Dominator with Endless Level-up System

Chapter 13

C13 – He Saw the Great Green Snake Again!

The disturbance was peculiar.

It was the sound of a tree branch snapping underfoot.

Lee Tian was suddenly struck by a strong sensation!

He was convinced it wasn’t the noise of a passing beast, but rather the footsteps of a human!

Indeed, he faintly heard the long-missed sound of human speech!

It was a human!

“At last, I’ve encountered a human!” Lee Tian’s heart surged with excitement. He was tempted to dash off and reunite with his own kind!

How wonderful it would be to come across a couple of beautiful girls!

The females of the animal kingdom simply couldn’t compare.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But as he prepared to make his move, a sense of danger abruptly emerged behind him, igniting his fight-or-flight response. In an instant, he leaped forward, spinning around with his hand arced like a scythe!

To his shock, he came face to face with a Great Green Snake, its jaws wide open!

“I despise green snakes!”

The sight of the Great Green Snake instantly brought back the memory of a similar serpent severing his arm. The recollection fueled his rage. He was determined to slice the snake before him into pieces as a form of retribution!

It didn’t matter to him whether this was the same snake from that day. He was intent on its destruction!

Landing from his leap, he brandished his scythe-like hands and charged at the Great Green Snake!

But there was something odd about this snake.

It flicked its tongue and tilted its head back, yet it didn’t strike. It simply hissed, evading Lee Tian’s assaults.

Lee Tian, however, was no ordinary black ant; his attacks were incredibly quick and deadly. The Great Green Snake narrowly escaped being chopped up by his scythe-like hands time and again!

After a prolonged struggle with no advantage, Lee Tian sensed that something was amiss with the Great Green Snake. His strikes began to slow.

In a panic, the snake flicked its tongue and switched to the language of beasts.

“Big brother, have mercy!” it cried out to Lee Tian. “I’m not here to prey on you! I’ve come to rescue you!”

Lee Tian paused, his breath heavy with exhaustion.

He eyed the Great Green Snake, puzzled. “To save me?”

The snake nodded affirmatively and swiftly slithered up a nearby tree.

“I don’t have time to explain—up the tree, now!” It flicked its forked tongue, signaling for Lee Tian to climb up with it.

But Lee Tian clearly had no intention of joining it.

What if the Great Green Snake had laid a trap above?

Seeing Lee Tian’s reluctance, the snake felt a sense of helplessness. It urgently said, “Hunters are on their way. If you don’t climb up now, they’ll catch you and dunk you into Health Wine!”

No sooner had it spoken than a streak of black lightning zipped past!

When the snake looked again for Lee Tian, he had vanished without a trace!

Then, from the tree, a familiar voice called down, “Great Green Snake, get up here. Don’t give away my secret spot!”

The Great Green Snake looked up to see the Big Black Ant securely nestled among the branches.

Stunned, it couldn’t help but blurt out, “You were so reluctant before. How did you move so fast!”

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