able to continue existing even though it was in a very limited capacity.

Its unfortunate that I lost my transcendence but it cant be helped. My transcendence was an artificial state created by various system corrections anyway.

Of course, the [memories] that she had during her transcendence state and the sense of wielding transcendence-level abilities were still intact. The problem was that those memories existed without the embodiment of the necessary [experience] and [enlightenment] needed to be a transcendent being.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Come to think of it, the qi I sense in you is subtly off. Its true that your qi capacity has diminished, but the quality of that qi seems to have also diminished

Thats because Im no longer a pseudo-transcendent. In fact, Ive now become a completely separate entity from Marionette Hold. Would it make sense if I said shes become a completely separate entity from me?

It was true that Merlin had killed Mary, but that was just the Mary in Crimson Mode. There were still other copies of Mary still in charge of various other DIO duties.

The Mary who was before Merlin now had become an independent existence after escaping from her prison as Marionette Hold, the NPC characterwhich was actually a compilation of numerous beings.

In other words, youre now

From now on, call me Snowflake Flower. Of course, the memories of being a marionette still remain but since Ive lost most of the power characteristics and system corrections of Marionette Hold in the process of gaining my [personality], I cant exert the power I used to have as Marionette Hold.

Maryno, Snowflake Flower, made a bitter expression.

After listening to Snowflake Flowers words, Sungmuk suddenly asked her a question, Your memories remain, but youve lost your transcendent realm status?

Actually, if you think about it, its a natural and logical result. Just because someone inherits the intact memories of a transcendent being, that possession doesnt automatically make one a transcendent being as well.

If that were possible

If a transcendent being were capable of reaching the transcendent realm with only ones memories, they could then reproduce their memories and mass-produce themself, creating an infinite number of transcendent beings.

In real life, a close analogy would be Cloning technology.

However, beyond the necessary components of realization and enlightenment, ones soul needed to be completed and evolved to enter the pseudo-transcendent realm.

The situation is completely different for a marionette, where multiple [me] from various parallel universes are fused together. Of course, those varied experiences will also help me become stronger but its still a far cry to reach the transcendence level with just that.

Hmm. Right. But wait.

Merlin lifted his Editor Blade and stuck it into Snowflake Flowers chest.

The blade stabbed deep enough that it pierced through her back. The Editor Blade, which was made to erode DIOs system restrictions rather than inflicting bodily damage, started accessing Snowflake Flowers root data.


However, his connection to her root data was abruptly cut off.

Seeing Merlin do this, Snowflake Flower asked, What did you try to do?

I was wondering if I could change your role but I guess Ill have to raise my access authority level first.

Merlin pulled out the Editor Blade from Snowflake Flowers chest and headed into the system control room.

Snowflake Flower, who had already become an independent entity from Marionette Hold, didnt bother to stop Merlin, but she did offer a word of advice.

Breaking in wont be a good approach. The control room has its own defense system. Of course, you were able to defeat me, so Im sure you can defeat the defense system. But itll probably take you a considerable amount of time



Yet before she finished her words, Merlin inserted the Editor Blade into the system control room door, and the door opened.

Merlin replied, I had no intention of opening it by force in the first place.

Wow! That longsword is a system bypass cheat item. How the hell did you make that?

Merlin stepped into the control room while leaving Snowflake Flower in awe.

The overall interior decoration and layout of the control room were simple; there was only a huge white stone slab placed inside.

What language is this written in?

Merlin examined the pattern engraved on the white stone slab. It was an unfamiliar pattern that was neither a type of rune nor an ancient language. Looking at the overall layout and the repeated characters on the stone slab, Merlin surmised that the written markings were part of a language rather than a code. Moreover, it seemed like each letter contained a considerable auraan emanation of power that could not be ignored.


Obviously, instead of trying to interpret the language, Merlin stuck the Editor Blade into the stone slab. In the end, all his problems would be resolved if he accessed the system and acquired the information that formed the basis of the system.

However, Merlins expression contorted the moment the Editor Blade pierced the slab.

What's wrong?

A huge amount of information flooded Merlin, but the quality of the information and the level of system protection were drastically different from what Merlin had expected.

Merlin corrected his posture and focused his mind. He scanned through the entire system and read its contents.

My god This All this couldnt have been created by a great mage. This Merlins eyes trembled.

Though Merlin wasnt facing an opponent directly, he felt a rushing sense of being overwhelmed just by looking at the creation of this unknown opponent.

Merlin groaned. Class 10

The class classification commonly referred to as the [Standard Magic Classification System], which had been established and improved by dragons over billions of years, was widely used throughout the universe. According to this classification system, the Class 10 classification denoted a mid-ranking divine status being. In other words, a being of Class 10more commonly called the Demon Lord classwas a powerful and mythical being.

For mages, a low divine status being would be a Class 9 classification mage. If there were one such being per planet, then it could be said that low divine status beings were plentiful throughout the universe. However, one would be lucky to find even one mid-rank divine being after searching through dozens of galaxies. Hence, even the gods knew the names and achievements of these powerful divine beings.

Considering high-ranking divine beings didnt directly interfere with the material world, it could be said that these mid-ranking divine beings were the most powerful beings that existed in the multiverse.

Yet traces of a Class 10 mages work were visible in DIOs system.

To think that a Class 10 existence was involved in the creation of DIO Is it a Demon Lord? But DIOs system itself seems too mild and user-friendly for a Demon Lord to have had a hand in its making.

While analyzing the system, Merlin fell deeper into thought.

Of course, not all demons were evil characters hellbent on destroying others.

However, it was difficult for demonswho could be said to have been born with innate negative energyto have a gentle personality, regardless of their level of accomplishment and development.

It wasnt that demons felt pleasure in others pain; it was basically that demons could not sympathize due to their poor development of empathy, and this lack of empathy was stamped in their culture, where the strong feasted on the weak.

Why would a Class 10 being just stand by and watch me hack into the system like this Unless It couldnt be

Merlin recalled how DIO had progressed.

In the beginning, it was marketed as just a simple game, then the operators suddenly exercised their power and made their presence publicly known. After revealing their existence, they moved openly

Right. These traces are Jenicas, the so-called Empress of Magic

Merlin knew that a human being named Jenica, the Empress of Magic, had played a key role in creating DIO.

The fact that the Noblesse, who were such great existences, needed her help spoke volumes about her prowess and power. However, if Jenica had truly been a Class 10 being, that would make Merlins current situation murky.

This was because it was an enormous burden even for the Noblesse, who enjoyed a prominent reputation in the entire universe, to defeat a Class 10 mage.

In the end, this means that the old fogey, Tan, defeated a being at the level of a Demon Lord. This is not good news

It was true that Noblesse had been deeply involved in the production of DIO, but not all of the Noblesse had participated in its making. Even within the Noblesse, Demon-Lord-level beings were not common, nor did they mobilize easily.

This meant that Tanwho had been able to defeat and kill off Jenica, a Demon Lord-level beingor the power of his connections or forces was at an unusually high level.

Well, whats done is done. Theres no turning back for me now.

As Merlin grumbled, he focused his mind.

Later that day DIOs emergency mode was canceled.

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