Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Dont be so surprised. This is a widely debated and theorized idea among scholars and Masters. Most of you here probably know it too. Having said that, most of you have probably already guessed it. Officially, starting from tomorrowthat is, from December 15thI plan to start selling artificial spiritual pathways to the public.

At Yongnos words, the entire conference hall started to stir.

The man who came as the Chinese presidents representative asked, Does that mean that real humans can become superpowered people without time constraints?

Itll be hard for people to become Masters, or high-level beings for that matter, even with the artificial spiritual pathway, but the artificial spiritual pathway will allow anyone to develop into Level 2 beings. However, there will be many difficulties in their growth and development since these are, after all, artificial spiritual pathways.

You mentioned that theyll be up for purchase, so the price

Also, the available inventory

Questions started popping up here and there inside the conference hall. It was a strange sight to behold, considering the lofty social position and power of those gathered at the conference hall.

Eunhye, who was standing behind Yongno like his personal bodyguard, gave a bitter smile.

This isnt a meeting This is a press conference.

Of course, Yongno had called upon political leaders and official representatives of each country because he had many issues to discuss with them. Yet, the fact that they were excited like high school students who had just finished taking an exam meant that Yongnos message to them was sensational.

A large-scale patch Seyoung, the knight of light sitting silently among the noisy and excited crowd members, muttered what Merlin said earlier.

Seyoung knew that the world would face a period of great upheaval starting today.

Various acts that were unimaginable just a few years ago and would have been ridiculed when mentioned in public were now going to become a reality.

I have a question. Since Mr. Merlin took control over DIO is it possible to provide Gem Points to Masters for free?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Everyone hesitated after hearing Christians poignant question, which pierced to the core of the matter for many of those in attendance.

Taking everything into account, this question was a much more important issue for many attendees than the availability of artificial spiritual pathways.

If Yongno could give people unlimited gem points, users could sustain manifestation infinitely on Earth.

These manifested users would be able to wield a powerful force that couldnt be compared to those using artificial spiritual pathways, whod be restricted to Level 1-2.

However, Yongno shook his head with a regretful expression.

Thats a good idea, but its impossible. It takes money.

Money? No matter how high the price is, if we all join forces

Do you think Im talking about Earths currency?

Everyone was at a loss for what to say after hearing Yongno calmly speak about a different scale of currency.

Even Christian stuttered at Yongnos unexpected remark. W-well, if its not Earths currency

The Gem Points original name is Gerult. It is the universes currency.

Unlike the currency used on Earth, which existed as a form of credit, Gerult was a resource and a rare metal.

If one had to make an analogy to something similar on Earth, Gerult could be seen as something close to gold, which enjoyed high liquidity in the marketplace.

For a DIO user, who is largely made up of data, to manifest outside the system, Gem Pointsor Gerultare required. Though, the problem is that even though I hacked and took control of DIO I wasnt able to clean out the Noblesses pockets.

Of course, DIOs mission system was still active, so one could complete [requests] and receive the [compensation for completing requests] like before, but Yongno and all earthlings for that matter were being shunned by the Noblesse, who were the backbone of the [Union] and essentially ruled over the entire universe.

No matter how good the users were as mercenaries, there wouldnt be many organizations in the universe that would be prepared to turn their backs on the Noblesse and entrust the DIO system with their requests.


Right. From a cosmic point of view, our Earth is a beggar planet. We dont possess any Gerult

Of course, if the Earth joined the Union and entered the Unions integrated trade network, it would gain economic power by selling its manpower and resources or at least make some income through tourism. However, the problem was that Earth was completely isolated from the outside world.

Comparatively, Earths civilization level was low, so the deity of Earth was strictly protecting Earth from external influences.

Of course, without the Earth deitys protection, Earth could be plundered and destroyed if a cosmic pirate group of Stage 3 Civilization or higher were to enter.

Well, thats where were at with Gem Points Shall I continue with my talk? Yongno said, clearing the heavy atmosphere. I am thinking of making a research city. Of course, there will be one in DIO and one in reality. Ultimately, I plan to produce and sell dozens of magic items through these research cities. However, to start, Im thinking of producing enchantment stones. Im also thinking of building a power plant. As to what kind of power plant, Im tentatively calling it a mass-eliminating power plant.

Every time Yongno announced more details of his planned update, the entire conference room bubbled with commotion.

None of Yongnos words went unnoticed; every word he uttered led to something that would change the world as they knew it forever.

Nevertheless, Yongno, who slowly unraveled his plans, took a light breath and continued, Well, thats the [official] story.

The official story?

Well, come to think of it everything Ive stated up to now cant really be kept secret.

People nodded their heads at Yongnos words.

Each of the things Yongno stated would have a huge impact on the world; this was why they couldnt be kept secret.

How could such miraculous changes and events, which were bound to have a tremendous impact on the world, remain secret?

Those who recalled how Yongno destroyed all the tape recorders and cameras noticed that Yongnos announcements were far from over.

What I am about to tell you now is top secret. Well, even though I say this, Im sure itll eventually leak out because there are so many prying ears and loose lips among us. But remember, if any of you spill the story, you will face a commensurate penalty.

As Yongnos calm eyes scanned the conference room, everyone in attendance became nervous, and the conference room soon fell completely silent.

Yongno then said

A grim reaper paid me a visit.


What? A grim reaper?


The tense air in the room seemed to deflate all at once.

The commander-in-chief of each country, their deputies, and the various influential people who could move the world all looked at Yongno as if he had stated something totally absurd.

Are you joking?

A grim reaper? Cmon

Are you talking about some religious figure? Like from heaven or hell?

Some of the attendees openly jeered after hearing such a fantastical claim, but Yongno didnt bat an eye at them. No, rather, Yongno chuckled as if he was having fun.

Does it sound like Im joking? Even if I told you he came because he wanted to resolve the discrepancy of souls existing in DIO while their physical bodies are no longer on Earth? He wanted to take these souls to the Netherworld.



Thats, ah, but

Everyone started to panic. Earthlings who had died on Earth but still existed in DIO due to the large-scale forced log-in incident were essentially dead people. Funerals had already been conducted for these deceased, and society had been overturned due to the enormous shock and confusion of the existence of souls.

Of course, not everyone thought that the souls of the dead were trapped inside DIO.

There were also those who thought that NPCs, with information derived from living people, were created within DIO.

However, right now, Yongno was saying that these existences were in fact the actual [souls] of the dead and that the [Netherworld] existed.

Let me say it again. A grim reaper paid me a visit. He wanted to retrieve the souls trapped in DIO, so he made a [deal] with me.

Yongno continued his explanation, and the giants and titans of the world listened intently to his words.

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