Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 76:

When the stupid student came back, Jiang Xu's parents had already left.

The two met in the hospital. At that time, Jiang Xu was rushing to attend consultations in other departments. There were too many people in the elevator. He was anxious, so he ran directly down the stairs, and then ran into Shen Fangyu who was also climbing the stairs.

The lovers who hadn't seen each other for a few days suddenly looked at each other in the stairwell, and almost stopped at the same time.

Standing below, Shen Fangyu looked up at him, his expressionless face smiled the moment he saw him, he opened his hands, with a slight smile at the end of his eyes, and said to him with crooked eyes: "Hug one time?"

Jiang Xu's heart was inexplicably sour. The moment he heard Shen Fangyu speak, he ran down a few steps. Before he could reach Shen Fangyu, the latter stepped forward and hugged him.

Shen Fangyu let Jiang Xu rub against his side of the neck, and said softly, "Didn't I tell you that it's best not to run away, what should I do if something happens?"

Jiang Xu's voice was muffled, "I'm going for a consultation, I'm in a hurry."

The two doctors stood on two steps, one up and one down, and briefly embraced for less than five seconds in the silent stairwell. Jiang Xu only had time to slip two yuan into Shen Fangyu's pocket when he pulled away. chocolate.

Two pieces of chocolate that express hidden love clearly.

After work, the two met in the parking lot. Jiang Xu sat in the co-pilot and listened to Shen Fangyu's story about Albert and Mr. Baker, and heard that Mr. Baker took the initiative to conceive Miss Daisy for love. Looking out the car window at the darkening sky.

Except for the two messages that day, he did not tell Shen Fangyu anything about the operation, but he knew that those two messages could not fully make up for the blow Shen Fangyu received because of his trip to Country S.

After returning from country S, Shen Fangyu appeared to be the same as before, but at night he started to stay up frequently, read books, and check information.

After Jiang Xu persuaded him a few times, Shen Fangyu started to secretly get up and go to the study while he was asleep. Sometimes Jiang Xu woke up suddenly at three or four in the morning, and when he touched it, he found that the other half of the bed had been cold for a long time.

Regarding the materials related to male pregnancy, they have searched and collected all they can find. Although there are so many documents and materials, it is impossible for Shen Fangyu to create something out of nothing.

For a while, Shen Fangyu even turned up the obscure Chinese medicine classics, until Jiang Xu repeatedly told him that all the confirmed cases appeared after two thousand years, and the probability of the occurrence of such cases was related to changes in the environment. Shen Fangyu gave up.

He thought that Shen Fangyu should be very clear that doing those extra tasks would not do any good except to consume himself.

But he also understood that Shen Fangyu was trapped in anxiety and couldn't relieve it. He could only rely on this seemingly active method to numb himself and let him temporarily escape from that anxiety.

But using ineffective efforts to avoid anxiety will only make anxiety worse.

Finally, after Shen Fangyu lost ten catties in just a few days, Jiang Xu was so upset that he took sleeping pills to numb him.

"I've always felt sleepy recently. Every time I get to this point, I'm so sleepy that I can't wake up in the middle of the night."

Jiang Xu was leaning against the head of the bed, reading documents with his tablet in his arms, while Shen Fangyu was lying beside him clasping his hand with his fingers, and before he could finish speaking, he fell asleep.

Looking at his tired profile, Jiang Xu gently put down the tablet and lay down on his side, tucked the quilt for him, and looked at him face to face.

The thinner Shen Fangyu's eyebrows and eyes still look good, but his cheeks are sunken a little, and the dark circles under his eyes are a little heavier.

Jiang Xu stretched out his hand and gently traced his lover's eyebrows and eyes. This was originally a lingering movement, but Shen Fangyu, who made him sleep peacefully and forced to sleep every day, would not open his eyes to kiss him.

It can't go on like this, Jiang Xu thought.

The medicine couldn't be taken all the time, and Shen Fangyu couldn't be stuck in this pain forever.

After thinking for a long time, he said to Shen Fangyu, "Let's rest for a few days, okay?"

But the sleeping lover didn't answer him.

Finally, he turned off the light, and lightly kissed the corners of Shen Fangyu's lips that were always curled up in the past.

"Are you going to see Kenn for surgery?" Shen Fangyu obviously didn't expect Jiang Xu to talk to him about this.

Jiang Xu nodded, "I've thought about it. It will be more difficult to protect my privacy in domestic surgery, so I'm considering going abroad to find Kenn for surgery."

That's actually a pretty poor excuse.

Shen Fangyu had many ways to protect his privacy in China.

But this is the most suitable excuse for Shen Fangyu to let go of his psychological burden.

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It's not that he's mentally broken, nor that he doesn't trust his skills.

Jiang Xu knew that as long as Shen Fangyu wasn't stupid, he wouldn't question the less convincing excuses in this sentence, and would use the excuse to agree.

Sure enough, Shen Fangyu just kept quiet for a while, and then said to him, "Then I'll contact Kenn, we'll make preparations early."

Dr. Shen, who used to be high-spirited, lowered his eyes, his crow-feather eyelashes concealed the emotion in his eyes.

Jiang Xu breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't notice Shen Fangyu's red knuckles that were pinched by unknowing hands in front of him.

Shen Fangyu's insomnia recovered, and Jiang Xu never added sleeping pills to his cup again.

But Jiang Xu soon discovered that Shen Fangyu began to become a little cautious when facing him, as if what he said and what he did was carried out countless times in his heart. The way it looks.

However, at this time, it is often only a cover-up.

After proposing that he could pay the surgery fee, Kenn changed his high profile and replied to Shen Fangyu's email.

After Kenn's successful operation, Albert, the blood-stained stepping stone, added a great deal of drama to the operation, causing Kenn's fame and status to rise further, and he was no longer the Dr.Kenn before.

Soon, they set a date for their first meeting—the three-day vacation promised by Director Cui when he said he would take the two of them abroad.

Kenn proposed to increase the operation deposit to 600,000 US dollars. If the operation fails, it will not be refunded. If the operation is successful, he will pay another 400,000. Shen Fangyu just read the email calmly, expressed his thanks to the other party, and then agreed to wait for the two parties to meet in country M. Pay him the money.

When Shen Fangyu told Jiang Xu the content of the email, Jiang Xu, who just took this excuse as an expedient measure, was stunned.

Originally, he just thought that it was still early, and now that he said to go to Kenn, at least Shen Fangyu could relax mentally for a while before thinking about how to perform the operation.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangyu had already made an appointment with Kenn for the surgery fee and meeting time.

"What are you in a hurry for?" He didn't understand.

Shen Fangyu didn't answer Jiang Xu face to face. After a long time, Jiang Xu received a message from Shen Fangyu on his mobile phone, "I don't know what else I can do for you."

After seeing this line of writing, Jiang Xu reflected for a long time: Was it true that he was really selfish when he rashly decided to be with Shen Fangyu, and also lost his consideration.

There is an old saying in country Z, which is called "doctors do not heal themselves".

What I’m talking about is that as a doctor, whether it’s for yourself, or for your relatives and friends, once you have a deep emotional bond with the person you’re treating, it’s hard to calm down and prescribe the right medicine. lighter.

The current Shen Fangyu loves him so much, that's why he cares about him, so he loses his sense of control for a while.

And this kind of reflection reached its peak when Shen Fangyu led him to the ATM machine.

They were walking after dinner that day, originally they were just chatting with each other with a smile, but when they reached the door of the bank, Shen Fangyu suddenly said, "Take my salary card to check the balance."

Without knowing it, Jiang Xu dug out his salary card, inserted it into the ATM machine, and then saw a number that shocked him

"You robbed a bank?"

Shen Fangyu took out the card and put it in his pocket, "I sold the house."

Jiang Xu couldn't believe it: "Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to sell the house?"

"It's okay." Shen Fangyu squeezed his shoulder, "Don't worry too much about it."

"Shen Fangyu!"

Facing Jiang Xu's angry expression, Shen Fangyu turned his head away.

"No, you can't sell that much house."

Jiang Xu shook his head suddenly. He had seen Shen Fangyu's real estate certificate and knew the market price very well.

Seeing being exposed, Shen Fangyu smiled unintentionally, "I even borrowed some from my brother. After my parents heard that I was in a hurry to use the money, they also called me some, and some friends, 10,000 to 20,000 , relatively broken."

On the surface, Shen Fangyu seems to be indifferent to everything, but Jiang Xu knows that he also has strong self-esteem, especially towards his family members.

Because of the grievances he suffered from being treated differently by his parents when he was a child, Jiang Xu thought, for Shen Fangyu, there would probably be nothing more hurtful to his self-esteem than letting him bow his head to his family and ask his elder brother to borrow money.

In the narrow ATM, because the presence of two people was detected, the mechanical female voice kept reminding: "Please be careful, someone is following you."

But Jiang Xu looked at Shen Fangyu, who was so close to him, and felt that the world was silent.

Anger, self-blame, doubt, reflection... Indescribable emotions were mixed together. After a long time, he leaned against the ATM machine, with one hand in his pocket, and suddenly raised his eyes and asked, "Do you think I was with you because I was moved?" together?"

Shen Fangyu did not answer.

Jiang Xu looked at him, and continued to ask: "You think if you can't do this operation, I won't love you anymore, do you?"

"Jiang Xu." Shen Fangyu's eyes fell on Jiang Xu's abdomen, and finally he did not avoid his question.

"Now I'm your lover, and you're pregnant with my child, but I can't have surgery, and I don't have a lot of savings," he said in a low voice, "I couldn't give you a life of wealth and freedom before, but now I can't even give you peace of mind." , I can’t even give you life protection, I can’t give you anything, do you think I’m worthy of your love?”

Hearing the last sentence, Jiang Xu's heart twitched suddenly, as if someone hit him from behind with a sap, and his heart was throbbing with pain.

"So what are you doing now?" He held the bank card in one hand and tapped on the operating table, "Do you think you have to use money to impress me so that I can continue to love you?"

"Do you think I agree to be with you because I think you can perform surgery on me, and think you can give me a better life?"

He was so angry that he said indiscriminately: "According to your theory, when Li Yalei confessed to me with half of his family's waterworks, should I agree to him, or Huo Chengchun took tens of millions and said that I would give it away when I graduated. When I went to study abroad and said that I would spend my whole life doing scientific research without worrying about food and clothing, should I follow him wholeheartedly?"

Jiang Xu's words brought back memories of the past, Shen Fangyu glanced at him in confusion, and subconsciously said, "So you were the one they were chasing back then?"

Jiang Xu's throat choked.

Li Yalei and Huo Chengchun were their college classmates back then, and both of them were Shen Fangyu's roommates.

As the first batch of rich second-generation people who came into contact with the Internet, these two thought very trendy. They started buying flowers and lighting candles more than ten years ago when the term homosexuality was still unfamiliar to most people, and talked about it to Jiang. Show love.

Due to the high profile of the two young masters, most of the class probably knew about it at that time, so Jiang Xu raised his mouth in anger, wanting to provoke Shen Fangyu with his two roommates.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangyu had never heard of this matter.

And after many years, Shen Fangyu finally found out that his two good roommates had betrayed early in the morning.

Because he and Jiang Xu have always had a bad relationship, the two have always threatened that as his roommates, they would be his good brothers, and claimed in front of him that they would resolutely draw a line with Jiang Xu.

...It turned out that the boundaries were drawn like this.

No wonder no one dared to tell him then.

Shen Fangyu still remembered that the two of them, one in front of the other and the other in the back, were drunk at the bar because of a broken relationship, and he carried them back in the middle of the night.

The two young men were crying like something, and when they asked what was the matter, their confession was rejected, but neither of them could tell who they liked.

Later, Li Yalei went back to inherit the family business as soon as he graduated because he couldn't get his Bai Yueguang, while Huo Chengchun went abroad without looking back, saying that there was no one abroad who made him sad.

At the beginning, he comforted the two of them with nice words, but today, Shen Fangyu found out that these two are his rivals in love.

No wonder they often talked about Jiang Xu in their dormitory chats at night.

Probably knowing the existence of the enemy, coupled with the annoyance of having been concealed by his roommate for so long, finally made Shen Fangyu, who had been in isolation for many days, hesitate for a while, and couldn't help but said to Jiang Xu: "How can they do this? "

Jiang Xu looked at him deeply after hearing the words, waiting for the next chapter when he suddenly came to his senses.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangyu thought about it for a while, and it seemed that he, a 007 social animal with a dead salary, really couldn't compare with these two rich second generations of Tianliang Wang Po, so he asked Jiang Xu sincerely: "Then why do you Didn't agree?"

Jiang Xu, who waited for such a sentence for a long time, was almost outraged and had a cerebral hemorrhage.

"Shen Fangyu, you went to country S, did you let someone who sells organs change your brain?"

"That Shen Fangyu I know shouldn't ask me why I didn't agree at this time." Jiang Xu looked at him bitterly, "I'll tell you what he should say."

"He should have said: 'Jiang Xu, I should have chased you at the beginning. If I went to college, I would have chased you. What else can they do?'"

After he finished speaking, he patted the bank card on Shen Fangyu's body, opened the door of the ATM machine, and walked out a dozen steps with a blank expression on his face.

After a long while, he retreated abruptly again, and said to Shen Fangyu who was stunned, "I'm going to live at Tang Ke's house. If you don't figure it out, don't come to me."

Then he slammed the door shut with a bang.

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