Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 35:

"But..." Shen Fangyu got stuck.

Jiang Xu did not say it clearly.

But didn't Jiang Xu mean that?

He told Jiang Xu before that if he decided to give birth to the child, he could raise the child alone in order not to embarrass Jiang Xu or be too influenced by the child.

At the moment, the progress of the visa and the article is not going well. He knows that Jiang Xu has no other choice. What do you want to express.

Later, he lay on the bed and analyzed for a while, and felt that what Jiang Xu meant was to accept his opinion.

But what does Jiang Xu mean by saying this now?

Could it be that he is letting him raise the child together?

Shen Fangyu felt his thoughts explode.

Jiang Xu glanced at him and pushed the shopping cart to the cashier area. By the time Shen Fangyu, who was in a mess in his mind, realized it, Jiang Xu had already paid quickly.

Shen Fangyu, who missed the opportunity to perform in front of his daughter, reacted belatedly, "What am I going to do after you pay the money?"

Jiang Xu pointed to the several big bags that the cashier had packed up, and said as a matter of course, "You pick it up."

"Where did you mention it?"


The shopping mall is about a 20-minute walk away from Jiang Xu's house. It's okay to take a walk in normal times, but walking with a heavy load is another matter.

Shen Fangyu stared dumbfounded at the bulging pockets half a person's height, and said in shock, "Aren't you going back and driving to pick me up?"

"do you need?"

Jiang Xu asked lightly.

"Or...you can't?"

Shen Fangyu: "..."

He remembered that the aggressive method was exclusive to him, when did Jiang Xu learn it?

On the street from the shopping mall to Jiang Xu’s home, two young men of about the same height walked in the tree-lined alley step by step, the one near the road was carrying heavy bags with both hands, and his forearm was exposed. Thin and powerful, you can see the blue veins that have become obvious due to the exertion of strength.

The young man beside him walked leisurely, reminding him from time to time not to let the bag hit the obstacles on the roadside.

It's really... pleasing to the eye.

"I don't know why, but I feel like I'm a little boy who was raised by you." Shen Fangyu couldn't help but said.

Jiang Xu drank the soy milk bought on the side of the road, and commented: "Your price-performance ratio is not bad."

"You are enslaving me." Shen Fangyu was full of indignation.

Jiang Xu walked gracefully, "I am training your arm strength."

"What are you training your arms for?"

Jiang Xu bit the straw lightly, his eyes were meaningful.

Shen Fangyu suddenly figured out something belatedly.

Is it possible to train his arm strength so that he can hold the child later?

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So Jiang Xu just wanted to raise a child with him, right?

The thoughts that had just been interrupted for a short time revived again, Shen Fangyu's heart beat faster and faster, and the palms of the hands holding the bag were sweating.

He was a little afraid to ask, but he felt that if he didn't ask, his heart would hit the chest wall to death sooner or later according to the speed of his heartbeat.

"Jiang Xu," Shen Fangyu finally said for the health of his heart, "What did you mean when you were in the mall just now?"

"You want to raise your own child?" Shen Fangyu swallowed hard, "Or, you mean, you want to be with me..."

Jiang Xu paused, and said to Shen Fangyu, "They all said that you have a high EQ."

"..." Shen Fangyu took a deep breath, "Just treat you as an exception to me."

He thought that if he ranked the people he knew, Jiang Xu must be the most difficult one to deal with.

It's not because Jiang Xu's character is so complicated, but because he can't maintain absolute objectivity and rationality when facing Jiang Xu.

He used to be an enemy, but now he has another layer of unknown identity. When he is with Jiang Xu, his subjective emotions are always easily mobilized, which makes it difficult for him to jump out like dealing with other people. To examine and judge what you do.

Shen Fangyu himself didn't understand why this kind of exception occurred. Many times he didn't have time to think about it, so he said some impulsive things and did some impulsive things, as if Jiang Xu came here specially to restrain him.

I don't know if it's because of this veil of subjective emotions, although he has known Jiang Xu for a long time, Shen Fangyu has always felt that he doesn't really know Jiang Xu.

After impulsively inviting Jiang Xu to live with him, he regretted it several times, thinking that according to Jiang Xu's personality, he would not only not accept his kindness, but would use it to ridicule him.

But in fact no, Jiang Xu not only did not sneer at his invitation, but let him live in his own home.

Although Jiang Xu's invitation to live with him that night was very sudden, and his attitude was not too friendly, it still seemed to be giving orders, but after thinking about it afterwards, Shen Fangyu still felt that it was very outrageous and ridiculous.

That's Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu actually tolerated him living in his own home, barely maintaining the superficial peace.

In the end, he attributed the reason to the fact that pregnancy is too hard. Even Jiang Xu, who is so superior and strong, still has to temporarily need his occasional care and help.

But what Jiang Xu said today, combined with what he said that night, was too hinting, even explicit.

Objective rationality told Shen Fangyu that Jiang Xu meant this, but the subjective consciousness that would come out to disturb the audio-visual when meeting Jiang Xu told him that it was impossible.

It's not a relationship that ends in a day or two, or in a few months. It takes eighteen years for a child to grow up to adulthood. If Jiang Xu decides to raise the child with him, it means that the pair didn't even know each other. Deadly rivals for years, living together for at least eighteen years...and they're not even friends.

Jiang Xu was crazy to say such a thing.

Sure enough, after he finished saying "You are the exception", Jiang Xu fell into silence, and Shen Fangyu even saw him swallow while hesitating to speak, and saw that the tips of his ears were slightly red.

Shen Fangyu thought, he must have misunderstood Jiang Xu's meaning, making Jiang Xu feel that he didn't know how to answer.

Shen Fangyu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

If it was in the past, he would never ask such a question, but now he realizes that Jiang Xu is different from his previous cognition, so he couldn't help asking one more question, but now it seems that he is probably still being self-indulgent .

He subconsciously smoothed things over and said: "I don't mean anything else, I just think... You have worked hard to conceive her and give birth to her, I—"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xu actually interrupted him, and then said to him: "Are you willing?"

Shen Fangyu was inattentive and bit the tip of his tongue.

The noisy street seemed to suddenly quiet down. Shen Fangyu felt his head was buzzing. He seemed to be unable to hear anything except his own heartbeat.

For a moment, he even wondered if Jiang Xu had changed his soul in this body.

Jiang Xu looked away from him indiscriminately, and looked straight ahead, "You are not the only one who knows what responsibility is."

He said: "I am her biological father, and I will raise her until she reaches adulthood. I will try my best to give her what the two-parent family can give her."

In fact, these words, when he told Shen Fangyu that night that he decided to have a baby, he planned to talk to him, but because Shen Fangyu didn't understand his implication at all, Jiang Xu was so angry that he lost interest in talking.

He pursed his lips, "If you are willing to raise her together, we can live together temporarily and raise her together in a way similar to shared roommates. If you want to leave halfway, I have no problem, but... you know, children will If you have feelings for the adult who has been living together, if you want to leave, you are responsible for explaining it to her."

"If after the explanation, she still doesn't want you to leave, considering the child's mental health," Jiang Xu glanced at him, "I will not agree to let you go."

"So I hope you can give me an answer after you think it through," Jiang Xu said, "Either you don't participate in the beginning, or you take risks if you participate."

"Of course," Jiang Xu took the key to unlock the door, took a step back, and let Shen Fangyu, who was carrying a heavy object, go in first, "You are also her family, if you don't want to participate in raising her, I will not refuse you to visit her occasionally , you can rest assured."

"In addition, I can assure you that I will do my best to care for and love our child. You don't have to be afraid that she will be wronged when she is by my side."

His words can be said to be full of sincerity. If one of the couples who were pregnant and divorced by the Civil Affairs Bureau could say such words, the divorce mediators would not be so overwhelmed, and they might be able to bring the couple back together.

But he and Shen Fangyu are not a couple who quarreled at the head of the bed and had **** with each other at the end of the bed, and experienced a breakdown in their relationship. They had never had a relationship.

The sudden child binds two people who should have been rivals for life together, turning their lives upside down and making a mess. The life of the two young people who should have obeyed the opinions of their elders, married and had children step by step, has been painted. period.

Jiang Xu thought that perhaps Shen Fangyu could still get out of this matter, but it was impossible for him to live the life his parents wanted him to live.

He can slowly get over the fact that he slept with a man, but even if he takes away the child now, he can't find a woman to marry.

His conscience does not allow him to hide the fact that he was pregnant from his future wife, but even if Dr. Jiang is young and has a bright future, which woman can accept that her husband has been pregnant?

Maybe there will be this kind of bodhisattva if he meets many people, but Jiang Xu doesn't want to expose his scars in front of others again and again.

Fortunately, Jiang Xu himself is not too yearning for marriage and love life, and he is not too sad or disappointed now. The only troublesome thing may be how to explain it to his parents.

In fact, sometimes Jiang Xu thinks about it, if he hadn't obeyed his parents' advice to urge him to marry, he wouldn't have pursued Zhong Lan at this time, and he wouldn't have had **** with Shen Fangyu inexplicably, and even had a child, so that He probably will never marry anyone in his life.

In a way, it's kind of ironic.

It was as if God made a joke on him on purpose to punish him for not firming up his mind.

So this time, he doesn't plan to change his choice for the expectation of his family.

Jiang Xu himself did not reject Shen Fangyu taking care of the children with him, because doctors are busy with work, and Jiang Xu is now in the golden period of his career, so he is often too busy to take care of the children. How much powerless.

He might not be able to reconcile with Shen Fangyu for a while, but in the face of the big problem of the child, the old quarrel and absurd night between him and Shen Fangyu seemed insignificant.

But just like what he said to Shen Fangyu, he didn't want Shen Fangyu to participate and then leave, which would inevitably hurt the child's heart, so he had to ask Shen Fangyu whether he was willing or not.

Shen Fangyu remained silent on the road. When Jiang Xu looked at him, he was standing at the entrance, spraying alcohol on the plastic bag.

This is actually Jiang Xu's habit, but he doesn't remember when Shen Fangyu has memorized almost all of his habits.

To be honest, Jiang Xu didn't know what answer Shen Fangyu would give him.

But he thought, no matter whether Shen Fangyu's answer made him happy or unhappy, he would never show his emotions on his face.

Then Shen Fangyu spoke under his gaze.

"Jiang Xu," he said, "I have been number one since I was a child, until I met you in college."

"...For so many years, the two of us have been inseparable. I always want to really beat you one day."

He sprayed alcohol proficiently and familiarly, and the reassuring smell penetrated into Jiang Xu's olfactory bulb.

"But if I beat you one day because you have to spend most of your time raising our two kids while I'm doing nothing, I'll feel like I won't be worth much."

Because he was doing other things with his hands, he didn't have to look Jiang Xu in the eyes. For some reason, Shen Fangyu, who had never been scared before, felt a little relaxed because of this.

But when he said the last sentence, he still put down the alcohol watering can, and looked at Jiang Xu under pressure, "I've been single for so many years because of you, and I'm not afraid of being single for a lifetime."

His eyes were very bright, and the bright sunlight coming in from outside made those radiant pupils look a bit affectionate, Jiang Xu turned his face away unnaturally.

"What do you mean because I have been single for so many years, and I didn't stop you from falling in love when I was in college."

It was obvious that he was scolding Shen Fangyu, but the corners of his lips curled up almost imperceptibly.

"You didn't stop me from falling in love, but you took up all my time in falling in love," Shen Fangyu thought of the past, lowered his head and couldn't help laughing, looking as if he wanted to turn over old scores.

"Tell me, which self-study session after class was I not with you?" He said brazenly, "Except for eating, drinking and sleeping, the two of us probably spent the most time in the same place in our class. They fell in love. Nothing compares to you and me."

The self-study room of A Medical University is very tense, the library is almost full, and the medical school is full of students. The eight-year clinical students are the kings of all places with the highest admission scores. They cannot bear the situation that there is no place for self-study. .

Therefore, starting from Jiang Xu’s previous sessions, under the countless sharp application letters from the eight-year students, the leaders were finally overwhelmed, and arranged separate classrooms for their eighth-year students, and notified the classroom management teacher not to lock the door , the door is open 24 hours a day, and the group of kings can learn whenever they want.

So during festivals, activities, and socializing with girls from other classes, the two of them sat in the quiet classroom and competed secretly with each other.

"Don't think I don't know, Shen Fangyu." Jiang Xu couldn't help but said when he heard him turn over the old score: "At that time, you used me as an excuse every time you refused someone's invitation."

Then many girls came to Jiang Xu, advised him not to study so hard, and asked him if he could take more rest.

Jiang Xu didn't understand what was going on at the time, and thought it was a good intention. It wasn't until one time that he couldn't bear to ask, that he heard the girl explain: "Shen Fangyu said that he won't rest if you don't rest, but I want to eat with him. After a meal, can you just take a break for a meal?"

Hearing that, Jiang Xu's forehead was full of black lines.

The love atmosphere in university is much more free than that in high school, and there are many people of the same **** who want to pursue Jiang Xu. He has always refused directly, but he has never approached Shen Fangyu. After so many years, he still can't bear to talk about it. Hold on.

"Aren't I afraid that being too direct will hurt their hearts? I'm just a soft-hearted person." Shen Fangyu looked at his nose and his heart, "Besides, what I'm telling is the truth," he said, "If it weren't for you, I would Universities really don’t work that hard.”

This Jiang Xu believed it, because he was the same.

Before going to university, Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu had their own study rhythm, and the combination of work and rest was very comfortable, and this kind of study rhythm was enough for them to come out on top in various exams.

It wasn't until college that neither of the two people who had ever been second was willing to admit defeat, so they both changed their rhythm because of each other.

Jiang Xu glanced at Shen Fangyu who was arranging those baby supplies, and suddenly felt that fate is really a mysterious thing.

If he hadn't met Shen Fangyu in college, he would have studied at his own pace and won the first place more easily. He would have had time to date and eat with girls, and he might have a campus romance at the right age. Girls walking downstairs in the dormitory may even enter the palace of marriage.

And Shen Fangyu would do the same.

But because of this unreasonable fate, they are now teammates who want to partner with each other to raise children, and maybe they will spend the rest of their lives together.

But...Jiang Xu thought, for him, this kind of life doesn't seem to be as bad as it sounds.

"Why are you in a daze, the phone is ringing."

Shen Fangyu's hand dangled in front of Jiang Xu's eyes, and accidentally touched the hair on his forehead. Jiang Xu suddenly came back to his senses, and saw Shen Fangyu pointing at his cell phone which was ringing crazily.

"Don't touch it." Jiang Xu lowered his eyes, with a delicate expression on his face.

"You can't even touch your hair?" Shen Fangyu curled his lips and said, "Didn't it look good when I blow-dried your hair two days ago?"

Jiang Xu didn't speak, realizing that he had been distracted by Shen Fangyu for so long just now, Jiang Xu always felt that something was wrong.

But there was no time for him to think at the moment, he took out his phone and lowered his gaze to the caller.

Before answering the phone, he thought it was a call from the hospital, and he thought it was a waste of his hard-earned rest day. Seeing that it was his mother calling on the screen, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom?" He asked, "What's wrong?"

"Xiao Xu," Mother Jiang said in a very friendly voice, "what are you doing, did you go out to play with girls?"

When Jiang's mother called him two days ago, she mentioned that he should pay attention to rest, so Jiang Xu told her to take a rest today.

Girls don't have one, but boys do.

He glanced at Shen Fangyu, and said to his mother helplessly, "I'm resting at home."

What I didn't expect was that Jiang's mother didn't make a long speech on the topic that he should find a girlfriend. Jiang Xu was wondering if the sun was coming out of the west today, when he heard the phone call, "Your dad and I are here Downstairs at your house, we came to see you."

The relaxed tone was suddenly raised, and Jiang Xu suddenly looked at Shen Fangyu.

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